Category Archives: small business

How To Transform Behavior in the Workplace

How to Transform Behavior in the Workplace

Gena Yuvette Davis, a board certified executive coach, corporate trainer and organizational development consultant. “How to Transform Behavior in the Workplace” to facilitate workplace well being

In keeping with my custom, I would like to share with you my tip of the week from coach Myrna.
Since Gena is going to talk today on How to, Transform, Behavior, in the, workplace, I want to share “How to, transform, your life by  removing  old conditioning.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

How to Remove old conditioning:

The physical component of the mind body connection, is the brain.
The mind is the software and the physical brain is the hardware.
If your brain, the hardware, is stuck in old patterns, even with the best of intentions, the software, the mind, won't work.
If you let your brain keep you repeating the same patterns, you become like a biological robot.
Your words thoughts and actions become totally predictable.
We are all victims of repetitive patterns.

To change the patterns that are not serving you, the solution is awareness.

Here are 5, Behaviors, that are usually automatic.

1: Snacking non – stop even when not hungry
2: Spending too much time on the couch watching TV
3: Overspending your way into debt
4: Eating too much fast foods
5: Skipping breakfast
6: Late night snacking
7: Smoking cigarettes

How can you bring awareness to these, behaviors, and interrupt your pattern?

Let’s look at.
Snacking non stop
– whenever you feel the need to grab that bag of chips, stop and ask yourself
What am I really needing?
What need is this food really filling?

The moment you take a moment to think about your action, you interrupt your pattern.
You are on your way to breaking that habit. Even if you still eat that bag of chips.
You are on to way to removing old conditioning. Awareness is the key.

Another way to remove old conditioning and, behavior, is to:

  •  Change your state
    Let’s say you are sitting on the couch and you reach for the bowl of nachos on the table or the bags of chips from our previous example.
    Just as you think the thought to command your hands to reach for the bowl; Change your state!
    Get up and walk to the bathroom or to the mailbox. Move your physical body into a different position.
  • The 3rd way you can remove old conditioning or, behavior, is to:
  • Create a new habit – rewire the physical component.
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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Let look at our example of skipping Breakfast.
Make it easy.
– buy a drinkable breakfast and grab it on the way out of the door.
– have your partner make you breakfast.
– prepare a sandwich the night before and eat on the way to work.
– set the alarm 15 mins earlier.

These are a few ways to remove old conditioning and, transform, behavior, in your personal life:

  1. •Authentically committed to empowering and inspiring others to be their best selves, Gena specializes in working with clients from a variety of industries who are on the fast track to taking their careers to next level. She is also a change agent for organizations who wish to transform their companies into diverse, collaborative and thriving work forces. Her drive and energy is infectious as she is able to elevate her clients and help them live to their true potential.

    • Gena’s coaching, training and consulting style is intuitive, always full of energy, and with a touch of gentle persistence! Knowing that the answers are already within, Gena’s job is simply to be the way-shower of what is already known to be true – “success attained.” She is dedicated to assisting individuals and organizations to achieve excellence in ways that support integrity and a collaborative spirit and to achieve their purpose.
  2. In addition to executive coaching and training in the areas of emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, communication skills and reputation management, her work includes a variety of strategic consulting services such as strategic planning, change management, retreat planning and facilitation, employee engagement, team-building, as well as diversity and inclusion initiatives. Her focus is on developing collaborative processes and as a thinking partner to foster learning, dialogue, and innovation.
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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

• Podcast interview Questions Transform Your Mind Podcast

Best Practices to Transform Behavior In the Workplace

• 1) What is “Behavioral Transformation using ETT ?”

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT)

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT),

a therapeutic method incorporating the use of light, color wavelengths, and eye movements, aims to rapidly transform emotional distress and related physical pain into a positive emotional state.

Professionals trained in ETT work to help those in therapy address trauma and other pain and achieve lasting, healing change.

Emotional Transformation Therapy, developed by contemporary psychologist Dr. Stephen Vazquez in 1991, is a relatively new form of therapy. Vazquez’s studies in the fields of epigenetics, optometry, neurobiology, and quantum physics influenced various aspects of his development of ETT as he attempted to establish a therapeutic technique beneficial for the reduction of emotional and physical distress. His noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical approach combines traditional psychotherapy with the use of visual brain stimulation and colored light therapy for reportedly fast results.

ETT draws on the concepts of interpersonal therapy and visual brain stimulation therapy. This research-driven approach is used by trained practitioners to transform emotional distress without the use of drugs and medications. ETT aims to help the person in treatment move swiftly from a difficult emotional state into a more positive emotional state—from despair to empowerment, unhappiness to joy, or trepidation to courage, and so on—through the remedial use of light and color wavelengths, which can be administered through a light box designed specifically for ETT.

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Many people who seek therapy do so when they experience mentally or physically unpleasant states or feel trapped by their emotions, feelings, memories, or current situation. In ETT, neural impulses are used in conjunction with specific forms of eye movement and stimulation to target these uncomfortable emotional and physical states in the corresponding areas of the brain.

Specifically, the brain is stimulated with lights and colors in order to reshape the neural impulses affecting the brain and the nervous system. The therapist observes the emotional responses of the person in therapy and helps facilitate productive regulation through verbal cues meant to induce rapid emotional and behavioral changes.

Discoveries in light therapy show particular wavelengths of light to be able to help transform a person’s emotional state when administered properly. ETT theory, which is grounded in this principle, incorporates interaction between the therapist and the person in therapy to create what proponents of ETT believe to be an effective method for the rapid restoration of a positive emotional state.

• 2) Why is behavioral transformation so difficult?
• 3) What are the different communication and behavioral styles?
• 4) What are three best practices to behavioral transformation in the workplace
• 5) What can we do to be our own advocates for change?
• 6) Can we really transform our work environment through behavioral transformation? How?

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email Coach Myrna Young @[email protected]

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How to become Limitless: Emotional Intelligence Leadership

Who is the Team Player on Your Team? The 20/70/10 Rule

Let's bring this, team player, scenario to your, sales team. How are you letting the stars on your, sales team, know that you value their contributions? Do you reward them with praise publicly and personally? Do their bonuses reflect their value?

Who is your favorite team player?

Who is your favorite, team player? Is it LeBron James in basketball? Peyton Manning in Football, or Derek Jeter in baseball? Regardless of which star you pick, management knows that this, team player, is the “duck who lays the golden eggs” and they treat him with respect and shower him with dollars.

On the same team, suiting up in the same uniform, playing the same number of games, going to the same amount of meetings and practice workouts; you can have the star making 10 million per year and his team member making the minimum $300,000 per year. What exactly is the message management is trying to convey with this disparity in salary? The message is “you are the best, you are, the most valuable, team player, on this team.

We need you to  win. We value you and your skills, we don't want another team to be able to steal you away by offering you more money.” The other members of the team don't grumble at the water cooler about the unfairness of pay. Instead they are happy to play in the presence of greatness and they are hoping that some of his skills will rub off on them.

Sales team player

Let's bring this, team player, scenario to your, sales team. How are you letting the stars on your, sales team, know that you value their contributions? Do you reward them with praise publicly and personally? Do their bonuses reflect their value? I have been on, sales teams,  where the top sales representative overachieves by 150% to revenue goal and the Sales Manager offers no public or personal congratulations. No fanfare! On top of that accounting tries to not pay by recalculating and cutting the amounts of bonuses.

The, 20/70/10 rule, of differentiation states that 20% of your team are your star players and should be showered with incentives to continue to perform at this high level. The next 70 percent are average or mediocre team members and management should offer them coaching to improve their confidence and skills sets.

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Take the case study of Rolando McClain. He was the #1 draft pick for the Oakland Raiders in 2010. That means that he was one of the best coming out of college; but once in the NFL, he didn't live up to his potential and he was released first by Oakland Raiders. He was then picked up by the Baltimore Ravens and later released as well.

Then when the Cowboys were looking for a linebacker, McClain came under their radar and they decided to check him out. They called his old college coach Nick Sabin and asked him what made McClain good in college. With this information the Cowboys received from Coach Sabin, they called McClain in for a tryout and made him an offer. The story goes that the exchange with the Ravens cost the Cowboys a bag of donuts! Jason Garrett the head coach of the Cowboys and his coaching staff worked with McClain, improved his confidence, and moved him from the bottom 10%, to the top 20%. McClain now starts every game and he and the Cowboys had an awesome year.

We could this sports analogy to show that the job of a Sales Manager is to move his mediocre, team player,  up through the ranks with effective coaching. Sometimes an outside coach works best, because the employee can be honest. Beating them over the head with the numbers on the report is not the way to do it.

Who Is a Team Player?

A, team player, is a person who plays or works well as a member of a team or group. Teams in organizations need strong team players to perform well and reach their goals.

Team Players,  motivates unity in the workplace

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty. These close-knit relationships motivate employees in parallel and align them to work harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another.

Individuals possess diverse talents, weaknesses, communication skills, strengths, and habits. Therefore, when a teamwork environment is not encouraged this can pose many challenges towards achieving the overall goals and objectives. This creates an environment where employees become focused on promoting their own achievements and competing against their fellow colleagues. This is not a, team player. Ultimately, this can lead to an unhealthy and inefficient working environment.

When teamwork is working, the whole team would be motivated and working toward the same goal in harmony.

Teamwork and Team Players offer differing perspectives and feedback

Good teamwork structures provide your organization with a diversity of thought, creativity, perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving approaches. A proper team environment allows individuals to brainstorm collectively, which in turn increases their success to problem solve and arrive at solutions more efficiently and effectively.

Effective, sales teams also allow the initiative to innovate, in turn creating a competitive edge to accomplish goals and objectives. Sharing differing opinions and experiences strengthens accountability and can help make effective decisions faster, than when done alone.

Team effort increases output by having quick feedback and multiple sets of skills come into play to support your work. You can do the stages of designing, planning, and implementation much more efficiently when a team is functioning well.

Please call me for a free consultation if you are interested in improving the players on your team.

The last number is the bottom 10%. These team members should be moved out to other roles. If on a sales team and selling is not their forte, they could be moved to a supporting role, for example.

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How to Run Your Sales Meetings like a Coach

Running your, sales meetings, like a, coach,  we can take lessons from, Head Coach, Bill Belichick‘s.  His greatness comes from the fact that he builds his systems around the strengths and weaknesses of his roster and it led him to 4 Super Bowl Championships. This is good coaching in the purest form; playing to the strengths of one’s personnel.

It may not be something that often crosses your mind, but a football, coach,  and small business owners have a lot in common. Both professions require leadership, dedication, commitment and a strong work ethic in order to succeed.

There is an old saying about the strength of the wolf is the pack, and I think there is a lot of truth to that. On a football team, it’s not the strength of the individual players, but it is the strength of the unit and how they all function together.” — Bill Belichick

Just like football coaches, as a small business owner or a Sales Manager; you must take on many roles to ensure everybody is working together as a team to achieve important goals and for operations to run smoothly. Here are a few other ways football coaches and small business owners play a similar game.

Running your, sales meetings, life Pre-game

To prepare for a football game the, coach,  research opponents, develop game plans and determine the best lineup of players who will help the team win. Similarly, when starting a small business, sales managers, conduct market research to understand the competition and the key economic conditions and indicators. Entrepreneurs also build a business plan, which sets the strategic framework for the organization and maps out the path forward. In addition, small business owners find top talent who will help them execute the plan and beat the competition.

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Transform Your mind Podcast

How do you, coach, During the game

Over the course of a game, head coaches, make adjustments regularly, shifting tactics to put their team in position to score and win. They consult with the assistant, coach,  to get advice on what plays they should run. Entrepreneurs and Sales Managers also make strategic moves and adjust to constantly changing market forces and customer demands.

How does your, sales teams, handle Halftime

 A, coach, typically deliver inspiring halftime speeches that motivate players to give their all and function as a team. Entrepreneurs and, Sales Managers, should also motivate their employees by providing benefit programs and encouraging their career growth through coaching and motivational curriculum, that helps to strengthen their teams' skills. Having a motivational speaker at your monthly or quarterly sales meetings also adds a charge to your team, similar to the Half Time inspirational speeches of great coaches.

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How do you, coach, the Post-game

Following a game, coaches review footage to analyze which plays and strategies did or did not work and what improvements the team can make to defeat the next opponent. At the end of each day or period of performance, entrepreneurs crunch numbers to determine how well the business performed and identify ways to boost profits, cut costs and improve customer service.

At your Monday Morning, sales meetings, Sales Managers,  should be doing the same thing. They should be analyzing which plays resulted in closed sales and which plays didn't. They should develop strategies and best practices from reviewing the week's plays. Only then can they become the Tom Brady of management.

They will know the strengths and weaknesses of not only their team members but of the competition. They will know if the competition has a tendency to lead with price or service. They could then quarterback their team to run plays that would leave the competition behind or looking in the wrong direction.

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Coaching your team

It's still easy to make case for Belichick as the best.

Belichick's Patriots are in the AFC championship game for the sixth consecutive season and the 11th time overall in his 17 seasons. If they beat the Steelers tonight and go on to win Super Bowl LI against Green Bay or Atlanta, they will win the championship for the fifth time under Belichick, which would break his tie with Noll for most Super Bowl wins as coach. Belichick's 24 postseason wins are record and his 237 regular-season wins rank fourth all time. His record with the Patriots is 201-71, staggering .739 winning percentage. His accomplishments and consistency are terrific, especially during the free agency era.

“His handprints, his fingerprints are over that whole team,” Ben Roethlisberger said last week. “They often out, coach, their opponent. That's credit to him, mastermind or whatever you want to call him.

“When you're playing defense like [New England's], you have to be prepared for everything. You may not see the same defense twice. He'll change things up. He'll give you looks you've never seen before. He'll do things that it doesn't matter how much you study. That's what makes him so good. He's difficult to go against. You look at, arguably, the most well prepared quarterback to ever play the game, Peyton Manning. How many years did Belichick supposedly have his number?”

Manning lost seven of his first eight games against Belichick and finished his Hall of Fame-worthy career 8-12 against him. Roethlisberger, by the way, is 3-against Belichick.

get that people say Belichick didn't become great coach until he went to New England and hooked up with Tom Brady to become the best coach-quarterback combination in NFL history. Belichick's five-year record with the Cleveland Browns from 1991 – 95 was 36 44 with four losing seasons. No one was preparing his bust for Canton back then. 

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Caring for your Inception or Thought Seeds

As a CEO, it doesn't matter whether your company is only “you” or you have a staff of one thousand. If you are the CEO, you are the visionary. You are all your company has, and your company will rise or fall depending on what you do with your “thought seed” or, inception, ideas.
You are the lid!

Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.
Michael Jordan

What we are today comes from our, inception, thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.
Buddha (563 BC-483 BC) Founder of Buddhism

An, inception, story

Let's say you are a Law student at Harvard University; but your passion is writing software. You spend most of your time in the computer lab writing code. One day your friend and fellow computer enthusiast show you an edition of Popular Electronics magazine, featuring a kit to build one of the first mini computers, the “Altair 8800”.

You think to yourself, this new computer needs software to run, inception, thought, idea! I can write the code for the software to run this computer!. So you call the company and tell them that you have already written software that would run on this new computer. Not true, you don’t even have a model!

But you get them to agree to give you a meeting to demonstrate. You bust your ass to deliver; and you meet the deadline. Your code worked perfectly. The company gives you the contract. You quit Harvard and go full time into your own company; you call it Micro-soft! All because of an, inception, thought, idea.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Where is reality in this story? How many CEO’s operate in this space of total confidence, vision and action? The ordinary would have said, “We would need to get an Altair computer and understand the Bios before we can write code.” The ordinary would wait for the right time to make the call.  The ordinary would waste this, inception, idea because they are waiting for the right time or the stars to line up.

You know the end of the story. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft after that. At 23 years old, Bill had 25 employees and his company was grossing over 2 million annually. This was before IBM and MS-DOS. Today he is the richest man in the world with a personal fortune in the billions.


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How to Care for your, Inception, or, Thought,  seeds.

Care for your, “thought, seeds” or, inception, ideas. Ideas that are in alignment with your purpose will light you up and make you feel good. Most of us, you and me, when we get, “thought, seeds”, we filter them through our reality filter. We ask the question “does this make sense”.

“Dare to be unrealistic. Saying this is not realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity”
Will smith

What do you do with your, “thoughts, seeds“? Are you like the farmer from the scriptures? Do you sow some of them on rocks? Where the winds of negativity or your friends and family discourage you and tell you it would never work? Thoughts, are incepted into your mind so you can water them and make them grow.

Inception of thought seeds

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”………Mathew 13:4-9

Each moment as you move through this world, you are planting seeds. Those seeds are your, thoughts. Once planted, they take root and grow into a forest of reality which surrounds you. So how is your forest growing?

Is it filled with beautiful, productive flora, growing from a steady stream of, positive thought seeds,? Or is it filled with gnarled, thorny, tangled vines which hold you back in every direction?

The trees that grow depend upon the seeds that are planted. Though each thought is a small, seemingly insignificant thing, once it has passed through your mind it begins to grow into something real and substantial.

Each, thought, combines with the other, thoughts, that came before it, and the, thoughts, that come after it, to set the direction of your reality. Even the most secret, hidden thoughts eventually become obvious because of the direction they give to your life.

You can decide how to direct your mind, and by so doing you can profoundly affect the reality of your life. Plant row after row of positive, empowering, thought seeds, and these, inception, thoughts, will grow into a rich and magnificent forest of value and accomplishment.

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So, when you have a, “thought, seed” or, inception, that excites you; you plant it in the ground, you cover it up, you water it and it WILL become a tree.

I started off talking about CEO's; but each and every one of us wants to grow up to be something.

Michael Jordon wanted to be the best at basketball. So he hired a coach and every summer he practiced and mastered one skill.

Coaching helps you take stock of where you are now in all aspects of your life, and how that compares to where you would like to be.
Elaine MacDonald

Join me for my new webinar workshop entitled “The Leader Within“. I am offering to HELP you either water the, “thought, seeds” already planted or plant new “seeds” to realize your vision. This webinar will be absolutely FREE!. Its purpose is to help you discover where you are today and plant your, inception, idea of where you want to be.

So if you want to be something tomorrow you are not today then:

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Can you recognize your failure symptoms?

Are you a, failure? Can you recognize your, failure, symptoms? How often have you said “life is short”?

Well It is! We are here on earth for a limited time to fulfill a purpose. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could go to the doctor and tell him our life symptoms and he would give us a diagnosis of success or, failure? For example if you go to the doctor today with itchy bumps and a fever, he would look at you and without running any tests diagnose you with the chicken pox.

Recognizing your, failure, symptoms early in life before you get to your 5th or 6th decade is the only way to take action to modify your behaviors. As we head into 2015, I would like to offer you the gift of consciousness. Do you have any of the symptoms below? If you do, call me for a free coaching session. Take control of your life and get a step closer to success.

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Here are 5 symptoms of, failure.

1. Sleeping too much is a symptom of, failure.

Do you sleep more than 6 hours per night or day? Thomas Edison took only 2 hour naps on his desk while he was working on his inventions. He didn’t want to sleep because he was so invested in his work. He called sleep a waste of time.

I read Donald Trump’s biography and he said that he hated going to sleep because he was so excited about his business and he didn’t want to miss anything.

Donald Trump credits only sleeping for three or four hours with staying ahead of his competition. “How does somebody who's sleeping 8 and 10 hours a day compete with someone that's sleeping three or four?” he's said.

Political leaders across the globe run their countries on short spurts of shuteye. President Obama has said he can get by on a four-hour doze. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ran the U.K. for a decade, on four hours a night.

The saying “the early bird catches the worm” is meant to tell you that rising early is best if you want to catch the opportunities. If you go to bed early and sleep late, that is a, failure symptom, that you will not be successful.

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2. Are you an, Introvert, or an Extrovert

A shy kid might look longingly at other kids playing in the schoolyard, afraid and unsure about how to approach them, but an introvert is perfectly content on her own.
Laurie Helgoe

Introverts, are sometimes called the “walking sleepers”. Introverts, usually allow activity to pass by them without participation, indulge in time killing pursuits, taking only the most minor role or unconstructive parts. Introverts, are also the solitaire players, the pathological bookworms, the endless crossword puzzlers, the couch potatoes. In order to succeed in business or life, you need to have the ability to sell yourself, you need social skills. You don’t have to be the life of the party; but you must be able to be comfortable at the party. Being an, introvert, and sleepwalking through life is a, failure symptom.

3. Are you drinking more than 2 drinks daily?
Drinking heavily brings on a waking sleep. Drinking affects your ability to think straight and handicaps the drinker. You will not be able to contribute fully in staff meetings, argue sensibly, plan or be proactive if you are under the influence of alcohol and thus could become a, failure.

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4. Extreme extroverts

“I always thought I was an extrovert until I became a theatre major. Then I realized I just didn't like silence.”
― Cora Carmack, Losing It

Do you count the day lost if you did not attend a dinner party, go to a movie theater, dancing at a club or hanging out with friends? To be successful you need time alone to plan, to be creative and to ponder your next move.

5. Having no goals could lead to, failure

Dr William Menninger says “a fellow must know where he wants to go, if he is going to get anywhere”

No goals are bad enough but low goals are worst. Is your goal to just keep your job and make just enough money to pay your bills? Is it to live to retirement and then collect social security? Or is it to be the top player in the “candy crush” video game?
The bible says “people without a vision will perish”. Not necessarily physical death, but spiritual death. It is exhilarating to work towards a goal. Happiness is defined as working towards a goal.

“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves.”

The great leaders and legends of our time, all had goals, vision, mission and as they achieved one goal, they started on the next.

10 Signs You Are Going To Be A, Failure

  • You love wasting money and expect your parents to foot the bill. …
  • You are not disciplined. …
  • You don't finish what you start. …
  • You love playing the blame game. …
  • You don't believe in yourself. …
  • You don't set goals. …
  • You care too much about what others think. …
  • You don't take care of your health.

Join me for a Free webinar on how to set and achieve clear goals, how to create vision and mission statements, how to motivate your staff to excel and how to create influence.

<a href=””>register now

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The, Transform Your Mind TV Talk Show, airs on Comcast channel 29 Atlanta, and worldwide on, plus Streaming on Amazon.  Cable viewing makes your, talk show, AD free from excessive downtime and service glitches.
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Preach The Word Worldwide Network TV, PTWWN TV,  is a leader in Over The Top (OTT) and Cable Television. You choose where you want your programming to be distributed. Choose OTT and Cable
Television in selected cable TV markets or our highly recommended OTT services. We are the leader in broadcasting original programming that will reach the world.

The U.S. has over 820 million connected video devices:

  • 71% of internet users also use OTT services
  • 47% of US Wi-Fi households own a streaming box/stick such as Roku, Apple TV, Android TV and Set top Boxes, Android TVs and Set top boxes, Amazon Fire TV/Stick and Chromecast
  • OTT users access video content on three devices across three different OTT services on average
  • According to eMarketer, 55.1 million people will no longer watch traditional pay TV by 2022
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TV sponsor Comcast Now TV

Below is the popular OTT service statistics Coverage:

  • Your reach and capture a broad consumer base. Your, advertising, message, or program content can reach potential customers across screens on tens of thousands of websites, 24/7.
  • ensures campaign accuracy while a broad range of creative placements means more recognition for your brand – from interactive display to expandable mobile display.
  • the attention of, PTWWN TV, diverse viewership by, advertising, alongside dynamic and inspirational programming that engages the heart, mind and soul.
Google podcast Transform your mind podcast
Google podcast Transform your mind podcast


  • Roku Set top box and major brand TV's
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  • Android Set Top Box and major brand TV's
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  • Amazon Fire TV and Set Top Boxes
  • OTT devices Online
  • Cable TV – Select Programming
  • Comcast Channel 29 – Atlanta GA and surrounding areas
  • Spectrum Cable – Channel 1310
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  • Glorystar Satellite – Channel 51
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    ( My TV Channels software)
  • Right from our website watch Live TV 24/7 –

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Deezer Transform your mind podcast

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  • Glorystar – Channel 51 – to purchase or learn how to watch us
  • Directv – Channel 5554 – to download app and add our channel to TV line up and watch on TV from your Directv receiver.
  • Comcast ATL channel 16.5 or Spectrum Cable – Columbia SC and surrounding areas
  • If you have Roku TV or box/stick to watch your local cable provider, please add Preach The Word
    Network to your TV Line up
  • Comcast Channel 29– Atlanta GA and surrounding areas – ( select programming Preach The Word
  • Click Here for information on local channels 

Transform Your Mind TV Talk Show  Schedule

  • Sunday Nights – Preach The Word Show
  • Transform Your Mind TV Show – Sundays 6:00 pm Est


Pandora talk show

TV Talk Show Sponsor Includes Radio And Podcast

`The mission of the, Transform your mind TV Talk show, Radio and, podcast, is to positively empower women around the world to improve their lives by Transforming their minds. To Help women use faith and belief that they can make their dreams a reality.

Tune in every Wednesday at 5 pm on the afternoon Drive  for radio broadcast 

radio sponsor WDJY 991.FM
radio and talk show sponsor WDJY 991.FM

Tune in every Sunday at 6 pm EST or on demand 24/7 

Transform your Mind PTWWN TV On Demand Channel 

Why become a TV Talk Show Radio and Podcast Sponsor?

I asked the question on Quora ‘Why was podcast marketing was on the rise” 

Simply put, because audience is large, consuming podcasts frequently, in variety, and much longer than other media. Best yet, this audience continues to grow year over year.

Podcast creators in turn provide not only variety but also depth of conversations so advertisers can pick exactly the audience they want, and activate a very relevant message to that particular message.

Transform Your Mind Podcast iTunes

The facts and details:

  • Large audience: in the US alone, 40+ million people listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. Almost 70 million on a monthly basis!
  • Growing audience in all demographics: year over year growth of 20–25% in all demographics and ages
  • Variety of shows and episodes: for the people that watch, the average number of podcasts watched is 3+, and the average number of episodes is 5+ on a weekly basis
  • Long exposure: average duration of an episode being around 1 Hour, that means that Podcast listeners spend on average 5 hours listening to audio weekly. Compare that to the (continually plunging) number of hours spent on newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV… very competitive
  • Personable like never before: the Podcast experience is a very intimate one. People are either adding colors to the stories they are told, putting themselves into the topics, or having their questions answered. It’s a new level of connection to media
Podcast sponsor
Podcast sponsor

As a, podcast sponsor, this is a compelling case to consider podcasts as media vehicle investment:

  • Finally, clearly defined audiences: with other media, specially broadcast, marketers were speaking to larger audiences, but also very diverse. Only mass-adoption products would make economical sense for advertising.
  • So we can tell ever more relevant stories and thus powerful messages: With podcasts, interests are narrowly defined. This is a marketer’s heaven: tell an unique, crisp, interesting idea to an audience that is known. This message specificity will drive massive action: Product consideration and purchase, adherence to social communities, and increased loyalty and recommendation.

I see a promising future for podcasts and, podcast sponsors, the opportunity to connect with people in a personable yet scalable way.

#1 iTunes Rank

TV Talk Show Sponsored ADs Reach Over 100 Million Homes And Devices

As a, TV talk Show, and, podcast sponsor,  of the Transform Your Mind TV Talk show, Radio Hour and podcast. Your message will be heard by more than  100 million homes, on all the podcast players, including  iTunes podcast, Tunein, Sticher, Google Play Spotify, Castbox, Soundcloud, iHeart Radio, and on the, Transform Your Mind,  YouTube video Channel, and  Blog.

About the Transform Your Mind TV Talk show audience

The,  Transform your Mind TV talk show, radio and podcast, airs every week on the afternoon drive 5 pm to 6 pm on WDJY 99.1 FM, in the Metro Atlanta area and on the internet on internet radio at The target audience are minority women between the ages of 18  to 55 years old who want to improve the quality of their lives through Life coaching and a Mindset shift.

The TV show airs every Sunday at 6:00 pm on Comcast Channel 29 Channel Atlanta and surrounding area and worldwide on Check out the, Transform Your Mind Tv show, on demand channel on PTWWN TV


Hype Media Global Stations cumulative Listeners

Podcast Index Transform Your Mind
Podcast Index Transform Your Mind

Listeners per episode

30,200+  monthly listeners 5 to 6 pm Wednesdays -The Transform Your Mind radio Hour

5,000 monthly podcast downloads from all players

Transform your Mind TV talk Show, podcast,  Internet and Radio Demographics

Stations cumulative

Christian TV 24/7


Why Sponsor The Transform Your Mind TV Talk Show Radio and Podcast

VIDEO is one of the most talked-about forms of modern entertainment, because it combines the advantages of on-demand digital media and mobile in a format that is singularly intimate.

Podcast Addict Transform Your Mind
Podcast Addict Transform Your Mind

Why TV Talk show Sponsored, Ads work

  • TV Talk Show, AND Podcast listeners are educated. Have a Bachelor’s degree or higher and read a lot
  • 32% of them listen while they work out
  • 52% listen in the car
  • 37% listen while taking public transportation
  • 46% listen while travelling
  • 40% listen while walking, running or biking
  • TV Talk Show, and Podcast listeners, are loyal, 88% listen to all episodes
  • Tv Talk Show, and Podcast listeners, are engaged, 61% of them buy something they heard about on a, podcast, AD
  • More women are listening to, podcasts
  • African Americans are a growing, podcast, demographic
  • Millennial's are the most desirable age demographic
  • Repetition is key.
  • One spot, one time, on one show simply won’t generate the results you’re after.
  • “Ideally, find a, talk show host, which you feel is a good fit and commit for a year. Gather data on how your customers found you, and run the numbers at around month nine when you’re determining whether or not to renew.”

Defining Success of the Talk Show Sponsor: Performance Indicators

To define success of a, talk show sponsor, it’s important to know what your performance indicators and desired outcomes are.

  • Are you driving traffic to your website?
  • Are you looking to boost sales?
  • Are you trying to increase awareness of your brand?
  • Do you measure that awareness on social media?

Your indicators will probably be some mix of these and others, but likely will vary based upon your campaign type.

  • Evergreen advertising: AS A, Talk show, SPONSOR, OUR  ON DEMAND TV, will allow listeners to watch your message any time of the day or night.  Your message will also have evergreen marketing on the, Transform Your Mind podcast, and blog. 
glorystar TV
glory star TV

TV Talk Show Sponsor , Radio, Podcast Advertising Rates:

Premium, Talk show, SPONSOR, includes Radio and, Podcast, Audio

Package #1

8*60 sec videos/ 1 per show for 8 shows.

8*30 sec audio message/ 1 per show for 8 radio and podcast shows.

8 weeks Promotion on the Transform Your Mind YouTube Channel 

Limited Time Special Price $700.00 

order now TV sponsor Fiverr
order now TV sponsor Fiverr

Buy Now

Standard, Talk show, SPONSOR, includes Radio and, Podcast, Audio 

Package #2

 4*30 sec videos/ 1 per show for 4 shows.

 4*30 sec audio message/ 1 per show for 4 radio shows.

 4*30 sec audio/ 1 per show for 4, podcast, shows.

8 weeks Promotion on the Transform Your Mind YouTube Channel 

Limited Time Special Price $350.00

order now TV sponsor Fiverr
order now TV sponsor Fiverr

Buy Now

Basic, Talk show, SPONSOR, includes Radio and, Podcast, Audio

Package #3

2*30 sec videos/ 1 per show for 2 shows.

2*30 sec audio message/ 1 per show for 2 radio shows.

2*30 sec audio/ 1 per show for 2, podcast, shows.

8 weeks Promotion on the Transform Your Mind YouTube Channel 

Price $200.00

order now TV sponsor Fiverr
order now TV sponsor Fiverr

Buy Now

TV Talk show,  Sponsored, ADs Deliver Effective Results


61% of TV and, podcast listeners, say that they bought something after hearing an AD on our shows.


In a three month head-to-head test against radio, Sling Media found 2 – 3 times more engagement from their TV and, podcast advertising.

When a, Christian Talk show Host,  endorse a product or service, it sends a message to the listeners that the Host uses your product or service and would recommend it.

Additional Resources

Sponsor TV Talk Show Reach 100 Million Homes


How to Care For Your Inception Thought Seeds

In the movie, Inception, a thief who steals corporate secrets through the use of dream-sharing technology is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a C.E.O.

Inception, are, thought seeds, and can be planted by a, thought.  As a CEO, it doesn't matter whether your company is only “you” or you have a staff of one thousand. If you are the CEO, you are the visionary. You are all your company has, and your company will rise or fall depending on what you do with your, “thought seed,” or vision.
You are the lid!

thought seed

Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.
Michael Jordan

What we are today comes from our, inception, or,  thoughts, of yesterday, and our present, thoughts, build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.
Buddha (563 BC-483 BC) Founder of Buddhism

Inception of thought Bill Gates

Let's say you are a Law student at Harvard University; but your passion is writing software. You spend most of your time in the computer lab writing code. One day your friend and fellow computer enthusiast show you an edition of Popular Electronics magazine, featuring a kit to build one of the first mini computers, the “Altair 8800”. You think to yourself, this new computer needs software to run.

I can write the code for the software to run this computer!. So you call the company and tell them that you have already written software that would run on this new computer. Not true, you don’t even have a model! But you get them to agree to give you a meeting to demonstrate. You bust your ass to deliver; and you meet the deadline. Your code worked perfectly. The company gives you the contract. You quit Harvard and go full time into your own company; you call it Micro-soft!

Where is reality in this story? How many CEO’s operate in this space of total confidence, vision and action? The ordinary would have said, “We would need to get an Altair computer and understand the Bios before we can write code.” The ordinary would wait for the right time to make the call. You know the end of the story. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft after that. At 23 years old, Bill Gates had 25 employees and his company was grossing over 2 million annually. This was before IBM and MS-DOS. Today he is the richest man in the world with a personal fortune in the billions.

seeds of thought

Care for your, “thought seeds”. Ideas that are in alignment with your purpose will light you up and make you feel good. Most of us, you and me, when we get “thought seeds”, we filter them through our reality filter. We ask the question “does this make sense”.

“Dare to be unrealistic. Saying this is not realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity”
Will smith

What do you do with your, inception, of,  thoughts seeds? Are you like the farmer from the scriptures? Do you sow some of them on rocks? Where the winds of negativity or your friends and family discourage you and tell you it would never work?

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”………Mathew 13:4-9

Is it inception or just noise?

Learn discernment. You have to know you. You have to know when the, inception, or, thought seed,  is a vision or it is just noise. You can tell this by paying attention to how your body reacts to the thought.

Think about how your body reacted when you first saw your spouse or when you first thought about marrying him or her. I am guessing that the thought made you happy and “lighted” you up. I recently saw a theatre production of the Buddy Holly story; apparently Buddy Holly proposed to his wife after meeting her for 5 hours; He must have been burning up!

So, when you have a, “thought seed,” or a vision that excites you; you plant it in the ground, you cover it up, you water it and it WILL become a tree.

I started off talking about CEO's but each and every one of us wants to grow up to be something.

Michael Jordon, inception, thought is that he wanted to be the best at basketball. So he hired a coach and every summer he practiced and mastered one skill.

Coaching helps you take stock of where you are now in all aspects of your life, and how that compares to where you would like to be.
Elaine MacDonald



Ten Characteristics of a Great Leader

An Entrepreneurial, leader,  is defined as the owner manager of an organization or Business Enterprise with considerable initiative and risk. The risk and high volatility of the, entrepreneurial mindset, is the life blood of the capitalist society. Because of the high risk of failure of the, Entrepreneur, (statistics says 1 in every 10 businesses will succeed) it is of paramount importance to have an effective, Leader, at the helm.

Here are ten of the most important characteristics of the Entrepreneurial Leader:

  1. Passionate - You must care about people above profits. People encompass the, entrepreneur, customers,  employees  community.
  2. Driven - An Entrepreneurial, Leader , must be self motivating and have a burning desire to succeed
  3. Humility - An entrepreneurial, leader, must be humble. "I believe the first test of a truly great man is in his humility". -John Ruskin Visionary 
  4. Vision - A leader, must have vision. Without vision his business will perish.
Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

"The most pathetic person is a person who has sight but no vision". -Helen Keller

Where do you see your company in 5 or 10 years? Are you able to recognize trends? Are you able to be innovative and re-inventive? If not, your company will become obsolete.

"Where there is no vision, everything will fail. Your business will fail, your marriage will fail, you will stumble in your spiritual life, your money will disappear, you will get fat and flabby and you will go no where in life!" - Peter Drucker.

The bible teaches "people without a vision, will perish". Not in the physical body but you will become spiritually dead. Vision is the blood that circulates in the, entrepreneur's, organization and keeps it alive. Pull your dreams gently out of the clouds, write them down, work with an Executive Coach to design action steps; only then it becomes a vision.

Loyalty – Loyalty to customers and employees is a must for the, leader.

"A person who deserves my loyalty receives it". - Joyce Maynard

A, leader, who has no followers is only out for a walk! 

5. Loyalty is the glue that keeps your employees and customers bound to you. Reciprocate it.

6. Charismatic - A Charismatic, leader, are essentially very skilled communicators. Entrepreneurial Leader,  should be verbally eloquent; but also able to communicate to followers on a deep, emotional level. They are able to articulate a compelling or captivating vision, and are able to arouse strong emotions in followers. Charisma is not a must have characteristic but a nice to have.

  • 7. Risk taker - Entrepreneurial leaders, are risk takers since the failure rate is high. With great risks come great rewards. Nothing ventured nothing gained. An, Entrepreneurial Leadership, must take risks to win!.


  • 8. Strength and Courage - Courage, confidence, self reliance, and persistence are the characters, leaders, needed to overcome obstacles and reach the goals in life that really matter to you and your company.

9. Spiritual strength - which includes mental and emotional strength are also important characteristics to add.

When you are able to surrender to God, and have confidence that you are on purpose; you tap into the organizing power of the Universe. The power that supports all living things, the power greater than yourself.

As goes the King goes, so does the Kingdom. Your business and your career rises and falls according to the strengths or weaknesses of its, Leader. You are the lid! A Spiritual Life and Executive Coach can help you push past limiting beliefs, and help you build that courage and confidence muscle.

  • 10. Maverick - Mavericks are talented and truthful to the point of bluntness. Mavericks break rules, not out of spite; but because the rules don't work. They are highly goal orientated, charismatic, and will question anything and everything! Mavericks are, Leaders, who eagerly make business decisions that fly in the face of business-as-usual. They deliberately turn traditions up-side-down or shut them out altogether, looking instead for new "disruptive" ideas and creative people, and in doing so find themselves on a joyous ride to success. Steve Jobs (Apple) and Richard Branson (Virgin) are often marked as 'mavericks'.


  • Passionately Serving - You have to be a servant to lead effectively.


“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” ― Albert Schweitzer

What, communication skills, are important to Entrepreneurial Leader success

Let’s talk about, leadership, and then this broaden it to a straight talk between peers.  Talking straight is really a sign of respect to everyone in your life.  We’ve all met people who say they call it as they see it, that is actually quite selfish.  Talking straight is when you are able to base what you’re saying in fact.  When you talk straight with someone, you don’t postulate, you don’t pontificate,  you don’t technically tell the truth, but you kind of leave the wrong impression.  No you just you say straight up what is true.

As a life coach, I would use something called the, sandwich technique,  which means that you package that talk with something positive like a sandwich.

I would not advocate the, sandwich feedback method. I think it’s generally disingenuous. I think the better technique is to first declare your intent, because the moment there is suspicion about your intent, everything you do becomes tainted.  So be very clear on what your intent is. Say what is uncomfortable straight, no chaser without any bogus compliments and no hidden agenda.

Additional Resources 

Keep Your Vision in Front of You

15 Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach



How to Develop Your Employees Potential with Feedback.

Feedback, is the breakfast of champions.

~~Ken Blanchard

Developing your employees with Feedback

As a, sales manager, you have a team of 10 sales persons: Two are overachievers and the other eight are happy being average. You know they have the potential to do so so much more… What do you do?
• How do you find out what really motivates them?
• How do you offer, feedback, that inspires instead of deflates?

The Sandwich Technique of Giving Feedback

Think of your favorite sandwich… It has bread on top, lots of juicy meat and condiments in the middle and bread at the bottom again.

In the, Sandwich technique, of giving feedback, the top of the bun represents the good things you see your salesperson doing.

Eg “Patty you did an awesome job on that PowerPoint presentation. You kept your audience interested, you listed facts and supported them, your tonality was awesome and you had good volume. Excellent job; BUT….”

Now you get to the middle of the, sandwich technique, the meat. This is where you offer, feedback, on what Patty could have done better to close the sale. Phycologist’s reports that people are more receptive to hear negative, feedback, after you make them feel good with a positive comment.

The reason men in bars lead with flattery!


Feedback must be genuine

However, Your, feedback, is not going to get the desired result if you are not genuine with your praise, the same way if you use a tired overused line at the bar! You get nowhere and the party feels insulted. So dig deep and find something genuinely good to lead off the, feedback. In our case study, Patty gave an awesome presentation, but she did not get the sale. So we pick up at:

Excellent job Patty but; the customer said that they needed to check out other suppliers before they made their decision. It might be a good idea to ask your salesperson what she feels she did wrong. If she says that she felt the customer needed to compare before they bought, you can tell her that they would have made a decision if she had SOLD them on the product by offering a solution to satisfy their real need behind the want.

feedback breakthrough

The meat: Excellent Job with the presentation Patty but the customer did not buy. I believe the reason is because you did not identify and therefore could not offer a solution to the real need.

The customer told you they needed to purchase a new computer system because their old system does not give them enough storage capacity. Your presentation focused on listing our product with features highlighting our iCloud storage. If you had qualified the customer more thoroughly and understood why they needed more storage, you could have tailored your presentation to highlight the unique features of our product to satisfy the real need and eliminated our competitors.

I have a suggestion, for the next month, when you meet with customers for the first time, I want you to really understand their needs behind the want. Ask questions like “I understand your need to have more storage. What would more storage really give you?” The customer may say, something like “We would be able to look back at data for 5 years and understand our customer's buying history. We also would be able to really identify trends and analyze what worked and what did not work.”


No, sandwich, is complete without the bread at the bottom. So you end with encouragement. To finish off your, feedback, you could say something like “You can become the star on this team, you just need to tweak your qualifying questions to understand the customer’s needs and you will see your close rate shoot through the roof.”

This, sandwich technique, is the best way to give, feedback, to your subordinates. It motivates instead of deflates!

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Permanent Change

The, subconscious mind, is a data-bank for everything, which is not in your, conscious mind,. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done or thought is also there. It is also your guidance system. The, subconscious mind, can also be described as a tape recorder and it just plays back what it records unless you make the conscious effort at, subconscious mind reprogramming, and  erase the tape and record new messages.  That is the only way to affect permanent change, erase and re record.

Today on the, Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life Radio show and podcast, Coach Myrna Young interviews Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, Coach Van Henry. Van tells our audience why he became an, NLP, coach. He was on assignment as an engineer in South Africa during the Apartheid regime, when he had a conversation with a Black man who told him that he was told at a young age that he was unteachable, because he had a smaller brain than the white man.

Van of course told him that was a lie, that he himself was an educated black man with an engineering degree. He convinced this man that his brain was the same size as the White man, the Chinese man and all other races because God created us all equal! That was indeed, subconscious mind, programming.

Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast
Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

This Black man was convinced, because he was looking at the evidence, Van Henry himself. He then changed his, subconscious mind, programming by rewriting the tape and re recording new information to believe that he could be educated and that he had as big a brain as the White man. This Black man went on to have a college degree and become a supervisor, leading a fulfilling life.

So as a Transformations Coach, I would like to do the same for you. The lie that you tell yourself can be anything. It does not have to be that you are not as smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough etc. ; you could believe that you are limited by any other belief that is holding you in bondage.

Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

How the, subconscious mind, works

Your, subconscious mind, is an unquestioning servant that works day and night to make your behavior fits a pattern consistent with your emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and desires. Your, subconscious mind, grows either flowers or weeds in the garden of your life, whichever you plant by the mental equivalents you create.

Your, subconscious mind, has what is called a homeostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, just as it keeps you breathing regularly and keeps your heart beating at a certain rate. Through your autonomic nervous system, it maintains a balance among the hundreds of chemicals in your billions of cells so that your entire physical machine functions in complete harmony most of the time.

Your, subconscious mind, also practices homeostasis in your mental realm, by keeping you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, is the art of training the, subconscious mind, to achieve a goal.

  1. The first thing you have to do to, subconscious mind reprogramming, is to Master Self. Master your self talk, master your beliefs.
  2. Then you have to write your goals down and give them form.
  3. Once you give them form, you have to tell someone who can hold you accountable.
    This does two things. Firstly, once you speak your goals into the atmosphere you activate the, Laws of Attraction, and secondly it motivates you to not look like a failure to the person holding you accountable.
  4. The forth thing is to access your values to be sure there is no conflict with your beliefs. This is where awareness comes in. You have to know who you are.

You have to know Yourself, to Grow Yourself

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind iTunes 

For you to grow, to get out of your comfort zone, you have to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable doing new things the first few times. If it’s worth doing well, it’s worth doing poorly until you get a feel for it, until you develop a new comfort zone at a new, higher level of competence.

Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

For those looking to expand their realm of comfort zones, I highly recommend considering the habits of successful people as they are the patterns commonly adopted by the minds of great leaders and thinkers. Unlocking the power of these behaviors will put you one step closer to being able to make the same things happen in your life.

Learning techniques for, subconscious mind reprogramming, will help you believe in yourself because your confidence will no longer be challenged by fear of the unknown. But more importantly, doing so will train your brain to be in line with your true desires, dreams, and life goals and a mission driven life. 

The more in tune with your, subconscious mind, you become, the closer you will be to breaking through to success. For example, you might have an idea for a book that has been on your back burner for years. With the right level of confidence, you’ll take the next step in learning how to write a book, rather than clinging to the dream, but never acting.

Listen to this YouTube video and hear directly from, NLP, coach Van Henry on How to Program your, subconscious mind, for permanent change. Once you believe, then you can achieve!.

You become a master builder, as your coach I will give you the tools to help you build.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio


If you are a coach or an author and you would like to be a guest on the “Mindset Transformation Talk Radio Show” email me at [email protected]

Subscribe to get a copy of all new shows

Additional Resources

How to Own the Sales Process from Prospect to Client

How to Own the Sales Process from Prospect to Client. i.e How to meet a prospect and walk out with a client!

In this episode, Coach Myrna Young interviews Elizabeth Gifford Maffei. Elizabeth was a multi-million dollar sales producer as a Real Estate agent, she is now a health and spiritual advocate and business coach.

Show notes Sales Process 

* What is a Challenge that entrepreneurs and business owners experience when trying to close a sale?

6 tips to close a sale quickly and effectively
  1. Identify the decision-maker and start a conversation. …
  2. Accurately qualify your prospects. …
  3. Pitch your solution (not just the product)
  4. Create a sense of urgency. …
  5. Overcome their objections. …
  6. Ask for the sale.

* What is the difference between making a sale and creating a loyal client?
* What is the first step in having a successful meeting with a prospect?

How to Prepare for a Sales Meeting As a Real Estate Agent

To be fully prepared for a successful customer meeting, you need to answer these questions:

  • Who are you meeting with?
  • Why are the two parties meeting?
  • What is the objective of the meeting?
  • When and where will it take place?
  • What is the agenda for the meeting (How)?

* How should you prepare before meeting with your prospect?
* How should a successful meeting be conducted?

Using Body Language during the Sales Process

How does the use of, body language, help, close a sale?

While it’s important to know what you should do in meetings and negotiations, knowing what you shouldn’t do is often just as important – and it begins with bad, body language.

The best sales managers know that while you may have a polished sales presentation, tasteful attire, and a product that practically sells itself, you can still miss out on, closing a sale, if your, body language, is out of sync with your words. While it’s true that first impressions make a lasting impact, cumulative, body language, is important. If you are in the habit of demonstrating any of the following, body language, in the, sales process, it could be enough to hurt your sales performance, turning a potential yes into definite no.

* What is the most important step that many business owners leave out?
* An example of a successful prospect meeting that resulted in a closed sale.

The four Stages of the Sale:

1: Qualify – Your, prospects, must have the money, the time, the need and the want to contract your services.

2: Build Rapport – People buy from people they like!
When you meet a, prospect, for the first time, it is important to find common ground. Look for similar interests or experiences and chat about them before getting into your, sales pitch.

3: Tell a story – Showcase how your product or service helped another client. It could also be a personal story of your journey to your current vocation.

4: Closing the Sale, – If you followed the first 3 stages then you don't even need to close, just ask them to sign!
If you get to the end and you get objections, then you missed the qualify or selling the benefits.

Additional Resources

How to Build Wealth with Turnkey Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing with No Money


5 Keys to Successful Self Leadership

Success in life depends on your ability for, self leadership. You may say I am not a, leader, I am not a manager or a CEO true; but, self leadership, is more important than how many people you lead in your home or place of work.

Self leadership, is the answer to how do we develop ourselves to survive and thrive in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world.

Self leadership,  is the Critical Success Factor for individual and organizational success.

Here are 5 Essential Disciplines for Self Leadership 

Discipline #1 Accountability
You must learn to take full responsibility for everything on your watch. This means that the fish stinks from the head down! A great way to do this is with, self leadership, because those who follow you are watching your, leadership.

Discipline # 2 Focus
As a, Leader, you will wear many hats. Success comes from knowing where to focus your attention. Everything is important.
Acquiring the skill of discrimination allows the, leader, to discern what is most important and least important.

Discipline # 3 Organizational self leadership 

Organizational, self leadership,  is the skill through which chaos is turned into order.

Discipline # 4 Innovation
As a, leader, you will begin to consciously focus your attention and discriminate where the maximum leverage is.
You will recognize the need for continual improvement and for innovation in your processes.

Discipline # 5 Communication Skills 

Communication skills, are evident in how well you communicate your passion, vision, and mission to your employees, customers and self.

Here are 3 types of Communication Skills

The three primary means of communication are verbal, nonverbal, and visual.
  • Verbal Communication. Verbal communication depends on words to deliver meaning.
  • Nonverbal Communication. Nonverbal communication occurs when meaning or messages are sent or received without the use of words like body language.
  • Visual Communication.
Daphne Lynn Valcin is a business coach and speaker.

Daphne's talks to us about the keys to a successful mission driven life or business.
Since 90% of startup businesses fail, Daphne believes that the quality of life and business, leadership, is at the root of success or failure.
She believes that, leadership, is about using the most effective strategies to conquer obstacles while taking consistent steps to move forward when tackling your vision, whether that vision is within the workplace, as a leader of a business or, self leadership.

Show notes:
. Daphne explains what is true, self leadership.
. What sets successful startup businesses apart from those that fail.
. How a business coach helps clients.
. What does a thriving business look like.
. What are some of the biggest mistakes companies do with their sales and marketing efforts.
. What are some of the characteristics of successful leaders.

Here are 11 strategies for effective, self leadership,  from Young Entrepreneur Council:

Leadership advice from Dale Carnegie

When managing my team, I use a tactic from Dale Carnegie: Think in terms of the other person's wants. The goal is to align a team member's natural talents and preferences with the company's goals. What do they want? What motivates them? What do they like to do? Then manage them to reinforce what they want and how they can achieve those things through their work.

Additional Resources

How to Set up Your Business Structure as an Entrepreneur

Real Estate Investing: Are Rental Properties worth the Admiration?

Real Estate Investing, in Rental properties gets a lot of admiration because of, passive income.  Usually there is positive cash flow in, rental properties.

Joke of the day Rental properties 

A young woman, pursuing a graduate degree in art history, was going to Italy to study the country's greatest works of art.
Since there was no one to look after her grandmother while she was away, she took the old lady with her.
At the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, she pointed to the painting on the ceiling. ‘Grandma, it took Michelangelo a full four years to get that ceiling painted.'
‘Oh my, ‘the grandmother says.
‘He and I must have the same landlord!'

A few weeks ago I interviewed my co host Trevor Evans on the topic “The path to Financial Freedom” We received such an overwhelming response to that topic that I decided to have a spin off on, Real Estate Investing. This is episode #2 in the series: Real estate investing, “Funding, Fixing and Flipping. Is Owning, rental properties, worth the headache?

As a realtor for over 17 years, investing in, rental properties, has been my space up to this point. I own several rental properties and I also manage several rental properties.

My co-host for this podcast is Trevor Evans: Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education. Trevor is also an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor. Banker and Founder of Personal Awakening Brand “Being Normal Sucks.”

I met Trevor earlier in the year when I attended a Get Motivated Seminar and signed up for a 3 day, real estate investing, seminar. I met my co host Trevor Evans at this program and let’s say his vast knowledge on the subject of, real estate investing,  and, real estate, opened my mind to new opportunities.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know!

His knowledge base was extensive. I immediately enrolled in the Legacy Education Alliance, investing in real estate, training program.

Real Estate tip of the week

What is your best choice as a, real estate investment? From the book Your money and how to keep it by Brian Costello

Real Estate, will be a natural choice for many as an, real estate investment, vehicle. Generally, real estate, can be counted on to rise in value over a period of time. If you want short term investments, you can use short term investment vehicles like treasury bills. Other options are gold, commodities and the options market. Small investors are now also switching to Mutual funds because they offer a great deal of flexibility, and they can be cashed in at any time.
So, the best investment choice depends on your country laws as it relates to Capital Gains tax vs interest tax. In the USA and Canada, interest is taxable while you can make a lot of money tax free with capital gains.

Todays episode of Fund, Fix and Flip is sponsored by, Myrna Young Realtor 

Are you looking to invest in the south Florida market? The time is ripe for investors. Call Myrna Young  at Century 21 Selling Paradise 239-542-5777 for all your Wholesale or Rehab purchases, Buy and Hold, rental properties, or Property Management services. We are licensed in real estate and property management services and can also buy or lease your home. Don’t delay, Call today 239-542-5777

“Is Owning Rental properties worth the headache?” Show notes:

What are investors doing that is causing the headache?

  1. Not properly screening the tenant.
    Most investors are stressed to put a tenant into, rental  properties, because it costs to have a vacant property.
    That is the underlying reason that they short the screening process or decide to take a risk with a tenant. But it costs more to have the tenant removed and evicted, so the pain of a bad tenant lingers for a long time.
  2. Not understanding the renters mindset
    A renter does not have an owners mindset to take care of a property.
    The environment the rental is living in determines the mindset of the tenant. If you have a tenant in a single family home that is costing over $1500 per month.  That tenant has an owner's mindset and would usually take care of the, rental property, as his own because he or she is probably an executive and is not renting because they can't afford to buy.
  3. Know your tenant
    That allows you to skip inappropriate steps.
  4. Understanding the positive cash flow cycle
  5. Buy only properties that need remodeling instead of renovations
  6. Setting up warranty or replacement work directly with local scratch and dent shops
  7. Paying a flat fee to a Property Management company

Additional resources

Some resources for Real Estate Investors:
BiggerPockets: The Real Estate Investing Social Network. There are many free articles and forum threads all for free on how to get started in real estate investing. Use analytics to find lucrative traditional or Airbnb properties in a matter of minutes. – list of off market properties at discounted prices in Fort Myers, Fl and West Palm beach, Florida

How Women Entrepreneurs can Succeed Using a Growth Mindset

Women entrepreneurs, who feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she can have more impact and influence and create generational wealth for her family. 

My guest today is Lola Tomorrow. faith-driven Chicago-based entrepreneur, philanthropist, and highly sought-after business mentor for high-performing women of faith who are striving for financial freedom.

Listen to the Full interview Here:

Introduction Business Mentoring

Highlights from her background include  ● National Advance Associate for former First Lady Michelle Obama. ● Successfully managed and curated more than 300 profitable events. ● Organizer and Creator of TEDxWillowCreek, ● Single-handedly raised more than $500,000 for numerous not-for-profit initiatives and star-studded community events. ● Founder and Executive Director of iGlow (Inspiring Girls to Lead Our World) Mentoring which serves 3,000+ girls in the Chicago metro area.

As we face this global economic shift, Lola feels called to equip women to retool their business strategies, reinvent themselves, and inspire them to lead the way in our ever-changing economy. TMRWLive! A Virtual Experience was born out of her desire to empower women to trailblaze their own path to success.

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Myrna – Can you give us a short intro into your journey into becoming a, business mentor. 

Lola – I became an, woman entrepreneur, by accident.  I never desired to work for myself, I was not really exposed to the world of the, entrepreneur. I just had a passion to do more than what I was doing in my nine to five job.  Little did I know that passion to do more would create additional streams of income that would surpass my 9 to 5 income. 

I started taking the role of a, business mentor, and having the ability to influence others seriously.   I'm generally the type of leader who is bold enough to have the conversations most people might be ashamed of.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was bankrupt.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was sleeping in the back seat of my car for months.  I am bold enough to give you the level of transparency, not just so you know my business; but so that you can take the wisdom from my mistakes and stand on my shoulder. What I've been able to accomplish by 35, you can accomplish double by 40. That's the power of a, business mentor.  The real power of, mentorship,  has the ability to cut your success time in half.  What took me five years to do, will take you two and a half years to do. 

Creating a business strategy for woman entrepreneurs

Myrna – One of the reasons that people come into the coaching conversation is because they're hoping that someone will speed up their journey. 

Tell us how you transitioned from not wanting to be an, entrepreneur, and starting the TMRWlive experience. 

Lola – What I am really on a mission to do is I want to begin to teach and show, women entrepreneurs,  that you can have a level of sacrifice, you can have determination; but you can do it while still prioritizing yourself. 

Still prioritizing your well-being for some, entrepreneurs, you need to be working your business while still working your full-time job.  It's not time for you to jump out completely and just work your business full-time. 

So I think there's a, business strategy,  as we begin to evolve and grow that we can really embrace, entrepreneurship; but we can embrace it with practical thinking and practical thinking.  

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Book The seed of life
Book The seed of life


Mentoring women entrepreneurs to have a growth mindset

One of the first things we work on with the, women entrepreneurs, who come into my, mentorship, program is having a, growth mindset.  A, growth Mindset, says that I will do what is necessary to grow my business. And if that means delegating tasks, then I am willing to do that.  I tell them, your business is not your baby. If I pull a group of moms in a room and I to ask a group of moms if your baby was in the middle of the street and a car coming 60 miles an hour, what are you going to do?  The organic response is I'm going to push my baby out and I'm going to be willing to die for my baby. 

That is the natural response. We have had this thought about our business, we're willing to give up our marriage for a business. We're willing to neglect ourselves, neglect our health, neglect our finances etc. We got to put a business in the place that it belongs. Your business is not your baby,  your business is your business you need a, growth mindset, to know the difference. 

Myrna –  I wrote a book that's called “Minding My Own Business” because I've always been of the, mindset, that you can't become wealthy working

for someone else. 

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Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

What is a Growth Mindset

Let's understand the, growth mindset. How you teach somebody that feels that their business is their baby to change their, mindset? 

Lola – I'm not a, mindset coach, so the first thing I do is to recognize my level of genius.  I  partner with a, growth mindset, coach. Her name is Sean Strickland and she works with my clients on their, growth mindset. He works with your, mindset, around money, your capacity for growth etc. 

You have to be committed to the journey. Your journey might look different from another person's journey; but if you stay committed to your journey you will achieve success. 

One of my, growth mindset, tools is prayer. I'm a woman of faith,  it's ingrained in everything I do and everything that I think.  Partnering with God has been the biggest superpower in my entire career. 


How to Pray as a Woman Entrepreneur

Myrna – You mentioned that you are a faith-based leader.  How should we pray as a, woman entrepreneur? You said that you teach women to shift the way they pray.  How should, women entrepreneurs, shift they way they pray for their businesses? 

Lola – A mentor of mine, her name is Dr Tiffany Jordan she is a, prayer strategist. Before meeting her I had never been exposed to this concept of a, prayer strategy. A, prayer strategy, is a way that you pray for different things you want in life. There is a way, woman entrepreneurs, should be praying as it pertains to their business. I had never been exposed to the concept of a, prayer strategy, before.  

I said the same prayers like, Lord bless me and bless my business and I thought that was good enough; but there is a way that you can activate the word of God as it pertains to your business. I had never been exposed a, prayer strategy, before I met Dr Tiffany Jordan. Check out her “book of prayers”. 

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Resources for Women Entrepreneurs

  Myrna – What are some resources, women entrepreneurs, can use to scale their business and have a, growth mindset? 

  • The first one is partnering with God. 
  • The second thing is learning not to get validation from Instagram and other social media sites. I tell people don't get lost in the social media celebrity world.  
  • Third –  Find the, language for your purpose.  


Language for your purpose, means speaking life into your, purpose and destiny. 

I started going through levels of, inner healing.  I didn't even know I needed, inner healing.  These where things from your childhood like self-sabotage and rejection.  All these things that started coming up as I started to get to the next level in my business. 

I had, limiting beliefs,  about money and she helped me break through that.  I learned a, prayer strategy, to remove my, limiting beliefs, about money and other childhood trauma. 

The prophetic  word for women entrepreneurs

The final resource for, women entrepreneurs is the, prophetic word. Prophet Katara Ho literally changed my life and changed my entire business, because she has exposed me to the world of the, prophetic.  The, prophetic, energy can really propel you to your next level in business. 

Myrna – language for your purpose,  I love that phrase. It's a way of saying that you should speak it into the atmosphere!  You've gotta be be careful

that you're not saying that, it's not possible or you can't do it or it’s too hard etc. 

The, inner healing, part is also big because most, women entrepreneurs,  have some kind of hurt in the past that prevents us from reaching the top of our lids. 

Whether it's childhood trauma, whether it's betrayal by men,  whether it's where we were born on what side of the tracks. 

Specifically as, black women,  we've got some things that we've got to overcome So, the inner healing,  is so important. 

Business Strategy with Kris Jenner

Tell us about your collaboration with, Kris Jenner, and your two-day event TMRWlive virtual event.  

Lola – I put together this conference for, women entrepreneurs, of faith.  It was life-changing and it was amazing.  The first TMRWlive was a success and 

two weeks after that first conference, I was already thinking and planning for the next one. 

One day I woke up and, Kris Jenner, came to me.  I am not a Kardashian fan.  I don't  dislike them, I just don’t watch TV.  So it was not natural for me to to think of, Kris Jenner.  I could not shake the thought for weeks,  so talked to one of my spiritual mentors and and she gave me a, prophetic, word. She told me, you're going to work with her; but not now it's going to be later. 

It was clear that God wanted this woman to be the main speaker of the next TMRWlive experience. I needed to teach women of faith they could learn, business strategy, from, Kris Jenner.  I knew that, Kris Jenner, had the goods to teach and to get, women entrepreneurs, to the next level as it pertains to,  business strategy. 

Like her or not you can't deny what she's done for the Kardashians family.  Most of us can't create generational wealth to pay for a funeral when

somebody transitions without doing a GoFundMe. 


Faith based leadership for women entrepreneurs

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts is also one of the speakers. 

This conference is not for every woman, this is for the woman that literally feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she

can have more impact and influence.  This is not for the, woman entrepreneur, who just wants more money for nice cars and purses. 

This is the time when God is raising up kingdom-minded millionaires and billionaires, so that we can have more impact here on earth. 

This conference is not just something inspires you,  it's meant to give, women entrepreneurs,  the, business strategy, to do the work. We're going to pray and worship and love God; but after all of that you're going to wipe the tears away  and you're going to get in this workshop. You're going to create a, business plan,  you get  to create the, social media strategy and you've got to get your, business formations, in order. 


Conclusion the TMRWlive virtual event

Our event is March 24th and 25th and it is the online virtual conference. More information can be found Kris Jenner,  and, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, are headlining the event; but we then have over 20 other amazing speakers that will be teaching on different topics of business and faith. 

Today we talked about, transforming your life,  as a, woman entrepreneur. 

If you were inspired by this podcast, please subscribe, rate and review. 

Thank you 

Additional Resources


What's your Startup IQ?

How to Consciously Plan Personal Growth

As a Life Coach, I know that the secret to, personal growth,  is to consciously plan for it. It doesn't just happen.  We all know the acorn lives in the oak tree!  But unlike the Oak tree, personal growth, is not pre-programmed into your DNA. You need to have a plan for, personal growth.

“You can't see the picture if you are the frame”~ Les Brown

Hire a, Life coach, invest in you!. A, Life coach, is able to Help you see the entire picture.

Personal Growth Podcast
Personal Growth Podcast

Introduction to Personal Growth

Think about it. When you were growing up, your pediatrician would have you stand by a growth chart and he was able to determine how healthy you were by your growth as it related to his growth chart.

In a similar way, you can determine your professional health by your, personal growth, chart.
Did you stop growing and learning when you left school? The secret to, personal growth, is that you have to plan to grow every day?

That management promotion you are asking God for will not come if you don’t proactively do the work to acquire the skills. That spouse or healthy relationship will not come unless you proactively work at becoming the best you. Your business will not grow unless you have a growth plan, commonly called a business plan.

Below is Starbucks proactive plans for, Personal  Growth:

The People’s Republic Of Starbucks
Speaking last month at an investors' conference in Seattle, Belinda Wong, head of Starbucks in China, said the company was opening an outlet every day on average in the world’s second-largest economy.

“This year we have a higher ambition,” she told shareholders. “We will open on average one store every 18 hours.”

The company just opened its 1,500th outlet in the country, considered a milestone for the company that views China as a major source of growth this year. It wants 3,000 outlets by 2019, compared with its current 11,000 in the U.S.
Unlike in the U.S., Starbucks in China targets affluent cosmopolitan professionals and students, and puts stores near where they shop, study or work.
“Starbucks’ China and Asia-Pacific region is one of the new target areas for the company, where it intends to focus its near-term growth. Starbucks,” said a research note from Trefis.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

5 Tips to Help You Meet Your, Business Goals,  by magazine.

1. Define your projects.

The first and most important thing in, personal growth and development, is to figure out what projects you are dealing with. First, what is a project? My definition is anything that takes more than a few easy tasks to get done. Setting up that new sales software? That’s a project. Expanding your network? Yep, that’s a project, too. Growing your business? That’s a collection of projects!

Some of your, self improvement, projects will be pretty obvious, but others will lurk in the background unacknowledged. To unearth all of your projects, write down everything you’re currently working on and everything you want to be working on. Then, group that list around specific, personal growth,  goals.
That action will likely lead you to your project list. You may have 10 to 20 (or even more) projects on this list, but to be effective, you’ll want to pick the two to five projects that are most important, and focus on those for the remaining tips.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

2. Give your personal growth projects a start and end date.

You should know (or decide) when each, self improvement, project should start and end. This will allow you to sequence projects by prioritizing them based on when they need to start or be finished. Start and end dates will also allow you to plan around your own business cycles and prevent projects from going on for much longer than they should.

3. Make a one-page plan for Self Improvement

A little, personal growth and development, planning goes a long way to helping a project succeed. To create a one-page plan, jot down your answers or notes for each of the following questions:
• What problem will the project solve?
• What is the benefit to the organization?
• What kind of staff and budget do I need?
• What are the major milestones?
• What are the potential stumbling blocks?
• What risks does this project pose?
• What is my work, self improvement, plan (list of tasks or sub-items to be completed by when)?
• What are the specific metrics for success?
• How will you know the project is done?
Note: if you’re going to keep the plan to one page, your answers need to be relatively concise!

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4. Establish communication routines.

For any project that involves multiple team members, set up communication routines in advance. Will someone be reporting progress weekly? Monthly? Will there be a recurring call for all parties to check in? Who is responsible for checking on whether the project is meeting its milestones?

5. Know if and when to quit personal development

In the, personal development, space, it’s best to finish what you start, sometimes it’s necessary to pull the plug. If you have all of your projects laid out, with start and end dates and a clear one-page plan that includes milestones and communication guidelines, you should have all the information you need to know when to quit a project.
Certainly it’s not always easy to quit, especially if you’ve already committed a lot of time, energy and emotion. But if a, personal development,  project is dragging on.

Here are some questions that can help you think through whether or not to abandon your, personal development, Goals:

• Is the goal of this, personal growth,  project still important to my organization?
• What was the planned ROI for this project? What is the ROI now?
• What is my opportunity cost in working on this? Could I better achieve my goals by spending this time on other projects?
• What is the emotional toll of continuing with this project.

Finally, commit to Constant and Never Ending Improvement (CANI) that is, self improvement.

In my book “Out of the Snares” I share that as a Limousine Operator, I went to the National Limousine Association annual meeting in Las Vegas every year. Every year I would practice, personal growth and development, by learning from the best operators in the business on how to use technology, improve on services and expand on my products. That allowed me to have a 30% annual growth rate and win the Entrepreneur of the year award in 1998. My intention was to become the largest operator in the Greater Toronto area and have a fleet of over 100 limousines. The secret? A, personal growth, plan!.

“Reach for the moon, even if you miss, You will land among the Stars” ~ Les Brown

The Importance of Constant and Never-Ending Improvement required for, personal growth

• Sometimes when you’re prepared to step out and be different you’re going to cop some criticism
• Don’t wait until you’ve got everything 100% right before you get started. Get it 80% right and then continue to improve it as you go
• By being different – you will also be memorable!
• Have high targets to stretch you for, personal growth.  They said man would never land on the moon…but he did. If you don’t aim high, you’ll never get where you want to be.
• Fear is what stops you from setting what people would say are ‘unrealistic goals’
• The famous Australian Cricket batsman, Sir Donald Bradman had this philosophy every time he came out to bat: I’m going to hit it for 6! If I don’t get a 6, then I may get a 4. If I don’t get a 4 then I’ll get either a 3 or a 2 or a 1. But at least I’ll get something!
• The average Real Estate Agent in earns $23,000 – $24,000. You can’t afford to be average!
• It’s not about selling…it’s about people. Be a people-helper because that is the key to your success in sales
• A Real Estate client’s lifetime value is $127,000.  If you look after them and keep in contact with them. What’s the lifetime value of your clients?
• Provide a guarantee for your clients and this will give you the edge over your competition
• If you’re prepared to step out and take risks – and overcome your fears – you will become a leader in your industry
• Develop your daily rituals of success
• Exercise will help you keep your stress levels low and enable you to be more productive
• We spend too much time wasting our time – and not improving ourselves
• Shut up and listen! Really listen! If you can’t work out your client’s needs in the first 10 – 15 minutes, then you shouldn’t be in sales
• Honesty and Transparency are crucial to long term success
• Serve others and not yourself

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Pick up your copy of “Out of the Snares” and understand the how having a, Life coach, can help you grow intentionally by helping you see the “Picture in the Frame” . Learn how to get motivated by your passion and natural abilities. “Out of the Snares” is the story of my vision to become a US citizen and my journey to leaving a Legacy for my children. The secret to my growth was I committed to constant and never ending improvement.

Order your copy today.

Trying to see the picture? Need help understanding your DNA and what is in your seed? Let me Help you.

Additional Resources

7 Strategies to Personal Growth

Transform your Mind Podcast