Words of Encouragement for every Soul


Your, soul, is the real you underneath the roles, possessions, status and appearance. The real you knows your gifts, fears, your desires and your pain that keep you feeling held back. It knows the answers to life’s big questions and will show you exactly where you’re standing, where you want to go and even how to get there.

90 Days of Encouraging words for the listening soul. This week on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, I interview, soul music, songwriter Darryn Zewalk. Darryn is a chart-topping singer-songwriter and pianist who has successfully released three independent, soul music, projects. He has dedicated himself to utilizing, soul music, and technology as tools for spreading the gospel message to the whole world.

Through original Christ-centered daily posts that offer, encouragement, for the listening, soul, more than 200,000 highly engaged social media followers, Darryn has worked tirelessly to win, souls, online for the Lord. After recognizing how much impact he was having in the lives of others, Darryn decided to compile his unique posts into several volumes of devotional books titled featuring some of his most impactful social media encouragements to date. He is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, and the music minister at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

YouTube video


In this interview, Darryn answers the following questions:

1)What is 90 Days of Encouragement?
2) What Inspired him to write this book and how he thinks it can help people for 90 days?
3) What is the real meaning of, Encouragement, for the Listening, soul?
4) How long he has been playing and writing music.
5) What inspires him to write and how his, soul music,  to life.

Introducing yourself to your soul

This is the space I am currently in listening to my, soul, meeting my, soul. Your, soul, is the non physical part of you that is doing the experiencing. It is your connection to the divine. It is the computer where every moment is recorded; in this life and past lives!

We have to learn to listen to our, soul! It speaks to us through hunches, intuition, music, nature, and our emotions.

This article from Collective evolution gives 4 other ways to listen to your soul.


4 ways to listen to your soul to improve your manifesting ability

In order to know where you are at, at this point in your life, you need to be able to ask yourself the big questions like:

  • “Am I happy with my current routine?”
  • “What makes me happy and what doesn’t?”
  • “Who am I?”
  • “How am I sabotaging my success?”
  • “Am I leading a life that I like or am I trying to please someone else?” and trust me, this can feel like a terrifying experience.

In fact, if asking yourself these questions scares you in anyway, it means you’re now venturing into uncharted waters! Feeling fear in new territory is a normal part of being human so don’t run from it. Or run like hell from it but one day, I promise you’ll be back here skirting the edge of the new land wanting to know the answers.

If you’re ready to plot your “A” that means you’re ready to start listening to your, soul. Your, soul, is the real you underneath the roles, possessions, status and appearance. The real you knows your gifts, fears, your desires and your pain that keep you feeling held back. It knows the answers to life’s big questions and will show you exactly where you’re standing, where you want to go and even how to get there.

“How to listen to your inner voice”

Are You Listening? How to Access Your Inner Voice for Guidance

You must learn to trust yourself. You must learn to take time to listen to your emotions and your feelings as to what makes you happy or unhappy, as to what feels right or wrong. You must absolutely trust that what is right for you is the right thing to do. You must never compromise on what your inner voice tells you to do. You must never go against what you feel to be correct. You must develop the habit of listening to yourself and then acting on the guidance you receive.

When you listen to yourself and act on what you hear inside, you are setting out on the road to personal greatness.


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Additional Resources

How to Accelerate Your Soul Journey: Clear these Money Blocks

How to Find your Soulmate


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