Tag Archives: oxytocin

How to Find your Soul Mate or Twin Flame

Looking for your soul mate?  What about your, twin flame, who is your mirror soul? Science says some thing magical happens at first meeting. Science says that when you meet your  Life partner, some thing magical happens. In this blog we look at what happens when two souls with constructive energies meet?

Listen to the full interview here:

In our last episode my co-host and I looked at what, single women, need to do to get their house ready for love, where to look for love and what to look for when you are starting over after divorce or death of a partner.

If you missed that episode you can download it here: https://myhelps.us/how-single-women-find-love/ or on iTunes ,iHeart radio or wherever you get your podcasts. 

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 How to, Find your Twin Flame,  the Science of Attraction

In the last Blog post, I shared how I met my husband on a train. I am going to use this personal story to illustrate what happens when two strangers or, souls, meet for the first time.

As you may remember from Chemistry class, every atom and molecule gives out and absorbs light. The human body is made up of 50 trillion cells composed of atoms and molecules. So we are massive bundles of energy giving off and absorbing light or energy all the time.

When two energies come together they become entangled, the first step to, find your soul mate, is constructive energy.

When two energies are in harmony, the result is called, constructive energy, because it increases in size.  That is why you should grow as a person when you are in the right relationship.

We call this, “good vibes” very important when you are hoping to, find your soul mate. 

How Chemistry plays in finding your Soul Mate

So let's look at what happened when I met my husband and our energies became constructive!

I walked onto a train and he was standing by the door. I looked fine, mini skirt, sunglasses, designer bag over my shoulder,  so I caught his attention. He caught my attention because he was the first black officer I had seen on the train.

On be known to me my second Chakra or energy center in charge of communication sent him a signal because he tells me he felt this warm feeling in his body. He had never felt that before. Let me put a pin here and explain.

Our bodies are made up of seven energy centers, called Chakras. Each of these energy centers are responsible for certain functions.  I know that my second Chakra located below my navel is my communication center and it is responsible for engaging a mate by sending out signals when it finds a compatible energy so you can, find your soul mate.

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Soul mate vs Twin flame

My husband could also be my, twin flame.  After 14 years of marriage, I do believe we are mirror souls. What Is A Twin Flame? Sometimes discussed in terms of a “mirror soul” or, soul connection, a, twin flame, is the other half of your, soul. It is theorized that a, soul, can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the, soul, lands in two different bodies.

I must have also received something from my husband's energy center as well because my thoughts lingered on him. I was curious. That was all that it was for me at that time. Curiosity. I was not actively looking to, find a  soul mate.

But I have heard men say that the first time they saw their wife they knew that she was the one. There is such  a thing as love at first sight! Have you heard Steve Harvey tell his story of when he met his wife and, how he found his, soul mate?.  I don't think he was actively trying to, find your soul mate. But there she was. He was doing stand up comedy and she walked in late with her girlfriends, and he couldn’t stop staring at her.  In fact he couldn’t even continue his act.  He told her right then that she was going to be his wife! Believe in compatible energy, it is real.

Anyway, back to my story. Because our energies entangled and we both got, good vibes, we looked to further the communication.

The Twin Flame Connection is Immediate

Another pin. That is why we shouldn't chase men.  if you guys have, constructive energy, or, good vibes, they will reach out. We are hard wired to mate. It is all happening without our conscious thought. Your soul is looking for it's, twin flame.

So my husband searched for me on the train every day until he found me. I noticed him sit behind me for a few mins while he got up the nerve to come talk to me. We talked for about 30 mins until I got off the train at my stop. I will confess that I was not impressed by the conversation. He cursed like a sailor. I think that men who curse in front of women have no respect; but when I got off the train my energy body told me that it had made a, soul connection.

I had this incredible feeling of euphoria!  My stomach was doing somersaults. I knew right then that we would have a relationship. I knew right then that I had found my, soul mate, This is how you, find your soulmate, you listen to your body.

Three months later he proposed we were married 8 months after. That was 13 years ago and we are still in love, compatible energies!

Twin Flame Meaning

Twin flame meaning, New Age spiritual concept that describes a relationship ideology based on the idea that two people are each other's “half” and have an intense soul connection. This is an example of the science of two, compatible energies, something we have no control over.  That is why you have heard people say we have no control over who we love. You can't pick your, twin flame. The science of attraction brings him or her to you.

Your, soul mate meaning,  two souls joining together to perfect each other.

On the other hand when your energy is not in sync with other, we get, bad vibes, not your, soul mate.  The energy cancels each other out and instead of feeling euphoria you feel depleted.

Energy is your most important reading as a single woman looking for a mate. Ever heard the saying that someone is like an anchor, you can’t thrive since you met them.  Pay attention that means that you are not expanding, you are contracting or stuck.

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Illustration  the Science of Attraction: The bad vibe

Rhonda met this great guy at a bar. The guy was gorgeous, absolutely delicious. He pursued and seduced her and they started, dating. They had a great time together but something didn’t click. He was kinda, sorta vague on his explanation about everything.

It took about three months of, dating, this guy for Rhonda to discover that he was still living with his daughter’s mother and another 6 months to understand that theirs was an on and off relationship. He would never under any circumstances spend the night, saying that he did not want his daughter to wake up and he was not there.  This reminds me of Whitney Houston’s married relationship in Waiting to Exhale!

This is when Rhonda realized that a married man is a married man.  They can string you along forever. They can tell you anything.  She decided to breakup.  The breakup was mutual but she wasted at least 2 years on a relationship that was going nowhere when if she had paid attention to her, bad vibes,  she could have saved herself from heartache.

Reading energy is the most important data in the, dating, world.

Be careful of Psychopaths Pretending to be your Twin Flame

Have you ever met a psychopath? Or been in a relationship with one? They are masters at reading energy.

We are all broadcasting a frequency of our most innermost thoughts. That is how a predator picks out his prey.

  • That is how a mugger chooses his victim.
  • Animals also know how to read this energy.  A lion picks his prey from a flock. He reads the vibration of the weakest prey.

I am sure everyone on the planet is aware on some level of the Art Kelly crimes against teenage girls and women. How do you think he chose his victims?  Women who would allow him to disrespect their bodies and lock them up in a room and  have to ask to go to the bathroom and ask to eat?  Some said that he didn't feed them for 3 days, yet they didn't leave. As one of his victims said in an interview.  If you were weak minded, he wants you. You could be a teenager or a 30 year old woman!

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Science of attraction:  Finding your Soul Mate

Synergistic relationships are based on both individuals being on the same wavelength, when they completely understand each other and don't try to limit the space they occupy in each other's lives.

I read an article that stated the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  The examples used was if you train two Belgian horses together, the effect is multiplied: together, they can pull 32,000 pounds. Two horses, doing the work of four, even though it seems to defy physics. Often, in a positive relationship, you’ll find that synergy is already happening.

How can you increase that by finding harmony, in acknowledging individual strengths and how they work best together?  For example, I love to shop; but I don’t necessarily like to cook all the time.  My husband, will send me a list of all the items to pick up the grocery store and he will cook.  I then just have to do keep the kitchen tidy and get the family read to enjoy his great cooking.  It works for both of us.

In regards to signs women should look out for in predators, Robert Hare, one of the world’s foremost experts on, psychopathic behavior, believes that people need to know what to do in the event they find themselves involved or associated with a predatory psychopath.

Here are his tips on How to Avoid being targeted by a predator when trying to, find your soulmate:

  1. Be careful of props—the winning smile, the promises, the fast talk, and the gifts meant to deflect you from the manipulation and exploitation that may be occurring. Any of these characteristics can have enormous sleight-of-hand value, serving to distract you.”
  2. Anyone who seems too perfect is. Psychopaths hide their dark sides until they get their target person deeply involved. Too much flattery, feigned kindness, and cracks in grandiose stories should provide clues and put you on your guard. Make reasonable inquiries.
  3. Know yourself—or you might be vulnerable from your blind spots. Predators know how to find and use your triggers, so the more you realize what you tend to fall for, the more closely you can guard against it.


The second stage in the Science of Attraction, is Chemistry

I know you have heard this word thrown around all the time. For example the dating sites match people up by common interests; but they can't manufacture chemistry.

Let's get back to my husband for a minute.

I just shared all about the our first meeting and about us having good vibes but if we had no chemistry we would just become good friends.

Here are the Chemicals released  by love that is responsible for Chemistry:

  • Dopamine – Lights up your pleasure center. Your pleasure goes up when you are near or think about this person. Your  motivation goes up, Now you are thinking of that nice house and 2 kids! Your sadness goes down, if you were depressed, you are now happy.

I know you have heard the saying love is blind. It is true. Dopamine make you more attractive to your mate and since we are on this planet to procreate, your sexuality goes up! I am sure you have heard or have personal data that new lovers do it all the time!

  • The second chemical that is released in love is Oxytocin  – Oxytocin is responsible for trust. Your level of trust goes up, and your attachment goes up. This is probably why your girlfriends can’t figure why you are going out with a player;  but you don’t see it until your heart is crushed. The psychopath uses this one to his advantage.
  • Finally Serotonin is released. – This hormone is responsible for all the pain attached to love. Serotonin goes up and you become obsessed with your lover. Love is a chemical addiction!

Thank God I have only had one experience with an over abundance of this hormone.

I met one of my boyfriends at a club and it was an instant attraction. I fell hard.  I swooned when he called me baby the next day!

Less than 2 months after we met, we made plans to spend the New Year in Jamaica.  He left before Christmas but I wouldn’t leave my kids for Christmas so I made plans to meet him in Jamaica after Christmas.   It was the longest week in my entire life.  I literally looked at the clock the entire time.  I was an addict! I however did not, find my soulmate.

Arifah what can you lend to this conversation from a social worker perspective?

Wow, Myrna glad you spoke about the hormones.  I always talk to my clients about increasing their Oxytocin through touch, such as a hug, holding hands, a kiss.  Everyone has a sensitive area on the body that causes arousal when touched, whether sexual or just to feel good. It’s important in a relationship to know what your partner likes and does not, to give each other compliments and share tips on how increase synergy between each other.  It’s important to always reminisce on moments, like when you first met, knew you were in love and what you admire about one another now.  All of this, helps build connection.

In general the most salient characteristics for chemistry between two people are mutual interest (reciprocal candor, reasonableness, intimacy,

Similarity, and physical attraction.

Here are some questions from my Life Coach group on Facebook on How to, Find your Soul mate?

Remember you have an open invitation to join this group to get answers from the group on any of your struggles in life.

Question from Velma: I would like to, find your soul mate, but most men in my age group 60, want a traditional woman to cook and clean and a man to think for her. I’m not a traditional woman and I’m tired of pretending to be helpless. How do we as women maneuver in a world of the insecure man?

My answer – be both cake and ice-cream. Sometimes you are soft like ice cream and sometimes you are in charge and embrace your masculine energy and be cake.

What’s your answer Arifah

Keep doing what you love and make yourself a priority to level up.

Question from Elizabeth:

Should I be looking to, find your soul mate,  of just someone to keep me warm at night?

When you are in your fifties and you have to start all over dating, do you date to find a husband or should you be okay with someone to keep you warm at night.

My answer- Someone to keep you warm at night. Women over 40 have a very slim chance of finding a husband, but you can definitely, find your soul mate!

What’s your answer Arifah?

Its up to you, based on what you are looking for in the present.  Dating, can work either way, based on what you end up wanting.

Arifah is the Founder and Program Director of Lifted by Purpose.

Lifted by Purpose Provides a diverse range of services to organizations seeking trainings, workshops or programs with the intent to engage youth in conversations about mental health and learn practical strategies to cope with life stressors. Including:

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Located at 180 Shaw St, suite 201, Toronto, Ont.  Phone # 416-391-5270

 Additional Resources for, How to Find your Soulmate



Is the Secret to Love, Sex?







Why Leading With Feminine Energy Gets Results

Allyson Chavez, prosperity and success coach stops by the show to teach us how to embrace, feminine energy, and get us out of push and hustle which is, masculine energy, to flow and pleasure.

We talk about how women can embrace, pleasure, as a success tool without feelings of guilt and shame. Allyson turned her business around after filing for Bankruptcy to over 2 million in 3 years by getting out of, masculine energy.

Download podcast here: 



Allyson Chavez is a prosperity & success coach for ambitious, God-centered women. She teaches women how to get phenomenal results with ease, bend time & space, achieve their goals without hustle or grind, and reshape their reality in feminine energy (no more constant pushing)!

She is a sought-after speaker on mindset, prosperity, universal laws and success strategies for relationships and life. She is the bestselling author of The Prosperity Approach. Her work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and hundreds of television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.

Allyson believes that challenge is necessary on your journey to success–but the struggle isn’t! Her mission is to end the struggle and bring joy to the lives of millions of women around the globe.

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Using your feminine energy to get into flow

Allyson: I was coaching women, I was teaching them to be successful. And I was in hustle and grind and constant push and figure it out and make it happen. And I'm not good enough and all of that nonsense that we go through. And actually, I built my company from nothing to multiple six figures in just over two years. But I didn't have the right, mindset. I didn't have the right structure behind me as far as like my own belief system.

I was just in so much, masculine energy. And so, my business began to crumble. And the harder I worked to save that thing, the faster my business fell, and it landed in a what I like to call like financial Armageddon.  It was translated into a chapter 13 Bankruptcy several years ago, and when the dust settled, and I had a moment of clarity, I was like, wow, I created this and I didn't mean to. I wonder if I can create my way out of it. I bet I can.

And I really feel like that's the moment when God and my angels were like, she is ready. She's gonna learn. He's ready to suit up and get on the field and actually go do this. There were three really important things that God needed to teach me:

  • First it was understanding the difference between, feminine energy, and, masculine energy.
  • balancing the two and then leading with the, feminine.
  • I had to learn how money actually works on a spiritual and energetic level.
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Feminine energy grew my business to multiple 6 figures

I learned how to change my beliefs and subconscious programs. And I learned those three things actually really quickly, and I started to apply them and within six months, I went from a bankruptcy to $232,000. I went from six clients to 97 clients in the same amount of time, I released 45 pounds.  And it was the easiest, most effortless, most supportive 45 pounds I have ever released in my life. I did that in about four months, transformed my relationships with my spouse, with our children.

And just like all of life changed in amazing ways. And that was about three years ago. Now we've done over 2.1 million over the last three years. I've  kept the weight off. I've kept the, feminine, on.  I've been on this planet too with everybody else over the last three years. So, like there have been ups and downs as well. We've had heartbreak in our family. We've had the flow of money problem just like everybody else has, but it's been amazing how we've been able to navigate it so much better. Because of these things that I know and especially leading with, feminine energy.

Myrna: So, I understand that, masculine energy, at work. I've had this really interesting guest on my show, The episode is called “What men Want In a Woman” he's coming back again, and he's saying that women should have their, masculine energy, at work, but they should leave it in a drawer at night. And when they go home, they switch on the, feminine energy. You're talking about working with, feminine energy, at work.

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How to shift from masculine energy to feminine energy

Myrna; What was the catalyst in your shift from, masculine energy, to feminine energy? I mean, you went into chapter 13. But that doesn't inevitably say, hey, I got to change to, feminine energy. What happened there?

Allyson: The catalyst was that I was robbed of joy.

So, first and foremost, I want to make a distinction. We're not talking about male and female; we're talking about energies of creation.  Every gender has both, feminine energy, and, masculine energy, as women were meant to lead with our, feminine energy. So, if you think about an analogy, if we have a river bank, the river bank is, masculine energy, and the river is, feminine energy.

If we only have the river and no riverbank, that water gets very destructive. It goes everywhere. It seeps into everything, but it doesn't have a whole lot of power, because it's got has no direction behind it. If we only have the river bank, but there's no river flowing that river bank has no purpose.

And that's why if we as women are in constant, masculine energy, constantly building, the constant framework, the structure, the strategies, the tactics, without letting the feminine lead, which is the vision, it's the imagination, it's the flow. It's the experience we desire to have. And so the, masculine, and the, feminine energies, are complementary energies. Feminine energy, is very circular or spiral in the way that it moves, masculine energy, is very linear in the way that it moves.

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Masculine energy is very linear

Think about how women have conversations. We go, here we go there we go back there. Then we circle back around here, like leaping everywhere. And men have a very hard time following that because they're in, masculine energy, which is very linear. But when we as women lead with our, feminine, the, masculine energy, is actually divinely designed to serve the, feminine. Regena Thomas shower is an expert on, feminine energy, and she says the primary function of, feminine energy, is desire. And the primary function of, masculine energy, is the production of that desire.

So what's here to support us in our dreams, as I've been pondering, and I've been doing research and my own experience, what came to me intuitively was feminine is the experience and masculine is the execution. So, it's understandable why women in business whether you own your own company or whether you're working in a corporation, we are like, all masculine all the time, because it's about production, right? It's about productivity. It's about getting stuff done and meeting your numbers and all of those things that are really important here.

But that doesn't serve anybody in the workforce if women are just behaving like shorter, less hairy men.  We are robbed of a really important creative energy, which is the, feminine, and a lot of women think okay, I'm gonna wear some pink hoop earrings or hoop earrings and then that's going to make me feminine. No, that’s not, feminine energy!

Myrna: Yes, we want to be in that, feminine, flow. We want to start in, feminine energy, and keep it throughout the day. The, feminine, is all about connection. It's all about community.

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No need to feel guilty about feminine pleasure

Myrna: Let’s talk about, feminine pleasure, without feeling guilty shame I was listening to the Jay Shetty podcast and he was interviewing Alex Cooper, she is apparently the female Joe Rogan. So, I listened to one of her episodes on Call Her Daddy, and she was selling, vibrators.  And she was saying the, vibrator, it's going to come in a non-disclosed box so you don't have to be ashamed. So as women we are all ashamed about, feminine pleasure.

Allyson: So, here's the thing about, feminine pleasure, pleasure lights a woman up the same way pressure lights a man up, it fuels us in very in very different ways. So, women have been taught that, pleasure, is something to be ashamed of, that, pleasure, is a waste of time, that downtime is a waste of time. And if you go into any sort of, pleasure, now you're behind in your work. And so why would we even do that? But women are fueled by, pleasure, the same way men are fueled by pressure.

And, since you said the word, vibrator, so we're gonna go here, but we're going to be really clinical about why women and men are designed the way they are. So, the reason why women are fueled by, pleasure, is that pleasure actually connects them. We have a natural connection with the eternal. Now that doesn't mean that men aren't spiritual, but women are more naturally wired to the eternal than men are. We are built to receive the, feminine, is a receiving energy.

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Feminine energy is a receiving energy

Feminine energy, it's all about receiving and we have a, pleasure portal, an organ in our body that has one function, one function only, and that structure is called our is our, clitoris. In order for men to receive, pleasure, there has to be a functionality to it, as well for them to be able to receive, pleasure, through, sexual organs. But women don't have to do that, women can just receive that pleasure and it literally connects us to God. So, if you think about those times when you have been in, pleasure, isn't that when you get inspiration?

Isn't that where you feel open? And you get wonderful ideas and you feel connected and you can see God more clearly in your life and you just love people more, because you're receiving that, pleasure. So, women get fueled by, pleasure. Men get fueled by pressure, because men connect pressure to a sexual experience, because men have to experience pressure in order to ejaculate. And so, that's creativity that's creating life. That's potential life, potential creation. And so, men thrive in pressure because it reminds them of creation, and their part in creation, where women actually thrive on, pleasure, because that's their part of creation is pleasure.

Myrna: I actually heard that in order for the sperm and the egg to connect, there still has to be orgasm. I don't know how true it is. But what you're saying is that we're getting, pleasure, from our, feminine energy, that's our function in this whole creation process.

Receiving pleasure is not only sexual

Allyson: And pleasure doesn't just have to be sexual. And I think this is where lots of women take it.

Myrna: I agree, pleasure is not always sexual. I get immense, pleasure, from walking in the park and listening to inspirational material. I get pleasure from dancing.  A lot of people get, pleasure, from food.

Allyson: People get, pleasure, from a lot of things. Right? Yeah. And this is what happens when you are in, pleasure. A hormone is released called, oxytocin, in our body. And, oxytocin, is a connecting hormone. Some people call it the cuddle hormone. It's why, when you're in pleasure, you want to share it with somebody, you want to reach out to your girlfriends. That cuddle hormone when we're in, oxytocin, and it helps us with our radiant as women.

Now when we are task oriented, and we're checking the boxes and we're crossing off the to do list, what we get hit with is, dopamine, and, dopamine, is that that sense of achievement that means you are in, masculine energy.

It's different, because it makes you feel accomplished that feeling accomplished is a much different experience from receiving, pleasure. Both are important, but if we're in too much, dopamine, that actually inhibits, oxytocin, which is why so many women will hit goals and still feel unfulfilled. That was what I experienced, you know, where we were making more money than we'd ever made and all I felt was tired. Then my business coaches would say “now double it.” And I'm like, are you kidding me? I just ripped up my entire soul for that. And now I got to double that thing.

Pleasure lights us up

And so that's why that's what I meant by like that price tag was way too high. I was in, dopamine, and I was in pressure, but I wasn't thriving in it because we thrive in, oxytocin, and in, pleasure. Here's what happens to us physiologically as well, when we're in, pleasure. It actually helps us to focus more. If you've got brain fog going on. There are lots of different contributors to brain fog, but I fully believe that one of them is you're in too much push and you're in too much, masculine energy. So, if you'll pull out of that, and you'll get into some, pleasure.

Myrna: How can single mothers find pleasure?

Allyson: Single mothers need community, women need a community and more so than anybody else would be single mothers who are wearing the mother and the father hat all the time and the provider and the nurturer hat like all the time, they need that support group. They need their community of people that will encourage them, people that can give them breaks every once in a while so that they can reconnect with their identity, reconnect with who they are.

Start your day in, feminine energy. Start your day in quiet and if that means waking up 15 minutes early, then wake up 15 minutes early. It's the greatest gift you can give to yourself and do a breathing meditation where you just breathe in and you breathe out and listen to soothing music with the whole intention of opening yourself up to receive, because God or your higher power wants to connect with you. Your higher self wants to guide you, wants to do the heavy lifting for you. You just need to put yourself into a position of receiving in order for that to happen.


Let us know how we can reach you online, your website. What is your free gift for us?

Awesome. Thank you. So, I think that the, feminine, is a deeper dive so I actually created a free download. So you can look at the list of, feminine qualities and masculine qualities right there laid out for you. You can also find out what it looks like when we show up in disempowered feminine or disempowered masculine, so you know which energy you're playing in more often than not.

You can get that at www.prosperity approach.com/ataglance.  But this was so helpful for me to just really start doing a really beautiful dance between the feminine and the masculine and leading with my feminine. I also have a podcast it's called the prosperity approach. And so, if you want to hear my philosophy and practical tips for actually living in prosperity, rather than waiting for prosperity to come to you before you live in it, I would love to have you join my audience there as well. You can also head over to over to Allysonchavez.com You can join our free Facebook group. It's called the prosperity experience. And I actually have regular master classes where we talk about mindset, where we talk about how to change those programs and how to lead with that feminine and you can find out more information about that at prosperity approach.com/free-masterclass

Additional Resources 

How to Embrace Female Sexuality and the Divine Feminine