Category Archives: Advocacy

The Plight of Women and Children in War Zones: A Global Crisis

The gut-wrenching reality of, war zones, is often masked by politics and distant news reports, but for Dr. Amani Ballour, a Syrian pediatrician and human rights activist, the horrors of conflict are part of her narrative. Her story embodies the resilience and courage required to confront the dire circumstances many civilians, particularly women and children, face in, war zones.

In this intimate dialogue, Dr. Ballour sheds light on the trials of managing an underground hospital amid bombings and shortages, during the, Syrian civil war, while also highlighting women's arduous journey towards professional recognition in conservative societies.

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Key Takeaways

  • Dr. Amani Ballour's experience showcases the extreme conditions faced by civilians in war-torn Syria, underscoring the urgent need for worldwide action.

  • In her story, the inherent strength and capabilities of women emerge, going beyond traditional roles, especially in conflict zones and patriarchal societies.

  • Global awareness and active help from individuals and governments alike are pivotal in supporting the afflicted population in Syria and other, war zones, like the, Ukraine war, Iraq war and Gaza war.

Underground Hospital Horrors and Humanitarian Heroism in Syrian War Zones

Amid the relentless bombings in eastern Ghouta, Dr. Ballour managed ‘The Cave,‘ an underground hospital providing solace to the injured and the ill. The hospital's existence shone as a beacon of resilience, demonstrating the steadfast dedication of healthcare professionals who risked their lives in subterranean conditions. Despite the dire circumstances, Dr. Ballour and her team persevered, battling not just the shortage of medical supplies but also the psychological turmoil of witnessing children's sufferings first-hand.

“It's very hard to be always underground, to make a hospital underground, to work with the children in, war zones, while bombing, children starving, and everything was difficult,” Dr. Ballour recounts. This statement resonates with the unimaginable reality that healthcare workers in, war zones, face daily, defying the traditional settings and expectations of medical care.

Dr. Ballour's leadership was put to test not only by the war's havoc but also by the death of her colleagues, whose loss is still felt profoundly. The presence of such underground facilities evidences the calamities of warfare and the undeterred spirit of those who stand against it.

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Women's Empowerment amidst Societal Constraints in War zones

The discussion sheds light on another battlefront — the struggle for gender equality. Dr. Ballour's journey to becoming a pediatrician, and more strikingly, a hospital manager, entails a defiance of socio-cultural norms that deem certain professional roles unsuitable for women.

“I heard some young people, educated people who say the same. And I remember a friend of mine,… said, we have no problem with you,… but we don't want a woman to be our manager,” she reveals, underscoring the entrenched patriarchal attitudes prevalent even among the educated youth.

This panorama of gender dynamics, especially in traditionally conservative areas, underscores the broader implications of women's struggle in the workforce. Dr. Ballour's determination and subsequent success narrate a powerful message for societal change, where a woman's competence should not be overshadowed by her gender.

Book The Cave
Book The Cave

Activism Through Storytelling and the Global Call to Action

Narratives like Dr. Ballour's are essential in transmitting the truths of wartime experiences to the world, painting a vivid picture beyond what meets the eye. Her book, alongside the 2019 Oscar-nominated documentary, “The Cave,” strives to be a clarion call for global awareness to catalyze action.

“But to see this happening again, it's really break my heart,” she expresses, indicating the recurring theme of civilian suffering in contemporary conflicts and driving home the critical need for continued advocacy and support.

Dr. Ballour's plea for assistance is not just a call for empathy but also a summons for action. Through donations, policy changes, and grassroots movements, every individual has the power to contribute to the alleviation of these crises — a sentiment that transcends geographical and cultural divides.

By reaching out to a global audience, Dr. Ballour reiterates the importance of solidarity and the potential impact collective efforts can make in war-torn regions, emphasizing that human value transcends boundaries and conflicts.

Unfolding the story of war's unseen casualties, we return to the fundamental understanding of shared humanity and the unyielding potential to uplift one another amidst adversity. The testament of Dr. Amani Ballour serves as a raw reminder that beyond statistical data, there exist individual lives, dreams, and a steadfast hope for peace and justice. Her narrative compels us to take a moment, reflect, and recognize the collective responsibility to nurture global well-being, transforming individual awareness into tangible support.

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Here's how to help Syrian refugee Crisis and other families in War Zones 
  1. Donate to an organization that helps Syrian refugees. …
  2. Support refugees and the Syrian people on an ongoing basis. …
  3. Donate clothing or other goods to refugees from the Ukraine war and Syrian war.
  4. Raise money to help refugees and Syrian women and children.
  5. Volunteer to help refugees. …
  6. Speak out to support refugees and resettlement in war torn countries.
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Additional Resources

Syrian refugee crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help


Can Chemical Hair Relaxers Cause Cancer?

Women who use hair straighteners and chemical hair relaxers may have a higher risk of uterine cancer, according to a new study from researchers at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). The study findings were published on October 17, 2022, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. They are now able to file toxic exposure claims against the manufacturers of these products.

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Toxic exposure personal injury claims

My guest today is Jennifer Poole is the Director of Marketing at the California Law Firm of Nadrich & Cohen. Nadrich & Cohen was founded in 1990 and has since expanded to 14 offices throughout California. The firm handles all types of injury, defective product, and toxic exposure claims on behalf of individuals and their families.

Ms. Poole has worked at the law firm since 2009 right after she graduated from Hofstra Law. She has quite literally lived from coast-to-coast and calls Los Angeles home.

Myrna: As a black woman I have used, hair straitening products, for over 30 years. I don't use them a lot now because, I started wearing wigs and weaving my hair, but normally, the black population wants straighter hair. Relaxing black curly hair makes it easier for us to handle. In the 60’s even the men relaxed their hair, we go back to movies like Malcolm X, and see him using hair, straightening products called conk. Can you tell what is the data that says these products cause cancer.

I'm not sure if Caucasian people use, hair straighteners, or it predominantly used in the, black community?

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Hair relaxers called hair straighteners called perms

Jennifer: Yes, I would say so. We've used you know, several different terms to describe these products. So, you know, hair relaxers, and, hair straighteners, and we've even had a couple of clients that refer to it as a, perm, of sorts. But these products are predominately used in the, black community.

Myrna: Yes the Caucasian population used, perms, to curl up the hair. So, talk to us about that was the link to, uterine cancer.  I guess we're doing a total Erin Brockovich here.

Jennifer: Yes, Erin Brockovich was a fantastic film. And also, before I launch into it, you mentioned, Malcolm X, and when we started this project, I immediately thought of that film, with Denzel Washington, sitting in the chair, and just how awfully painful that was to try to straighten his hair.

Myrna:  I thought of this film myself even though I have gone through the same pain straightening my own hair.

Jennifer: And on a side note, do you know what also came up? I thought about a book that I read in college, which was Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, and we all love it too. Right? And we always want something that we don't have!  I have straight hair, my mom permed my hair, so it could become curly.

I remember sitting in the beauty shop and I go in with my hair, one length and I come out with it three inches shorter because of the curls. We all want what we don't have. You know, there's some truth to that certainly, but back to your question.

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Studies that link hair relaxers to uterine cancer

There are studies which have linked a 2.5 times increased risk of developing, uterine cancer, among those that use, hair relaxer products. And so, as you can well imagine, that primarily affects black and brown populations. That's who use these products. And so, there's also linkage to, ovarian cancer, and, endometrial cancer, and less severe but still painful, uterine fibroids. We can make a claim if the, uterine fibroids, resulted in surgery like, hysterectomy

Myrna: That is terrible, I've heard I had heard rumors of this for a while now. When I say rumors, you know that we're talking social media. But, now that we're getting data, it's not it's not hearsay anymore. So, what are the products that that are causing these, uterine cancers, that is in these, hair relaxers, products? There are the new, hair relaxers, that are “No LYE”. Are these the safer products?

Jennifer: Well, there's all kinds of chemicals which have been found in these types of products, even including Brazilian blowouts, including formaldehyde, you can think about that. There are so many chemicals that are toxic, that are used in these products. And, you know, the variety of brands, certainly people that have the market share. I think everyone's familiar with Dark and Lovely, right. It's a huge brand. And so, with these products manufacturers continued to add these chemicals.

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There are no natural chemical relaxers

A lot of hair relaxers products, are coming to market that are more quote unquote natural. Even still, I'm not saying they have the same toxic chemicals, but they're still not natural. They carry a lot of toxic chemicals.  One of the things that I'd like to mention is you know, the FDA doesn't test these products before going to market, yet they are in charge of policing, hair products.

The goal is of this litigation is to affect change. That's always what we try to do. Where a governmental agency fails us, the legal team’s step in a try to right wrongs, but be also affect long lasting change. And we've seen it time and again. And so that's always the goal with this type of litigation.

Myrna: Yeah, that's great. So, a lot of times things start from one person, like the Erin Brockovich film, she saw something unusual so she investigated it. So, is this lawsuit going on now because someone has won a case and now everybody is filing claims? Was somebody able to connect, hair relaxer products, with, uterine cancer, and win a large settlement?

Jennifer: Let me explain a little bit about how the process works. There's something called, multi district litigation, and it's called MDL in legal parlance, and what happens is you'll have a new case type like, hair relaxers. There are no cases that have been won as of yet. But what happens is lawyers start taking on cases and then there will be what are called Bellwether trials, and I always compare those to you go out to the pool, you want to see if it's warm, you dip your foot in there.

And then based on how those Bellwether trials go, then that can often bring the defendants of these, hair relaxer manufacturers, to the negotiating table. And that's really kind of the process and I do want to clarify for your readers, that this is  not a class action suit.

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TuneIn Radio

This is not a class action lawsuit

A class action suit is you know, we all get those postcards in the mail. You've been overcharged for phone service, and guess what you're gonna get a nickel.  Yeah, or even worse, you had a bad experience with the business, they're gonna offer you a credit or a gift card so you can go back and use their services. But people take a very cynical view of class actions, but this litigation is different. Again, it's, multi district litigation. And the reason that exists is there are not enough courtrooms in America to allow for a trial for each and every case there's just not.

So, what happens is both parties come together, and they come up with some ground rules. Some rules for discovery, and how things will proceed. And that just streamlines the process. So that's actually beneficial for plaintiffs in litigations these because it speeds it along, allows them to see a settlement, sooner rather than later. I just I wanted to clarify that process a little bit. So no, there have not been any trials as of yet. It's really more what's prompting this litigation to move forward. Our studies, that have come out, science is improving all the time. And we learned about new things that we thought were safe.

Myrna: That's it. Yeah, that's why it's often somebody identified that those products cause, uterine cancer, and now they've just got to put it together. I know that 90% of black women have used, hair relaxers, at one point in their life and if they are reading this and have been diagnosed with, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, or uterine fibroids, that they will contact you and get a claim going.

Myrna: So your company are helping you know women and men, I'm assuming only women because it's, uterine cancer. So your Law Firm is helping women submit claims. So how can someone reading this blog,  if they have realistic claim for any of the illnesses we mentioned contact you.  What is the first step, what do they do?

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How to start the claim process

Jennifer: We do represent some men who they're unfortunately widowers, they lost their wife to, uterine cancer. And also, of course,  male children. We do represent them as well. But yes, we primarily work with women, the client base is female, and we are accepting cases with, uterine cancer, diagnosis. Ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and then lastly, certain, uterine fibroid, cases where there's actually surgical intervention. If it requires a surgery, it's a little more invasive than some of the other, uterine fibroid, treatments but that's for us to make a decision on on a case by case basis.

So if one of your readers was thinking that they may qualify, the first step would be to reach out to us or another law firm and request that free consultation because in this industry,  I always say we give every man and every woman keys to the courthouse and how do we do that? Contingency fees? We don't collect a fee unless a recovery is made. Because let me tell you, if we had to charge up front, we wouldn't have any clients.

So many people in this country live paycheck to paycheck. So this model of representation, gives everybody an equal playing field and keys to the courthouse; so that would really be the first step. Is to reach out to us or another law firm and and get the free consultation and find out if you qualify,

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Filing a claim for toxic exposure from Hair Relaxers and Hair Straightening Products

We would ask a really a series of questions. We have to get medical records, documents confirming the, uterine cancer, diagnosis sometimes, or, ovarian cancer, or, uterine fibroid, diagnosis. Sometimes, clients have those documents readily available, most don't. And so that's the process.  If they hire us then we would request the medical records that document all of the treatment that they had to have, that obviously adds value to the claimants, chemo is not fun.

Myrna: How do you make the connection between the, uterine cancer, and the chemical hair relaxers product?

Jennifer: Oh, yes. We would ask them to give us the history of hair relaxers product use. If they can remember the products, because there are so many out there. We asked about about 20 different products, that have the lion's share of the market. Assuredly, they used at least one of them.

And then typically, women will use these hair relaxers  about four plus times a year, that increases the exposure and therefore, our ability to link  the hair relaxer product to cancer. But it's true, possibly signing an affidavit stating that yes, I use this product.  I used it this many times a year. Kind of documenting that way. Haven't had it yet, but in other litigations, people will still had product packaging around the house. We have an evidence locker here that stores those products.  I have not had that happen yet in this litigation. I think by nature of the product, you use it and throw it out.

Myrna: Well, you can be still using it to be quite honest. But yeah, one of the things about, hair relaxers, is that once you open it, it loses its potency so you have to throw it out. But black women can be listening to this interview right now who are still using chemical hair relaxers because they weren't aware that there was anything wrong with them. Very few women go around with their natural hair. It's a very small percentage, so they're still using it.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

How to connect with Nadrich & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers

So, probably the best way would be to call me and that is 1-800-718-4658. You could also email me JPoole@  You can also head over to We have multiple blog posts, pages, lots of information there.

Additional Resources 

Chapter 2-0700 Establishing Toxic Substance Exposure


The Seven Elements of Effective Advocacy

Can Advocacy build successful bridges? It sure can. My guest today shares Steps to Effective Advocacy and the seven elements of, Advocacy.
Latisha Atkins is the founder of Building Bridges to Success, Inc.


1. What is Advocacy?: What it is and why it is important?

Advocacy, is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or
defends, or pleads on behalf of others. This fact sheet offers a look at how, advocacy, is defined, what kinds of
activities comprise, advocacy, work, and what kinds of, advocacy, projects several tax-exempt groups are
currently leading

2. What are some of the ways people can get involved locally and nationally with Advocacy.

Educate. Inform your organization about the current policies and problems affecting your community.
Evaluate. Evaluate your organization’s mission and goals, and examine whether current programs involve
advocacy as a means to address problems or grievances in the community.

If not, how could advocacy play a
larger role in your organization’s programs?
Collaborate. Work in coalitions with groups whose philosophy and goals resonate with yours. Together,
pooling staff and resources, all parties involved in the coalition should be better equipped to take on campaigns
and work for change.

Educate yourself about the possibilities

A good place to begin any effective inquiry is to educate yourself about the options you have. First, ask yourself what it is that you need. For instance, if you need funds for a prosthetic limb, begin by calling a prosthetist and finding out about costs. Next, find out what your insurance will cover.

Many insurance companies will only partially fund prosthetic limbs, and you may have to contact additional organizations to compensate for what your insurance company will not pay. If you do not have insurance, you will have to contact government agencies like Medicare or the Department of Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation, or Assistive Technology to find out about funding.  Private organizations that sometimes fund prosthetic limbs. Once you develop a strategy, keep a diary.

Collect every phone call and every letter in a daily log that you can refer to. Documentation is crucial when it comes to building a case for yourself.

2. Get support

Never underestimate the power of support. Nothing changes your body as completely and permanently as limb loss. If you have just undergone a complete lifestyle transformation, you may not be in any condition to put up a struggle. Therefore, it is in your best interest to recruit and elicit help from the people surrounding you. More often than not, someone in your community, be they family, peer, or church member, will provide you with some sort of assistance.

If someone offers you assistance, take their help. You are going to need it. Work with local amputee education groups across the country to train volunteers for peer contact and provides start up information for support groups in every state. Someone nearby may be facing many of the same obstacles you are. Ask them how they did it.

3. Be persistent and patient

If you are repeatedly rebuffed, do not give up. Someone will help you. You just have to find the right door to knock on. If all else fails you can contact your local congressman.  We has two other fact sheets entitled, “How Do I Get Help from My Congressional Representatives?” and “The Do’s and Don’ts of a Legislative Visit.” These fact sheets can be helpful. Sometimes the only way to change the rules is to approach the legislative bodies that make them.

Through persistence and patience, you can change things, even if that change is gradual. At least you can rest by knowing that you have exhausted every resource. Remember though, the only person you have any control over is yourself. Reserve anger for the times when you really need it. Anger can be an effective tool but getting angry tends to shut doors rather than open them.

You can be your own best, advocate. Educating yourself, and thereby empowering yourself, will help you to attain the goals needed to live a happy, productive life. Once organized, you will find the right path.

What are some elements of advocacy?

  • The Seven Elements of an Effective Advocacy Network. …
  • Social Ties. …
  • Communications Grid. …
  • Common Language. …
  • Shared Resources. …
  • Vision. …
  • Actors. …
  • Feedback.

8. Is there a difference between, advocacy, and lobbying?

Advocacy, is what you are already doing; lobbying is a narrowly defined activity with a few easy-to-follow limits.

Check out more on, Advocacy, and How it can build bridges to success @

As America and the world fight for gun control. Advocacy, will be the tool used to change those laws.
Here is an article about Advocacy Groups Call For Firearm Rights In Britain Following Several Terror Attacks

An initiative called Carry Now is growing in England and demanding that the government “allow law-abiding, reliable and trained citizens to carry CCW for self-defence in Europe.”

The initiative is backed by Firearms United, a group in Europe advocating for similar pro-gun initiatives all across the continent.

“These tragedies may have been the eye opener to just how ineffective our laws are,” Firearms-UK representative Dave Ewing reportedly told Voactive following last Saturday’s terror attack in London.

Common Cause is an organization in Washington, DC that is leading the, Advocacy, charge to modernize elections, making them more fair, secure, and accessible with automatic voter registration laws and same-day registration at polling places on Election Day. We are ensuring security and fairness at the ballot box by demanding paper back-ups and post-election risk-limiting audits to detect foul play early.

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How to Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Teenage Girls

Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, usually develops for girls who have been sexually abused, neglected, or abandoned. Author and social worker, Kenya Aissa joins the, Transform Your Mind Podcast, to share strategies to develop, Life Skills, and conscious programs for, teenage girls with, post traumatic stress disorder.

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How to cultivate consciousness and life skills for, Post traumatic stress disorder, in teenage girls,

Today I am speaking with author, Kenya E. Aissa, MS, is a Social Worker whose experience counseling girls, ages 12-22, has given her valuable insight into their thoughts on the validity of spiritual practice. As a primary counselor in a, residential drug rehabilitation program, created specifically for traumatized girls (one of only a handful of such programs in the U.S.), Ms. Aissa created and implemented a weekly spirituality group.

In the next few years, she discovered that confusion, insecurity, and fearfulness are pervasive amongst girls, and they have few internal skills with which to combat these issues. Education and information about women’s spiritual lives are greatly lacking in our schools and in our society. For young women, this dilemma can result in:
• • Banishment of all spiritual and/or religious beliefs, due to anger and disappointment;
• • Adopting non-traditional practices simply for shock value, or to gain a sense of control;
• • A sense of abandonment and loneliness born of fear, which may result in filling the emptiness with negative people, substance abuse, unhealthy sexual relationships, or early motherhood;
• • Feelings of hopelessness, which may result in depression and other mental health issues.

Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls

How did you transition your Masters in psychology and counseling into specifically helping, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls?

I started working back in the late 90s with my girls that were at a residential treatment center. I was really dropped into that position. I was a little bit blindsided actually, because I really wanted the job. I really wanted to work at a drug treatment facility. I really loved working with
children and I already had the experience. When I got the job I didn't know that I would be specializing, that my caseload would be specifically,
treating, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, I quickly gained the experience because I was with them all the time. I ran groups I worked with them and their families.

I drove them from place to place. I did all kinds of activities with them, and so I had to learn really quickly how to work with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, These girls were neglected, abandoned, sexually abused etc. I had a couple of girls that were very involved in gangs and so then there's all of the stuff that comes with being involved in a gang. Often there’s a lot of sex, a lot of sexual assault, sometimes unwanted pregnancies a lot of drugs.

Then there’s a lot of fear because of the behavior. Then of course once the drugs become a factor that's another layer to the whole thing, because a lot of girls with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, will get involved in drugs to mask the pain of their childhood. I had some girls who were prostituting. So there was there were a lot of things that I would say that every almost every kid had some sort of, sexual abuse, or, sexual trauma.

Why adoptions cause post traumatic stress disorder

When I was in,  adoptions, that I had had a lot of experience with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, I could have real conversations with parents because we had parents that, especially with teenagers, we had adoptive parents that would give their adoptive kids back. No kidding. Teenagers are hard under the best of circumstances. They are worst with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in teenage, girls,

Teenage boys have a different set of coping skills. The way of treating boys with, PTSD, is different than it is with girls. My book Sacred Girl: Spiritual Life Skills For Conscious Young Women focuses on, on what works for, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls. Helping them to find their voice and helping them to use tools to strengthen themselves and to gain empowerment.

I then came up with the appropriate strategies to treat, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls. Our goal it's very action-oriented and so it's my belief personally that talking just isn't enough. You hear a lot about talk therapy and all that stuff and talking just doesn't do the trick for, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, You can't just talk your way out of the problem and so you really have to do something.

There has to be some action. That's really what my what my book is really about. It is allowing, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, and let's just say youth in general to understand that they have the power, they can cultivate life skills and coping skills. I really felt like the movement and the actual thinking of the activities was a way to connect to what was going on with their brain and connect them to their emotions. So we did a lot of yoga. Now I'm a yoga teacher but back then I really had no idea what I was doing.

We did the whole altar thing. In my book there's a whole section about altars.
For helping deal with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, an altar could be their bedside table. Whatever have meaning for you, or that make you feel spiritually or psychically connected.

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Additional Resources and Links:

Studies show why teenage girls are more likely to develop PTSD
“Among youth with post-traumatic stress disorder, the study found structural differences between the sexes in one part of the insula, a brain region that detects cues from the body and processes emotions and empathy. The insula helps to integrate one’s feelings, actions and several other brain functions.”

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Additional Resources

Using Trauma As Your Fuel For Post Traumatic Growth


How to Tackle Teenage Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, in teenagers and young adults is much more than a phase. It's a real condition that can interfere with daily life, lead to, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

In this interview, I am speaking with Megan Gallagher, mental health advocate and Tedx speaker.

While growing up, Megan experienced chronic, anxiety, and panic attacks, as well as body image issues. Inspired by the lack of honest conversations among her peers/teachers about “real life topics”. After therapy and healing, she dove headfirst into making that change in the public school system! Gallagher currently speaks at middle schools and high schools about, mental health, self-care, following your dreams & mindfulness. She has spoken at over 500 schools and been featured in major media outlets like Forbes Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Today Show, OK! Magazine, NBC news, FOX news and Yahoo!

Listen to the full interview here:

How did you traverse your painful childhood?  What exactly caused your, anxiety, and how did you become an, anxiety, and, mental health advocate?

Growing up as a youth I can remember as early as  elementary school,  I have vivid memories of just sitting in class and noticing my stomach churning and getting really sweaty under my armpits. All these things would happen and I didn't really know what triggered these spiral of symptoms.

I would think I ate something weird at lunch or maybe something's not sitting right on my stomach or even that I had stomach flu.

My mom figured that I was more sensitive than my sister and needed more attention. I wanted just to be alone.  Going to crowded public places really overwhelmed me.  My parents would say Megan tends to freak before an event happens so they would try to find ways to calm me down.

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It wasn't until I was 13 years old in eighth grade about to graduate to go to high school, that I became aware of my emotions and become in tune with my body.  These, anxiety attacks, were really scary and they came out of nowhere.

I would be sitting in a classroom and I felt like I was like coming out of my skin.  Just wanting to get up and go the bathroom and just breathe. Freaking out, I  like didn’t want to be around people,  I just wanted to just have a moment for myself.

Myrna – Do you think you are in introvert? Did you put a label on it?

Megan – I’m actually the most social extroverted person ever. I thrive off of being around people and I love having a big friend group and I love hanging out with people, so I wouldn't say I'm an introvert, I would say I'm have high functioning, anxiety.

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Teenagers,  can go one of two ways with Anxiety and Depression :

  • People who show their, depression, and, anxiety, through shutting down. They kind of isolate themselves.
  • I handled my, anxiety, and found comfort in talking about my feelings. I just love talking and being around people. I loved being around people hosting events and parties.

Now that I'm 24, I don't really get the, anxiety attacks, but I still have anxious moments.

I learned how to handle it though.  I know how to stop the negative thoughts before they turn into a full-blown, anxiety attack.

My, anxiety, continued into high school. I remember so well gearing up during the summer and counting down the days until my first day of high school.  I had the normal thoughts of you know, where's my locker. What if I get lost in this new school. The what if thoughts would fuel my, anxiety.

How to Control your Anxiety by being in the moment.

Now I know I should have stayed in the present moment, my mind was trying to anticipate what's gonna happen two months from now, one month, 3 weeks etc.  But the truth of the matter is we can't control the future.

With, anxiety, you have such a fear of losing control. For people with, anxiety, being in control is what they want.

My, anxiety, has manifested itself in different ways throughout my life.  When I was younger in high school, my, anxiety, manifested in an eating disorder. I was too anxious to eat in school, so I would starve myself all day and then binge at night.

My, anxiety, showed up where my mind would just black out. I would feel  like I got shot off into space and then I would get hot and sweaty and see stars.  It was so scary and  so uncomfortable in public.

Anxiety, can mimic a heart attack or a stroke or it can mimic other life-threatening health conditions.

My freshman sophomore year of high school I was a mess, in constant, anxiety, mode. My mind would calculate that an episode happened at 9 00 a.m. in English class, so then the next day my body, that internal clock started saying it's 9 a.m.  Yesterday I got an, anxiety attack, so I would have another, anxiety attack, thinking about the last, anxiety attack. It was a vicious cycle. I got so deep in the ditch I felt like a prisoner to my own mind.

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How did you Heal Yourself of, Anxiety?

My, anxiety, had reached a point where I felt like I was being cornered in a wall, so I had to ask for help.  I sat my parents down and told them what had been going on with me for years. They told me that, mental illness, and, anxiety,  runs on my dad's side of the family and what I have it's called, anticipatory anxiety.

They scheduled me in therapy and told me your first session is next week.

Forms of Therapy for, Anxiety.

  • Talk therapy where it's just the typical talking while the Therapist takes notes.
  • Hypnotherapy where you lie on a couch and the Therapist  puts you in a hypnotic state where you can reach your subconscious mind.
  • EFT Tapping for, anxiety, and fear. EFT is the abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques, an effective self-help tool for calming anxiety and fear. EFT is like acupuncture for emotional healing, but you can do it for yourself and there are no needles, just tapping on a sequence of calming meridian points with your fingertips.

I am such an advocate for therapy. I think everyone who suffers from, anxiety, should do therapy because every single person on this planet has their own stuff.  It doesn't have to have been something traumatic; but every person has baggage.

My therapist in high school told me “Megan everyone in life has baggage.” Just like people getting on a plane, some just have a little carry-on while some  have like four suitcases.  Some people have designer baggage, others have a trash bag; but everyone has something to bring on the plane.

What made you become a, Mental Health Advocate, talking in Middle and High Schools?

My therapist also taught me your mind is like a dog on a leash. When you walk your dog outside and you let the dog do its thing while on the leash. The dog just want to take off; but you have to maintain control of the dog on the leash. You mind is the same way, it wants to take off and anticipate everything and then get, anxiety attacks, but you have to reign it back in.  You are still in control of the leash.

When I talk in schools, I try to teach teenagers that they are in control of their minds.

We're in a pandemic right now and people are getting, anxiety attacks, worrying about the future, worrying if they are going to find a job, it they are going to loose their homes.

Why do you think there is an epidemic of teenagers with, Anxiety, and Depression?

Teenagers were always having a problem with, depression, and, anxiety.  A lot of people blame it on the social atmosphere, the social culture.  The culture we live in today it's so different from the 80s or the 90s even the early 2000s.  A huge switch happened when  social media like Facebook and Myspace took off. Now there's Tumblr, there's Twitter, there's, Tic Tock,  there’s Instagram. It's insane but it is important to remember social media does the same thing to human beings as, anxiety,  it triggers the fear of missing out.  Oh I didn't get invited to that party that I see on snap chat,  oh my gosh what's going on with me, my friends are posing on a yacht with a celebrity, so their life must be better than mine.

Social media it really is a very negative thing and I think it's important to really be aware of how does it make you feel?Before you go on Instagram versus after you get off Instagram. If you are feeling, anxiety, or, depression, after you go on social media, you should cut back your time on it to like 20 minutes a day instead of scrolling for hours.

Here are some of the signs that your Teenager is Depressed

Since teenagers are often moody, it can be difficult to recognize when your son or daughter has become depressed, and might need help. The thing people tend to notice first is withdrawal, or when the teenager stops doing things she usually likes to do. There might be other changes in her mood, including sadness or irritability. Or in her behavior, including, appetite, energy level, sleep patterns and academic performance. If several of these symptoms are present, be vigilant about the possibility of teen, depression.

This is especially important because by the time family members and other people around a teenager note her lack of interest in most things.  She’s usually been depressed for some time. Depression, is an internalizing disorder, i.e. one that disturbs a patient’s emotional life, rather than an externalizing one, which takes the form of disruptive or problematic behavior. As such, it takes a while not only for others to recognize it but often for the patient herself to realize that her thinking, and emotional responses, are disturbed.

What your main message for teenagers battling with,  Anxiety?

My main message is follow your dreams in life. Once upon a time, it feels like a decade ago, when I went was allowed to speak at schools,  I talked about, mental health, anxiety, and self-care.  I touched on a lot subjects; but the main takeaway was follow your passions.  First fill up your cup, take care of yourself and get to know your body.

Connect with Megan for speaking or to hear any of her work on Instagram @ meganwgallegher on Linkedin @ Megan Gallagher

Additional Resources on Anxiety

How to Heal Your Brokenness