Tag Archives: spirit

Dancing with Courage: A Journey on Overcoming Adversity

In this podcast episode, Myrna Young interviews J.R Martinez, a burn survivor and New York Times bestselling author. J.R shares his inspiring story of resilience and strength, from, overcoming adversity, as a child to surviving a tragic accident in the military. He discusses the importance of gratitude, vulnerability, and embracing one's true identity. J.R's motto, “life is what you make it,” serves as a powerful reminder that we have the ability to adapt and, overcome adversity.

Adversity is an inescapable part of life, but it is how we, overcome adversity,  that shapes our future. J.R. Martinez's remarkable journey from a devastating injury to a triumphant victory on “Dancing with the Stars” is a testament to human resilience. In this thought leadership article, we'll explore the inspiring conversation between life coach Myrna Young and J.R. Martinez, who lives his life leading with heart, light, and an indomitable spirit.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Gratitude and focusing on the micro aspects of life can transform one’s perspective and foster resilience, overcoming adversity.

  • Embracing vulnerability allows for personal growth and is an essential component for triumphing in unknown territories.

  • Seeking out and stepping through the metaphorical ‘cracked doors’ of opportunity can lead to unanticipated, life-changing paths.

Overcoming Adversity: The Foundations of Resilience

Resilience is not an innate attribute one is born with; it is a trait that is meticulously developed over time through life experiences. J.R. Martinez's early years were marked by frequent relocation and witnessing domestic abuse, which laid the foundational stones of his resilient character. His reflections with Myrna emphasize the vital role those years played in equipping him to face the dire circumstances he later encountered in Iraq. His message is clear: our past forms the crux of our survival instinct.

“…you can't start my story at the age of 19… you're dismissing all of the things that have shaped me…”J.R. Martinez

Martinez underscores the necessity of practicing resilience through exercises in adaptability and mental fortitude. This early life training taught him to value what he had over what he desired, a lesson bestowed upon him by his mother's transparency regarding their financial constraints. It is these assets of character, woven over the fabric of 19 years, that empowered Martinez to persevere through the life-altering injuries he sustained.

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Vulnerability: The Power in ‘Not Knowing' in Overcoming Adversity

The conversation delves into the concept of vulnerability, particularly in relation to growth and success. Martinez's time on “Dancing with the Stars” exemplifies vulnerability, as he had to concede the leading role to his professional dance partner and trust in her expertise. It's a potent metaphor for life – sometimes one must follow to find a new path forward.

“You have to be vulnerable… You also have to be willing to be vulnerable on the show.” J.R. Martinez

This vulnerability also extends to interpersonal dynamics. By willingly entering the room of a fellow burn victim, bearing the still-fresh scars of his own injury, Martinez opened a space for mutual healing. Surrendering to the unknown prospects life presents – be it recovery, a dance competition, or a new career – requires one to embrace vulnerability. It is through this exposure that J.R. Martinez was able to reclaim his identity and, overcoming adversity, by showing the world that he is not defined by his scars.

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Overcoming Adversity:  Doors of Opportunity

J.R. Martinez speaks of the ‘cracked doors' – opportunities that present themselves, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. These doors beckon us to step into the unknown, to lean into discomfort and trust that it will lead to growth and transformation. He recounts how being open to such prospects led him from being an actor on “All My Children” to a winner of “Dancing with the Stars.”

“…I've seen enough cracked doors, a little bit of light, and I've gone over there…” J.R. Martinez

This theme conveys the importance of seizing opportunities, even when they diverge from our preconceived notions or original plans. Martinez’s willingness to walk through these openings has allowed him to redefine success and, overcome adversity, proving that life can flourish after tragedy.

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Harnessing Extraordinary Perspectives

The key points from J.R. Martinez's dialogue issue a clair call to everyone gritting their teeth and, overcoming adversity. The mapping of his life showcases gratitude, vulnerability, and the courage to chase the flickers of light that promise a continuation of journey and discovery. His story reveals that triumph can emerge from the ashes of despair when one leads with an open heart.

Martinez's narrative, full of wisdom and light, offers profound insights. While not everyone will dance on national television or write a bestselling memoir, their everyday courage, manifested through gratitude, open-mindedness, and a willingness to seize unexpected opportunities, is a dance of triumph in its own right. Whether facing personal battles or global pandemics, it is these human stories that echo the enduring message: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain!

Additional Resources

How to Turn Adversity into Opportunity

Bridging Between: A Journey of Transformation and Hope

Welcome to this week's episode of Author's Corner, where we showcase local authors and their books.  Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate.

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with author Lt. Bailey, the creative mind behind “Bridging Between: Spirit's Energy, Transformation, Reset for Mother's Earth.” This spiritually insightful fictional tale takes readers on a life-changing journey as seven individuals receive a powerful divine message. While the book is fictional, it offers valuable insights that can be applied to our own lives and, personal transformations.

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The Motivation Behind “Bridging Between”

When asked about the motivation behind writing “Bridging Between,” Lt. Bailey shared her desire to find peace and hope amidst the chaos of everyday life. She expressed the exhaustion that comes from being bombarded with negativity through various media channels. Lt. Bailey's inspiration for the book came during a moment of meditation, where she heard the word “laptop” and felt compelled to open Microsoft Word. From there, the words and vision flowed through her, guiding her to write this transformative story.


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The Message of Unity and Transformation

“Bridging Between” centers around seven individuals, each representing one of the seven continents, who receive a shared vision and message. Lt. Bailey explains that the message is one of unity and, spiritual transformation. Humanity is called upon to come together and manifest a vision of healing for Mother Earth.  Just as, Habitat for Humanity,  helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home. The characters in the book embark on a journey to fulfill this vision, guided by the energy of the, spirit realm.

The author emphasizes that the message is not limited to the fictional realm of the book. She believes that there are others around the world who will receive similar messages through their own native languages and cultural contexts. Lt. Bailey envisions a global movement where individuals from all walks of life unite to bring about positive change and rescue, Mother Earth, from the destructive forces that threaten its sustainability.


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The Role of Spirit and Higher Self

Lt. Bailey reveals that the message in “Bridging Between” comes from a higher source, which she identifies as her, higher self. She emphasizes that the, higher self, is connected to the, spirit realm, and the great source, which individuals may perceive as their own concept of God. The characters in the book also connect with their own great sources, whether it be ascended masters, spirit guides, or angels. The message is clear: when humanity aligns with the, spirit realm, and taps into the power of the great source, anything is possible.

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The Practice of Peace

One of the key messages in “Bridging Between” is the importance of peace. Lt. Bailey highlights that peace is not just a hope, but a practice. She encourages readers to transform their thought processes and take actions that promote peace in their own lives and in the world. Lt. Bailey believes that by treating each other with respect and kindness, and by working together towards a common goal, humanity can create a more peaceful and harmonious existence.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Implications and Potential Impact

The themes explored in “Bridging Between” have significant implications for our world today. Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate. The book serves as a reminder that we are all interconnected and that our actions and thoughts have the power to shape our reality.

By embracing the message of “Bridging Between,” individuals can contribute to the healing of, Mother Earth, and the betterment of humanity. The book offers a blueprint for personal and collective transformation, urging readers to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Lt. Bailey's vision of a global movement towards unity and peace has the potential to create a profound impact on our world.

Book Bridging Between
Book Bridging Between

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, “Bridging Between” is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that invites readers to embark on a journey of transformation and hope. Lt. Bailey's powerful message of unity, peace, and the power of the spirit realm resonates deeply in our current world. By embracing the principles outlined in the book, individuals can contribute to the healing of Mother Earth and the betterment of humanity.

As Lt. Bailey continues to promote her book and spread its message, she hopes to connect with readers from all corners of the globe. Through her website, https://bridgingbetween.com/ social media platforms, and various online channels, Lt. Bailey aims to ignite a global movement of individuals who are committed to transforming their own lives and making a positive impact on the world.

Let us join Lt. Bailey on this transformative journey and work together to bridge the gap between our individual selves and the collective consciousness. By embracing unity, transformation, and peace, we can create a brighter future for ourselves, future generations, and Mother Earth.


Author's Note: The above article is a transcription of the podcast episode featuring author Lt. Bailey. The content has been edited for clarity and readability.

How to Connect With Your Soul and Spirit Guides

Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, author and creator of the Soul Finder Academy.  Our soul guides are here to help us to tap into the infinite wisdom of our soul. And they're also a direct reflection of our soul.
We also have, spirit guides, in specific areas of life but we need to learn how to communicate with them. I have a, spirit guide, for love. I had a marketing guide for a while.  I have a philosophy guide, these are all spirit guides.

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Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. As the creator of Soul Finder Academy, Membership for Your Soul and host of the podcast Who Can It Be Now, she offers a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams, and living in alignment with your soul. Her online courses Live and Thrive with Your Psychic Gifts and Communicate with Your Soul Guides are popular courses on Sacred U

Connecting to your spirit guides

Myrna: When did you first learn you were a, psychic medium?

Marilyn: After the columbine murders, I woke up to find the kid who did the killing were at the end of my bed. And I thought that it was my imagination. I thought I was just traumatized by the event. I don't watch the news, but that particular day I was watching the news. I was living in Manhattan at the time and then a year later, 911 happened and I woke up and the pilots were at the end of my bed and they had blood dripping down their faces. It sounds crazy, but that is what I saw. And then from then it just accelerated.

I started getting locked in rooms. I started hearing my name called, I started seeing spirits all the time. I moved to LA soon after that because I didn't want to be in New York anymore. And I went to see a, psychic, and I told her what was happening to me. And she said the dead are trying to reach you, you need to see a, psychic medium. So, I picked a, medium, out of a magazine and I went to see her.  As soon as she walked into the room and she said you are a, medium, without knowing anything about me.

After that the floodgates opened. I had to learn how to work with it. Because it really scared me. I do talk a lot about my experiences as a, psychic medium, on my podcast. Who can it be now.

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A Psychic Medium helps people connect to deceased family members

Myrna: There's a movie called “The Sixth Sense” and the kid says “I see dead people.” So, you see dead people, but our conversation today is about, soul guides. So how do we make the bridge from seeing dead people to having a, soul guide, because a, soul guide, is different from someone who's dead correct?

Marilyn: Yeah, it's definitely a different experience. Although you can have a deceased one as a, spirit guide, or a, soul guide.  Through my process of working with this gift, I met different people and one of them was a therapist who knew how to work with, mediums. I was in her office one day and I felt something leaning on me, it was leaning on me for quite some time and I knew enough to trust the experience and I said to her, something's leaning on me. And she said, close your eyes and tell me what it is. And I closed my eyes and I just started channeling right away.

I had no idea what, spirit guides, were I didn't know really what, soul guides, were, I knew a little bit about angels since I come from the Catholicism. So, angels and saints were big for me. And so I went home and I started working with this one particular, spirit guide, and he started teaching me about all these other, spirit guides, and how to open up my gifts.

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What are Spirit Guides

Myrna: What is the purpose of a, spirit guide?

Marilyn: I have more than one or two, spirit guides, I have a bunch. I'm not gonna say how many because it's a very intimate connection for me. But you can also you can have, spirit guides, in specific areas like I have a, spirit guide, for love. I had a marketing guide for a while he was amazing, you know I have a philosophy guide, these are all, spirit guides.

So yeah, you can have a, spirit guide, for business as well and here's the beauty of it. You could admire somebody's business who's deceased. And you could say hey, I want to work with Coco Chanel. And you'll feel a full on yes with that. And Coco Chanel can come in and start helping you out or Steve Job, it doesn't matter. So, soul guides, can be anything and they can help us in all arenas. And then there's teachers, which is a little bit different. Teachers are experts in areas and they only come in for a short period of time to help you through a specific phase of your life.

Spirit guides, will go in and out too. But I think there are certain, spirit guides, that are with me, that will probably be with me till the end.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Spirit guides could be deceased loved ones

Myrna: So you have a lot, spirit  guides, because you're a, medium, and you can communicate with them. That's probably why they're there. Most people don't know how to communicate with their, spirit guides. I went to a, psychic, maybe 20 years 30 years ago and she told me that I have two people sitting on my shoulder.  I'm thinking maybe it's my grandma or someone else. So my question is, is your, spirit guide, a loved one?

Marilyn: So here's my answer to that. First of all you I do feel you have a female and a male, spirit guides, on your shoulders.  I feel like there's definitely a grandmother ancestral energy with you. But I also feel like it goes deeper than that because there's a lineage of your breaking patterns and habits and you're bringing in incredible infinite wisdom to the masses. Like you are a voice of so many women behind you, who have always been a voice, but kind of like a whispering voice because they didn't have the platform to speak it out loud.

But you are now being you've given yourself permission. Your, spirit guides, are clapping and applauding you along to bring that message out to millions. And it's also about your heritage and your story. You being a face not only for, women of color, that's really important, but it's also women in general. And, spirit, says please do not deny the men that may resonate with your story as well as anybody who's felt like they were put down or trampled on before.

And then there is a man, spirit guide,  behind you as well. I feel like there might be more to and this, I a picking up the, cathodic spiritual realm. It's like a, St. Anthony. It's like an energy like that. It's a very specific type of holy energy. I'm getting pain in my shoulders with you as well. But it's not a burden. It's not meant to feel like a burden for you. It's meant to feel like it's light. I feel like the people before you have maybe felt burdened by this and they want you to know that you are being lifted. This is an incredible way for you to bring this out into the world.

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Soul guides could be an Archangel or Jesus

So with that said, I honestly believe that, guides, can be anything; they can be ascended masters, they can be angels, they can be Jesus. It's what resonates for you. People love, Archangel Michael, it could be, Archangel Michael, I love, Jesus, but, Jesus, isn't one of my, guides, but I still love, Jesus. You know, it could be a deceased loved one. It could be an angel being from another planet you've never met.

I'm actually starting to do, psychic readings, again for people because I stopped doing them for a long time because I wanted people to stop being dependent on my word. But I believe that these, soul guides, are here to help us to tap into the infinite wisdom of our, soul. And they're also a direct reflection of our, soul. We're helping them as much as they're helping us. So that's I'm gonna leave you with that answer. Have you written a book or are you writing a book because you're supposed to be writing a book?

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A Psychic medium communicates with dead people

Myrna: I written 3 books. One of them is titled “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement.”  Boy, I'm connecting with you. I'm getting all these chills and goosebumps everywhere. Thank you for that confirmation. I live a charmed life and and I know that I'm receiving guidance from my, soul guides,  someone was guiding me. So thank you for that. I love that. Yeah.

As a psychic medium, you help your clients connect with their, soul guides. How do you help them do that?

Marilyn:  So I like to teach people how they see, hear, feel ,sense ,and know on their own. So they can develop those skills and then apply it to their life. It helps you to live a life aligned with your, soul. And that's what we're all here to do. And you said something really important.  You said, you get instruction from your, spirit guide, in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings because the mind chatter is turned off.

So if you wake up with a song in your head, go look up the lyrics because that's your, soul guide, planting a song in your head. And when you read those lyrics, that's, clairaudience, clear hearing.

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Book Guides: Mystical Connections with Soul Guides and Divine Teachers
Book Guides: Mystical Connections with Soul Guides and Divine Teachers

Book: Mystical Connections with Soul Guides and Divine Teachers

Myrna: Tel us about your book: Mystical Connections with Soul Guides and Divine teachers. Why did you write it and what do you want the readers to walk away with after after they finished reading it?

Marilyn:  I wrote the book because my, soul guides, really changed my life. I was suicidal. I was really depressed. I was really unhappy. And when I met my, guides, and I learned what I was capable of and how I was supposed to help people. I really understood why I was here. And that gave me, I don't like to say the word purpose because I feel like it always evolves our purpose, but it really gave me understanding.

So I hope that when people read it, they can have that peaceful connection or when things are really disruptive in their lives. They have a tool or a technique to connect to something larger than themselves so that they don't feel alone and they recognize that there is hope. Because I feel like that's what my, soul guides, gave me.

Myrna: That's great.  Do you see your, spirit guides, or do you feel them?

Marilyn: So I see, hear, feel, sense, everybody can develop these skills. So yes, I see my spirit guides. I know where they stand. It's a big thing for me. You need to know where they stand so that when you're talking to them, you're there in different spots. For me I have different, guides, but if I'm speaking to my main guide who's in front of me, my whole inner awareness is directed at her and I teach people in the book how to do that with their breath.

I'm sure you've had that experience when you get a download and you're like, I know everything. I know what to do. I feel my, guides, and I sense things as well. So sensing them is not the same as feeling because I know them so well. I know their names. I know where they stand. I know what they're here for.

Myrna: You are a, psychic medium, let's talk about an ordinary person.

Marilyn: Well, in the book, there's exercises to help you see and feel your, spirit guides, I think to hear also.

Myrna: how can readers connect with you and get a copy of your book?

Marilyn: Go to my website. www.marilynalauria.com   I'm on social media as well on Instagram and Facebook. So if you liked what you hear, let me know. Let me know what your takeaway was and I will communicate with you. Thank you so much. Thanks,

Additional Resources

How to Find your Soul Mate or Twin Flame

How to Raise Your Consciousness And Create Miracles

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your consciousness  you will access the way of, miracles.

My guest today is Dr Mark Mincolla, PhD Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer and author of the book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness

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Mark Mincolla PhD is a Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer who has transformed the lives of more than 60,000 patients over the last 35 years. Dr. Mincolla has authored 7 international best-selling books, and has appeared on Dr Oz, Better TV, WFXT FOX25 Boston, KCBS in Los Angeles, along with numerous national TV & radio show, and in regional and national magazines.

His latest book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Super consciousness is an adventure for the body, mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them!  In The Way of Miracles, Dr. Mincolla shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.

Dr. Mark, my first question here is can you share your journey to understanding the, superconscious, and, miracles? I understand from your bio that you were able to cure yourself of a life-threatening illness?

Book The way of Miracles
Book The way of Miracles
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Introduction to the Way of Miracles

Dr Mark: About five years ago, I made a connection with a wonderful producer from New York; a great film producer who actually produced a film called “The way of Miracles”.

Christina and I became very committed to the idea of trying to get together a terrific film – a game changing movie. We actually thought about a lot of the patients that I've worked with and some of the remarkable experiences that I've had with healing recoveries. I had one woman who had a brain tumor (the size of a tennis ball) and it was in her frontal lobe, they removed it surgically and grew back two months later.  She decided not to go for a second brain surgery.  I just can't go through brain surgery again, impossible.

So I decided to seek out some other alternative methods of healing her brain tumor. I worked with her, putting a very strict anti-inflammatory diet, including a strong concentration of natural supplements. We did a lot of positive mental work as well – a lot of, meditative prayer, and things like that. Over the course of five months the tumor vanished.

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The miracle cure for cancer

The good news is, now she's been cancer free for nine years. That's the kind of story that we've set out to create and produce. In the way of, miracles, we actually have a number of different end stage cancer patients, neurodegenerative, conditions like people with Parkinson’s and things like that. We had truly amazing, miracles, and turnarounds. No question about it, we just let the patients tell their stories.

We just let them essentially connect with the audience and to tell the audience what their personal experience was with, miracles.

In the middle of this process, I was bit by a lime tick and it infected me with, Neuroborreliosis, and the bacteria crippled me. I couldn't walk. I was unable to walk for two weeks. I was unable to move. I was paralyzed for two weeks.

Neuroborreliosis, is a disorder of the central nervous system. A neurological manifestation of, Lyme disease, neuroborreliosis, is caused by a systemic infection of spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.

In the hospital they told me they weren't sure I'd ever recover from that. They said, “we are not confident that you can beat this thing. It was a pretty nasty disease,  but the real day that will live with me for the rest of my life was the 2nd of July, 2018.

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Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged
Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged

Sometimes finding the right words can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary! Introducing the new book by Rhonda R. Holmes “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” If you, would you like to romance your lover with words of seduction and fantasy, save your relationship Or, just finding the words to move on. “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” deals with real issues covering a variety of situations in eight categories capturing the essence of what goes on between two people.

If you're willing to go beyond the surface pick up your copy of “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged! now available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

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Paralysis the miracle of survival

I was not able to walk at that point, so when I fell on the bathroom floor and hit my head, I couldn't get up.  I was on the bathroom floor for 14 hours, paralyzed and unable to move. I basically had to wait 14 hours for someone to come in and just discover me. During that period of time, I went through deep spiritual work, not knowing that I'd ever walk again.

In fact, while I was on that bathroom floor, I couldn't move anything. I couldn't move my fingers, couldn't move my head, couldn't move anything. I knocked over a bunch of bathroom cleaners and I was inhaling and swallowing them because I couldn't even move my head out of the way. Couldn't move any muscles at all. I was paralyzed from the neck down.

Long story short, 14 hours later, I was discovered and rescued. During that period of rescue, I went to the hospital for several days and went to rehab for several weeks. There was a great burning question within me that, “Would I ever be able to move again”?  Nobody knew the answer to that.  I had to decide would I be willing to live the rest of my life from a wheelchair?”

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Deciding to Live

I decided I was ready to live regardless of what kind of hand I was dealt. I was prepared to live paralyzed and to continue to write books. I could write books in a wheelchair and continue to do lectures. I could do lectures in a wheelchair and still continue to inspire people.

The long story short again, I went into some deep therapeutic protocols. I took a number of different, powerful herbs that I was familiar with. My diet was an absolutely perfect, anti-inflammatory diet, including a number of different nutritional supplements. I took a little silver and high concentration of herbs that were very powerful against, Lyme disease. Slowly and gradually over a period of time, I got better and now I'm basically fully functional again and back in the saddle.

Myrna: That is such a powerful story. A couple of things I want to circle back is when you fell into the bathroom floor, did the fall make you paralyzed or you fell paralyzed?

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Dr Mark: I had, neurological borrelia, that causes paralysis motion. The, Lyme disease,  caused that, but I think the shock of falling and hitting my head didn't help. The film was just released two weeks ago. People can actually view the film by going to wayofmiracles.com. I was ready to present, miracle stories, from patients, I didn't know  that I was going to be telling my own, miracle story.

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iHeart Radio

Accessing your superconscious for miracles

Myrna: Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. When you were healing yourself, I know you talked being a, nutritional therapist, and you talked about supplements. Can you tell us how the, superconscious, or accessing your, super consciousness, (which is also called your, soul,) and  saying that you're a, soul, and you want to connect to your, soul. Can you share that experience for our listeners who don't understand that?

Dr Mark: I think for starters in my fifth book. The fifth book I wrote is entitled “Whole Health”. There's a section that I wrote about identifying your “I”. We used the word “I” 500 times a day. It's a spiritual identity crisis because we tend to think that the “I” is a material self. It's a personality, it's an ego, it's a physical cellular tissue-based organ-based self, but we're so much more than that. I say that we've become victims of an identity crisis or spiritual identity crisis.

What I ask the readers to do in the book “The way of Miracles”, is to go to the nearest mirror look and look in the mirror, look in your own eyes in the center of your eyes, don't take your eyes off the center of your eyes for 10 straight full minutes. You'll start to find that you're getting in touch with the essence of your being.

Miracles come from the spirit

There's no personality there, there's no ego there, there's no material nature there, but you can feel the presence of your, energy, there – your, soul, your essence, your core, your, spirit,  etc. I think that the objective is to tap into and get used to feeling that beautiful essence of self pure, energy.

I think when you take the time to do that, you overcome the identity crisis that I talked about, because you become familiar with and connected to the eternal self – the eternal being within your being, within yourself that is limitless and it's a, miracle, maker. – The whole premise of the book is that there's two ‘selves’ – a material self and a, spiritual self.

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your core (which I say between your heart and your, soul) you will access the way of, miracles.

When you meditate, you enter into your, soul, but if you meditate with your heart, you give emotional connection to your spiritual nature. When you render emotional connection to your spiritual nature, you access, miracles.

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Book Holly the Elf

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Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Emotion is highly charged (it's electrical, it's energy). When you take the time to combine the electrical charge of your emotional being with your, soul, that's when you reach the limitless nature of unconditional perfection; that's when you can actually create, miracles, make miracles, help people with, miracles, and revolutionize your life experience.

Connecting with your soul daily

Myrna: When you go and look in the mirror for 10 minutes and you feel your essence, you feel your, spirit, you feel your, non-physical entity, what do you do next?

Dr Mark: You do it routinely for one thing. You don't just do it once, you do it daily. It's like a, meditation, exercise.  It's like an exercise that brings you closer to your true self and gets you in touch with your true identity.

Myrna: I like the part about the, miracles. You said that we can create, miracles, when we access the, super consciousness. We're talking here about getting in touch with our, soul, but there must be another layer in order to create the, miracles.

Dr Mark: The objective is to get out of the part of you that's limited to step out, step beyond the part of you that is materially bound by its limitation. It's not about, miracles, it's about survival.

Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV
Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Using the super conscious to become limitless

You move to occupy the core of your, limitless, self. That's the part that I think renders are capable of creating, miracles. Miracles, exist on that plane and your potential to make them happen exists in that plane. If you want to perform, miracles, or live a life of, miracles, you got to go to where the, miracles, are (you got to go to your, soul, your, higher self, and your higher being).

Myrna: Now, let's talk about your book. Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. What would you like readers to walk away with after reading your book?

Dr Mark: A lot of our pain and suffering comes from the fact that we're not whole.  People are always looking for wellness;  vitamins, nutritional stuff (that's exercise) but those are all good things, but you cannot be well unless you're whole.

Miracles from wholeness

So, wellness begins with wholeness and I think the idea of identifying with your whole self and getting in touch with the fact that you're capable of, miracles.  The book is about spiritual identity crisis and it encourages people. It gives people exercises at the end of each chapter like the mirror exercise.  It teaches the readers how to get in touch with their own core.

The mission of this book is to say, there are, miracles, happening every day In our world.  We see a lot of them, but that's largely because we're tuned into the fact that those, miracles, operate in a very deep place within ourselves. If we operate from that deeper place (and not operate from our shallow zones), you'll make more, miracles, than you can ever imagine. I think that you'd overcome the identity problem.

You need to accept and embrace the fact that you're a powerful being. You're a, soul, you're an eternal, soul. You're so much more than a personality with limitations, you’re a soul without limitation. That's what you are and you live forever.


Everybody has been telling us for the longest, while we're, limitless. That we are not limited to this body, but very few people are able to tap into that, super conscious. People can check out my work at markmincolla.com.

We are a non-physical, we're dual personalities (where we're non-physical as well as physical). The physical is limited, the physical is the personality.  Once we tap into our, super consciousness, our, soul, our, spirit, we become a, multi-sensory, person and not a personality. Once you do all these different things, then you can access the space of, miracles.

Myrna: I will definitely start doing that mirror exercise looking into my eyes which would be looking into my, soul, for 10 Minutes.

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Additional Resources

How to Access God Through Worship