Category Archives: Author’s Corner

Authentically Authentic: Embracing Your True Self

The disconnect between our authentic selves and the personas we project can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment.

Jamaal Wesley is the author of “Authentically Authentic: It's a Journey Not a Destination.” He is also the founder of One Love Jewelry Designs LLC dba Aheri, a jewelry company that promotes self-love and authenticity. Jamaal has spent the last 12 years in the field of personal growth and development, overcoming his own struggles and triumphs. Through his book and jewelry company, he aims to inspire and empower others to embrace their true selves and live authentically.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Authenticity is about being true to yourself and not trying to be someone or something you're not. It's about embracing your individuality and expressing your true self without fear or judgment.

  • Impostor syndrome often stems from societal pressures and influences that make us feel like we're not enough. It's important to recognize when we're trying to be impostors and instead choose to be our authentic selves.

  • Being in tune with our feelings can help us identify when we're not being authentic. If something doesn't feel right or makes us uncomfortable, it's a sign that we may need to make a change and align with our true selves.

  • Authenticity is a journey, not a destination. It requires consistent self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-expression. It's about unbecoming everything that isn't truly you and embracing who you were meant to be.

  • Living authentically creates a space for true love, connection, and authenticity to flourish. It allows us to be closer to the people we love and creates new possibilities for growth and fulfillment.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Being Authentic in a World of Imposters

In a world that constantly bombards us with images of perfection and societal expectations, it can be challenging to stay true to ourselves. However, author Jamaal Wesley reminds us in his book, “Authentically Authentic: It's a Journey Not a Destination,” that embracing our authenticity is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Wesley emphasizes the importance of being true to ourselves and not succumbing to the pressures of conforming to societal norms or imitating others.

One of the main obstacles to authenticity is impostor syndrome. Wesley explains that impostor syndrome arises when we try to be someone we're not, whether it's at work, in relationships, or in social settings. We may feel the need to present a certain image or meet certain expectations, but deep down, we know that it's not who we truly are. This disconnect between our authentic selves and the personas we project can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment.

The Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance

Wesley's book serves as a guide for those seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. He shares his own experiences and insights, encouraging readers to embrace their true selves without fear or judgment. Through heartfelt storytelling and practical advice, Wesley provides a roadmap for battling impostor syndrome and the challenges that arise on the path of self-expression and identity.

One of the key aspects of embracing authenticity is being in tune with our feelings. Wesley highlights the importance of paying attention to how we feel when we're about to exhibit impostorism. If we feel uncomfortable, out of place, or have a sinking feeling in our stomachs, it's a clear indication that we're not being true to ourselves. By acknowledging these feelings and being honest with ourselves, we can begin to make choices that align with our authentic selves.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Unbecoming to Become Authentic: Letting Go of Traumas and Conditioning

Wesley's book also delves into the concept of unbecoming everything that isn't truly us. From the moment we're born, we're born into a set of conversations and societal conditioning that may not align with our authentic selves. However, life experiences and traumas can further cover up our true identities, leading us to live inauthentically.

To truly embrace authenticity, Wesley encourages readers to let go of past traumas and conditioning. This process of unbecoming allows us to shed the layers that have been imposed upon us and rediscover who we truly are. By doing so, we create a space for true love, connection, and authenticity to flourish.

Embracing Authenticity in Relationships

Living authentically not only benefits ourselves but also has a profound impact on our relationships. When we show up as our authentic selves, we create a safe space for others to do the same. Wesley emphasizes that authenticity fosters deeper connections and allows for a new world of possibility to emerge.

In the realm of dating, authenticity is particularly crucial. Many people try to present themselves in a way they think will be attractive to others, but this often leads to disappointment and a lack of genuine connection. Wesley's book reminds us that the most attractive version of ourselves is when we are being our authentic selves. By embracing our true identities, we attract those who appreciate and love us for who we truly are.

Embrace Your Authenticity and Create an Amazing Tomorrow

In conclusion, embracing authenticity is a lifelong journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It requires us to be in tune with our feelings, let go of past traumas and conditioning, and make choices that align with our true selves. By living authentically, we not only find fulfillment and happiness within ourselves but also create deeper connections and a more authentic world.

As Jamaal Wesley beautifully puts it, “Discover who you are, discover who you want to be, and create an amazing tomorrow.” Embrace your authenticity and let your true self shine.

Additional Resources

Becoming Flawesome: The Journey to Self-Acceptance

The Economics of War: Understanding China’s Rise

This blog looks at the economics of war, with China's rapid, economic growth, and expanding global influence, this have raised concerns about the potential for conflict and the need for containment. In this article, we delve into the key themes discussed in the podcast episode.  We explore the history and policies of China, the role of technology in warfare, and the case for containment. By understanding these issues, we can better comprehend the challenges posed by China's rise and work towards a more secure future.

About the guest 

Ptolemy Pruden is the author of the book “China Rising: The Case for Containment” and the host of “The Common Sense Defense” podcast. He is an expert in national security issues and focuses on educating everyday Americans about the importance of China's global expansion and its impact on families and children. Pruden has a deep understanding of China's history, policies, and economic strategies, and he aims to raise awareness about the need for strong defense policies to prevent conflicts and maintain peace.

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In this episode on China you will learn:

  • China's economic growth, has been accompanied by a shift in its policies towards greater assertiveness and expansionism.
  • The use of technology in warfare has transformed the nature of conflict, with rapid decision-making and automation playing a crucial role.
  • Containment is seen as a necessary strategy to prevent conflict and maintain stability in the face of China's ambitions.

China's Rise: History and Policies

China's rise as a global power can be traced back to the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, China has pursued a policy of aggressive expansionism, aiming to become the dominant global power by 2049. This shift in policy has been marked by the militarization of disputed territories, crackdowns on dissent, and the imposition of control over minority groups.

China's economic growth, has been a key driver of its rise. By investing in infrastructure projects and securing access to raw materials in other countries, China has become the world's second-largest economy. However, this economic success has also fueled concerns about China's intentions and its ability to exert influence over other nations.

book China Rising: The case for containment
book China Rising: The case for containment

Technology and Warfare: The Changing Landscape

Technology has revolutionized the nature of warfare, with rapid advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computingQuantum computing, is a multidisciplinary field that uses quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than classical computersIt involves aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics, and includes hardware research and application development. These developments have enabled faster decision-making and the automation of certain military processes. In the context of, China's rise, technology plays a crucial role in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

The use of technology in warfare has also raised concerns about the potential for cyberattacks and espionage. A cyberattack is any intentional effort to steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy data, applications, or other assets through unauthorized access to a network, computer system or digital device. Threat actors start cyberattacks for all sorts of reasons, from petty theft to acts of war China's control over technology companies and its alleged involvement in activities such as spying through apps like TikTok have heightened fears about the security implications of its rise.

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Staying out of war

Collectively we can stay strong and stay out of War.  I think inevitably the most important thing that we want to do is stay out of War.  Americans are tired of War, we've had war after war after war and and I think we're tired of tired of War, but to accomplish being free from war you have to have policies in place and capabilities in place.  So that people respect you,  and they don't want to go and push your buttons.

So China which came to into being from 1949 the People's Republic of China, they have grown amazingly over the last nearly 90 to 100 years to where they are today.  They have gotten stronger particularly since Xi Jinping has been in power.  Since 2012 they have expanded the way that they want to influence the world, from just being a economy that just grows which called we called a peaceful Rise.  We started communicating and trading with China and kind of built up their economy, starting in 2012 when they entered into World in 2000 World Trade Organization their economy just shot up big time.

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War and The Case for Containment

Containment is seen as a necessary strategy to prevent conflict and maintain stability in the face of China's ambitions and war.  By working with allies and leveraging collective resources, countries can create a stronger deterrent against Chinese aggression. This includes investing in military capabilities, such as upgrading existing ships and developing new technologies.

Economic measures also play a role in containment. By reducing dependence on Chinese goods and companies, countries can limit China's economic power and influence. This requires a shift in consumer behavior and a greater emphasis on supporting local industries.

Containment is not about isolating China or engaging in a direct confrontation. It is about setting boundaries and ensuring that, China's rise, does not come at the expense of regional stability and the rights of other nations. By adopting a proactive approach, countries can work towards a more secure future while maintaining diplomatic and economic ties with China, thus preventing war.

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Alitu the podcast maker


China's rise, as a global power presents both opportunities and challenges. Understanding the history and policies of China, the role of technology in warfare, and the case for containment is crucial for navigating this complex landscape. By working together and adopting a proactive approach, countries can mitigate the risks associated with war from, China's rise,  and ensure a more stable and secure future.

As we continue to grapple with the implications of, China's rise, it is essential to remain vigilant and informed. By staying engaged and actively participating in discussions surrounding China's policies and actions, we can contribute to shaping a more balanced and peaceful world order.



The Power of Forgiveness: A Lifelong Journey

Join host Myrna Young as she interviews author Carol M. Williams on the power of forgiveness. In this episode of “Author's Corner,” Carol discusses her book, “Forgiveness as a Lifelong Journey,” which offers a nine-step program for practicing forgiveness. Carol shares her personal story of forgiveness and provides practical advice on how to let go of anger, release resentment, and embrace empathy. Discover the transformative power of forgiveness and learn how it can change your life one step at a time. Don't miss this heartfelt conversation on the importance of forgiveness.

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Uncovering the Hurt: Identifying and Accepting

In her book Forgiveness as a Lifelong Journey, author Carol M. Williams explores the transformative, power of forgiveness. She emphasizes that forgiveness is not just a feeling, but a deliberate choice that can lead to profound personal growth and mental health improvement. Williams highlights the importance to forgive in our relationships with God, ourselves, and others.

The first step is practicing, forgiveness meditation, to identify the hurt. Williams suggests conducting a self-assessment to understand how the hurt is affecting us on a daily basis. By acknowledging the pain and its impact, we can begin to accept our past and the circumstances that led to the hurt. This acceptance is crucial because we cannot change what has happened, but we can choose how we respond to it.

Healing the Heart: Releasing Resentment and Embracing Forgiveness

Once we have identified the hurt, the next step is to release resentment. Williams acknowledges that this is often the most difficult part of the process. Many people hold onto anger, hurt, and bitterness for years, which only perpetuates their suffering. To release these negative emotions, Williams suggests practicing self-compassion and mindfulness.

Self-compassion involves forgiving ourselves and letting go of self-blame. It is important to recognize that we are not perfect and that we make mistakes. By practicing self-compassion, we can begin to heal our hearts and move towards our, forgiveness journey.

In addition to self-compassion, Williams emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding. By putting ourselves in the shoes of the person who hurt us, we can begin to see their perspective and find compassion for them. This does not mean excusing their actions, but rather acknowledging that they may have been going through their own struggles or difficulties. By embracing empathy, we can start to let go of the resentment and anger that holds us back from unforgiveness.

Book Forgivenes is a Lifelong journey
Book Forgivenes is a Lifelong journey

Embracing Forgiveness: Restoring Self-Worth and Crafting a New Narrative

The final stage of the, forgiveness journey, is embracing truth. Williams outlines a nine-step program that guides individuals through this process. One of the key steps is restoring self-worth. When someone has hurt us deeply, it is common to question our own worth and blame ourselves for the pain we have experienced. By working on restoring self-worth, we can begin to appreciate the positive aspects of ourselves and recognize that we deserve healing.

Another important step in the process is crafting a new narrative. This involves creating a new, positive story around our experiences. Instead of dwelling on the hurt and pain, we can focus on moving forward and creating a better future for ourselves. By reframing our experiences in a positive light, we can find healing and freedom.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews


In conclusion, this is a lifelong journey that requires deliberate choice, self-compassion, and empathy. It is not an easy process, but it has the power to transform our lives and improve our overall well-being. By identifying and accepting the hurt, releasing resentment, embracing empathy, restoring self-worth, and crafting a new narrative, we can embark on a path of emotional freedom.

If you are struggling with unforgiveness, remember that help is available. Carol M. Williams offers a comprehensive, forgiveness coaching program, and has written a heartfelt guide in her book Forgiveness as a Lifelong Journey. Through her work, she empowers individuals to release the weight of the past, embrace a future filled with love and understanding, and change their lives one forgiveness step at a time.

To connect with Carol M. Williams and learn more about her, forgiveness coaching program, and book, you can visit her website at or find her on social media on Facebook as Carol M. Williams and on Instagram as Forgiveness Coach Carol. Her book is available in Kindle, paperback, and hard copy formats on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Remember, forgiveness is not just about the other person; it is about finding peace within ourselves. By practicing this, we can release the negative feelings that hold us back and create a brighter future filled with love, understanding, and emotional freedom.

Additional Resources

Building Relationships With Relational Mindfulness

The Dual Nature of Fame: Navigating the Spotlight

In today's interconnected world, fame is a double-edged sword that cuts through the fabric of our society. On one hand, it opens doors to opportunities, recognition, and influence. On the other, it exposes individuals to scrutiny, relentless public opinion, and the ever-watchful eye of the media. Understanding the dual nature of fame is essential for those who find themselves in the spotlight or aspire to reach those heights.

In this Authors Corner blog, I am showcasing Author Michelle Johnson book Star's Book 

Book Summary

Step into the world of stardom, where dreams meet reality. In Michelle Johnson's honest account, discover a universe beyond the glittering lights. With raw authenticity, she uncovers the dual nature of fame, comprising both brilliance and darkness. Her journey showcases the power of balancing both ambition and compromise. From crossing paths with stars like Nicki Minaj and Chris Brown, she paints a vivid picture of humanity beneath the fame. This is more than a story—it's a mirror reflecting the hearts of those chasing stars. Michelle Johnson's “Stars” bridges perception and reality, revealing fame's raw nature and demands.

**The Allure of Recognition:**

Fame, in its positive light, brings validation and acknowledgment. People crave recognition for their talents, hard work, or unique perspectives. The allure of fame lies in the doors it opens – from career advancements to the ability to inspire and make a positive impact on a broader scale. However, the journey towards recognition is often paved with challenges, requiring resilience and a solid understanding of one's values.
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**The Scrutiny Under the Spotlight:**

As individuals ascend to fame, the spotlight not only illuminates their achievements but also magnifies their flaws. Every action, statement, or decision is dissected and analyzed by the public and the media. This level of scrutiny can lead to heightened stress, anxiety, and sometimes even a, loss of privacy. It's crucial to be prepared for the inevitable judgment that accompanies the spotlight and to develop coping mechanisms to navigate the pressures that fame imposes.

**Maintaining Authenticity in a Performative World:**

One of the challenges of fame is the pressure to conform to, societal expectations, or adopt a curated public persona. It's essential to strike a balance between authenticity and the demands of public image. Embracing one's true self, vulnerabilities and all, can create a genuine connection with the audience, fostering a more sustainable and meaningful form of fame.

**The Responsibility of Influence:**

Fame comes with a responsibility to use one's influence for positive change. Those in the public eye have the power to shape opinions, raise awareness, and contribute to important conversations. Understanding the dual nature of fame involves recognizing the potential impact on a larger scale and using it as a force for good.

**Navigating the Peaks and Valleys:**

The journey of fame is a rollercoaster with highs and lows. From the thrill of success to the challenges of criticism, individuals must learn to navigate both ends of the spectrum. Developing resilience and a strong support system is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being throughout the ups and downs.
In conclusion, fame is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Understanding its dual nature is vital for anyone seeking recognition in the public eye. By embracing authenticity, acknowledging the responsibilities that come with influence, and developing resilience, individuals can navigate the spotlight with grace and purpose.
Additional Resources

Building Authentic Connections with Your Teenager

Patricia Vega, author of “Connections by Design,” talks on the importance of building an authentic connection with your teenager. Patricia emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding in nurturing a healthy bond with teenagers, as they navigate the, complexities of adolescence. Drawing from her experience working with troubled youth, Patricia shares the central message of her book: parents must listen and connect with their teenagers to guide them effectively. This episode offers valuable insights for parents seeking to strengthen their relationship with their teenage children.

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Understanding the Importance of Empathy and Understanding

In her book, “Connections by Design,” Patricia Vega emphasizes the significance of empathy and understanding in nurturing a healthy and authentic bond with your teenager. She highlights the distinction between, cognitive empathy, and true empathy, with the latter being essential for building a genuine connection. The, definition of empathy, involves emotionally relating to your teenager, regardless of whether you agree with their thoughts or actions. It is about understanding that they are going through a challenging phase of transitioning into adulthood.

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Podhero podcast

Vega emphasizes the need for parents to prioritize how their teenagers feel, rather than solely focusing on their own love and adoration for them. Teenagers need to feel loved, understood, and cared for.  They need, empathy vs sympathy.  By connecting emotionally with your teenager, you create a bridge that allows them to listen to your guidance and support.

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Delving into the Complexities of the Teenager Mindset

The teenage years are a time of immense change and growth, both physically and emotionally. Patricia Vega delves into the complexities of the, teenage mindset, in her book, shedding light on the emotions and challenges that adolescents face. She refers to teenagers as “newborn adults” who are navigating the tunnel of adulthood for the first time.

Vega emphasizes the importance of connecting with your teenager before attempting to guide them. By understanding their pain, confusion, and loneliness, you can establish a strong bond that allows them to trust and listen to you. She shares stories from her experience working with teenagers in a youth program, where she witnessed firsthand the hunger for being listened to and understood. Teenagers often feel unheard and crave acceptance, which can lead them to seek validation from negative influences such as gangs.

Book Connection By Design
Book Connection By Design

The Inspiration Behind “Connections by Design”

The inspiration for Patricia Vega's book, “Connections by Design,” came from her experience working with teenagers in a youth program. She encountered, teenage girls, who opened up to her, sharing their stories of feeling unheard and unloved by their parents. These girls expressed a deep desire for their parents to listen to them and understand their perspective.

Vega realized that many parents unintentionally perpetuate toxic beliefs and patterns of communication that hinder their ability to connect with their teenagers. She believes that parents need to analyze their own beliefs and discard any toxic patterns in order to build a genuine connection with their children. Each child is unique, and no one knows them better than their own parents. By designing a connection based on empathy and understanding, parents can guide their teenagers through the challenges of adolescence.


Building an authentic connection with your teenage child is crucial for their emotional well-being and development. Patricia Vega's book, “Connections by Design,” offers valuable insights into the importance of empathy and understanding in nurturing this bond. By connecting emotionally with your teenager and prioritizing their feelings, and privacy you can guide them through the complexities of the, teenage mindset. Remember, every child is different, and it is up to parents to design a connection that suits their unique needs. You matter, and your role as a parent is instrumental in shaping the future of your teenager.

Exploring the Mystique of Time Travel

Time travel, is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel, is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction.

In this episode of “Author's Corner,” host Myrna Young interviews Julia Cooper, daughter of author John Norman Cooper, about his book “The Recycling of Nathan Scrimshaw.” The book explores the extraordinary life of Nathan Scrzimshaw,  a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome. Nathan's powers allow him to manipulate time allows him to, time travel,  and have a profound impact on the people he encounters. Julia shares the inspiration behind the book and discusses its themes of identity, consciousness, and the concept of recycling oneself. Don't miss this mind-blowing adventure that explores the mystique of, time travel.

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Key Takeaways:

  • “The Recycling of Nathan Scrimshaw” is a captivating two-part saga that delves into the extraordinary life of Nathan Scrzimshaw, a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome.
  • The book challenges readers' perspectives on reality and human consciousness, offering an intellectual and immersive experience.
  • With its unique blend of supernatural elements and time travel, the story raises thought-provoking questions about identity, the nature of existence, and the power of the human mind.

Unveiling the Extraordinary Journey of Nathan Scrimshaw

In the captivating book “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw,” author John Norman Cooper takes readers on an extraordinary journey into the life of Nathan Scrzimshaw, a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome. This two-part saga blurs the lines between reality and the supernatural, challenging readers' perspectives on human consciousness and the unexplained powers that lie within.

The story kicks off with Nathan Scrzimshaw, an ordinary adolescent boy who becomes the center of attention when people from around the world start showing a keen interest in him. A celebrity TV quiz master and his wife travel from South Africa to London to meet Nathan, driven by their knowledge of his extraordinary powers. Nathan's powers manifest through a glowing groin, which has the ability to reverse aging in women and transform adolescent girls into stunning beauties. However, Nathan remains unaware of his powers and is left questioning his identity and the source of his abilities.

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The Quandary of Identity and the Power of Time travel 

One of the central themes explored in “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is the quandary of identity. Nathan's powers and the Draco syndrome raise profound questions about who he is and where his abilities come from. As readers delve into the story, they witness Nathan's struggle to understand his own existence and the purpose behind his powers. This exploration of identity resonates with readers, particularly teenagers and young adults, who often grapple with questions of self-discovery and finding their place in the world.

Another intriguing aspect of the book is the manipulation of time. While not traditional, time travel, Nathan's encounters with others through his powers allow him to gain a bird's-eye view of their thoughts and experiences. This unique perspective adds depth to the narrative and offers a social commentary on human behavior and relationships. Cooper's skillful writing transports readers to 1950s London, where they witness the impact of Nathan's powers on the people around him, creating a rich and immersive reading experience.

The Concept of Recycling and the Eternal Nature of the Soul

“The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” also explores the concept of recycling, both in terms of the story's plot and its broader implications. Nathan's powers and the idea of Draco syndrome suggest that nothing is ever truly lost. The book challenges the conventional notion of death as the end, presenting the idea that the soul lives on and is recycled or reincarnated. This theme aligns with the growing awareness of the eternal nature of the soul in various spiritual and philosophical traditions.

Cooper's exploration of recycling extends beyond the individual level to encompass the broader concept of environmental sustainability. In a time when the world is grappling with the consequences of excessive consumption and waste, the book serves as a reminder that recycling is not limited to physical materials but also applies to the spiritual and metaphysical realms.

Intrigue, Mystery, and a Compelling Narrative

“The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is a thought-provoking and immersive read that challenges readers' understanding of reality, human consciousness, and the power of the mind. Cooper's skillful storytelling and vivid descriptions bring the characters and settings to life, making it a compelling and engaging experience for readers.

The book's exploration of identity, the manipulation of time, and the concept of recycling offer readers a unique and intellectually stimulating journey. By delving into these themes, Cooper invites readers to question their own understanding of the world and the mysteries that lie within.

Book The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw
Book The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw

In conclusion, “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is a must-read for those seeking an intellectual challenge, a fresh perspective on reality, and an engaging and immersive experience. Cooper's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking themes make this two-part saga a captivating and unforgettable journey into the depths of human consciousness and the unexplained powers that reside within us all.

Additional Resources 

How to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset

In this episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life,” podcast host Myrna Young interviews Sasha Smith, author of “Life of a Young Entrepreneur.” Sasha shares her inspiring journey from Jamaica to the United States, where she overcame challenges and learnt how to develop an entrepreneur mindset and built a successful entrepreneurial career. She offers valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of a positive attitude and a willingness to try new things. Sasha's story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. Download the podcast to gain insights and motivation for developing an, entrepreneurial mindset.

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Entrepreneur Mindset: Maintaining a Positive Attitude

In “Life of a Young Entrepreneur,” the author shares her remarkable journey of overcoming challenges and developing an, entrepreneur mindset. One key turning point in her path was when she arrived in the United States with only $40 to her name. Despite the setback of a promised job falling through, Sasha didn't give up. Instead, she learned how to braid hair and started selling her services to earn money. She then used her earnings to buy groceries and cooked food to sell at a flea market, ultimately making $450. This experience taught Sasha the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Book Like of a Young Entrepreneur
Book Like of a Young Entrepreneur

Sasha's story highlights the power of a positive attitude in developing an, entrepreneur mindset. As she explains, your attitude determines your altitude. When you approach opportunities with a positive and uplifting spirit, people are more inclined to help you. Sasha's journey serves as a reminder that anyone can achieve success with the right mindset and unwavering willpower.

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The Resilience of the Jamaican Spirit

Sasha's Jamaican roots have played a significant role in shaping her path as a young entrepreneur. The Jamaican spirit is known for its resilience and determination, and Sasha embodies these qualities in her journey. Coming from a scenic hillside in Glengoof, Sasha discovered her passion for cooking at the young age of five. This early interest in helping others and bringing happiness to people's lives laid the foundation for her entrepreneurial endeavors.

Sasha's story is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women of color. She proves that with determination and a positive mindset, there are no limits to what you can achieve. Sasha's success in owning a food truck, multiple properties, and her dedication to helping others through her charity, the Young People Rise Foundation, demonstrates the power of the Jamaican spirit in overcoming obstacles and creating a better future.

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Developing the Entrepreneur Mindset: Empowering the Next Generation

As an entrepreneur, Sasha understands the importance of empowering the next generation. Through her charity, the Young People Rise Foundation, she mentors young kids and adults, guiding them towards a better tomorrow. Sasha believes that everyone has something to offer and that starting from where you are is possible, regardless of financial constraints. She emphasizes the value of financial awareness and teaches young people how to grow and succeed, even with limited resources.

Sasha's dedication to empowering the next generation extends beyond mentorship. She plans to build three Boys and Girls Clubs in Jamaica, providing a safe space for children to learn and grow. Her goal is to create opportunities for young people to realize their potential and shape a better future for themselves and their communities.


Sasha Smith's journey as a young entrepreneur is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and a positive mindset. Her story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women of color, who may face unique challenges in today's dynamic business world. Sasha's emphasis on embracing challenges, maintaining a positive attitude, and empowering the next generation highlights the key ingredients for developing an entrepreneur mindset.

As Sasha continues to make a difference through her various entrepreneurial ventures and charity work, she reminds us that success is within reach for anyone willing to put in the effort and believe in themselves. By following her example and embracing the Jamaican spirit of resilience and determination, aspiring entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. So, let Sasha's story be a beacon of hope and motivation for all those seeking to transform their lives through entrepreneurship.

Additional Resources

Why Entrepreneurs Don't Achieve Their Vision

Facing Blindness: A Journey of Resilience and Renewed Vision

Elizabeth Pizzarello, author of “Eclipsed,” shares her inspiring journey of, facing blindness, and finding hope and happiness in the face of adversity. She discusses how she built confidence and acclimatized to a life in the dark, and the miraculous surgery that restored some of her sight. Elizabeth emphasizes the importance of never giving up and believing in oneself, and encourages others to find gratitude and appreciation in every aspect of life. Her book serves as a motivational and inspirational message to readers.

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Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life podcast. I'm your host, Myrna Young, and today we have a very special guest on our Author's Corner segment. Elizabeth Pizzarello, an author and advocate, joins us to share her incredible story of resilience and triumph by, facing blindness. Her book, “Eclipsed,” chronicles her journey and offers inspiration to those facing catastrophic loss. I am honored to have Elizabeth here with us today.

Elizabeth's story begins two weeks before her college graduation, when she was diagnosed with a genetic eye disease that would eventually lead to her blindness.  Facing blindness, the news shattered her confidence and left her spinning in fear and uncertainty. Over the course of twelve years, Elizabeth gradually lost her sight, experiencing the closing in of her visual field, the loss of perception and color, and eventually complete darkness.

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Facing blindness: Life in the dark

Facing blindness aand navigating life in the dark was a tremendous challenge for Elizabeth. She had to confront her fears, accept her blindness, and find a way to build confidence and acclimate to her new reality. It was a process that required her to acknowledge the enormity of her situation and come to terms with it. Elizabeth shares, “The hardest thing was to actually hear myself say, ‘Beth, you are going blind.' Because for a while there, it was so unbelievable. It was like I ignored it. It wasn't going to happen to me. But it was, and so I didn't discuss it honestly and I couldn't read a menu in a restaurant. I said, you know, I'm having a little bit of sight problem. Going blind is a big little sight problem. And I think that things started really turning when I got real with myself.”

Despite the challenges she faced, Elizabeth found a way to thrive in her blindness. She learned to appreciate the small things in life and find happiness in the midst of darkness. She shares, “The greatest gift I got from, facing blindness, was learning to really appreciate every single aspect of what you can do, see, experience. Because when I had sight, a weed in between the sidewalk crack was a weed. Let's get rid of it. But when you have a dandelion in the crack of a sidewalk after you've been blind for over ten years, you are having a party over it because you can't believe you see that again.”

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The Miracle of Sight again

After twelve years of living in darkness, Elizabeth received a newly developed, lens implant surgery,  that restored some of her sight. While she still has limited vision in one eye, the surgery was a miraculous breakthrough for her. She describes the moment she regained her sight, saying, “The first thing I saw was this old buick I had brought to Florida from when I had moved down here from New Jersey. And I thought, oh, my goodness, can that be? And at first, I thought I was dreaming. And then I went out to the entry of my house, and my house had been destroyed with a hurricane.

I was in the house when the hurricane struck, all by myself, and I was blind in a closet. So now I have sight back. And I went out to the entry of the house. It was rebuilt. And I remembered the old house because I had sight when I had it. And I said to my husband, ‘Where are we?' And he says, ‘The house.' And I said, ‘Whose house?' And he said, ‘Our house.' And he goes, ‘You lived here for a long time.' And I looked around, and the first thing I thought of, I cried with gratefulness. I just couldn't believe that something that even until this surgery came to be, I mean, this doctor had created this, lens implant surgery, only a year and a half prior to me going there and only because I had a pain behind an eye that was blind.”

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Facing blindness with strength and resilience

Elizabeth's journey while, facing blindness, is a testament to the, power of resilience, and the ability to find joy and purpose in the face of adversity. Her story serves as an inspiration to others who may be facing their own challenges. She encourages people to never give up and to believe in themselves. Elizabeth says, “Don't ever lose faith in what you can do because all of it is really pretty much on you. So if you have that confidence, you can really combat some of the biggest obstacles that you thought you never could.”

In her book, “Eclipsed,” Elizabeth shares her story with the hope of helping others find their way through catastrophic loss. She wants readers to walk away with a renewed sense of hope and the belief that they can overcome any obstacle. Elizabeth's message is clear: never give up on yourself and find the beauty in every situation, no matter how challenging.

As we reflect on Elizabeth's journey, we are reminded of the resilience of the human spirit and the, power of perseverance. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. Elizabeth's ability to thrive in the face of blindness is a testament to the strength and resilience within each of us.

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Transform Your Mind

Conclusion Facing Blindness

In conclusion, Elizabeth Pizzarello's story is a powerful reminder that challenges can be transformed into triumphs. Her journey from blindness to limited sight is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of belief in oneself. Through her book, “Eclipsed,” Elizabeth offers inspiration and hope to those facing their own challenges. Her story serves as a reminder that no matter how difficult life may seem, there is always a way to find joy and purpose. As we move forward, let us embrace Elizabeth's message and remember that we have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Book Eclipsed
Book Eclipsed

To learn more about Elizabeth Pizzarello and her book, “Eclipsed,” you can visit her website at You can also find her on social media, including Facebook and Instagram, under the handle Beth Pizzarello.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Author's Corner. If you enjoyed this conversation, please subscribe to our podcast on YouTube or iTunes and leave a review. We appreciate your support. Until next time, remember to never give up and always believe in yourself. Namaste.

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Bridging Between: A Journey of Transformation and Hope

Welcome to this week's episode of Author's Corner, where we showcase local authors and their books.  Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate.

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with author Lt. Bailey, the creative mind behind “Bridging Between: Spirit's Energy, Transformation, Reset for Mother's Earth.” This spiritually insightful fictional tale takes readers on a life-changing journey as seven individuals receive a powerful divine message. While the book is fictional, it offers valuable insights that can be applied to our own lives and, personal transformations.

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The Motivation Behind “Bridging Between”

When asked about the motivation behind writing “Bridging Between,” Lt. Bailey shared her desire to find peace and hope amidst the chaos of everyday life. She expressed the exhaustion that comes from being bombarded with negativity through various media channels. Lt. Bailey's inspiration for the book came during a moment of meditation, where she heard the word “laptop” and felt compelled to open Microsoft Word. From there, the words and vision flowed through her, guiding her to write this transformative story.


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The Message of Unity and Transformation

“Bridging Between” centers around seven individuals, each representing one of the seven continents, who receive a shared vision and message. Lt. Bailey explains that the message is one of unity and, spiritual transformation. Humanity is called upon to come together and manifest a vision of healing for Mother Earth.  Just as, Habitat for Humanity,  helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home. The characters in the book embark on a journey to fulfill this vision, guided by the energy of the, spirit realm.

The author emphasizes that the message is not limited to the fictional realm of the book. She believes that there are others around the world who will receive similar messages through their own native languages and cultural contexts. Lt. Bailey envisions a global movement where individuals from all walks of life unite to bring about positive change and rescue, Mother Earth, from the destructive forces that threaten its sustainability.


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The Role of Spirit and Higher Self

Lt. Bailey reveals that the message in “Bridging Between” comes from a higher source, which she identifies as her, higher self. She emphasizes that the, higher self, is connected to the, spirit realm, and the great source, which individuals may perceive as their own concept of God. The characters in the book also connect with their own great sources, whether it be ascended masters, spirit guides, or angels. The message is clear: when humanity aligns with the, spirit realm, and taps into the power of the great source, anything is possible.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

The Practice of Peace

One of the key messages in “Bridging Between” is the importance of peace. Lt. Bailey highlights that peace is not just a hope, but a practice. She encourages readers to transform their thought processes and take actions that promote peace in their own lives and in the world. Lt. Bailey believes that by treating each other with respect and kindness, and by working together towards a common goal, humanity can create a more peaceful and harmonious existence.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Implications and Potential Impact

The themes explored in “Bridging Between” have significant implications for our world today. Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate. The book serves as a reminder that we are all interconnected and that our actions and thoughts have the power to shape our reality.

By embracing the message of “Bridging Between,” individuals can contribute to the healing of, Mother Earth, and the betterment of humanity. The book offers a blueprint for personal and collective transformation, urging readers to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Lt. Bailey's vision of a global movement towards unity and peace has the potential to create a profound impact on our world.

Book Bridging Between
Book Bridging Between

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, “Bridging Between” is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that invites readers to embark on a journey of transformation and hope. Lt. Bailey's powerful message of unity, peace, and the power of the spirit realm resonates deeply in our current world. By embracing the principles outlined in the book, individuals can contribute to the healing of Mother Earth and the betterment of humanity.

As Lt. Bailey continues to promote her book and spread its message, she hopes to connect with readers from all corners of the globe. Through her website, social media platforms, and various online channels, Lt. Bailey aims to ignite a global movement of individuals who are committed to transforming their own lives and making a positive impact on the world.

Let us join Lt. Bailey on this transformative journey and work together to bridge the gap between our individual selves and the collective consciousness. By embracing unity, transformation, and peace, we can create a brighter future for ourselves, future generations, and Mother Earth.


Author's Note: The above article is a transcription of the podcast episode featuring author Lt. Bailey. The content has been edited for clarity and readability.

The Benefits of Vocational Training: Unlocking Opportunities for Success

Robert W. Lamar, author of “The Value of High School Vocation Training,” joins Myrna Young on the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life podcast. Lamar shares his personal experience on the, benefits of vocational training, in high school and how it helped shape his successful, career in construction. He emphasizes the, benefits of vocational training, for students who may not have the means or desire to attend college. Lamar hopes his book will promote the importance of, vocational programs in schools, and encourage students to consider this valuable alternative.

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Introduction to vocational training

Robert's journey began in Washington, DC, where he spent his childhood in the Hillcrest Home for Children. Growing up without a father, he faced many challenges but found solace in, vocational training, during high school. He started working early to support himself and discovered the opportunities that, vocational training, classes offered.

During his sophomore year, Robert stumbled upon a vocational program in landscape planning and engineering. This program, sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers, taught him how to use transits and levels, prepare site plans, and do topography on drawings. The Army Corps of Engineers even guaranteed a job with the Coastal Geodetic Survey upon graduation.

“I was fascinated to learn how to use transits and levels and do drawings. The program went beyond just landscape planning and engineering. We assisted with drawings for different sites, showing where to place plants and trees. It was a comprehensive learning experience.” – Robert

Robert's passion for, vocational training, continued in his junior and senior years when he switched to, architectural drafting. Under the guidance of Mr. Muth, his teacher, Robert honed his skills in, drawing structural and  architectural plans. He even had the opportunity to work on real projects for the Montgomery County School Board, helping design wood shops, metal shops, and automotive shops for new school buildings.

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Vocational Training led to career in Construction

“I learned how to draw anything and everything needed inside a building. This experience laid the foundation for my career in construction.” – Robert

Upon graduating from high school, Robert was offered a job by an architect who had reviewed his work. He worked as an, architectural draftsman, for four years, gaining valuable experience in the field. This paved the way for his career in construction, where he specialized in building one-of-a-kind laboratories in Maryland and Washington, DC.

“The knowledge and experience I gained from, vocational training, helped me excel in my career. I could draw any part of a building, whether it was below ground or above ground. It paid off tremendously.” – Robert

After working for various companies, Robert decided to start his own construction company, which he successfully ran for 15 years. He built high-end office buildings and even had the opportunity to work on prestigious residential projects for Aaron Spelling and Jerry Parencio.

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Vocational training led to my own construction company

“My construction company allowed me to showcase my skills and work on remarkable projects. From high-end offices to luxurious residences, vocational training, opened doors for me.” – Robert

Inspired by his own journey, Robert wrote “The Value of High School Vocational Training” to shed light on the, benefits of vocational training. He wanted to encourage mothers, high school students, and anyone listening to consider the, benefits of vocational training.

“I wrote this book to highlight the importance of, vocational training, for students who may not have the means or desire to attend college. Vocational programs, provide valuable knowledge and experience, enabling students to secure well-paying jobs without the burden of student loans.” – Robert

Robert's book also aims to promote the incorporation of, vocational programs, in high schools across the country. He believes that each community should tailor their, vocational training, offerings to meet the specific needs of their area.

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Vocational training programs in High School

“Vocational training programs, should be designed to address the demands of the local job market. By doing so, we can equip students with the skills they need to succeed in their communities.” – Robert

The implications of, vocational training, are vast. It not only provides students with practical skills but also instills a sense of confidence and purpose. By offering, vocational programs in high schools, we can bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive.

“Education is never wasted, and, vocational training, is a testament to that. It opens doors and unlocks opportunities for success.” – Robert


In conclusion, Robert Lamar's journey from, high school vocational training, to a successful career in construction is a testament to the, benefits  of vocational training. His book, “The Value of High School Vocational Training,” serves as a guide for students, parents, and educators, emphasizing the, benefits of vocational training, in shaping the future workforce.

By investing in, vocational training, we can empower students to pursue fulfilling careers and contribute to their communities. Let us embrace the potential of, vocational education, and create a future where every student has the opportunity to transform their lives through practical skills and knowledge.

As we move forward, let us remember the words of Robert Lamar, “There's no limit to what, vocational training, can teach you. It all depends on the programs developed in each school and the needs of the local community.”


Healing Trauma Through The Power of Self-Empathy

Krystal Boothe author of Deep Inner Soul – Healing with self empathy shares tips from her book on how to heal childhood trauma. In the depths of trauma's impact, the journey to healing often begins with, self-empathy. Krystal's book delves into the profound role, self-empathy, plays in the healing process, guiding individuals towards transformative recovery.  Krystal introduces concepts from her book that unravels the layers of trauma, while providing practical tools and exercises for self-nurturing and healing.

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Krystal Boothe is a licensed clinical social worker and owner of Wings of The Future. Krystal  grew up in Detroit Michigan from an underprivileged family in an abusive home. Her father had two wives (didn't know that was legal in America) the abusive environment made a major impact on her schooling she had a special education classes.

As a result, she found herself repeating the cycle of abuse and became a victim (always happens).  After leaving her abuser she married her current husband in 1999, but after 14 years of marriage they divorced only to reunite three years later.  Together they founded Wings of The Future shortly afterwards. Krystal work now focuses on the, complex trauma, in the adult population.  she works with a diverse population of adults adolescents and children with anxiety, depression, bipolar, PTSD, ADHD and a host of other diagnosis.

Myrna: Krystal I want to start off by asking you in your work as a clinical social worker what did you personally learn or discover in life that led you to this point to write books about, healing trauma?

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Childhood trauma leads to toxic relationships

Krystal: It kind of started all out when I was in Los Angeles County working for the county at a facility for teenagers who are involved in the legal system.  I noticed that all of the clients they would give me, all of them had childhood trauma.  During the Discovery process and assessments all of them had trauma.

I just started to see the repeating underlining causes of why they were incarcerated and why they were having problems in school. Including learning, focused concentration, memory problems, and the  inability to have healthy relationships resulting in a  lot of toxic relationships.  That discovery led me on this path as well as my own struggles with focused concentration and memory.

I was not able to do well in school myself and so I started to connect the dots and that's when I started to realize that trauma was the underlying cause of these problems.  It wasn't just Mental Health, it's been proven. Science shows that whenever you see someone with trauma, the psychologist can go back and pinpoint a certain point in your childhood, not even maybe as a teenager it started.

Trauma can starts very early and it impacts the way you see the world and how you see yourself.

Myrna: I've had several people on the show that confirmed this. And you are correct a lot of times those behaviors or those traumas, leads to incarceration and problems with the justice system.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Key elements to healing trauma: Self-empathy

Myrna: Can you describe the process of, healing trauma, and what are some key elements for people to learn how to heal from trauma?

Krystal: One of the key elements that I  mentioned in the book, is the inability to be vulnerable and authentic with yourself. A lot of times trauma brings a lot of shame and so people typically will not want to open up anymore. They'll shut down and that's just one of the byproducts of trauma, and so the ability to be vulnerable and honest with others and themselves.

Deep Inner Soul Healing with self-empathy addresses how to  get back to that place before you were damaged.  The book teaches you how to do that through the, empathy exercises.

Myrna:  I know you've got personal experience  from being a child in an abusive home, then you were able to start your career and see it in others.  What inspired you to write this book and what message do you hope readers will take away from the book?

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Deep Inner Soul Healing with self-empathy

Krystal: What I realized is that the key component to help trigger the brain to get back to that place of vulnerability and authenticity honesty was that the person was waiting to be cared for.  They were  waiting for someone to say something kind to them,  someone to validate them.  That led me on a scientific Journey with my clients up creating these empathy exercises.

Before I even wrote the book,  I decided to just go through these, empathy exercises, with the client pinpointing the specific traumas and see what happened to the brain,  and what happened to the heart.  These exercises allowed my clients to hear for themselves what they were expecting other people to tell them.

As they began to receive what they needed to heal, it was almost like an antidote, they started to let naturally.  Let go of the pain that was causing them to be unable to forgive or being unable to let something go or be unable to move forward and think of anything else other than what had happened to them.

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Healing with self-empathy allows us to move forward

Trauma has devastating  effects on the brain and on the body and in so many other areas. God gave me the word, I heard it in my spirit, empathy exercises, and I thought to myself, empathy exercises, okay.  I know what an exercise is it's something that you do over and over again and I know what empathy is but then I said he's meaning, self-empathy.

So then I started to say, self-empathy,  what does it look like, what would it sound like, what would it feel like?   I started writing out some things that were empathy because I have a very high emotional intelligence so I was able to discern what people needed to hear.   I'm going to trigger the same emotional reaction in their physiological body and in their brain and thereby get them where they want to go.

Myrna: Are these exercises affirmations? A lot of times affirmations don't work because your brain is saying oh that's bull crap.  Give me an example of a of a, self-empathy exercise, that someone will do and that their brain will believe it.

Krystal:  I teach people how to reconnect in their body and in their hearts and when they go into their heart that's where this work takes place this work does not take place in the brain.  It affects the brain, it helps rewire the brain, it helps the brain to let things go; but everything that they do they is from the heart not the brain.

Self empathy reconnects with the heart and body

I teach them to how to reconnect with their bodies and a lot of times people do not want to reconnect with their bodies because that's exactly where the pain is. So I teach them how to slowly but surely isolate various incidents that have happened to them.  We go through and unpack all that stuff, get it clear what we're going in for and then we go into the heart, we don't go into the brain. The brain only believes with the heart.

Once you  shift over into to true empathy for yourself, you realize that oh someone cares for me. That someone is you.

Myrna: That's actually pretty good work. What do you want people to walk away with after reading your book?

Krystal: One of the biggest message I want people to walk away with is that I  can heal.  People lose hope because they have tried everything,  they've done everything.   I want to reinstall in people that there's hope, that they can actually heal.  Because once a person hope is activated, they are willing to do the work.

Book: Deep Inner Soul Healing with Self-Empathy
Book: Deep Inner Soul Healing with Self-Empathy

Myrna: so how can someone pick up a copy of your book and also get a hold of you for therapy? Your company is called Wings of the future.

I am on social media I'm on Instagram  I'm going to be starting a little small group where I'm going to be allowing people to kind of meet with the author of the book where they're going to get actually meet with me.  I'm going to go through the book with people and it's just going to be for a very small nominal monthly fee.  They're going to be able to meet with me if they can't go to therapy, because not everybody has money for therapy.

Additional Resources 

Embracing Change Together: The Transformative Power of Group Therapy