Tag Archives: author

How to Become the Author of Your Life

You are the, author of your life. When we were born we had an beginning page and an end page.  It is up to us to, author, and fill in the pages in-between. We are the, author, of the script, the director and the producer of our lives. Life by design, is what I teach as a, life coach. And I think that one of the first things that we can do is if we understand the power of self-amplifying feedback loops, the way our spaces influence our thinking and our thinking in turn influences our spaces.  We could then control what happens to us by exercising creative control over the circumstances that we throw ourselves into.

Introduction to Life by Design

There's always going to be the wild card. There's always going to be the circumstances you can't plan for; but, life by design, is the concept that we can use our thoughts and the, law of attraction, to bring to us all that we desire.  There's always the unexpected relevance and the, serendipity. But just like that book The Power of Pull talks about, we can funnel the, serendipity, or we can channel the, serendipity, funnel. We can help engender and engineer serendipity by the choices that we make every moment, and live a, life by design.

  • We all have experienced the, serendipity, of relevant information arriving just when we were least expecting it.

  • It was only through pure, serendipity, that I met my best friend!

  • Your chances of finding such a feature are down to either extremely assiduous trawling or mere, serendipity.

So by cultivating rich social networks, by cultivating weak ties, not just closed ties but the weak ties, by becoming connectors and by connecting others so that they connect us, we create a world in which these self-amplifying feedback loops feed on top of each other. So good circumstances lead to other good circumstances which lead to other good circumstances and each one of them encourages us to then live more openly and participate in that sort of creative flow space. Live a, life by design.

Be the, author, of your own self-help book, I just really believe that our creative choices ultimately shape who we become and so we should all be discerning and be radically open whenever possible and I think that we really can make a masterpiece out of our own lives if we so choose. But that requires, it requires a boldness of character as well, because seeing the radical freedom to live a, life by design. We have to compose our lives, what Leary called internal freedom.

The vertigo of freedom, this dizzying – what do I do? I can do anything? Well, the paradox of too much choice. But I think we can embrace that with courage and with boldness, and once we do, there's nothing we can't do but, author, the life we want.

How to Become the Author of our your Life

You are the, author of your life, As the, author of your life,  you can begin by taking control of our own lives. This  requires recognizing that while family or social circumstances influence our character, they do not determine it absolutely. The same is true of the most basic instincts that come from our heredity and bodily constitution. These instinctive ways of acting can be molded and guided by the exercise of a will that heeds the dictates of a well-formed reason.

Our personality is forged to the extent that we make free decisions, since our actions not only alter our environment but also shape our way of being. Although at times we aren’t fully aware of it, the repetition of acts leads us to acquire particular customs or attitudes in facing reality. Therefore when we explain the reason for our spontaneous reactions, rather than saying “that’s the way I am,” we should often admit: “that’s the way I have made myself.”

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Our lives are conditioned by factors that are often difficult to control: for example, the quality of family relationships, the social environment in which we grow up, an illness that limits us in one way or another, etc. Although often we are unable to ignore or undo these limitations, we can certainly change our attitude in confronting them, especially if we are aware that nothing escapes God’s provident care.

It is important to keep reminding ourselves that Jesus did not address himself to a privileged set of people; he came to reveal the universal love of God to us. God loves all mankind, and he wants all to love him.  God is also the, author, and finisher of our lives. In any situation, even one that entails great limitations, we can offer God and our neighbors deeds of love, no matter how small these may seem. Who knows how great the value is of a smile in the midst of tribulation, of suffering offered to our Lord in union with the Cross, of patiently accepting small annoyances and setbacks! Nothing can quench a limitless love, a love stronger than suffering, loneliness, abandonment, betrayal, slander, physical and moral suffering, and even death itself.

Additional resources

How to be Happy with Less

How to Fly like an Eagle above the Storms of Life


Exploring the Mystique of Time Travel

Time travel, is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel, is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction.

In this episode of “Author's Corner,” host Myrna Young interviews Julia Cooper, daughter of author John Norman Cooper, about his book “The Recycling of Nathan Scrimshaw.” The book explores the extraordinary life of Nathan Scrzimshaw,  a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome. Nathan's powers allow him to manipulate time allows him to, time travel,  and have a profound impact on the people he encounters. Julia shares the inspiration behind the book and discusses its themes of identity, consciousness, and the concept of recycling oneself. Don't miss this mind-blowing adventure that explores the mystique of, time travel.

Download the Podcast here: 



Key Takeaways:

  • “The Recycling of Nathan Scrimshaw” is a captivating two-part saga that delves into the extraordinary life of Nathan Scrzimshaw, a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome.
  • The book challenges readers' perspectives on reality and human consciousness, offering an intellectual and immersive experience.
  • With its unique blend of supernatural elements and time travel, the story raises thought-provoking questions about identity, the nature of existence, and the power of the human mind.

Unveiling the Extraordinary Journey of Nathan Scrimshaw

In the captivating book “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw,” author John Norman Cooper takes readers on an extraordinary journey into the life of Nathan Scrzimshaw, a teenager with unexplained powers and a condition known as Draco syndrome. This two-part saga blurs the lines between reality and the supernatural, challenging readers' perspectives on human consciousness and the unexplained powers that lie within.

The story kicks off with Nathan Scrzimshaw, an ordinary adolescent boy who becomes the center of attention when people from around the world start showing a keen interest in him. A celebrity TV quiz master and his wife travel from South Africa to London to meet Nathan, driven by their knowledge of his extraordinary powers. Nathan's powers manifest through a glowing groin, which has the ability to reverse aging in women and transform adolescent girls into stunning beauties. However, Nathan remains unaware of his powers and is left questioning his identity and the source of his abilities.

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The Quandary of Identity and the Power of Time travel 

One of the central themes explored in “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is the quandary of identity. Nathan's powers and the Draco syndrome raise profound questions about who he is and where his abilities come from. As readers delve into the story, they witness Nathan's struggle to understand his own existence and the purpose behind his powers. This exploration of identity resonates with readers, particularly teenagers and young adults, who often grapple with questions of self-discovery and finding their place in the world.

Another intriguing aspect of the book is the manipulation of time. While not traditional, time travel, Nathan's encounters with others through his powers allow him to gain a bird's-eye view of their thoughts and experiences. This unique perspective adds depth to the narrative and offers a social commentary on human behavior and relationships. Cooper's skillful writing transports readers to 1950s London, where they witness the impact of Nathan's powers on the people around him, creating a rich and immersive reading experience.

The Concept of Recycling and the Eternal Nature of the Soul

“The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” also explores the concept of recycling, both in terms of the story's plot and its broader implications. Nathan's powers and the idea of Draco syndrome suggest that nothing is ever truly lost. The book challenges the conventional notion of death as the end, presenting the idea that the soul lives on and is recycled or reincarnated. This theme aligns with the growing awareness of the eternal nature of the soul in various spiritual and philosophical traditions.

Cooper's exploration of recycling extends beyond the individual level to encompass the broader concept of environmental sustainability. In a time when the world is grappling with the consequences of excessive consumption and waste, the book serves as a reminder that recycling is not limited to physical materials but also applies to the spiritual and metaphysical realms.

Intrigue, Mystery, and a Compelling Narrative

“The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is a thought-provoking and immersive read that challenges readers' understanding of reality, human consciousness, and the power of the mind. Cooper's skillful storytelling and vivid descriptions bring the characters and settings to life, making it a compelling and engaging experience for readers.

The book's exploration of identity, the manipulation of time, and the concept of recycling offer readers a unique and intellectually stimulating journey. By delving into these themes, Cooper invites readers to question their own understanding of the world and the mysteries that lie within.

Book The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw
Book The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw

In conclusion, “The Recycling of Nathan Scrzimshaw” is a must-read for those seeking an intellectual challenge, a fresh perspective on reality, and an engaging and immersive experience. Cooper's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking themes make this two-part saga a captivating and unforgettable journey into the depths of human consciousness and the unexplained powers that reside within us all.

Additional Resources