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Dancing with Courage: A Journey on Overcoming Adversity

In this podcast episode, Myrna Young interviews J.R Martinez, a burn survivor and New York Times bestselling author. J.R shares his inspiring story of resilience and strength, from, overcoming adversity, as a child to surviving a tragic accident in the military. He discusses the importance of gratitude, vulnerability, and embracing one's true identity. J.R's motto, “life is what you make it,” serves as a powerful reminder that we have the ability to adapt and, overcome adversity.

Adversity is an inescapable part of life, but it is how we, overcome adversity,  that shapes our future. J.R. Martinez's remarkable journey from a devastating injury to a triumphant victory on “Dancing with the Stars” is a testament to human resilience. In this thought leadership article, we'll explore the inspiring conversation between life coach Myrna Young and J.R. Martinez, who lives his life leading with heart, light, and an indomitable spirit.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Gratitude and focusing on the micro aspects of life can transform one’s perspective and foster resilience, overcoming adversity.

  • Embracing vulnerability allows for personal growth and is an essential component for triumphing in unknown territories.

  • Seeking out and stepping through the metaphorical ‘cracked doors’ of opportunity can lead to unanticipated, life-changing paths.

Overcoming Adversity: The Foundations of Resilience

Resilience is not an innate attribute one is born with; it is a trait that is meticulously developed over time through life experiences. J.R. Martinez's early years were marked by frequent relocation and witnessing domestic abuse, which laid the foundational stones of his resilient character. His reflections with Myrna emphasize the vital role those years played in equipping him to face the dire circumstances he later encountered in Iraq. His message is clear: our past forms the crux of our survival instinct.

“…you can't start my story at the age of 19… you're dismissing all of the things that have shaped me…”J.R. Martinez

Martinez underscores the necessity of practicing resilience through exercises in adaptability and mental fortitude. This early life training taught him to value what he had over what he desired, a lesson bestowed upon him by his mother's transparency regarding their financial constraints. It is these assets of character, woven over the fabric of 19 years, that empowered Martinez to persevere through the life-altering injuries he sustained.

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Vulnerability: The Power in ‘Not Knowing' in Overcoming Adversity

The conversation delves into the concept of vulnerability, particularly in relation to growth and success. Martinez's time on “Dancing with the Stars” exemplifies vulnerability, as he had to concede the leading role to his professional dance partner and trust in her expertise. It's a potent metaphor for life – sometimes one must follow to find a new path forward.

“You have to be vulnerable… You also have to be willing to be vulnerable on the show.” J.R. Martinez

This vulnerability also extends to interpersonal dynamics. By willingly entering the room of a fellow burn victim, bearing the still-fresh scars of his own injury, Martinez opened a space for mutual healing. Surrendering to the unknown prospects life presents – be it recovery, a dance competition, or a new career – requires one to embrace vulnerability. It is through this exposure that J.R. Martinez was able to reclaim his identity and, overcoming adversity, by showing the world that he is not defined by his scars.

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Overcoming Adversity:  Doors of Opportunity

J.R. Martinez speaks of the ‘cracked doors' – opportunities that present themselves, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. These doors beckon us to step into the unknown, to lean into discomfort and trust that it will lead to growth and transformation. He recounts how being open to such prospects led him from being an actor on “All My Children” to a winner of “Dancing with the Stars.”

“…I've seen enough cracked doors, a little bit of light, and I've gone over there…” J.R. Martinez

This theme conveys the importance of seizing opportunities, even when they diverge from our preconceived notions or original plans. Martinez’s willingness to walk through these openings has allowed him to redefine success and, overcome adversity, proving that life can flourish after tragedy.

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Harnessing Extraordinary Perspectives

The key points from J.R. Martinez's dialogue issue a clair call to everyone gritting their teeth and, overcoming adversity. The mapping of his life showcases gratitude, vulnerability, and the courage to chase the flickers of light that promise a continuation of journey and discovery. His story reveals that triumph can emerge from the ashes of despair when one leads with an open heart.

Martinez's narrative, full of wisdom and light, offers profound insights. While not everyone will dance on national television or write a bestselling memoir, their everyday courage, manifested through gratitude, open-mindedness, and a willingness to seize unexpected opportunities, is a dance of triumph in its own right. Whether facing personal battles or global pandemics, it is these human stories that echo the enduring message: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain!

Additional Resources

How to Turn Adversity into Opportunity

Unraveling the Web of Limiting Beliefs

Host Myrna Young is joined by guest Shelly Lefkoe to discuss how to stop negative self-talk which stems from our, limiting beliefs, at its source. Shelly shares her personal experience with unwanted behavior and emotional patterns and explains how, limiting beliefs, shape our behavior and emotions. She introduces the Lefkoe Method, a process for identifying and changing hidden beliefs that impact our lives. By understanding the meaning we give to events and eliminating negative beliefs, we can transform our, negative self-talk, and create lasting change.

Download the podcast to learn how to free yourself from, limiting beliefs, and live a more empowered life.

Download the podcast here: 



Key Takeaways on Eliminating Limiting Beliefs

  • The Roots of Self-Talk: Negative self-talk, stems from deep-seated beliefs, often formed in childhood, that color our view of ourselves and the world.

  • The Power of Belief Elimination: Identifying and dismantling, limiting beliefs, can significantly change behavior patterns and emotional responses, leading to profound transformation.

  • Event Interpretation's Illusion: An event by itself holds no inherent meaning; the meaning we apply is a subjective interpretation often driven by underlying beliefs.

The Genesis of Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk, is the internalized voice that criticizes and undermines our actions and choices. According to Shelly Lefkoe, this self-sabotaging dialogue originates from our, limiting beliefs—statements about reality we consider the absolute truth. These beliefs usually develop during childhood as we interact with our environment and authority figures.

“So we always say it isn't what happens to you that screws you up, it's what you conclude about it.”

Lefkoe suggests that even minor comments or actions by parents can shape significant beliefs about one's self-worth and capability. A parent’s disapproval or inability to provide affection might lead a child to believe they are not good enough or not lovable, thereby setting the stage for a lifetime of, negative self-talk, based on these erroneous self-conceptions.

What becomes evident is the profound impact of seemingly trivial moments early in life which necessitate a shift in how parents approach their interactions with their children. Patterns observed in adults can often be traced back to these primal beliefs solidified in the subconscious of the young.

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Eradicating Limiting Beliefs

Shelly Lefko's Lefkoe Method aims to dismantle destructive beliefs by tracing them back to their source. This involves exploring various possible interpretations of past events rather than sticking with the initial negative conclusion we might have drawn.

“Anything you can see has a color, shape, and location. You cannot see ‘I'm not good enough'. You can see your father saying, ‘you're stupid'… I made that up.”

With guidance, individuals can understand that what they believed to be hardwired truths about themselves were actually malleable opinions. By exposing the baselessness of such beliefs, people can rid themselves of the, negative self-talk, that stems from them.

Lefkoe's assertion that beliefs cemented in childhood do not necessarily reflect current reality encourages individuals to reassess and redefine their self-identity. It brings hope and empowerment to those who may feel shackled by their past experiences and perceived deficiencies. The Lefkoe Method thus provides a means to reclaim one's life narrative and author a more fulfilling future.

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Beyond Interpretation: Embracing Objectivity

A critical aspect of transforming self-talk is understanding the nature of events and their lack of inherent meaning. Lefkoe emphasizes that the narratives we construct around incidents are purely our fabrications and that events by themselves are meaningless.

“If meaning is inside your head, do events have inherent meaning?”

By asking this question, Lefkoe compels us to realize that our emotional responses and subsequent, negative self-talk, are products of the meanings we attribute to events rather than the events per se. A paradigm shift occurs when one grasps that the ability to control one’s emotional responses lies in controlling the interpretations we make, thereby not allowing them to influence our self-perception negatively.

This knowledge can revolutionize relationships and self-belief as it dissociates one's intrinsic value from the actions of others or external circumstances. Internalizing the concept that meaning is a construct can lead to a remarkable decrease in negative self-talk and enhance one's emotional well-being.

Synthesizing the conversation with Shelly Lefkoe reveals that the journey of personal growth hinges on recognizing, challenging, and rectifying the foundational beliefs shaping our self-talk and behaviors. By confronting the roots of, negative self-talk, and, limiting beliefs, individuals can disarm the ties to past inconsistencies and re-affirm their self-worth devoid of fictitious constraints.

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Whether it’s reprogramming the narrative constructed from a tender age or resisting the urge to infer unwarranted meaning from life’s myriad events, the path to self-transformation is illuminated with clarity and empowerment. The essence of Lefkoe's insights is that true liberation and potential are only as distant as our adherence to fabricated meanings and unexplored beliefs.

Additional Resources
Here are Shelly's social handles