Tag Archives: sexual energy

Twin Flames: A Journey of Love and Spiritual Awakening

Shelby Carino joins host Myrna Young to discuss the reality of, twin flames. Shelby shares her personal journey with, twin flames, and explains that, twin flame, is an energy, not a person. She emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself and working on personal growth before attracting a twin flame.

Shelby also addresses the push and pull dynamic in, twin flame relationships and the need for women to lead and guide their partners spiritually. She offers a course to help women break free from limiting beliefs and outdated patterns in order to manifest their, twin flame.

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Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life radio, podcast, and television show. I'm your host, life coach Myrna Young. Today, we have a special guest, Shelby Carino, who will be joining us to discuss the fascinating topic of navigating the reality of, twin flames. If you've never heard of, twin flames, before, I encourage you to stay until the end because knowledge is power. Understanding the concept of, twin flames, can help us attract and cultivate deep, meaningful relationships. So let's dive right in and explore this intriguing topic.

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What are Twin Flames?

What is a, twin flame meaning. According to Shelby, twin flame definition, is an energy, a fifth dimention energy,  that manifests through the mirrored effect of our higher soul journey. It represents the other half of ourselves, whether it be the masculine or feminine energy. The, twin flame, is not just a person, but an energy that helps us grow and ascend spiritually. It is a deep, soulful connection that goes beyond surface-level compatibility.

Shelby's personal journey with, twin flames, began in 2011 when she experienced a spiritual awakening. She stumbled upon the concept of twin flames through a meditation and manifested a person who embodied the qualities she associated with a, twin flame. However, she soon realized that the, twin flame, is not solely about the person, but about the energy and the depth of the connection.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

The Misrepresentation of Twin Flames

Shelby highlights the misrepresentation of, twin flames, in popular culture, particularly in the documentary “Twin Flame Universe” on Netflix. She cautions against the dangerous ideology perpetuated by some self-proclaimed gurus who claim to have the ultimate knowledge of, twin flames. These individuals often convince people that there is only one specific person who is their, twin flame, and that they must do whatever it takes to be with that person. This misrepresentation can lead to obsession, stalking, and unhealthy behaviors.

Shelby emphasizes that the, twin flame, is not about being fixated on one person, but about the energy and the growth it brings. It is a journey of self-discovery and spiritual development. The, twin flame, is an energy that can be manifested through various relationships, not just one specific person.

Twin flame seperation: The Dance of the Runner and Chaser

There is such a thing as, twin flame seperation. In the realm of, twin flames, there is often a dynamic of the runner and chaser. This occurs when one person becomes overwhelmed by the intensity of the connection and tries to distance themselves, while the other person desperately chases after them. Shelby explains that this dynamic arises when the chaser projects their energy onto the runner, overwhelming them and causing them to retreat.

To break free from this, twin flame seperation, Shelby advises women to focus on their own spiritual growth and balance their feminine and masculine energies. Women have the power to guide their partners into their own, spiritual awakening, but they must first be in control of themselves and their own energy. By doing so, they can create a healthy and balanced dynamic in the, twin flame relationship.

Twin flame love: Breaking Free from Limiting Patterns and Beliefs

In, twin flame love, Shelby's work revolves around helping women break free from limiting subconscious patterns and outdated spiritual beliefs. She offers a relationship reset course that helps individuals reset their foundation of what relationships are truly about. By challenging old belief systems and integrating new perspectives, individuals can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

The, twin flame, journey is an opportunity for individuals to transform their minds and release outdated beliefs and escape the reality of the, fake twin. It requires deep self-reflection, spiritual growth, and a willingness to let go of old patterns that no longer serve them. Through Shelby's courses and guidance, individuals can gain the knowledge and tools to navigate the, twin flame love, with grace and authenticity.

Twin Flame vs Soul mate

Navigating the reality of, twin flames, is a profound and transformative journey. It is not just about finding a, soul mate, but about connecting with the deepest parts of ourselves and experiencing spiritual growth. The, twin flame vs soul mate, energy serves as a catalyst for self-discovery and ascension.

As we continue to evolve and move into the, fifth dimension energy, the concept of, twin flames, becomes even more relevant. We are being called to go beyond surface-level connections and seek deeper, more meaningful relationships.  We are going deeper than even, soul mate, relationships. By understanding the true nature of twin flames and working on our own spiritual development, we can attract and cultivate the relationships that align with our highest selves.

Twin Flames Conclusion

In conclusion, the journey of, twin flames, is a path of love, growth, and spiritual awakening. It is an opportunity to connect with our true essence and experience the highest form of love, twin flame love.  By embracing the energy of, twin flames, and working on our own spiritual development, we can create fulfilling and transformative relationships. So, let us embark on this journey with open hearts and open minds, ready to embrace the depth and beauty that, twin flames, have to offer.

Additional Resources

How to Find your Soul Mate or Twin Flame

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

Sexologist and, Tantra Facilitator, Ms Lorae Lauridge, teaches us the difference between, biological sex and, Tantric sex.  Lorae shares how to use, Tantra, energy to have multiple orgasms and full body orgasms.

Listen to the full interview 

Before we get into out topic, I want to share this story I came across while researching this topic.

Tree of Life, and the, tree of knowledge, as found in the book of Genesis is our first introduction to, sex.

When God placed Adam in the, Garden of Eden, he made him in his own image and that is both male and female because God is both the Alpha and the Omega.

God decided to separate the male and the female so that they could evolve separately, so he took the rib out of the man and he called her Woman; but he made it so that neither the man or the Woman can be complete without the union of the two Souls through, sex,  and spiritual energy,   So that's where this energy comes into play, the only way for two souls, a man and a woman to create is by coming together with the force of the universal sexual energy, sex.

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Sex and Sexual Energy

Let's go back to instructions God give Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He told them that everything in the, Garden of Eden,  could be consumed except the, tree of knowledge also called  The tree of Life, is a symbol for the knowledge of, sex,  and spiritual energy,  So when Satan tempted Eve with the knowledge that she surely would not die if she partook with the, tree of knowledge, or from the, tree of life, he was telling the truth.

You see she wouldn't die physically; but she did die spiritually. We all did because by partaking of the tree of knowledge without the guidance of God, Eve brought pain and suffering into the world.  There's nothing more beautiful and creative than, sex, and spiritual energy, with your spouse, that is how God intended it.  This joining together is the most powerful energy and vibration in the universe and that's why it destroys.  It is often the tool that Satan uses to steal kill and destroy.

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TuneIn Radio

What is, Tantric Sex?

Lorae is a sacred sexuality educator, she coaches men, women, and couples to be enlightened lovers.  Her method is to blend  ancient holistic practices like, Tantra, with the latest Western medical and scientific discoveries in psychology health and, sex. Lorae says mastering sexuality is like mastering a sport, you need to learn from experts and have a certain amount of passion and dedication and create an environment of fun.

Tantric Sex, teaches men and women how to relax and feel at ease with their bodies and how to communicate authentically and develop mastery over their own sexual responses.  In order to be able to map, enjoy and navigate the exotic and foreign landscape of their partner's bodies.

A popular form of tantric sex practice for women is called yoni massage which you can read about on SchoolofSquirt.com.

Sex, Spiritual Energy, and Sexual Transmutation

Sexual Transmutation is energy that is transmuted to create. Most of the CEOs who have achieved greatness in this world is because they transmuted the, sexual energy, either from their spouse or the other woman and they've learned to transmute that, sex, and, sexual energy, into creating something big.

Spiritual Energy Exchange: SEX

Spiritual Energy Exchange, is not the act of, sex, it's not the biology of the act, it's the force that is created when two people come together in the act of, sex, or procreation,  and it's one of the most powerful forces in the Universe. Actually it is the most powerful force in the Universe.

Understanding that, SEX, is more than the biology of the act, but the energy, Spirited Energy Exchange, and it is the way to connect with the divine and get back into the Garden of Eden.

Sacred Sexuality, is different from biological, sex.  Regular, sex, is just functioning on one Level.  I'll explain this quickly.  Think of the Android commercial where you see this gentleman playing a piano and it's a big huge intense, you know concerto singing and he's using all the keys and it's very powerful; but he turns around and you see he's playing on the piano that has only one note. That is what biological, sex, is like.  You are only playing one note, or one dimension. Tantric Sex on the other hand is playing all the notes!

While, sex,  spiritual energy, and sacred sexuality has many nuances and variances and subtleties and you have choices as to its expression.  It can be physical, it can be emotional,  it can be the psychological, it can be spiritual or it can be a combination of all of these or any kind of blend of these pieces.

In this higher level of engaging with yourself you can do, self pleasuring, or can be used in relationships to deepen your connection with your partner on that mind-body-spirit level.

 Sex, Sexual Orgasm, multiple orgasms,  Full-body Orgasm,

Orgasm, is referred when the body has an orgasmic releases.  Sexual, orgasm, for most people is completed in a matter of seconds.

Tantric sex, and, orgasm, facilitates multiple orgasms.   Tantric Sex, is the ability to tap into the orgasmic energy and have it move through the physical body and link up to those other longer extended orgasmic states.  The standard sexual, orgasm, called biological, orgasm, which for some people is no longer than ten seconds.  Some women and men can have, multiple orgasms, which is this a buildup of neurologically through the genital genitalia moving through the nervous system.

The, full-body orgasm, is like a wave. It's not genitally focused. You feel pulsations and this explosion from head to toe!  Wow a lot of people haven't had either of those two, multiple orgasms, or full body orgasm.

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Download and listen to the full interview to learn how to have, multiple orgasms, and, full body orgasms,

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The Secrets of Kundalini Energy Revealed For Spiritual Awakening

Are you looking to activate your spiritual awakening? In this podcast episode, Bec Mylonas spiritual guide and priestess, reveal the secrets of Kundalini energy, and how to access it through meditation. If you're interested in finding out more about Kundalini energy, this podcast is for you! We'll cover the basics of Kundalini energy, its benefits, and how to activate it through meditation. We'll also discuss the dangers of Kundalini energy, and how to protect yourself from them.

Download the podcast here


Why antidepressants block spiritual awakening

Myrna: What was your journey from being on antidepressants to becoming a, spiritual guide?

Bec:  When I was very young, they tried to put me on antidepressants because there is a long history of mental illness in my family. At one time, I was dealing with some pretty crippling, debilitating depression where I wanted to check out and I didn't want to be here. So finally I was put on SSRIs these are serotonin inhibitors. And so the assumption with those meds is that your brain is not producing the serotonin. So what it does is when it releases it, it kind of holds it in the chamber. So it's building on itself, basically. So that's what it was doing. And essentially, all that really did for me was create a flatline so instead of really wanting to check out and no, I was just kind of like zombified.

So my, dark night of the soul, which I'm sure many of you kind of know what that is this process of unfolding or questioning.  I started the process of my own healing. I started taking care of my body, exercising more, reading more and mental health and development and all sorts of things like that including self help spirituality.  Everything gradually got weirder and weirder over the years. I started seeing shamans and healers and psychics.

And through the process of my healing journey, I started to ask, you know, what am I here for, what's my purpose? And that kind of got me into the trajectory of being a coach. So I started out as a coach in news 2018.  When I said yes to coaching, my whole mission or my purpose really opened up to me.  I kept meeting all these healers and then started having these experiences in these realms, crazy stuff happening, speaking to spirits, etc.

I was in Bali, trying to make my business work, I'd also gone off the meds. I was purging so much trauma, like it was like lifetimes of trauma, like extreme amounts of sadness and trauma. I was crying every day didn't know why. And towards the end of the year, after a year of trying to make my business work I kept getting this message that I'm this Healer.

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Bec's Kundalini Awakening

So I said to God if I'm this healer that everyone keeps telling me and then show me and literally like the next day I started having these completely crazy experiences where I was remembering my past lives. I had a spontaneous, kundalini awakening, where I was having these physical things happening to me and speaking other languages and wild emotions. From that moment, it was like three or four months from going to bed a normal person, no concept or idea of any of the spiritual stuff to suddenly remembering past lives, moving energy, doing healing work, helping other people to remember their past lives and activating healers.

Myrna: I learned so much by being on this on this show and interviewing people. I've interviewed I mean a one or two Shamans, so I know what it is. One gentleman went to one of these retreats and that's how he opened himself up to the, kundalini energy. Did you go to any retreats? Or did you just lay in bed and it started coming in?

Bec: To me, so this is like some stuff around the word shaman and I used to say I was a shamanic healer and people would always call me a shaman. The word shaman actually has cultural roots in specific places of the world. So I try not to use that word anymore because there's like a lot of charge around it and I just don't want to negate anyone's experience.  Let's call a spade a spade I am a shaman, basically, because to me, a shaman is someone who traverses the realms between spirit and this physical realm.

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What is a Shaman?

Shamans talk to Spirit, they talk to plants, they talk to animals, they talk to all sorts of various things, non physical beings. So essentially, I that's what I do, and that's what I am. And I had seen a few healers, so I'd seen I was seeing a shaman in Melbourne a couple times I saw him and he didn't use plant medicine. He was like me, he was just a healer. So I maybe had two sessions with him. And basically it was a self initiation process for me so I didn't have the assistance of someone else. It was like because my soul was so ready to come and embody my purpose in this lifetime.

The moment I was like, show me that it was like Okay, now it's time for you to remember.  It's like it all just came online. And that was like, Oh my God. I have all this wisdom, but I don't know where it came from. I can move energy. I remember this stuff. I remember how to do exorcisms and wild stuff.


Myrna: I know a few people who can remember past lives. I follow is Sadhguru and he's able to talk about all his past lives and you know, he became a mystic. It just happened for him, you know, one day he sat down for 14 days or something like that and when he got up, he was a mystic, he was able to see and do and all these amazing things. Why is it that we don't remember our past lives and how is it that you could?

Bec: Yeah, absolutely. So we come here as souls to learn lessons because there is no other place in the universe that is dense. When I say dense, I mean, it's heavy, physically, like it's heavy. When we move past the third dimension, which is the fourth dimension onwards, we lose the physicality so fourth dimension above it's a lighter frequency, right. So emotions for instance, like anger is dense. It's a lower frequency and then joy is very high. Just like that physical reality has different density to a frequency vibration has different density. So this realm of reality is very dense and it's also the lifespans and very short, so souls choose and agree before they kind of reincarnate to come here because it's, it's very good for learning lessons.

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Remembering past lives ancestral trauma

It's very good for learning through pain through contrast through whatever it is. It's like a matrix, right? It's okay to gain come here and learn lessons. And so we choose to come here to learn these lessons, but a lot of the time we need to forget everything that we know, so then we can have this experience because if I came into this lifetime remembering I was this priestess, I was a highly dimensional being of love. I wouldn't have gone through all the things that I went through that enables me to get to that point to then become the leader that I am.

For instance, if you had an illness or a chronic disease of some sort. If you knew that it was all a game and you could very quickly heal yourself because you have that capacity. Would you learn through that illness? Then it would negate the purpose right? So it's almost like if we know the end, the story the journey is pointless.

Myrna: I listen to you know, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and even, Abraham Hicks. So all those people that I listened to and they said we chose our parents, we chose the womb. We chose everything just like you're saying because we want to experience certain things in order to, you know, to learn, as you say, so it's nothing like that, you know? But so how do we learn to surrender and work with the divine?

How to bring in the Divine

Bec: Yeah, so part of that is, as much as we chose this human or this vessel or this identity, that version of you who's Myrna or me, sure we chose these personalities. And ironically we spend most of our life building up these personalities of I am separate. This is who I think I am and I have this identity as a priestess or woman or a daughter or whatever it is stories of who we are, in order to surrender and allow the divine to work through us. We almost need to let go of identification with ourselves as unlimited small being and start seeing ourselves as a source or creator.

So like, for instance, if you take a bucket of water out of the ocean, is it still the ocean? And of course it is still the ocean. And just like that, we have fractals of the one, the one source of energy, some people call that God, the universe, different frameworks and understanding the same thing, but we are literally a fraction of source. So in order to allow that part of ourselves to take more responsibility in our life or work through us, it's almost like we need to relinquish our identities. We need to relinquish our attachments, we need to relinquish our stories of what we think we know.

Myrna: Dr Joe Dispenza in his book Becoming Supernatural is teaching us to connect with universal unified energy field. So is that how you're doing it? Are you letting go of your physical body and your mind and connecting through energy?

Bec: Yeah, so one of my gifts in this life is to be this transmitter for frequency and it's very unique, like shamans do a lot of different things and speak to spirits and all of this stuff. That's literally one of my gifts in this life is to be essentially a very big radio transmitter, which is why I do activations through spoken word and all sorts of things. Because it's like source frequency comes through me and that's amplified.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Using Kundalini Energy to connect to the unified field

I channel energy through my body from different places or from other galaxies and planets and from the earth. So the Earth has her own grid of energy right so like we have our chakra system and there's different chakra points of different places in the earth. And what people like myself or people who learn to use this energy can do is they can face themselves and specific points and call that energy through their body to like magnify like magnify what they're doing.

So yeah, essentially that is what I'm doing. I'm using this energy from the unified energy field. I'm using energy from other beings,  from angels and spirits, whatever, God to channel through me.  I love Dr Joe Dispenza. I've been to his events. I think he's amazing. But his breathing technique that he teaches in his books of the squeezing and pulling the mind out of the body, that's literally Kundalini, he is awakening Kundalini within you. So your Kundalini is this energy that's connected to your life force.

The Kundalini is connected to Shakti which is feminine, and Shiva, which is the masculine and when you can get Shakti which is the feminine to go up to the masculine which is in your crown Shiva consciousness. Then it's divine union, which is union with everything within itself within the world within the universe. So he's teaching basically how to activate your Kundalini. Kundalini is healing energy. It's life force energy.

Myrna: Let's talk about your Kundalini experience. You calling it the dark night of the soul.

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Kundalini Awakening: Orgasmic energy

Bec: l We all have different kinds of experiences with it. Mine was particularly intense and I think it's because I'm here to help people with this. So you can have different volumes of it or strengths of, Kundalini energy, moving through your body, and it can manifest as a tickle like a slight energy pulse or sensation of tingling in your body or heat. Or for me, it's like full body orgasms. I felt  like I was getting penetrated by spirit, like literally having sex with someone and there's no one there. And it's incredible, but that's not the purpose of it.

Because sexual energy is just healing energy. It is life force energy, it's pure creation energy.  So of course it's going to feel orgasmic because the orgasm is how we are burning things right as how we're creating. So you can channel that energy into creativity. You can channel into healing, you can channel into mystic purposes. So like opening your third eye, channeling healing, all sorts of things. It can be used for pretty much anything, but people will like, Oh, I feel this is sexual energy. So therefore, I'm aroused and it's, sexual energy.

With the, Kundalini awakening, you can spontaneously start moving your body into all sorts of weird positions, kind of like yoga poses almost contorting.  I found myself on the floor with like my legs in my chest. Like, you know, you see the exorcisms and they're like doing the crazy stuff. Many times speaking in tongues.  My Kundalini is always so active and awakened because of who I am, I have mystical experiences of profound oneness and love and bliss and ecstasy and literally speaking to God on a random Tuesday.

I've come here to experience spiritual mastery, because I've experienced that in so many lifetimes. I've come here to embody humanity with the spiritual mastery.

Myrna: How can people connect with you?

Bec: I have my own podcast called “Cracked Open” where I talk about all of this stuff.  My website is www.becmylonascom You can find me on Instagram @becmylonis. I kind of facilitate or hold spaces for people to activate their gifts, activate the past life stuff and really activate that purpose. So check out on my website. I've always got offerings. I'm starting my next three month kind of process. I guess you want to call it with people called rebirth soon and that's a complete journey to like decondition and remove and purge and clear all the past life pain and trauma and activating that mission.

Additional Resources:

How to Use Vibrational Energy to Get What You Want


How to Embrace Female Sexuality and the Divine Feminine

Anahita Joon, Priestest and healer teaches us how to embrace our, female sexuality, and the, divine feminine by exploring our, sexual desires, and not being ashamed.

Anahita is the host of “God, Sex, and Everything in Between Podcast.  We are going to be specifically talking on the topic – “How to Embrace, Female Sexuality, and the, Divine Feminine.

Listen to the Full interview Here:

Bio – Anahita as a, divine feminine, leadership mentor and a credentialed spiritual counselor. She activates, the divine feminine, and  leadership of women who are ready to awaken and unleash the force of nature within. She mentors communities of women, doing the most cutting-edge work of full expression, pivoting and leveling up.

Born during the Islamic revolution of Iran, Anahita is a modern-day priestess, healer and medicine woman. Her work is the culmination of over 25 years of intensive study with mystic masters and Shamans, Social Research as well as over 10 years of our own teaching on, female sexuality,  embodiment and the, divine feminine.  She is committed to women living lives filled with love, beauty, pleasure and power while harnessing leadership and purpose and, the divine feminine.

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By Author Sophia Carter-Parker  is a feel good story for people of all ages. Whether in preschool, graduate school or lounging in a nursing home, this story will delightfully take you back to visits with your Grandma. Hop along for the ride with the narrator, as he goes down memory lane. Ready Set Go to Grandma’s is a book that will shares many happy experiences of love and fun with grandmothers. Smiles, laughter, hugs and sweet treats make this a story that forces the soul to smile.

Order your copy of Ready, Set, Go to Grandma’s on Amazon or wherever books are sold.


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Book Go to Grandma

Introduction to the God, Sex, and Everything in Between

Tell us about your podcast” God, Sex, and Everything in between” What is your purpose on that podcast, what kind of topics you guys talk about?

Anahita – My whole mission in this life is to bridge the opposites that the experience that I've had in my journey as a seeker. My journey as a guide and, sexuality, coach has been really the beauty and good experience, basically those moments of illumination. They really are experienced when we bridge the opposites, when we merge the opposites and those could be anything that we hold in opposition in our thinking, that we hold binary in our thinking.

So a really relevant example of it that actually doesn't have anything to do with the podcast, an example would be like what's going on with the “Black Lives Matter” movement and the beauty that happens when there's unification, when actually opposing energies come together and what that creates.

My journey was so impacted by the dogma of organized religion and the shame of, sexuality, through the vehicle of, God's word. Then my journey became about actually being able to bow to all of it as sacred and to hold all of it in reverence.  To hold, sex, and obviously hold, God, in reverence and then everything in between.

Everything that would be in the gray, everything that we would want to name maybe good enough, not good enough, or over here, like all of it. We hold it all in reverence with, God, and we hold it all like the primordial primal desire of, sex. We just hold it all as one and in that place is where we actually find freedom, that's where we find freedom.

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The Divine Feminine vs the Divine Masculine

We talk a lot about, sex, we talk a lot about, female sexuality, we talk also a lot a good amount about, God, and I speak a lot about leadership and the, divine feminine. What it is like for women to lead from a place of the, divine feminine, and how to really balance the, divine masculine,  and, the divine feminine,  energies in leadership.

We talk about plant medicine working with psychedelics, really trying to go to the places that would otherwise be taboo; but probably our listeners are either curious about or experimenting with just not talking to other people about it.

What is the Divine Feminine

Myrna – I did some research on our topic, the Divine feminine,  female sexuality,  the, sexual desire, part of it; but I wasn't quite sure about the, divine feminine. What I found out about it is emerging energies as you mentioned the, divine masculine, and, divine feminine, energies which of course we will get into. I have some questions about women exploring their, sexual desires, and I just love the fact that you picked that topic, because you want to really empower women to be their best and to use their, feminine energy, whether it's for leadership, or whether it's for their, sexual desire.

I didn't ask you about your background, but now I think I need to circle back a bit on it. You were born in Islamic revolution of Iran.  I don't think women have a lot of power in that environment. How did you transfer into this leadership person and being able to be, sexually free,  and talking about, female sexuality? How did you traverse that terrain?

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Anahita – Well, I’m going to tie it back to what you were saying earlier about  leading from the, divine  feminine,  and then embracing my, sexual desires. I actually experienced and believed that we don't lead from the, feminine, if we are disconnected from our, sexuality. They're not actually separate; but it's just like anybody's story.

Our greatest oppression is usually the greatest opportunity for freedom and empowerment. So, that was my experience, because I was born who I am now – meaning I had a lot of wild, sexual energy.  I had a lot of sort of raw, feminine, life force and I was living in this highly oppressive culture especially oppressive to the, feminine, and to women.

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Female sexuality
Female sexuality

Why men try to control, female sexuality with oppression

There was a significant amount of shame around any expression of the,  feminine or, female sexuality; so it wasn't just covering your hair. A lot of people don't understand the extent of the oppression. It's like sure, I could go out to the street at eight or nine years old and have a gun pointed in my head because my hair covering fell back.

That doesn’t just shame and oppress your femininity; but to this day it's illegal for women to sing in Iran because their voices are considered so beautiful that they will seduce men into acts of, sex.  There is  plenty of absurdity happening now.

We're more divided than we've ever been and this is basically what happened in Iran because it was a very oppressive culture.  Tehran where I was born and raised is a part of Iran.  I was born during the revolution, which used to be a very cosmopolitan city in the Middle East and it became something very different. It became much more divided and that's the time that I was growing up. So, when you say how I got there, I mean it started with a desire to experience, sexual freedom,  and then not having oppression when I got to the states. I was 14 years old.

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Myrna – Why do you think that women who are, sexually free, in the States different from the Middle East? I laughed when you talked about the singing voices of women sexually arousing men and because of that they can't sing! I believe that the man can control himself.

What I mean is in the United States, women walk around half naked. Are you're thinking that you're going to stop her from dressing half naked because a man can’t control himself? Totally different ways of approaching a problem here in your country, they're muzzling the woman in the Middle East; but they should be telling the men that they should look at controlling their, sexual desires.

How, Female Sexuality,  is viewed in the Middle East

Anahita – Here's the thing in the Middle East, if a woman gets raped,  she's the one who brought shame onto the family. But understand that consciousness about, female sexuality. The consciousness that creates kind of law or that kind of regime is not absent here in the States. It manifests differently; but it's the same consciousness.

Myrna – Women are told that exploring their, sexual desires, is bad. When I was growing up, a woman was not allowed to explore her, sexuality. A woman was not allowed to proposition a man, they had to wait around for the man to do all the work and I still have that in my head. So why do you think that women hold back and exploring their, sexual desires? Is it because I said how we were brought up or is there something else from your studies?

Anahita – There's nothing else. I mean the, divine feminine, is  the greatest gift,  sexuality. When I speak about, female sexuality and the, divine feminine, it's not about, sexual energy.  It is not the energy to seduce; but the inward facing, sexual energy.  That is an inward facing, eroticism, and  oneness with life. It’s the ability to just be able to taste life more, to be turned on physically by yourself.

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For more information about Kitty Lee and her wonderful books, visit Kitty Kitty Books on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

How do you control women? By controlling their, Sexuality

The greatest gift that we have is the, divine feminine,  it is the power of women. How do you control women? You shame their, sexuality,  because it is their greatest power.  Female sexuality, is the thing that makes them givers of life. It is their greatest power. It's the only place (really the primary place) where men actually feel helpless in the face of women.

Therefore, the business of religion says we're going to control this because if we control it and put a big cloud of shame over it, they will be in shame and we know shame is a very low frequency emotion.

How to embrace the Divine Feminine and the, Feminine Face of God

Myrna – What is, the divine feminine? Because, I think that's a big piece here and a lot of people or a lot of my listeners including me don't understand what it is. Can you explain what, Divine Feminine, is? Then, we can move on “how do women embrace it?” I think you talked from what I learned about it. Will you touch on the opposing, sexual energies? Is that the whole part of the, divine feminine energy?

Anahita – I want to say I wouldn't be so presumptuous to say that the, divine feminine, needs me to explain what she is. What I mean what is the best way to explain what the, divine feminine,  is? The best way to embrace the, divine feminine,  is to just close our eyes and drop into our heart and connect with the greatest love of the, divine feminine, that you've ever experienced. It is the place of absolute faith, absolute trust, absolute surrender;  thy will be done.

That level of home with the, divine feminine, is a feeling that it is coming from a great mother. That it is a maternal feeling that it has that much love and permission and holding and allowing for you to be exactly as you are. So that it's kind of like a way to taste her a little and that was my experience of her. It's just that she, the divine feminine, had a lot more permission from me than the, divine masculine,  male,  God,  that my religion had introduced to me and there was not quite as much permission. When I found the,  feminine face of God, there was a lot more.

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The Divine feminine vs Mother Earth

Myrna – I love that. So is, the divine feminine, different from, mother earth, or is the same thing?

Anahita –  Well that's the thing. It's the same energy expressing in different ways. Another way to really come face to face with it is during child birth. If you've ever had the honor of giving birth or being in a room when a human being is born that divine mother is present there.

Myrna – When you were talking, that's where I went. Actually, I mean even though I knew what it's like to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit and be in that space, when you talked about, the feminine face of God, and, mother earth, on top of it. I went into my memory of giving birth as a mom.  You know how you feel about your children. I have two children, so it's a divine mother.

I felt I understand that was a very good explanation. So why do you think when a woman embraces her, sexual desires, or embraces the, divine feminine, that it becomes a source of her power. Why does it become the source of our power?

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Divine Feminine conclusion

Anahita – My program “Beauty Unleashed” is a six month transformational program. It’s me putting together everything from  25-30 years of study, about 15 years of teaching and Facilitating Tantric sex and yoga and all of it. What I noticed was, as I was working with clients mostly privately, was that what the women who had the greatest success was becoming fully unapologetic. They were coming out of the magic closet and reclaiming their magical gifts, letting go of the fear of being ostracized or burned at the stake,  all of those shame fears.

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Additional Resources

Self love is the secret Out of the Snares of Child Abuse


In her book ” Out of the Snares, Author Bernadette Trotman shares how, self love, can bring you out of the snares  of, poverty, addiction, child abuse and any other snare of the trapper.

The 9th Principle taught in my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” is Love.
Love. This 4 letter word is so powerful! and, self love, is this love turned inside.
Love including, self love is  the most powerful force in the universe!
It can break the bonds of years, sometimes generations of, addictions, and, generational curses.

God's Love for Humanity

God's love, for humanity caused him to send his only begotten son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can have everlasting life.

A mother's love, for her child gives her superhuman strength, to save her child from death or injury.

The love we have for our wife and husband keeps off stress and diseases when that love is active and healthy.
You see when we are in the throes of our love experiences, we look at the world through rose colored glasses.
Everything is sunny. We stop to smell the roses.
Our hearts beat faster when our loved ones are near.

We ride the energy waves of this spiritual connection and in turn we feel energized, we smile and laugh more and we don't sweat the small stuff!

Research shows that this positive energy force cleanses our ethereal bodies and removes patches of stuck energies that can cause disease.

Get out of the Snares with Self Love

In my book “Out of the Snares” A story of hope and encouragement,
I share my encounters with love. These encounters have shaped my current world and allowed me to embrace love because I know from personal experiences how good it feels!

The energy of love combined with, sexual energy, is even more powerful!
When you transmute, sexual energy, for the person you love, you can create or imagine life changing books, companies and inventions that propel humanity forward!

But, it all starts with self-love.
Justin Bieber – Love Yourself (PURPOSE : The Movement)

You can't give away what you don't have.

In order for you to give love to another you must first have, self love, inside of you.
You have to love yourself, you have to love your world or the space you work and play in your world.

You have to love God, your creator.

When you have, self love, you gain, self confidence

Self-confidence is necessary for you to be successful in your career and in your business
Click the link below to hear a powerful story of how lack of self-confidence can ruin your world.

Love doesn't have to be the Notebook kind with grand gestures and sacrifice.
We love to watch movies like the Notebook about true love that never dies.
We are inspired by stories about Edward, Prince of Wales and Wallace Simpson and how he chose love over the throne; but most of us would settle for the simple acts of love.

This artist depicts these acts in her paintings so wonderfully and every couple should aspire to connect on this level.
• Who wouldn't love their spouse coming up and giving them a hug while they are cooking in the kitchen?
• Who wouldn't love their spouse watching chick flicks with them and enjoying it as much as they do?
• Who wouldn't love going out for ice cream and licking each other ice cream cones and stealing a kiss?
• Who wouldn't love just being in a room and just enjoying each other, laying on your husbands lap while you read a book?
• Who wouldn't like coming home and seeing your husband with a apron on in the kitchen cooking dinner?

Who wouldn't have, self love, after all this.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Love shouldn't be only for your spouse, children, family and friends. Love should be for all relationships in and out of the workplace, with customers, suppliers, everyone!

Giving love and compassion to the people you work with yields immense, self love.

In his book “How to win Business and Influence Friends” by Tim Sanders, Chief solutions Officer at Yahoo calls this BizLove from, self love.

This book shows how to be a LoveCat at work.

Here are 5 ways to be a LoveCat at work with, self love:

1. Greet everyone who walks into your office or room with eye contact and a smile.
2. Hug your close associates or people you have a personal relationship at work.
3. Replace the word Hate with the word, self love, whenever you can and watch it transform the energy.
4. Read lots of books and offer the knowledge gained from these books to your co-workers to help them with projects, initiatives or difficult personal situations.
5. Start a book club at work and have everybody share cliff notes from the books read.

All in all, self love, is like a boomerang, it always comes back so give it freely.

It is like seeds that blow in the wind. It does not always come back from the people we choose to love; but it always comes back

Check out my chapter on Love in my book “Out of the Snares” A story of hope and encouragement.


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Small Business:How to Mind Your Own Business while Working your Day Job

Small Business: How to Mind your Own Business while working your day job
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Additional Resources



How to love yourself