Tag Archives: adversity

Dancing with Courage: A Journey on Overcoming Adversity

In this podcast episode, Myrna Young interviews J.R Martinez, a burn survivor and New York Times bestselling author. J.R shares his inspiring story of resilience and strength, from, overcoming adversity, as a child to surviving a tragic accident in the military. He discusses the importance of gratitude, vulnerability, and embracing one's true identity. J.R's motto, “life is what you make it,” serves as a powerful reminder that we have the ability to adapt and, overcome adversity.

Adversity is an inescapable part of life, but it is how we, overcome adversity,  that shapes our future. J.R. Martinez's remarkable journey from a devastating injury to a triumphant victory on “Dancing with the Stars” is a testament to human resilience. In this thought leadership article, we'll explore the inspiring conversation between life coach Myrna Young and J.R. Martinez, who lives his life leading with heart, light, and an indomitable spirit.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Gratitude and focusing on the micro aspects of life can transform one’s perspective and foster resilience, overcoming adversity.

  • Embracing vulnerability allows for personal growth and is an essential component for triumphing in unknown territories.

  • Seeking out and stepping through the metaphorical ‘cracked doors’ of opportunity can lead to unanticipated, life-changing paths.

Overcoming Adversity: The Foundations of Resilience

Resilience is not an innate attribute one is born with; it is a trait that is meticulously developed over time through life experiences. J.R. Martinez's early years were marked by frequent relocation and witnessing domestic abuse, which laid the foundational stones of his resilient character. His reflections with Myrna emphasize the vital role those years played in equipping him to face the dire circumstances he later encountered in Iraq. His message is clear: our past forms the crux of our survival instinct.

“…you can't start my story at the age of 19… you're dismissing all of the things that have shaped me…”J.R. Martinez

Martinez underscores the necessity of practicing resilience through exercises in adaptability and mental fortitude. This early life training taught him to value what he had over what he desired, a lesson bestowed upon him by his mother's transparency regarding their financial constraints. It is these assets of character, woven over the fabric of 19 years, that empowered Martinez to persevere through the life-altering injuries he sustained.

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tunein transform your mind podcast
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Vulnerability: The Power in ‘Not Knowing' in Overcoming Adversity

The conversation delves into the concept of vulnerability, particularly in relation to growth and success. Martinez's time on “Dancing with the Stars” exemplifies vulnerability, as he had to concede the leading role to his professional dance partner and trust in her expertise. It's a potent metaphor for life – sometimes one must follow to find a new path forward.

“You have to be vulnerable… You also have to be willing to be vulnerable on the show.” J.R. Martinez

This vulnerability also extends to interpersonal dynamics. By willingly entering the room of a fellow burn victim, bearing the still-fresh scars of his own injury, Martinez opened a space for mutual healing. Surrendering to the unknown prospects life presents – be it recovery, a dance competition, or a new career – requires one to embrace vulnerability. It is through this exposure that J.R. Martinez was able to reclaim his identity and, overcoming adversity, by showing the world that he is not defined by his scars.

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Overcoming Adversity:  Doors of Opportunity

J.R. Martinez speaks of the ‘cracked doors' – opportunities that present themselves, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. These doors beckon us to step into the unknown, to lean into discomfort and trust that it will lead to growth and transformation. He recounts how being open to such prospects led him from being an actor on “All My Children” to a winner of “Dancing with the Stars.”

“…I've seen enough cracked doors, a little bit of light, and I've gone over there…” J.R. Martinez

This theme conveys the importance of seizing opportunities, even when they diverge from our preconceived notions or original plans. Martinez’s willingness to walk through these openings has allowed him to redefine success and, overcome adversity, proving that life can flourish after tragedy.

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iHeart Radio 

Harnessing Extraordinary Perspectives

The key points from J.R. Martinez's dialogue issue a clair call to everyone gritting their teeth and, overcoming adversity. The mapping of his life showcases gratitude, vulnerability, and the courage to chase the flickers of light that promise a continuation of journey and discovery. His story reveals that triumph can emerge from the ashes of despair when one leads with an open heart.

Martinez's narrative, full of wisdom and light, offers profound insights. While not everyone will dance on national television or write a bestselling memoir, their everyday courage, manifested through gratitude, open-mindedness, and a willingness to seize unexpected opportunities, is a dance of triumph in its own right. Whether facing personal battles or global pandemics, it is these human stories that echo the enduring message: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain!

Additional Resources

How to Turn Adversity into Opportunity

When The Shift Hits The Fan

The journey of self-discovery is often prompted by pivotal life changes, the shift, that cause us to reassess our path and seek deeper meaning within ourselves. In an intriguing conversation with transformational life coach Valerie Gangas, themes of personal growth through adversity, the art of surrendering to life’s shifts, and embracing a meditative practice to navigate through, the shifts. in life’s tumultuous waves are explored. This discussion not only sheds light on individual experiences but also serves as a guide for those traversing similar terrains of transformation and seeking to reconnect with their true essence.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Personal loss can be a catalyst for profound spiritual awakening and inner transformation called, the shift.

  • Surrendering to life's uncertainties allows for a smoother transition into new shifts of existence.

  • Meditation, especially, transcendental meditation, can be a powerful tool for connecting with one's soul and higher consciousness.

The Shift: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation

Life has an undeniable way of propelling us into periods of deep introspection, especially following significant personal loss called, the shift.  Valerie's own narrative is a testament to the potential for radical transformation that can emerge from such depths of despair. Having battled depression and suicidal ideation after the passing of her mother, Valerie's turning point was a meditation session that introduced her to an internal haven of peace, drastically altering her, state of consciousness.

“I went so far, so deep into my soul, into my own being, I didn't even know that place existed,” Valerie reflects, describing her transcendental experience. Her story underpins the idea that within our darkest moments lie the seeds of our most profound growth. It is not merely about recovering from grief but about uncovering an extraordinary layer of our existence that is often untouched until we are stripped bare by life’s hardships and shifts.

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Amazon Music Transform Your Mind podcast 

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The Power of Surrender and Acceptance

Key to Valerie’s transformation, and a potent lesson resonant throughout the conversation, is the concept of surrender—to,  life's shifts,  unpredictability and to the divine flow. She acknowledges that, deep shifts, are tailor-made experiences that often involve aspects of life to which we are greatly attached, like finances, relationships, or health. These experiences break us open, compelling us to embrace change and surrender control.

Valerie posits, “…you understand the deep questions that people ask themselves. And it's kind of spontaneous. And… that helped me a lot come to terms with her death.” This profound understanding that one reaches after facing a, deep shift, is that it's an opportunity to reframe life from a place of acceptance. The shift,  is where we find  fulfillment and freedom from existential anxieties. By letting go of the illusion of control and embracing the greater, unseen divinity of life's course, we become ‘natural shifters' who can gracefully handle life's upheavals and shifts.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind podcast 

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Meditation as a Gateway to the Soul

The conversation circles back to meditation, especially, transcendental meditation, as a transformative practice for dealing with life's shifts and roughest currents. The message here is clear: Regardless of the specific modality, meditation stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate, the shift, of internal turmoil and connect with their essences.

Valerie asserts, “…the only way out is in,” encapsulating the philosophy that to transcend the tumultuous experiences and emerge reborn, one must delve deeply into oneself. Whether it’s through nature, guided practices, or transcendental revelations, meditation is lauded as a means to touch the divine, elevate one’s spiritual frequency, and in turn, unlock, higher realms of consciousness.

In putting the spotlight on In Deep Shift, her book, Valerie provides both her personal roadmap and a universal template for others to find their pathways to peace. It is not just about coping with change but thriving within it, and meditation serves as an indispensable tool in this ongoing journey.

Book in Deep Shift
Book in Deep Shift

The Shift: Riding the Waves with Insigh

Reflecting upon Valerie's insights and her extraordinary transformation journey, we can distill pivotal messages that resonate with anyone facing their own periods of, deep shift. Life's turbulent moments have the potential to connect us deeper with our true selves, but it requires relinquishing control and opening oneself to the transformative power of personal spirituality embracing, the shift.

The essence of Valerie’s experiences and practices draws a path of self-inquiry and spiritual connection that transcends individual beliefs and backgrounds. It reminds us that our innermost being harbors an ocean of peace, waiting to be explored through surrendering to life's perpetual ebb and flow. This is where we find liberation and where every person can embark on their unique journey to embrace life's, deep shifts, with grace and resiliency.

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The Shift Movie  What is The Shift?

The first shift that we all make takes us from nonbeing to being; from Spirit to form; from the invisible to our corporeal world of things.

The next shift is the phase I call Ambition where we take on an ego self that is the opposite of the place of Spirit from which we came. Ego in this context is our false self.

These first two shifts are mandatory in the human journey.

Unfortunately, for many people, Ambition is often the end of their life story, but there are two more shifts open to us!

We can all choose to make the leap past the second shift of ego-driven ambition. We arrive at the third shift when we realize that we have an option to make a U-turn away from the false self. We can do an about-face and head back to the place of Spirit in a third shift.

And then, in the fourth shift, we achieve a life of Meaning and purpose by rededicating our Ambition to the fulfillment of our authentic self. We discover that the laws of the material world do not necessarily apply in the presence of the Meaning that is encouraged by our shift to Source. Manifestations of miracles begin to populate the landscape of life.

Meaning is now what defines all the moments of our existence. We can fulfill our greatest calling when we consciously undertake the journey from Ambition to Meaning. We can transform our individual lives and influence the destiny of our sacred planet as well

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Under Pressure: No Pressure No Diamonds

Are you under pressure? The timeless wisdom encapsulated in the phrase “No pressure, no diamonds” invites us to reframe adversity as an opportunity for growth, resilience, and the discovery of our true brilliance. It allows us to shine like a diamond.

In the tapestry of life, challenges and pressures are the crucible that forges our character and brings forth the radiant gems within. So if you find yourself, under pressure, embrace it as the pressure that forms your diamonds.

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Under pressure: Embrace your challenges

No pressure no diamonds, speaks to the idea that pressure, much like the intense heat required to create diamonds, is the force that refines and shapes us. Instead of fearing challenges, we are encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and resilience.

if you're above ground then you're going to have challenges so make those challenges shape you, make those challenges make you shine like a diamond.  The Mantra or the phrase, no pressure no diamonds, speak speaks to the idea that pressure much like the intense heat required to create diamonds is the force that shapes and refines us.

So instead of fearing challenges we're encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and Brilliance.  All right, so do not run from the challenges they are here to shape you and make you shine shine like a diamond.  How are diamonds made?  By pressure!  Diamonds are renowned for their Brilliance and similarly within each individual lies a unique Brilliance waiting to be uncovered.  The challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the inequalities, talent and capabilities that remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

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Podbay FM

A Diamond start off as a Coal

You all know that diamonds start off as coal, and the pressure make this big lump of coal,  this horrible looking stuff, turn into one of the most valuable commodities on Earth.  So if you are coal right now, accept adversity, accept the pressure because that is what going to turn you into a diamond! Growth through adversity, this is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle but as an essential part of the journey towards self-discovery and personal evolution.

Just as a diamond emerges from the rough, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.  Resilience forms diamonds, resilience is the ability to buns back from challenges. Resilience is the jewel that glistens, under pressure.  The mantra, no pressure no diamonds, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset allowing us to navigate life's complexities with Grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity, transforming pressure into power.  Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

No Pressure No Diamonds: Pressure reveals our Brilliance:

Diamonds are renowned for their brilliance, and similarly, within each individual lies a unique brilliance waiting to be uncovered. The pressures and challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the innate qualities, talents, and capabilities that may remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

A diamond's brilliance is the amount of white light it reflectsBrilliance is an optical property of diamonds that contributes to their value, beauty, and price. It's also the basis for a diamond's brightness and sparkle

Under pressure: Grow Through Adversity:

“No pressure, no diamonds” is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle, but as an essential part of the journey toward self-discovery and personal evolution. Just as a diamond emerges from, under pressure, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.

Growing through adversity means that adversity changes us. When things get difficult, we tend to drop our self-care and focus on sticking to what we know. That's how we burn out, not because we wear out from working too much — which is often how we deal with adversity — but because we're not integrating our emotions.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

No Pressure No Diamonds: Resilience forms diamonds

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from challenges, is the jewel that glistens, under pressure. The mantra, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset, allowing us to navigate life's complexities with grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity.

It’s important to note that being resilient requires a skill set that you can work on and grow over time. Building resilience takes time, strength, and help from people around you; you’ll likely experience setbacks along the way. It depends on personal behaviors and skills (like self-esteem and communication skills), as well as external things (like social support and resources available to you).

Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.

Under Pressure: Transform it to Power:

Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation. When viewed through the lens of growth, it becomes the fuel that propels us forward, driving us to reach new heights and achieve our aspirations.

Pressure: Lessons from Nature:

Nature itself teaches us the profound truth embedded in this phrase. Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth under immense pressure. Similarly, our personal diamonds – our strengths, wisdom, and resilience – often emerge through the trials and tribulations of life.

No Pressure No Diamonds: Celebrate the Journey:

When we face challenges, it is a reminder to celebrate the entire journey, including the challenges along the way. Each obstacle is an opportunity for transformation, and every step taken under pressure is a facet that contributes to the multifaceted brilliance of our lives.


In the grand symphony of life, “no pressure no diamonds” echoes as a powerful refrain, urging us to embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and recognize the brilliance that resides within. As we navigate the complexities of our journeys, may this mantra inspire us to shine brightly, transformed by the pressures that shape us into the unique and resilient individuals we are meant to become.

Additional Resources

How to Shine Like a Diamond with Clarity and Value

How To Turn Your Pain Into Power

Abigail Damoah was wrongly convicted and sent to prison for 12 years. During this dark time in her life, she used inspiration for the bible story of David to find her, life purpose, of helping the women in, prison. She turned her, pain into power, and achieved tremendous personal growth by not seeing herself as a, victim.

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After serving five years in a Florida state prison for a crime that she didn’t commit, and then two years later being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and undergoing major surgery to remove most of her colon, Abigail learnt one very important life lesson; you will find treasure in the darkest places if you simply change your perspective by turning her, pain into power.

During her, incarceration, Abigail became a Christian and learnt that life isn’t just about her. She was surrounded by women who had endured the most horrific traumatic childhoods and were now being victimized by the very system that was supposed to help them. She found the strength to end her pity party, opening her eyes to the immense suffering of others.

She began to use her gifts to make an impact on the lives of the women she was housed with. It was during the worst season of her life that she experienced true peace, contentment, and fulfilment because she found her life’s purpose, and learned how to turn her, pain into power.  Abigail is the author of ” She is Risen from Destitute to Destiny”

book: She is Risen Turning Pain into Power
book: She is Risen Turning Pain into Power

Using Adversity to turn pain into power

Myrna: All right, so here we have a whole bunch of, adversity. Being sentenced to 12 years in, prison, even if it's for a crime you do commit, it is very traumatic. It is worst when it is a crime that you didn't commit.

Can you share your story, why you were sentenced to 12 years in, prison? I know you said you only served five of those 12 years.  Tell us how you survived that and turned that, pain into power?

Abigail: Okay, so I had my dream to live in America.  I'm from the United Kingdom and after I finished my undergraduate degree. I relocated to Atlanta, Georgia to study and pursue an MBA. I got an internship in Florida. I flew down to Florida and I met a man.  One night he called wanting to go out to a nightclub, and I agreed. He came and picked me up and we made our way to the nightclub and ended up having a car accident where he was killed, and I was seriously injured.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

My injuries were so extensive that I spent over six weeks in the hospital. My parents at the time decided the best course of action was to take me back to the UK, because there's no way I was going to be able to look after myself in the USA.  I recuperated and got back on my feet. And then in 2011, the state of Florida issued an extradition warrant for my arrest. I was charged with vehicular homicide. The legal definition for that is reckless driving.

So, I was accused of driving in such a dangerous manner that caused death or great bodily harm to another. While I was waiting for the extradition, I began to study the laws surrounding my case and discovered that I should never have been charged with a crime in the first place. The state of Florida had sent over the deposition, the discovery and detail they had a very detailed chronology, of exactly what happened. And one of the things that should have exonerated me from the beginning, was the fact that the road was under reconstruction at the time, so they had taken down all the speed signs.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Extradition to the USA

There were no warning signs that the road was about to change and if you're not familiar with that road, you would not know that you need to slow down. So, when an accident happened, all of a sudden, a curve came up and I hit the curb and the car ended up flipping over and going into a tree. So, based on that alone, I should never have been charged with a crime. But if you know anything about the laws in the United States, you know, sometimes it can be a bit one sided.

I was extradited to America to stand trial. I had a judge who had no legal integrity, because of the way my case had been portrayed in the media. She was determined to make an example out of me. I was found guilty sentenced to 12 years Florida State Prison. After serving 5 years, the case was dismissed.

Myrna: Wow. So sorry to hear what you have been through. I'm assuming you were driving.

Abigail:  Yes, I was driving, it wasn't my car.

Myrna: Yeah, that's what I thought because he came to pick you up.

Abigail: The reason I was driving was because he got so drunk, that he was unable to continue the journey.  I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

The Pain of prison

Myrna: So sorry for your pain. But the fact that the case was dismissed, I'm assuming that you've cleared your name.

Abigail: Yes, yes. My name is completely cleared. The sentence was vacated, and I was released from, prison.

Myrna: Did you get any money for it?

Abigail: No, absolutely nothing. The state of Florida had laws to protect themselves against wrongful convictions. So, I was knocked out of financial assistance there. But, it was a driving force behind what I do now because I had to start my life from scratch.  I had to use the gifts that I had been given to build a life for myself, and turn my, pain into power.  I didn't have anything. I came back to nothing, but God worked it out for my good.

Going through the tunnel of adversity

Myrna: Well, they say that a lot of times, we must go through the tunnel, we must be beaten down all the way to the bottom, before we find our, purpose.  We all go screaming into it because we really don't want to go through pain, we don’t want to hit rock bottom. I'm in this space where I interview a lot of people and I remember talking to this woman.  Her husband died and she started her coaching practice helping other women handle, grief. She turned her, pain into power, but we all prefer not to go through the pain even if it is the fire starter to our, life purpose.

So how did you manage after also being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and having most of your colon removed?

Abigail: I wasn't raised in a Christian household, but I had a lot of Christian friends. If there's one thing that I learned from them, even while I wasn't a believer, was that they had this ability to see past their circumstances. So, before I even arrived in America, they were already speaking life into my situation. They were already telling me that this was going to work out for my good, something good is gonna come out of this.

And it wasn't until, I became a Christian and I began to read the Bible and I began to apply those principles, that I was strengthened in that area. God gave me a perspective that enabled me to see things through his eyes, he gave me the ability to step outside of myself. I was surrounded by people who are who were suffering, who have been through women the worst heinous things.  My whole perception changed.

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Helping people in prison turn their pain into power

Not only are people dying from much worse situations than I had, but I had to reframe my situation to say, okay, I'm in, prison, now, what can I do while I'm here to make an impact on the lives of the women that I am housed with? How do I turn my, pain into power?

I had a writing gift and there are women that couldn't read or write. I remember the very first time I tapped into that.  There was a woman that I was, bunking in, prison, she had a terrible situation, her children have been taken into DCF custody because of her arrest.

So, I wrote a letter for her. explaining the situation to DCF, speaking in legal terminology. She wanted her children to be put into the custody of her sister while she was in, prison, and lo and behold, that's exactly what happened. Two weeks later, she came to me, I mean, she was in floods of tears. She was so grateful that I took the time to do this for her, and it was at that moment that I realized that what my, purpose, is connected to my gift of writing. Writing was how I was going to turn my, pain into power.

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TuneIn Radio

Figuring out my life purpose

I also realized that my, purpose, had nothing to do with me, it was to enrich the lives of the people that I am surrounded by. So, from that moment, my prayers changed from Lord get me out of here, I can't take this anymore to Lord who are the people in, prison, that you want me to impact?  That started a tsunami of work. My inmates just started coming to get the help they needed.  I started helping them write letters, probation letters, letters to their family, etc. It was one of the most, fulfilling aspects of my time in, prison.

Myrna: Now, how did you take own ownership of your situation? What was your internal dialogue?

Abigail: I dropped the, victim mentality. You know, it's so easy when you're going through a situation whatever it is, it's so easy to point the finger and say is your fault that I'm here, but when you play the, victim, you are not helping anybody. You're not helping yourself and you're not helping anyone else. When I was in the, victim, state I felt so sorry for myself. You know, such an injustice had taken place.

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iHeart Radio

Victims have no power

I was depressed, I was in a place of desolation, I couldn't sleep at night, I had no peace. But the moment I relinquished that, victim mentality, I came to the revelation that it wasn't the state of Florida that put me in, prison, to punish me. I was placed there strategically to be empowered, and then to empower. I was placed there to turn my, pain into power.

So once my, mindset, changed, I was able to say I am going to use this situation to become the best person that I be and to help as many people as I can while I'm in here. That is exactly how I took ownership of my situation. I took the power out the hands in the state of Florida, and turned, my pain into power, because, victims, have no power.

Myrna: This is so true. Victims have no power. In my book, Out of the Snares, A story of Hope and Encouragement, I have a full chapter on, victims.  My story was that I was abused as a child, but I never became a, victim. In fact, what I suggest we become a, player. You know, when you are playing a game of blackjack and the cards that you're dealt with are bad cards?  People use those same bad cards to win, in the same way when you become a, player instead of becoming a, victim, you play with the cards you are dealt.  And that's exactly what you did, you became a, player in the game, you decided that these are the cards that I've been handed, and I am going to make the best of the situation. I am going to turn this, pain into power.

How to become a player and turn pain into power

Myrna: You could have played the “what if game”. What if I didn't go out? What if I didn't agree to drive?  But instead you said it happened. There's no way you can go backwards, all you can do is make the best of the situation that you have right now and use it to help people and learn from it and turn your, pain into power.

What is the lesson that that that you took out of that? Were you able to equate it to a, Bible story? I want to talk about Joseph who was thrown in, prison, and it was strategic to God’s plan for him.  And I am also thinking of a Job which is the chapter reading now in the Bible and all the bad things that happened to him.

Job declared God does only do good things for you. God does good things, and he does bad things.

Abigail: Joseph was one of my favorite stories in the Bible. And it wasn't until I got to that Genesis chapter 37, where Joseph was put in, prison, that I found strength in my situation. Prison, shaped Joseph into the man that God needed him to be. I knew that my time in, prison, was in God's hands, just based on that story alone. I learned a lot from Joseph and his, mindset, during that time. He refused to be a, victim, he used his time to assist other people. He was looking for others to help while he was, incarcerated, and it opened the door to his freedom.

Myrna: Yes, exactly helping people got him introduced to the king.

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PTWWN TV – How to Trun Your pain into power 

Using dreams and visions for your purpose

Abigail: That was a very powerful story for me, and I used that, bible story, to empower myself.  So my God has given me dreams and visions, and I knew that, okay, I'm not living the dream and the vision now, but it is this situation here that is going to lead me to the destiny that God has for me and I had to remind myself of that daily.

Myrna: That's amazing, I am loving our conversation.  One of my personal mantras is that just like an airplane needs resistance to take off the ground, we need resistance to move up our next level. And whenever I have resistance in my life, when I was working full time when I received resistance eg. one door closed or something, I always knew that resistance was supposed to push me forward and up. The door closing from being fired got me into, Life coaching, helping women to, transform their mind.

A lot of women, especially minority women live in the, wilderness, and in order for them to get out of the, wilderness, they have to change their, mindset.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

She is Risen from Destitute to Destiny

Tell us about your book, your book is called “She Is Risen from Destitute To Destiny.” Why did you write it? And what do you want people to walk away with?

Abigail: I wrote the book because I knew that I had a story to tell number one, and it wasn't a story of the tragedies, but stories of, empowerment. The book a memoir, going back to my childhood, I packed a lot of things and I think that's very important that you need to go back to, to know why things are the way they were. So, I went through that process in the book, I had a very turbulent teenage years, connected to childhood. But despite those challenges, I still managed to make something all my life, and it didn't come easily, or immediately at all.

It was a very, very difficult situation and a very, very difficult process. And I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but what I do know is that you can, turn your pain into power, if you change your perspective on a situation.  I could have not written this book. I could have so easily come out of, prison, and just felt sorry for myself, and accept government assistance and nobody would have blamed me

Teaching others how to overcome adversity

So, I had to look at the situation and ask myself what have I learned from this? And not only what have I learnt from it, but now what can I do about it? I decided I can teach other people about how to overcome, adversity.  One of the things that helped me while I was, incarcerated, were the different, prison ministries. People would share these terrible stories, but they got through it, and that’s something that inspired me.

Myrna: Well, that's the reason I asked you if you're going into the, prison, and doing, prison ministry, because I know your story is powerful. Now you are on the radio, podcast and PTWWN TV, sharing your story, not only the people that are in, prison, is going to hear this, but people all over the world. Your story doesn’t just speak to someone in, prison, but speaks to any women in the, wilderness, the, wilderness, can be any dry place.

Additional Resources

Does Serving a Prison Sentence Affect Change?



The Game of Life: Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons


The game of life, you have all heard of the expression “When life gives you lemons, make, lemonade.” It is a proverbial phrase that is used to encourage people to stay, optimistic, and to keep fighting in the face of, adversity, or misfortune. Lemon suggests sourness and difficulty in life; making, lemonade, with lemons that is being handed out to you turns the whole sour episode into something sweet, positive, and desirable. In, the game of life, you have to play with the cards you are dealt.

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How to play the game of life

When the British colonized India they built a golf course in Calcutta, and they had a problem with the,  monkeys. The, monkeys, would pick up the balls the golfers hit and put it somewhere else.

They tried to solve the problem by building a fence around the course, but of course, monkeys, climb; so that didn’t work.

Then they tried to lure the, monkeys, away with bananas; but only some were lured away, and others weren’t.

Plus, all the, monkeys, for miles around would show up to feed on their favorite food, so that didn’t work either.

Finally, they accepted defeat and changed the rules of the game.  The new rules had the  golfers play the ball from wherever the, monkeys, dropped it.

This is a great story to illustrate, the game of life. We always have to play the ball where life drops it.  We would all love to be able to place the ball where we think it should be, but we can't.

This is a strange story to depict the mantra “if life gives you lemons make lemonade.” We don’t always get sugar and spice and everything that is nice, most of the time things don’t work out the way we planned  and that is, the game of life.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

When Life gives you lemons

  • make the best out of a difficult situation
  • turn a negative experience into something positive
  • make something sweet out of something bitter
  • embrace life in whatever form it comes
  • look on the bright side of life, every cloud has a silver lining!

My favorite show is Private Practice and Addison made a statement on the show that with this saying:

“We make plans but God make other plans, he has the last word”

Your desire to have a baby could be so strong that you pray every day, you dream of your baby every day; you think of your life with your baby every day; but it’s been 5 years and you are not pregnant. The doctors say you are infertile. Time to play the ball where the monkey dropped it and either adopt a child, foster a child, look for a surrogate mother or start fertility treatments.

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iHeart Radio

Playing the game of life with detachment

Another example is to practice, the law of detachment. This law states that you should only be attached to your end goal not the journey. If your goal is to retire and travel the world that is your destination. The journey could take you around that golf course several times back and forth, sometimes you would be stuck in the sand box, sometimes you will hit the ball in the lake, but if you keep playing you will eventually get to the 18th hole.

Forrest Gump said it best, life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get so, if life gives you lemons make lemonade.

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TuneIn Radio

Making lemonade from your lemons

  1. Although I was devastated when I was fired from my job, I used the time to go back to college and get my degree.  I now have a better job! This is an example of, the game of life, making, lemonade, out of lemons.
  2. My grandfather lost his job due to the coronavirus, but he decided to keep busy and start his own business. He says, “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
  3. Another anecdote for, the game of life, when one door shuts, another one opens; so become optimistic.
  4. Making, lemonade, out of the lemons in life, my hope is that you look at this moment in time as a learning lesson in, the game of life, and try to find the sweetness of the moment.
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Steps for Simple Easy Homemade Lemonade

  • Juice and strain the lemons. There a couple of tricks for getting the most juice out of your lemons (rolling them, slicing them lengthwise, roasting them), but my new favorite “juicing hack” is to actually crush the whole lemons using my stand mixer. Seriously! Here’s how you do it: Quarter the lemons and put them in the bowl of your stand mixer with the paddle attachment. Use low speed to squeeze the lemons, then strain the juice directly into a measuring cup.
  • Use the lemon juice to dissolve the sugar. Many modern, lemonade, recipes call for making a simple syrup — sugar and water boiled together — for sweetening summer, lemonade, but if you stir the sugar directly into the lemon juice you can skip the simple syrup and get to, lemonade, faster — no heat required.
  • Add cold water to taste. Since the lemon juice dissolves the sugar, we can go straight from lemon juice to cold water and ice and serve the, lemonade, straight away.

Additional Resources

How to Win at the Game of Life