Tag Archives: spirituality vs religion

Bridging Between: A Journey of Transformation and Hope

Welcome to this week's episode of Author's Corner, where we showcase local authors and their books.  Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate.

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with author Lt. Bailey, the creative mind behind “Bridging Between: Spirit's Energy, Transformation, Reset for Mother's Earth.” This spiritually insightful fictional tale takes readers on a life-changing journey as seven individuals receive a powerful divine message. While the book is fictional, it offers valuable insights that can be applied to our own lives and, personal transformations.

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The Motivation Behind “Bridging Between”

When asked about the motivation behind writing “Bridging Between,” Lt. Bailey shared her desire to find peace and hope amidst the chaos of everyday life. She expressed the exhaustion that comes from being bombarded with negativity through various media channels. Lt. Bailey's inspiration for the book came during a moment of meditation, where she heard the word “laptop” and felt compelled to open Microsoft Word. From there, the words and vision flowed through her, guiding her to write this transformative story.


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The Message of Unity and Transformation

“Bridging Between” centers around seven individuals, each representing one of the seven continents, who receive a shared vision and message. Lt. Bailey explains that the message is one of unity and, spiritual transformation. Humanity is called upon to come together and manifest a vision of healing for Mother Earth.  Just as, Habitat for Humanity,  helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home. The characters in the book embark on a journey to fulfill this vision, guided by the energy of the, spirit realm.

The author emphasizes that the message is not limited to the fictional realm of the book. She believes that there are others around the world who will receive similar messages through their own native languages and cultural contexts. Lt. Bailey envisions a global movement where individuals from all walks of life unite to bring about positive change and rescue, Mother Earth, from the destructive forces that threaten its sustainability.


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The Role of Spirit and Higher Self

Lt. Bailey reveals that the message in “Bridging Between” comes from a higher source, which she identifies as her, higher self. She emphasizes that the, higher self, is connected to the, spirit realm, and the great source, which individuals may perceive as their own concept of God. The characters in the book also connect with their own great sources, whether it be ascended masters, spirit guides, or angels. The message is clear: when humanity aligns with the, spirit realm, and taps into the power of the great source, anything is possible.

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The Practice of Peace

One of the key messages in “Bridging Between” is the importance of peace. Lt. Bailey highlights that peace is not just a hope, but a practice. She encourages readers to transform their thought processes and take actions that promote peace in their own lives and in the world. Lt. Bailey believes that by treating each other with respect and kindness, and by working together towards a common goal, humanity can create a more peaceful and harmonious existence.

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Implications and Potential Impact

The themes explored in “Bridging Between” have significant implications for our world today. Lt. Bailey's message of unity, transformation, and peace resonates deeply in a time when division and negativity seem to dominate. The book serves as a reminder that we are all interconnected and that our actions and thoughts have the power to shape our reality.

By embracing the message of “Bridging Between,” individuals can contribute to the healing of, Mother Earth, and the betterment of humanity. The book offers a blueprint for personal and collective transformation, urging readers to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Lt. Bailey's vision of a global movement towards unity and peace has the potential to create a profound impact on our world.

Book Bridging Between
Book Bridging Between

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, “Bridging Between” is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that invites readers to embark on a journey of transformation and hope. Lt. Bailey's powerful message of unity, peace, and the power of the spirit realm resonates deeply in our current world. By embracing the principles outlined in the book, individuals can contribute to the healing of Mother Earth and the betterment of humanity.

As Lt. Bailey continues to promote her book and spread its message, she hopes to connect with readers from all corners of the globe. Through her website, https://bridgingbetween.com/ social media platforms, and various online channels, Lt. Bailey aims to ignite a global movement of individuals who are committed to transforming their own lives and making a positive impact on the world.

Let us join Lt. Bailey on this transformative journey and work together to bridge the gap between our individual selves and the collective consciousness. By embracing unity, transformation, and peace, we can create a brighter future for ourselves, future generations, and Mother Earth.


Author's Note: The above article is a transcription of the podcast episode featuring author Lt. Bailey. The content has been edited for clarity and readability.

Seven Ways Spirituality Helps Fulfillment of Dreams

For the soul, spirituality, is how it chooses  to evolve through physical life. While we are incarnate, pursuing our, dreams, we can follow the path to,  fulfillment.  We are both the source and the recipients of the gifts of the Universe and God.

Spirituality, and awakening is natural. The process is similar to waking up in the
morning and opening your eyes to the light. Your light is personal to you
expressing your inner vision.

Dreams, come true by merging your inner and outer life. We all have wishes and, dreams, to fulfill. For, spiritually, to be valid, it must be useful in bringing, fulfillment.

There are seven levels of, fulfillment. When you are fully connected to the light of being, which is the light of the self, your light shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest heavens. This is the light that shines within you!

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Seven Levels of, Spirituality and Fulfillment

1: The level of Pure Potential – We are in our essential state pure, consciousness. Pure, consciousness, is pure, potential energy. It is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any, dreams, you have; because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable, potential energy, of all that was, is and will be! One way to access these, spirituality gifts, is through the daily practice of silence, meditation and Life Coaching.

2: Fulfillment, from Giving – Your body, mind and the Universe are in constant and dynamic change. Stopping the circulation of, potential energy, is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth, affluence, love, respect …or anything you want…Circulating in your life.

I practice not only giving to God, but, giving to the homeless, and everyone I meet. It could be a smile, a compliment or a prayer. The most powerful forms of giving and, spirituality, are the non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give or receive for, fulfillment.

3: Fulfillment, from Sowing and Reaping – Everyone has heard the expression “whatever you sow, you shall reap”. It is obvious that if we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn, sowing and reaping.  Sowing the seeds that will grow Happiness. Therefore, we must life consciously, making good choices because, the law of sowing and reaping, is finite.

Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening to you at this moment is a direct result of the choices you've made in the past, sowing and reaping.  You cannot alter the past, but you can make the choice to design your future. Start now with the help of a Spiritual Life Coach. The more you bring your choices into the level of your, consciousness, and  awareness, the more you will make those choices which are spontaneously correct for both you and those around you.

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4: Fulfillment, from Love –

When you seek money and power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness from material things, instead of enjoying the happiness of the moment. On the other hand, when your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates and the surplus can be channeled to create anything you want; including unlimited wealth and optimal levels of, spirituality.

5: Fulfillment, from The Desires of your Heart –

The whole Universe, in its essential mature, is the movement of energy and information. You can consistently change the energy and information of your own Quantum mechanical body and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body…your environment, your world… and cause things to happen.

In other words “You become what you think about, most of the time”. The quality of your intention on the object of your attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended. So, never, never give up on your dreams.

6: Fulfillment, from Detachment –

Detachment, does not mean you give up the intention to create your desire. Instead, you give up your attachment to the result. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result and just believe that it will be yours; you will have that which you desire. Detachment, is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of God.

Detachment, is also synonymous with wealth, consciousness, because with, detachment, there is freedom to create. True wealth, consciousness, is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want and with little effort. Start creating your wealth. Call for a free consultation

7: Fulfillment, from being on Purpose –

We have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in this whole world. There are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with creative expression of talent, there is a spark that creates affluence.

Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance. It is said that “who you seek, is seeking you” my talent is to HELP you in discovering your purpose and fulfilling your destiny by creating awareness, discovering your essential nature, making conscious choices and co-creating for you and your loved ones.

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Spirituality, and Mental Health

Many researchers have demonstrated that, spirituality, plays a significant role in the lives of people, their thoughts, and behaviors. The effect of, spirituality, on mental health has been reviewed. In order to make further advances in the field it is becoming increasingly important to

(a) acknowledge the differences between the different religions;

(b) develop context-specific definitions of, spirituality, namely define, spirituality, in the context of a particular faith; and (c) construct the studies that will evaluate, spirituality, according to the context-specific measures. This approach will enable us to carry out comprehensive studies of analytical and comparative nature, and generate groundbreaking results in this research field.

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Is Love the Same in Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism?

Love,  in, Christianity, is reflected in God's love for us, he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. The bible, teaches us to Love one another as we love ourselves.
The Bible, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in, Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

Love, in, Christianity 

Jesus Christ, is my teacher and the Son Of God.  Loving yourself is more than providing the necessities of life for oneself. It is more than finding good employment, providing for one' s family, a nice house and some money in the bank. It is deeper than that.
Love, is spirit. It can be felt by strangers. It is a force of good and a power that connects us all. When you, love in Christianity, you take time to know and acquaint yourself with this force.  We are dually physical and non-physical beings, it is the secret to access the quantum universe.
Unfortunately, most of us only concentrate on the physical because that is what we see. We think we, love, ourselves because we take care of our bodies.
  • We exercise (some of us).
  • We eat nutritious foods that nourish our bodies (some of us)
  • and we protect ourselves from the sun and get the recommended amount of sleep (again some of us).

But how often can a stranger feels your, love, because you gave them a welcoming smile? How often do you find a quiet spot and pay attention to your breathing, your source and the center of your spirit? How often do you feel the, love, from a flower or from the stillness of a tree? God shows his love in, the bible, verses about, love, and by the beauty he created in nature. When we show our appreciation for nature we find God in beauty.

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Have you ever felt love from an inanimate object like a painting or a building? I visited the Taj Mahal earlier this month. It is one of the seven wonders of the world because of it's beauty. When you visit the Taj Mahal you feel the love for which it was intended. The building was constructed to immortalize Emperor Shah Jahan's, love, for his wife.  So, love in Christianity, means to appreciate your neighbor, as you appreciate yourself, extend that feeling past the boundaries of your family and trauma and make the world a better place to live.

Love in, Hinduism

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Hinduism, The eternal affection of Radha and Krishna has been the subject of great, religion, and philosophical imagery and is one of the foundational ethos of Hindu dharma.
The, love, of Radha and Krishna is not rooted in physicality. On the contrary it is allegorical. Jesus Christ, says “the mind that constantly remembers me, comes to dissolve and revel in me”.
Radha is the personification of this deeply devoted mind. The pain of Radha's separation from Krishna is the pain of the estranged soul searching for the embrace of the universal spirit. Radha is the individual and Krishna is the essence and objective of life.
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Radha is always the chosen one, but when Radha realizes the pride of having the Supreme Lord all to herself was coloring her mind, he disappears from her heart. Krishna then multiplies himself to be present between every two Gopis. The Gopis are believed to represent thought waves. The presence of Krishna between every two  Gopis, symbolizes that the eternal truth exists everywhere, and it can be perceived by the true seeker even between two thought waves.
Radha represents the purest and most beautiful amongst these divine thoughts and Krishna represents the supreme bliss that can be attained by dedicating one's mind to the divine.
Excerpt from Shyam Banerji “Hindu Gods and Temples”

Love, in, Buddhism

Basic Buddhism  – Buddhism, is both simple and profound. On a daily basis it advocates watching the mind so that all thoughts, actions and words manifest a kind and compassionate attitude towards all others. It is the loving heart that places others above self. Herein lies the ultimate wisdom of existence.
When you understand that the existence of all things, all beings, and all concepts is empty except in relation to other things, beings, and concepts, then you will be close to becoming awakened, crossing into a state of permanent happiness.
When you succeed in eliminating ignorance and replacing it with real wisdom, suffering comes to an end; because in understanding the true nature of existence you are no longer bound by the illusions of Samsara. It is Karma – the law of cause and effect- that gives life it's moral code. The Buddha thus advised doing everything to create good karma, for this has the power to propel you into a rebirth in circumstances that are conducive to practicing Dharma.
Thereby having the chance to attain enlightenment. Practicing Dharma means showing generosity, having a good heart, love, purifying negative karma, and creating good karma. It also means embarking on a spiritual path that leads to enlightenment.

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