Tag Archives: how to keep the flow in relationships

Finding Love The Second Time Around

Today my guest is Ms Patricia Fuqua. Patricia is a best-selling author, award-winning motivational speaker, and relationship expert, specializing in, second time around, today we're going be talking on the topic “How to find your diamond the, second time around,” I am going to enjoy talking to you because I've been around more than twice!


Let me tell you more about my guest Ms Patricia Fuqua. Patricia is the founder
of Dating Diamonds, a service that empowers women to meet the right man the, second time around. She is the creator of the “First Date the Soulmate Program” and since she has helped over 500 women meet the right man by designing a personalized plan. She helps them implement that plan. She's polished the art of relationship in her 40 year marriage to her, soulmate, husband.

Her strategy benefits men too, after all the more knowledge you have the more you can thrive. Her clients can be found in major cities including Sydney, Washington DC, Sacramento and San Francisco. She mentors women to use the story of their lives to create the relationship they choose the second time around. Patricia has her master's degree in American literature and an adult IDI
credential from San Francisco State University.
She holds coaching credentials from the Academy of Excellence and the
Windless Institute. She is a certified matchmaker with the matchmaker Institute and, second time around, coach.

Patricia also produced and hosted the TV show called the Patricia Fuqua show, a platform for using intuitive and spiritual practices as guides for better

How to find your diamond the second time around

Well Patricia that is a very excellent Bio, it covers a lot of territory.
I always like to start off my show asking my guests of their journey to this point in their career. Can you talk about your journey to becoming a relationship expert and author specializing in the, second time around? I know that you've been married for years and I need to say congratulations right off the top because that is quite an accomplishment; but how did you transcend your own relationship to becoming a coach?

Patricia: Well, now I've honed and polished my communication skills; but it wasn't always this way. There was a time in my marriage when I
was depressed because I was juggling career and the needs of young children
and my husband. I got really depressed because I was really feeling sorry for myself and then I got mad went into this deep funk. It wasn't until I discovered that I had the choice to be happy or to be sad that I started to turn myself around.

It wasn't my husband, it wasn't my children, it wasn't my job, it wasn't my life. It was the way I was looking at it so, when I discovered that I could be happy as a choice as well as being sad, I started to reach for better feeling thoughts, finding something good about everything and anytime somebody made me upset or I felt overwhelmed. I said okay so what's the silver lining here?

Helping women find love the second time around

I started to get answers and so as I discovered the power of choosing how I was going to feel about any situation or any person or relationship I said to myself this I have to share with the rest of the women in my life, because we could be so much happier if we only knew we could just choose to do it. I have the technique to show them so that's when I became inspired to start coaching women because I love happy people.

I just love being around happy people and helping them
learn to be happy the, second time around.  Helping them to have more love in their lives.
I always been a spiritual person studying spiritual practices, some people would say religion, and always I wanted to be in alignment with source, some people would say God, Universe, Higher Intelligence. There are many names
for that creator and so as a result that's how I started coaching. I started
saying well this is what I've learned about being happy and in love, so I'm
wanting to share this with you and we can personalize it for you so that you
too can have more love and happiness in your life.

And that one day that I had this record-breaking seminar for women, it was just like they were lined up around the table and down the aisles waiting to speak to me. I was just giving them these nuggets of wisdoms and, second time around, nuggets that I had come to from my reading from my study and they were walking away happy, so it was a great day.
It was it's one of those peak experiences.

We are all looking for happiness

Myrna: Wow that is awesome and you know a lot of people would go through that process and keep it all to themselves, so it's absolutely great that
you through that process realized that everything is better when you share.
That's an overstatement, everything is better when you share. God gives
you a testimony, so that you can share and you can encourage and it's really
profound that you had this really record-breaking experience of everybody
wanted a piece because you've hit on something.

Happiness, is a rare quality, even when you've got all you want
somehow a lot of people are still not happy and you know it's really
interesting; but I did an interview on this show with a monk
called Swami G about 2 years and this morning Facebook shared the memory.
I reposted, he was saying that happiness doesn't come from external
Sources, just like you have figured out it comes from inside and that's why you
know the Buddhist monks talk about enlightenment, because when you're
enlightened you know suffering and unhappiness doesn't come to you.

I woke up this morning with some heavy things going on in my
life and my children, and when I posted it. I said, I wish that
I myself can tap into that field today. I was meditating this morning from very early in the morning and it just didn't work because my mind was too busy. So, if you have gems that help people, that is why they're lined up because it's something that you know we all require at some point in time.

We don't have to be depressed but some days just knock you down. Good story so I'm glad that you were able to bottle your experiences to help others to get there as well. You touched on something as well about you being
very spiritual and connected to source. So my second question is how can other women use intuitive and spiritual practices as a guide for better relationships the, second time around?

Let's just add happiness on to that.

That’s the exciting part of my practice because when I'm sharing with women the seven principles that are in the book, Second Time Around,
meditation is number one and I'm glad that you're a meditator because even
when we feel that, oh my God my mind is so busy it didn't make a difference, it
does make a difference because you're quieting your mind,
and it can give you a different perspective on a situation.

I've learned over time that women need to or benefit from having a different
perspective on the situation, or relationship, and dating and love and
happiness because we can as a group, are very sensitive and emotional. Some
more than others, and when we can tap into that place where we're feeling not
as positive as we could and start to look at least one positive thing
about a situation, you recognize what they're feeling and to shift.

It's kind of like this morning you said you woke up with heavy feelings and the meditation didn't feel like it was making a difference, however if it ever entered your mind that oh well this is something I could be thankful for in this
situation, that is going to raise your emotional tone.
We get stronger at managing our feelings and eventually we get to the place where we can move more quickly up this emotional scale to happiness or at least optimism, and after meditation if you say to yourself oh well it wasn't
quite as bad as I thought because B and C is in place, you move up the scale.

You are correct, this morning I didn't come up with
any positives, but I came up with some guidance and that's basically what
happens when you quiet your mind right the Universe, God, your
Higher self gives you some guidance and some next steps.

What are you bringing to the table

Some of the other principles have to do with just mining. Like gold mining your own story to figure out what you really want to experience in relationship. Some women want to feel pampered and protected and privileged, and you know what is it each woman needs is to discover or to remind herself what she really wants to experience in relationship. Some women are very conventional and they like the idea of having a man play a man's role, do the man things in in the conventional sense, manage the house, take out the garbage,
that sort of thing.

Other women want somebody to plan their fun, so what is it that helps you feel the way you want to feel in relationship, that you would like that other person to be doing? That's one of the key principles, there are seven total principles we don't have time to go into them all now. Meditation to manage your own
thoughts and feelings. Now it your, second time around, what are you bringing to the table?

Awesome, alright so again we're touching on mindsets a little bit, so this is an interesting question for me to ask you because we're specifically talking here about the, second time around. Women who has been divorced, the woman is maybe in a committed relationship, maybe not necessarily married; but they're
starting over again and your mindset is very crucial because your mindset can
actually keep you from making this a positive experience.
So what mindset do you coach your women and men then that they have to develop when they're in the, second time around?

I have the attitude that there is a lid for every pot.

Know what you want the second time around

That's an old southern expression that means all they have to do is be very clear on the vision of what they want to experience and they will meet that person.
So those mindsets have to be in the present. If we're going to develop a relationship a, second time around, that is satisfying and that can last. Having a lid and every pot means that there's a match for you somewhere, and if you have a clear vision on the match you know as a coach as well any coaching whether it's for whatever you want just have a clear vision of it and that's the way you attract it to you.

I was thinking that is the most important mindset that they have to develop is that they have release the baggage of the last relationship. How do you feel about that?

It's important to be aware of the baggage of the last
relationship because it can be like a weight around your ankles pulling you
down and away from what you want. It's also important to be able to shift
that attitude that you might have developed, that feeling about
relationship or about the opposite gender that you had. The awareness the
self-awareness of knowing what that attitude is that's blocking you will
allow you to come up with an alternative, so that you can do the things, say the
things that will help you attract that clear vision that you have. That's the
lid for your pot so to speak.

Myrna: Like I said in the beginning of the podcasts, I've been around
the block several times myself and what I have found. To clarify I have been married like four times, what I have found is that a lot of times the baggage is
you come out of a relationship and there is a negative experience you make sure that there's not that a negative experience is not in your next partner;
but a lot of times you find something else right, so how do you coach women
around “hey I don't want to have a guy like that again kind of scenario?

Let the laws of attraction work for you

Patricia: I understand what you're saying and the Law of our Universe, some people call it the Law of Attraction but the way it's
set up is that it wants us to be happy that law is God in action or the
Universe in action or the Creator in action. We are put here to have fun
that's the point in the studies that I have had and so when we focus on what we really want the universe hears.

The trick becomes being able to manage your feelings and
your thoughts and your attitudes so that you're focusing on what you really want it doesn't understand anything except for what you spend the most time
thinking about, so if you're spending most of your time thinking about oh my
God that was the worst relationship ever, I never want to see a guy like that again! Well, that's what you're going to get more of or some variation, because you're spending so much time on it and that's what a Universe is answering.

That is the perfect answer because, yes that is exactly what happens.
That's why a lot of women go in relationships that are
almost the same because they keep attracting the same kind of man or the
same kind of relationship because they're saying well this is this is what
I don't want. Let's take an example of a cheater, this is what I don't want or
even an abusive relationship, and then you are cycling through those all the
time because they tell the universe what they don't want and that is exactly what shows up. I like what you said, whatever you spend time thinking about
whether it's what you don't want or what you do want then that's what's going to show up. Excellent answer.

Myrna: Who would you say is your ideal client?

My ideal client is a woman of experience and substance who has had more than one relationship, I used, second time around, because that's a very familiar expression; but she usually has raised her children, she's launched them into college or into the work world and she's comfortable in her career and in a single mom.

All these years I've been raising the kids I've been taking care of other people. I have a great social life; but where is my special partner? I like this woman. I prefer this as the ideal client although men in the situation my teachings work as well; because they have had enough variety and experience they know what they want through conversation and we can plan how their strategy is going to roll out and make it happen.

I shouldn't say make it happen but we can work with my spiritual principles so that they're very clear on what they want, they know how to manage their mindset, they know what they would prefer to experience, they're open to using these practices. Example: One of my clients was sitting at an
outside café in my little town here of Menlo Park one afternoon with her
college son who was home for the holiday and a man saw her at this outside café, parked his car came over to meet her.

She had been trained by me who had the strategy of being approachable, she looked radiantly beautiful; because I said honey anytime you go out you have got to look good. People are attracted by the visual. She was in line with that and so he came over sat down next to her as if he were her best friend they started chatting well as her calm was being the hostess and making him
feel comfortable; because she found out right away that he was her type of
guy. At the end of that short conversation, he passed his telephone
number to her on a napkin and said if you want to continue this just give me a
call, that was six years ago. They're still together.

It's about being clear, always being ready so you don't have to
get ready and being ready for who comes into your world; so that you can check them out and decide if you want to get to know them better.

Always be ready so do don't have to get ready

I love the last tagline. I think Will Smith says that best he says you
should always be ready cause if you're ready, you ain't got to get ready.
All right now let's get a little personal and transparent. I know
you've been happily married for over forty years
you talked in your BIO in your journey or your history that
there was a period of time when you were depressed, because you're doing so much, and your happiness came after you decided that you had
a choice and it was not your husband or your kids job to make
you happy.

I absolutely love that. I know this personally because that's the reason I'm finally happy. After running around and trying to find happiness by having other people give it to me, the reason I'm happy in my relationship
is because I meditate and I do me. I don't depend on anyone
else to be to make me happy. I make myself happy; but I saw this in
print the other day when Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck had left her. He
cheated on her with the nanny and I think she was having an interview and
she said point blank that it was not Ben's job to make sure that she was
happy. I'm sure a lot of people that are not in our space
wouldn't understand that; but I absolutely loved it.
So what would you say is the reason for your marital success?

Marital success second time around

Well marital success the, second time around, means also that there's a the dark side of it that there are some times that are not successful and after years there have been times where I haven't been successful at being happily married and so now that I am happily married, that I've gone through some things so the idea here is every situation that has conflict in it.

I have learned to ask myself what would you prefer here Patricia? And when I get the answer to that then I can get busy, I can start conversations. In the book, I'm leading women to go from “first date to soul mate” with these principles and it doesn't stop once you meet and develop the relationship with your soulmate, the conversations and the communication has to continue through the inevitable conflicts that happen between two people in an intimate personal relationship.

So as a result I've learned to use that very powerful question
“What would you prefer here Patricia?” That tells me that I
need to start doing my practices and asking that question.
What is it you want the man to do? What it is you
want the woman to do? We don't communicate what we want we just fight about it because we're expecting to be mind reader's.

As we wrap up our show today, Patricia how can our readers and listeners get in touch with you and get a copy of your book, second time around?

I would love to chat with people or let them know a link for the book and so I would ask people to just email me [email protected] Put in the subject line “chat” or “Book” and I'll send you a copy of the book
which will go into some of the seven principles that I talked about.

Remember to subscribe to the Transform Your Mind podcast on iTunes
and leave a review. Much appreciated.

Additional Resources

What Men Want In A Woman

How to Let Your Desires Flow

How to let your, desires flow, out of you. We can become like the, Alchemist, and transform our desires and let our, desires flow, out of us when we realize that we are abundant.
Whether it's a relationship, whether it's a job whether it's travel, whatever is your most intimate, desire, we've been teaching you, me and my co-host miss Margo Blake has been teaching you how to achieve the, Alchemy of Desire, which is the magical transformation of thoughts into manifestation.

Today I want to conclude with now that you've got it how
to flow with it so we're calling this episode “How to let your, desires flow”

How to let your desires flow

  1. Knowing what you want, and once you know what you want in order to activate it you need to put some emotion to it and that is how you activate the,  Law of Attraction.
  2. Using the, energy of desire, to create something magical.
  3. Put your attention on your, desires, so that you can light your, desires, on fire!


How to keep what you now have

What you have in your hands need some work, you just don't get it and then you don't have to do anything else.
Relationships, require work, and most people have a false sense of entitlement.
They feel that it is enough that they are just there in the relationship and
all they have to do is show up or come home every night and they feel that
they're doing something. People think that you should love them as they are
and they don't need any work or they don't need to make any changes.

I remember one of my ex-husband's actually saying this to me.
A few months after we were married I asked him to take more care with his
Appearance and hygiene because he was walking around looking like he was homeless and this was his response and I quote

“This is what you bought and you can't send it back”

A lot of people feel that hey you picked me, you bought me, you got into a relationship with me, so you must be okay with how I am, and you know you gotta put up or shut up. But that does not lead to a healthy relationship.

Your desires need work to manifest

Some ask why do I have to do all this work? I have heard people say it's either a fit or it's or it's not. Why try to force a square peg in a round hole? Good question. It's true, that there are some square pegs that definitely do not need to be forced into a round hole because it's never gonna fit right; but we're not talking about the obvious misfits. We're talking about couples have some synergy. They have love but they just got to do a little bit of work.

We all know the spouse or a partner that just comes home and turn on the TV and pay his partner no attention. Those are the ones were talking about. Relationships,  needs work to keep them fresh and healthy.

When, relationships, are not fresh and healthy, couples then become roommates and it's never more evident as when you go to your partner and you say “Hey this is not working out, I think we should we should go our separate ways and they say sure why not. They agree!

My gosh that is like a slap in your face or like someone throwing a cold bucket of water on you! That is not the response you want but; that's what happens when the relationship Ebbs and Ebbs and nobody pays any attention and you're now just roommates. What has happened is that your partner has emotionally checked out a long time ago and they're just there for I don't know, finances, the children or whatever the reason. You have to let your, desires flow.

When you break up with someone you want them
to miss you. You want them to chase you. You don't want them to say.
“Sure, why not!”. That's not the response that we should get when
we're trying to terminate a relationship right?

When desire stop flowing

I remember reading Gabrielle Union's book We're Going To Need More Wine”  and she told the story a very sad story about the night she had a fight with her first husband. She describes this relationship as feeling like you are driving towards a brick wall yet being incapable of mashing on the breaks! Her marriage was going down the tank for a long time but she didn't want to give up on it.

So, she told the story about a night she had a fight with her husband one of their many fights and she ran out the house in the middle of the night, four o'clock in the morning or some ridiculous time like that. She expected her husband to chase her because you know your husband should be worried about you, he's supposed to be to protect you!

Gabriel ended up sitting by a tree and falling asleep. When she woke up in the morning she was sure that her husband was worried about her and called the cops. She expected to find cops all over her house when she got home. Instead she found her husband fast asleep.
That's when she realized there was no hope for her marriage. Her husband's, desire, for her had stopped flowing.

What can you do to keep desires flowing

So ladies and gentlemen, Ask yourself what do you bring to the table?
You now have the object of your affection, you won. He or she is now yours what are you going to do to keep him or her?
Ladies maybe you were a seductress and got the man interested, now what? What else you got?
One quality will bring someone to the table and even make them fall in love with you but it will not keep them. It will not hold them.

Lots of people love others, but can't live with them.
Lot of couples divorce yet are still in love, that is because you need a pairing of attractive qualities.
A one hat trick is not going to be enough in the long run.
Ladies, You know that there is a long line of seductress waiting around the corner to entice your man.
Men if all you got, is that you are the provider, well all your woman has to do is look to the left or right and find another man with a job and he can replace you.
What is your unique paring? What make your, desires flow?

This information was the reason I went through 4 husbands.
They all had one thing but not the unique pairing I required to hold me.
I will tell you it took me almost 30 years to find it in my current relationship.
My unique paring was ambition and genuine caring. Caring for me and my daughter.
When you get this unique paring you get not only an attraction but you get an addiction.
The “and” is what makes you difficult to replace.
What I would like to do now is play for you an except from one of the relationship experts I interviewed on this show to add some context to our conversation. Ms Inez Bracy is a coach and author of Rejuvenate your life: 21 days to feel like a woman again.

Days to feel like a woman again by Inez Bracy

5 Ways to let your desires flow

1. Meditation
Your journey begins whenever you say it is. Meditation allows you to connect to your inner self and let your, desires flow, out of you.
Now is this moment if you decide this second yeah this makes perfect sense to me. I am going to do something to start changing my life.
If you decide that that's perfect and you go into silence and into meditation, being still, whatever it is you desire to change will reveal itself to you. It will come in a way where you are given steps to take.
Now I can tell you this when that comes, it is going to come very quietly, it's not going to be loud and boisterous, it's going to tell you perhaps you should do this or that.

2. Celebration
The next thing that I enjoy is celebrations. Celebrate something every single day and that's what my blissful living challenge is all about. So many times we can get caught up in everything that's going on around us. Almost like a vortex we get just sucked into it; but if you've ever been around a baby, small babies or under two years old. Up to that age the baby's just gurgles and giggles and they are just so happy.
I imagine it now.

Being blissful allows your desires to flow.  They have no reason not to be. We lose that along the way from boundaries and everything else that comes along. When we lose that we get to recapture and reclaim it because it is our birthright. Babies come in the world with it. We could to reclaim our birthright and no matter what is going on in our environment, we can still choose bliss.

3. Vibration Frequency
The more you start to celebrate, the more you lift your vibrations and The more you sing, the more you dance, the less often you will have to shovel; because your vibrational energy is at a point now where it's attracting to you those things that are good. This level of vibration is higher so you're going to be attracting love, you're going to be attracting Joy, you're going to be attracting bliss.

Yes, I talk about gratitude like that but; I guess it's the same word be grateful for what you have regardless of what's lacking. Don't concentrate on what you don't have. Concentrate on what you want. So that you can raise your vibrational frequency and attract good things.

So, yes celebrating having gratitude very important.

4. Vision
Another thing is to visualize. To live in a space of visualization to write out what it is you want. When I'm working with my clients, I say to them I desire you get to write out your vision for your life. Where do you want to live?
How does it look? How does it show up?

Sit down and see yourself in the theater of your mind. On your own stage and you're the actor and the producer!
Write out your vision for your life.

5. Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda
We can spend our entire lives lamenting Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda and that's all in the past. All in the past, it's already happened or didn't happen. Those words have no value to this present moment. They have no value to your future either.
So you should begin to eliminate woulda coulda shoulda from your vocabulary

Additional resources 
