Tag Archives: real estate investor

Real Estate: 6 Tips To Finding Good Tenants

As a, Real Estate, property manager, and, real estate, investor, here are 6 tips to finding good tenants.  I offer my clients the peace of mind of, long term tenants, who take care of their property and pay their rent on time.

Finding good tenants,  is the goal of all, real estate investors, especially out of town investors who can't manage their properties themselves.

What does a Real Estate Property Manager do?

As a, Real Estate, property manager, I offer a unique proposition for my local market of , Fort Myers, Fl. I will:

  1. market your listing on the MLS, Zillow, Apartments.com, Craigslist
  2. screen tenants over the phone before scheduling showing appointment
  3. show property to qualified tenants
  4. do background check on all adults, including rental references and job
  5. If qualified, prepare legal lease and collect holding deposit
  6. organize any repairs needed to get property ready for new tenants
  7. move in tenants and collect first month rent and security deposits
  8. be the agent for any notices for maintenance
  9. organize or dispatch any maintenance repairs
  10. All these services are FREE with the listing of the home or condo.
  • My fee is the standard one month rent that other realtors collect just for showing your property and putting in the MLS

Off loading the task of finding good tenants to a, real estate, property manager, limits the occurrences of having bad tenants who:

  • don't pay their rent on time
  • who destroy your property
  • who don't pay at all and you have to evict
  • who disturb the peace and cause problems with the HOA

Some other benefits of hiring a, realtor property manager, to find you good tenants:

  • Saves you time of dealing with all the calls, showings etc
  • As a, Realtor property manager, I have access to other Realtors in the MLS and their clients
  • As a, Realtor property manager, I know the areas that can command the highest rents
  • As a, Realtor property manager, I can do research on areas and prices on the multiple listing service and public records
  • As a, Realtor property manager, I have access to off market discount properties so you can buy your real estate investment property at discount prices thus lowering your monthly carrying costs.
  • As a, Realtor property manager, the biggest benefit to you is that you can get into the HOT Florida real estate market while living in the North. Your, Realtor property manager, will be your feet on the street.

Some other services I provide:

  1. Do you have a property to sell? As a, Realtor, I offer the same all inclusive service to help you market your property and get top dollar
  2. Looking to Buy a home owner occupied or as a, real estate investor? I have access to property on the MLS, Zillow, Craigslist, pocket listings and off market discount properties
  3. If you are a cash buyer and looking for rehab properties, I work with local wholesalers to get you inventory.
  4. As a, Realtor property manager, I can offer you a turnkey investment. I find the property, find the tenant, move in the tenant, you collect the rent!

“The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Real Estate Investments”

If you are new to investing, start today and be on your way to becoming an Automatic Millionaire Real Estate Investor. Properties in the USA average about a 5% increase in value every year.  My first investment property I bought 35 years ago for $185,000 is worth over $1,000,000 today.  That story can be heard all over the country. There are more millionaires being made from real estate investing than any other investment.

Call Myrna Young at 239-542-5777 Century 21 Selling Paradise and to schedule your listing or property management consultation or email me at [email protected].

You can also check out my blog https://myhelps.us/ and subscribe to my iTunes podcast  to listen the Transform your Mind podcast and receive weekly tips, Life coaching advice, and, Realtor property management, tips and strategies.

Some past episodes:



Using The Inner Game To Become The Richest Real Estate Agent

Ben Oosterveld became a, real estate agent, and a coach and said I would literally show the agents how to do sales using their, inner game.  I convinced 12, real estate agents, to coach with me, and I said, I'm gonna really kill this. I'm going to destroy it. It's not going to be hard. I know how to do it, but I'm going to do it alongside you.

And it was the weirdest coaching program ever. I said only one group of people are ever going to see this and I became Rookie of the Year.  My first year I did over 80 transactions. But I but I also hired an assistant within my first three weeks, because I was businessman.

Download the podcast here: 



Ben Oosterveld, didn’t have an easy start. He lived on the streets from the age of 14, survived a failed suicide attempt at age 15, and later spent 365 days in rehab. Ben's, inner game, needed work. He was a pure-bred, people pleaser, manipulative & controlling man who always compared himself to others to the point of constant self-sabotage.

Ben has since coached entrepreneurs and national companies. Previously, he built a real estate investment company that held 61 properties with investors in 4 different cities. After getting his real estate license, he built a multimillion-dollar real estate business with an award winning top national team in 3 years.

Today, Ben helps business owners and, real estate agents, get clear about who they really are and what they really want. He helps them make the right changes in their business and life with the new goal of building a life they love. His focus is on coaching, speaking, and running personal growth retreats. Ben loves business but his real obsession is helping people break free of the old patterns that hold them back in life. The, inner game, is everything to him and he is on a mission to find his tribe, one extraordinary person at a time.

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How Ben found his inner game

Myrna; : Can you share your backstory, why you were suicidal and bridge the gap for us and how you went from there to here?

Ben: Sure, I grew up in a tough childhood. I had good parents, but my dad was not in a place to be a parent. He has his own backstory that shaped him. And yeah, just I started running away from home when I was 12 and lived on the streets. I was a very industrious kid, but still and I would find places to sleep and just honestly just got into drugs. Alcohol found a place of acceptance. I never felt accepted.

I got really good at doing drugs as a young kid, every day just getting go.  I ended up trying to commit suicide and committed in a psychiatric ward. I broke out of the psychiatric ward as a kid and that was on the news. My parents told me the news it was a pretty crazy story. But there's lots of stories within all these stories, but I went to a place called Teen Challenge. I went to 365-day rehab center, my plan was I was gonna give this one last try. And I went and that helped me. It helped me a lot.

And then I went into the world. I got into sales. I got into selling. My dad was a salesman, so it's just ironic that I got into sales. I desperately wanted his approval and his love thinking that was the missing hole in my life, thinking that was the actual hole that I needed to fill was based around my father relationship. But it was a relationship with myself. I didn't realize that till later. And I figured, you know, we got to work on this relationship with my dad and, and he was really interested in to me when I was doing things that he was interested in.

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The performance mentality to crush real estate sales

I built the, performance mentality. You know, people pleasing, mentality where I felt loved when I worked hard, so became a workaholic. My dad was a salesman and a financial planner. I became a, salesman. But I'd be not just a, salesman, I became number one, salesman. I had this weird drive that but if I wasn't number one, I was nothing. I had this huge gap happiness was always based on my performance, and what other people would say about me.  I knew I could control what other people say if I just become number one.

I became a, real estate investor, and the first year or so I bought 41 properties and ended up building a, real estate investment, company. I ended up coaching, real estate agents. We changed the investment company when the crash happened. That was a pretty huge hit in my psychology, because I was always winning, and I didn't know what it was like to not win. I cried at my desk. I went through a lot then I hired a, life coach. And I hired someone I thought he was a, business coach.

His name was Mr. McKernan and I worked with him for eight years. And he was the first guy to challenge me. I was a very strong, strong person. I could tell myself stories and I could convince you and me of these stories. And a lot of times we just got to identify some self-awareness around these people that are going on with their stories.  I've really niched out in, real estate, to help the, real estate industry and, real estate agents.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

Becoming an inner game coach

I actually became a, real estate agent, and a coach and I would literally show the agents how to do sales. So, I convinced 12, real estate agents, to coach with me, and I said, I'm gonna really kill this. I'm going to destroy it. It's not going to be hard. I know how to do it, but I'm going to do it alongside you. And it was the weirdest coaching program ever. I said only one group of people are ever going to see this and I became Rookie of the Year.  My first year I did over 80 transactions. But I but I also hired an assistant within my first three weeks, because I was businessman.

Why would you buy a restaurant and try to cook and serve all at the same time?  Real estate agents, all over the country are doing everything themselves. And I realize it's the thinking that's the problem. They think they can keep selling and selling, but they forget that you could build a, referral base, every single year bigger and bigger and eventually if you did 1000 deals in your lifetime and you have a 10% referral rate, you'd have 100 sales every single year without even spending $1 in marketing. So, no one's playing the long game. I coach now helping, real estate agents, put in the right systems in place, so they can buy back their time because a business is if you're a, salesman, you got to grind it out.

But if you're a business owner, what you're doing is designing your company to serve the life that you want. The question is what else do you want? And that's where I'm a blackbelt, because I can help people uncover what they want. Now we create that then we say how much does that cost? Cool. So, you only need 200 grand a year to have the life you want when you thought you needed a million.

Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast
Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

People pleasing and the inner game

So, we do a lot of work regarding the, inner game, and figuring out what they want. Most people don't know. My journey has been this weird, obsessed with human behavior and psychology because I was broken and I hated myself. So, I just was I tried to fix myself along the way and then the, inner game, really changed me.

It's been many, many lessons. We could talk for long. I'm sure we could share stories. The thing is, though, the biggest one. The biggest one happened the last, say three years for me. I've done well. I've done been doing this for years now. But the thing is, I got to a place where I would see something in my life and I want to fix it. I want to fix, people pleasing, manipulative, anger, whatever you can choose, anxiety, and I looked at it and I say I don't want that in me.

So now I'm going to use my skill of attacking and my builder skill, which is like, let's figure out how to get it down. I would study and try to attack these ailments that I had that I didn't like. But the more I fixed them, I find more, fix more and find more, that's when I realized I knew I know a lot of knowledge and I can help a lot of people. But I realized I was digging myself into a hole of unsatisfied anxiety, depression, hatred, through the, Personal Growth Movement. Because I just found that I was still broken.

Then I would go into judgment and say I should feel better. I'm doing all these, personal growth tools, and affirmations and all this stuff. But it was judgment because I didn't feel better. I felt like I could get through stuff, but I had five more things in me that needed to be fixed. So that fixer in the builder just led me to more fixing and builder and what I realized is self-acceptance is enlightenment.

Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Why hiring an assistant is setting realtors up for success

Myrna: Yeah, you got so many nuggets in there. I got to remember which ones I want to circle back to. Okay. All right. Let me take let me let me test my memory here. So, the first thing I want to circle back on was and you hired an assistant right away.  A lot of, real estate agents, wouldn't understand that because we know in, real estate, you don’t make enough money to hire and assistant when you just get started. I interviewed a guy a couple months ago on the on the show and he became a top, commercial Realtor, in in San Francisco. And he was talking that for the first two years he didn't get a paycheck because of course he was working on big deals.

We know as, Realtors, when you come in, you don't always get the 10 deals a month. You get a little bit of money. And you're not thinking of hiring someone. You said you went in and immediately hired someone because you understood sales.

Ben: I hired an assistant because I was planning to be successful. Are you planning to fail?

Myrna: Yeah, exactly. That's a good tagline. You know, don't plan to fail, you know, set your business up for success.

Ben: I'm dealing with hiring an assistant, it's my secret way to get to find out where you psychologically create emotional friction. So, watch this. Hey, why don't you hire an assistant? Well, I don't have money or time. I don't know what to do. Hold on. That's all emotional friction. Let me change your thinking for some of the people on the show right now that have a business or anything. I'll just do it really quickly.

Can you afford $20 a week? Of course, you can. So, what we need to do is not go to the black belt hire, I gotta get you to hire well white belt, because I need you to get a psychological win.  I want for you to become a CEO or a boss. The learning curve is way too high. But if I can get someone to manage your birthday system to make sure that you send a birthday card to every single client, I call that project hiring. You can practice being a boss and the cost is 20 bucks, one hour a week. It's the only mindset first, real estate coaching, in the world. It's called the Richest Real Estate Agent Facebook group.

Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Definition of the inner game

Myrna: Okay, I love that. I will definitely join that. But you know in my defense, I focus a lot on my time on my podcast.  Explain what you mean by the, inner game?

Ben: The, inner game, it's the relationship with yourself. When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? It’s your, emotional intelligence. Let's talk about, people pleasers. If you're a, people pleaser, you are extremely selfish person. I can speak about it because I got the medal of honor. And so, here's the thing, let's play this game with the readers and even ourselves. If someone says something like this, “You let me down.” If you can really take a second, close your eyes and think about how that would make you feel with someone that mattered. People pleasers, only please the people that matter.

Myrna: I would feel pretty bad. I would feel that I let you down and since I'm a caring person, that would bother me.

Ben: Correct, you have this internal energy this chaos that says, I don't like this feeling that I get when someone lets me down.  By the way I can manipulate anybody with that right now. All I got to do is say you let me down and I can pull the strings on people, that's manipulation. So, if you just be very careful, miss everyone wants to be an independent man, independent woman. Great. So, if you're a, people pleaser, super easy to control. FYI. That's how you give your power away. Second thing is this, if you are people pleasing, you act as if it's about the other person. And it's such a lie, because all I want is that feeling to go away.

So, I got to make sure you're not upset with me. That has nothing to do with the, is all about making sure I don't feel those emotions. Because it makes me feel bad. So, who are you really pleasing?  Yourself.  How do you like when someone says I'm doing something for you, but they're not using you so really, as a, people pleaser, you use people. No wonder there's no real deep connection.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM
Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Language and personality types

Myrna: That's true. That's a different way of looking at it. That's a different spin. Tell us about the 16 Psychological languages.

Ben: we're born with 16 personality types and we all are the same human. There are 16 through the study of 100 years of psychology, there's 16 combinations of personality. So, when we say that's just my personality, you're all personalities you just haven't visited say the organizing person, you're more of a winged person or you're more of a detailed person, you're more of this, so forth. So, this is years and years of studying humans is understanding myself as being my obsession, and now I understand the people and I'll give you an example.

Let's just do a practical example on a language understanding human language. So, let's say that, you're a real estate agent, and you go into a house, let's say I'm brand-new, real estate agent. I sit down and the client askes me, so how long you've been in the business, I'm thinking who says that? What if I'm brand new, you know? I'm gonna feel terrible.

And so here's the thing. I look at a guy like that. And so, speaking his language, he has the balls to hit me with a bat. That is a test on my credibility. Okay, we have to understand that we can stop being so self-centered, and observe how people talk to us. Here's the trick. Here's some tactical training. The guy says, how long you been in the business? You have to hit him with a sarcastic hit and you got to be direct, or you'll lose the guy's credibility. That's understanding his language.

So, I would say, you know what? I've only been in the business under a year. And I might not be your, real estate agent. Then I'd say to him, I'd say, but I do know someone 40 years in the business, her name's Betty. She has a walker. If that's how you're going to choose, let me give you her your number right now. And then guess what he says, I like this guy. I want to hire him. Because  sarcasm  is the language of the logical, but then later, they become loyal.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Using language to build connection and rapport

Myrna: So you're really pretty confident to do that. That's pretty good.

Ben: In my course I teach the psychology of all the languages and when someone teaches sales training, I think it's manipulative. What I do is it's like, I look at human connection.

So there's building connection and rapport through tactics or authenticity, and then one is rich, but people pleasing one is real. Like if I really understand you, I'll probably find out what makes you tick. What's your nostalgic value? That’s what I think of when I meet a client. So, this isn't this isn't mirroring, its building rapport. This is truly at a psychological level, making a connection.

Myrna: Tell us about your podcast is called the, Inner Game.

Ben: I am no longer doing the, Inner Game, Podcast. We're all in on bringing mindset and personal growth and business mindset versus worker mindset to, real estate. And so, I'm focused 100% of that in my podcast is called “The, Richest Real Estate Agent. The other thing is I have a book coming out called the real “The richest real estate agent: how to build a seven-figure business without sacrificing your relationships.” It's the first mindset book for, real estate agents, with full tactical training. Never ever has this been combined. We're going to be going after the, inner game, for, real estate agents, and that's our focus.

Book The Richest Real Estate Agent
Book The Richest Real Estate Agent


And so that's the book, the podcast and our group on Facebook is all The, Richest Real Estate Agent.  I also run, personal growth, retreats that I do that once a year for people that want to bring up their teams or whatever, and I take them on a three-day kind of off grid or adventure retreats. And that's three days I can't even compare to the effectiveness of what three days away on one of my retreats does for the for the head and the heart. All these information can be found on my website www.benoosterveld.com

Additional Resources


Real Estate Investing with No Money

Real estate investor, Trainer Trevor Evans, teaches, how to invest in real estate with No Money. Trevor teaches, how to get funding for your deals, fix and flip,  your, investment properties, and, how to flip a house.

Watch the YouTube video to learn how to Invest in Real Estate from a, Rich Dad, real estate investor.

What you will learn about Real Estate Investing in this motivational video:

1. What are some strategies to purchase property for your,  real estate investing, business with little or no cash?

There are several way to do this. You can max out your credit cards, you can set up a lease to own deal, you can get seller financing.

2. What does, Hard money lenders, look for in a good deal?

They look for the ROI or return on investment

3. How do you make your deal attractive to a, Hard money lender?

Show that the resale value is at least 40% higher that the investment.

Strategies using other people's money to fund your, real estate investments:

1. Using your credit cards to fund your deals. The more credit you have the better off you are!

2. Hard money Lenders,  Hard money lenders,  look at the asset and not at your credit score.

3. Borrow money from friends and family. You convert them into, Hard Money lenders, and pay them a good interest rate to start your, house flipping, business.

4. Borrow from your Whole Life Insurance policy.

2. Take a loan from your 401K.

3. Take out an Equity line of credit on your personal house.


The commonly used strategy in, real estate investing,  is the use of a, Hard Money Lender.

You need a, Hard money lender, for your, real estate investing, business. A money lender does not look at your credit, what does he look for?

1. Your expertise. Most, Hard money lenders, want you to have three investments under your name. This does not include your personal residence.

2. The ARV or after repair value. The property must have equity before the deal is made.

3. How did the property come on the market. Eg is it a Foreclosure, short sale or probate.

4. What is your, exit strategy? Is your, exit strategy, to, buy and hold, or, fix and flip?

5. How long you need to complete rehab work.

6. How much is the estimated cost of repairs.


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Hard Money Lender do not offer 100% Financing

Make no mistake, hard money lenders, need borrowers to deploy their capital and get a return on investment for their capital partners. They often enjoy repeat business, real estate investing, aren’t typically one-time borrowers, so asset-based lenders like, hard money lenders, or, private money lenders, value the business relationships they develop with quality borrowers.

Real estate investing, with no money down or little or no cash is to borrow from, Hard money lenders, who charge high interest for short term loans. When, hard money lenders, provide a loan, they want to be confident that the, borrower, is able to repay the loan on time. If the, borrower, isn’t able to pay back the loan, this creates a great deal of extra work, stress and potential financial loss for the lender. A strong, borrower, with a significant down payment (or equity in the property) and cash reserves has the best chance of obtaining a, hard money loan, and succeeding with their, real estate, project.

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Myrna Young South Florida Realtor

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Looking for a, Hard Money Lender? Here is an article from Connected Investors on how to get bids on your project.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Connected Investors, the world’s largest, real estate investing, network and marketplace, today announced the launch of the first centralized real estate investment funding portal, CiX.com. The technology allows real estate investors to quickly and easily submit their deals to a network of asset-based lenders, ensuring the best terms for loans on their, investment properties.

Subscribe to the Transform you Mind podcast with Coach Myrna to get notification of all shows, Life coaching tips as well as Real Estate Investment tips and strategies.

Additional Resources


How to Build Wealth with Turnkey Real Estate Investing

How to Use The Law of Attraction to Create Wealth

The, Law of Attraction explained, dictates that you can create, wealth, with your thoughts.  Thoughts do become things, if you believe. The thoughts you believe inwardly and project outwardly will be the things that you attract into your life. If you want to attract something such as, money, therefore, it’s important to visualize it as if you already have it.

Listen to the full interview here:


The Law of Attraction Explained

Law of attraction explained:  The, Law of attraction explained, in its simplest terms its where your thoughts as a force pushes you physically to turn things into a reality.  So if our thoughts are our guide. Why are some people more successful than others. In the, law of attraction money, we look at why some people attract, wealth,  and others don't.

Both sets of people are thinking the same thing. I want to get rich. Why some get that, wealth, and others don't?  What are the difference between two. What one do and other don't?.

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Myrna – The Law of attraction, works with your, vortex. Your, vortex,  is all your un-manifested goals and desires.  The reason it does not work for all is that both sets of people are wanting to get rich for example; but one set is visualizing and believing that they will get rich.  They think with emotion and that activates. the law of attraction, so what they hold in their minds they will hold in their hands. ‘

The other set of people think of riches; but they don’t believe.  They feel the emotion of their circumstances. They are broke and in need, they can’t feel what it is like to be rich so they still activate the, law of attraction, but it brings them more of the same. They remain poor and in lack because of a poverty mindset.


Like attracts like is a mantra used frequently:

Using the Law of Attraction to attract people

However, it is known that People attract people who are similar in thoughts; What do I mean when I say that?  Have you ever looked at two people that looked totally different on the exterior; but they attract each other and you ask what attracted her to him or visa versa. In many cases its not the full physicality; but more their thoughts after communicating with each other and  that undeniable pull that brought them together

As an advocate for, Law of attraction. Do you think that people who go into unions because of society, family ties or even culture may sometimes experience fractures in that union which leads to challenges or even total separation? Do you believe that was imminent to fail because that person wanted to satisfy others expectations of them,  rather than fulfill their expectation of themselves?

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast


Myrna – There are two different thoughts here.

The first one is that the, law of attraction, allows people to attract what they are releasing into the atmosphere. For example, you have heard or even experienced women who keep getting into abusive relationships.  Why is that? It is because the, law of attraction, is attracting these relationships.  Their thoughts are saying I don’t want to be in a relationship with this find of man; but unfortunately what you think about you bring about.  Thinking you don’t want this or that attracts it to you.

The trick is instead of concentrating on what you do not want, these women should instead put a picture in their minds of their perfect mate and only think about that kind of man and that is what they will attract.

As to your second question, do I think people go into unions because of society.  Yes of course. Society says that a good mate has certain qualities and both sides, men and women choose mates based on these qualities.  That has nothing to do with the, law of attraction, I don’t think.

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TuneIn Radio

Removing Negative people from your life

Nature abhors a vacuum:  In life sometimes we have to make some tough decisions. The law of attraction, encourages removing negative things or people from your life and to fill it with positive things if you want to grow.

How do you go about a conversation to tell someone that you would like to separate from them because of their negative energy?

Myrna – Great question Nicole.

Yes, if you have decided that certain people in your inner circle are too negative and you have made a decision to only be around positive people, so that the, Law of Attraction, can bring you what you desire;  then you have to ask them to leave.  That is difficult and there is no way to do it without hurting their feelings; but you have to do it. Negative people are like a cancer, so if you have to remove them do so.

This is necessary because in order for the, law of attraction, to manifest what is in your, vortex, you have to saturate yourself with positive energy and good feeling thoughts.

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Using the Law of Attraction money to bring you self- fulfillment

When people believe that they do not deserve good things or even would reach to that level of self-content, self-satisfaction, self-fulfillment. You see some behave in ways to sabotage their chances in life. Do you think that this is because of self-acceptance and wanting to put in the work by changing their thought process?

What would be your best advice to someone who wants to raise their vibration in order to attract, wealth, using the, law of attraction money?

I do a lot of practice of act of kindness, self-forgiving talks and every message or word I intentionally use them to uplift another person. To me that helps to keep my vibration high.

Myrna – The, law of attraction, only works in the right direction if you are in the positive frequency else you are attracting all the things you do not want.

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vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.


Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast


You can raise your frequency by doing a, gratitude meditation. I do a, gratitude meditation, before I get out of bed in the morning.  Louise Hay has a good one on YouTube. I will tell you, gratitude meditation, puts you in the highest frequency.  You feel good, you cannot be mad at your spouse if you are grateful you have a spouse!

Abraham from Ester Hicks teaching teaches you to get into the, vortex, and activate the, law of attraction, by reaching for your best feeling thoughts. Think good feeling thoughts. Stuff your, vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.

The Greatest Secret and the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Byrne is the author of the book ” The Greatest Secret

In her book, she explained that she was deeply depressed, and she started to use her thoughts to enable the , law of attraction, which she knew is what shaped her life and was happy to share this with the world.

Do you believe Rhonda Byrne's  rhetoric of how she was able to get millions of people to read her book or people had that passion in them already and needed someone to explain what to do?

Myrna – I love Rhonda Byrne. I have not read the Greatest Secret; but I have listened to the Secret several times. Most recent a few weeks back.

I took a lot from the book especially when she talked about imaging that the bills she was receiving were checks. You can use your thoughts and the, law of attraction, to bring you anything you want. Whether it be, money, your perfect partner, happiness instead of depression. I do believe it can be done.  I have seen it work in my life.  I have a hard time seeing images in my mind; but if I think about something, I do attract it into my life.  We attracted each other.

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How the Law of Attraction Money have worked for me

What did you accomplished through using, Law if attraction money. If you want to share?

Myrna – I have a connection to the Universe. I am a meditator and I visualize or think about what I want, and I usually get it. It is uncanny.  I would think about something I want and I would receive an email in my inbox about the very thing the next day, so  I just wait.

As recent as this past December, I am a realtor, and I asked the Universe to attract to me a buyer or seller to close and get me income before the end of the year. I asked and I received.

Someone sent me this off-market real estate property in a text.  I received inspiration to send it to one of my, real estate investors, and he bought it. I received $5000 in commissions  for that transaction. The sale closed on December 12 and by December 20 the, money, was in my bank account, 11 days before the end of the year. The, law of attraction money, can be used to attract money from various sources to you.

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Planning my future using the Law of Attraction

What are your future plans for your podcast and website this year?

My radio show The Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna is heard on the radio wdjy 99.1 fm in Atlanta or you can listen online at wdjyfm.com.  The Transform Your Mind Podcast can be heard on all podcast players including iTunes and Spotify.  My website is blog.myhelps.us and of course the Transform your mind YouTube channel. My plans for this year  is to get my message out to as many people as possible and I would like to get it on the radio in Guyana, my birth country as well as in all the Caribbean islands. My message of transform your mind to transform your life need to be heard in the 3rd world countries where my sisters and brothers are living in lack.

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“I Have A Dream, Do U Have A Dream?” (Piano Version) | Divine Forces | Exclusive Recordings (bandcamp.com)

“I Have A Dream, Do U Have A Dream?” (Piano Version)
Writers: Bibi McGill, Tre Chandler, Eric Dennis,
Music: steve e ross
Artists: Divine Forces featuring Eric Dennis


Piano Intro:
I Have A Dream, Oh you Have A Dream,
Oh I Have A Dream, Do You Have A Dream,
for Freedom, Right's, Equality,
Justice, Peace for you and me.
So Listen

I have a Dream
I have a Dream



Additional Resources


How Thoughts become Things: The Secret