Tag Archives: Business ideas

How to Use Intuition in Business Transformation

You can use your, intuition, in the, transformation, of your, business, by paying attention to signs. There's signs like for example, you open a magazine and there's something that pops out at you or a song comes on the radio and it triggers something you were asking the universe for an answer.

Jenny Fenig  specializes in empowering creative women, entrepreneurs, to increase their confidence, impact, money and time-freedom by mixing modern and ancient practices. Jenny spent the first decade of her career in the corporate space as a public relations executive and event producer.  Jenny then shifted her focus to working with, self-employed women, helping them package their magic to exponentially grow their, business, income and joy. She’s proud to lead the most trailblazing online community for transformational coaches, consultants, creatives and wellness professionals working with the energy of their intuition, the moon, and the seasons.  Jenny is the author of “Get Gutsy” and also a podcast host. She was a Silver Stevie Award Winner for Coach of the Year.

Listen to the full interview here:


How Monpreneurs can use signs for  Business Transformation

A mompreneur is a mom who is an, entrepreneur, working her business from home while raising her kids. A great visual is kid in one hand and phone in the other!

I tell you it's actually one of the most beautiful things I know.

Myrna – You mentioned, intuition, and you mentioned vision and clairvoyance  in your bio, can you share how, intuition, can help, entrepreneurs, in the, transformation, of their, brand.

Jenny – You can use your, intuition, for, business transformation, by paying attention to signs. There's, signs, like you'll open a magazine and there's something that pops out to you or a song comes on the radio and it triggers something you were asking the universe for an answer.

Let's say you've been struggling with something or pondering a question, you can get your answer from daily living. These, signs, will continue to be around you all the time you just have to to open to the universe talking to you.  You'll be in a conversation and someone will drop a line and you would be like that’s exactly what I needed to hear that day, so I'm a big believer of using, intuition, and, signs, to get answers to the, transformation, of your brand.

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Book Go to Grandma
Book Go to Grandma

What is the transformation Mindset?

You don't need to be drinking from a fire hose,  we're living in a world with so much information, the news cycle never ends.  Social media never goes to sleep.

So let's connect the dots on, signs, and, intuition.  Your mindset has to be open for instruction and inspiration. You have to have a mindset for, transformation.

Myrna – I received a, sign, one day I was reading the newspaper.  I saw an article about a Life Coach. That was my, sign, and I used my, intuition, to know that becoming a, Life Coach, was my purpose.

How do entrepreneurs use intuition for transformation

This is where your own spiritual practice comes into play.  You can just say to God or the Universe “I'm open, I'm ready, show me the way. Show me a, sign, help me use my, intuition, to know where to go next in the, transformation, of my, business.  Then just open up just open up and trust and know that the answer may not come on your exact timetable, like within in the next hour; but it will come.

We are always being guided.  We all have angels and guides that show you these, signs, and inspirations.

As women we get up get up and put on those heels and go to work Monday through Friday from nine to whenever, because that's the game. That would be very much kind of the setup of the, sun. The, sun, is going to always rise in the East and set in the West. Women are not built to work with, sun, energy.

How women can use the feminine energy of the moon for transformation

On the other hand, when we look at the, moon, it is a more, feminine energy.

Women are very connected to energy of the, moon. The, moon, is in a different place in the sky every night.

It's just so fascinating to me that as women our energy changes during the lunar cycle, just like the, moon’s, energy changes during the lunar cycle. I was never taught this growing up, it was something I learned over time. I was forcing myself to show up every day and be the same time like the, sun.  I was doing this for decades.

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How to use the phases and energy of the, moon, as, entrepreneurs

There are four main phases of each lunar cycle:

  • There's 13 moons in a year and there's 12 months in a year.
  • We go through a full lunar cycle when we go from a, new moon, back into another, new moon. The, moon, is always changing.
  • The, moon, is  always changing and growing in terms of her light in the sky. When that light diminishes, we go through that entire lunar cycle and so at the beginning of a cycle we have what's called a, new moon. When you see the light on the right side of the, moon, that's when you know it's a, new moon, you're in a new phase.
  • This is when women can start their, transformation, journey because they can harness the lunar energy really tap into their vision.

New moon and Transformation

During the, new moon, phase,  you will be resting, and renewing. This is where, transformation, takes place.  You will be saying I want to put my energy and my focus for this upcoming lunar cycle on this project.

You can use a, moon, cycle magic tracker to help you use the phases of the, moon, for your, business, transformation. You could say, the date of the, new moon, is this, so I should be feeling this. My, intuition, should be this and my intention for this, new moon, should be this.

Setting a plan for your Transformation Art

  • My intention is, I'm going to be open
  • I'm going to be open to, signs
  • I'm going to be courageous
  • Get tactical on goals and vision.
  • Set a promotional plan for this, business transformation.
  • During this phase, I'm going to ramp up my health and fitness practice by ensuring that I sweat five times a week

The next phase of the, moon, cycle is the Half Moon. It is 7 days to a week after the, new moon. This is called a first quarter, moon.  This energy is is connected to personal growth, action and commitment. This is where you make a plan for personal growth to help with the, transformation, of your, business.  You take action on a next step, and you make a commitment to the, transformation, of your brand.

You're going to check back in and say I’m  going to go back and look at my intention that I set in the, new moon, phase and look back at my goals and see how am I am doing.  How far have I come in my, transformation? If your measure is not up to your goals, this may be a time to take action and double down.

Maybe you realize it's time to make a shift, because you realize you’re not  in alignment or the world has changed and you need to make some pivots.  You also don't want to be anchorless where you can get thrown off course when the winds of the storm come.  That would knock any of the progress you made in your, transformation, back to ground zero.


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Kitty Lee a native of Virginia is the CEO of KittyKittyBooks LLC and a master storyteller who crafts fun, educational, and age-appropriate tales and activity books around the Coronavirus without making them too overwhelming for a child’s young mind.

Kitty’s most well-loved children’s books include a Wash your hands story book, a Wash your hands coloring book, and a Wash your hands word search puzzle book that center around the current coronavirus pandemic, complete with fun, exciting characters and hopeful, educational messages that nurture kids’ curiosity and creativity.

For more information about Kitty Lee and her wonderful books, visit Kitty Kitty Books on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

The Full Moon and, Transformation

A week after the half moon,  about seven days later, you're going to get to the, full moon. We all know what the full moon looks like,  it’s glorious. That's when we're in our fullest power.  The moon is in her fullest Power. My sign is Taurus so I love the, full moon in Taurus.

As women we all went through our bleeding years where we had a menstrual cycle.  The energy of a, full moon, is connected to the energy of ovulation. It’s the few days in our cycle where we could conceive a child.


That’s the energy that the, moon, is putting out and we can you can tap into it. We can tap into the, transformational energy, of the, full moon, and 10x the, transformation,  of our brand.

You are hot stuff during this phase of the, full moon, cycle. Everything you touch can turn to gold; but you got to go for it.

  • You got to send that email,
  • you got to place that phone call,
  • you got to go to the event
  • put your name in the hat
  • send the proposal

Whatever it is, you got to believe in yourself and be willing to make those bold moves and bold decisions for the, transformation, of your company and brand. That's the energy of the, full moon.


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TuneIn Radio

Last quarter lunar cycle and transformation

The next lunar phase is the, last quarter moon .  The, last quarter moon, the energy of that phase of the cycle is let go to rise higher. If you invested time and energy into your health and wellness it is the time to see those results. Rise higher in your relationships, rise higher in your financial growth.

Let go of what didn't happen and focus on the next cycle of the, New moon, for those projects.

We have a coach certification program to help life coaches in the, transformation, of their coaching, business.  I call this co-creating and coaching with the cosmos.  We're really tuned into this framework called the magic makers method.

Myrna – I've been intimately connected with the, full moon, because the, full moon, affects the tides and our internal system which is made of 70% water; but I didn't pay any attention to the other phases of the moon like then, new moon, or the, last quarter moon.

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How Can women entrepreneurs build confidence by learning to distinguish between their inner voice, and their, inner critic?

Jenny – The, inner voice, it's really that ability to get still and to get quiet which is so important for women, entrepreneurs.  We've got eight million notifications coming in on our phone and it's buzzing on our computer and the noise is everywhere. So we need to clear out and have a regular practice where we get quiet and get still so we can hear our, inner voice.

Listen to that, inner voice, to know and feel what's pulling you forward and what's pulling you back. We have that connection with our bodies and when you start working with nature, working with the seasons, working with cosmic energy, you'll find that place inside of yourself again and you'll be able to distinguish between that inner knowing and the, inner critic.


The, inner critic, is that gremlin in your head that stops your, transformation

  • You'll never be good enough
  • You're making a mistake
  • You don't belong there
  • You're screwing it up
  • They're all laughing at you
  • I could never put my message out there, because there could be some mean person who wants to dump on me and I can’t handle it that. Your, business cannot get to a, transformation, cycle with the, inner critic, in your head.


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I love the book “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert  she lays it out there's, it's really about guidance.  Creative people we create through ideas right and we need ideas to come to us from our, inner voice, which is our source.

When we get ideas from our, inner voice, and we don’t act on it, we can’t get mad when someone else become successful from an idea we didn’t act on.

You can purchase Jenny’s book “Get Gutsy” and her coaching certification program called Magic Makers coach certification by visiting her website magicmakerscoach.com.

The Magic Makers coaching method, we help Coaches understand and master the craft of intuitive coaching.  It's a specific type of coaching and then we teach you how to master the craft of a business.

Jenny's main website is www.jennyfenig.com.

Conclusion Business Transformation

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A New Business Strategy: Increasing Your Capacity

As a Business Coach, I kept getting clients who kept hitting a plateau with, business strategy.  They hired experts to help them figure out the right business model,  to surpass this plateau or ceiling; but they kept hitting this ceiling, nothing was working. It reminded me of my own, capacity, issue.~~~Lisa Fabrega

In this interview I speak with  to Lisa Fabrega, leadership coach on the topic It's not your, business strategy, it's your, capacity.

Listen to Full Interview 

Introduction to Capacity

Myrna – What I love about this topic is references one of my favorite quotes

You are the Lid! You can only  go as far as your, capacity, for growth.

So the headline It's not your, business strategy, it is your, capacity, for growth resonates with me.

Lisa as a Business coach, How did you stumble on the concept that what's was holding your clients back was not their, business strategy, or goals but their, capacity?

Lisa – Great question I stumbled upon this concept very early on in my coaching practice.

I was actually was a health coach working with clients on nutrition.   I noticed from my first couple of clients weren't talking about food, instead it was their, capacity, was the focus.

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Blue Cheese dedicated to Nupsey Hussle

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My clients were very ambitious and had already achieved a lot and yet they were hitting a plateau or something wasn't working anymore.  They couldn't figure out what it was even though they were very smart people, so they'd throw a bunch of, business strategy, at the problem.

When, business strategy, didn’t work, they would hire experts to figure out the right business model,  to surpass this plateau or ceiling.  But they kept hitting this ceiling, nothing was working. It reminded me of my own, capacity, issue.

Four years ago I had a, capacity, issue. My coaching packages were sold out, I had a huge wait list.  I was overwhelmed with requests and I didn't have the, capacity, for it at the time.  One thing I always say to my clients is if Oprah called you tomorrow, are you ready?  Do you have the, capacity, to handle that influx of new business?

I thought this must be a, business strategy, problem instead of diagnosing it correctly that I had a, capacity, issue.  I couldn't hold handle or receive what was coming my way on many levels, so I went and invested a ton of money in a new, business strategy, and a funnel and I ended up a hundred thousand dollars in debt.

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Myrna –  I would make the same decision. I immediately would think I needed to add more staff or something that's probably what you did right?

Lisa –  I added more staff,  I hired a huge expansion team, I started a whole new funnel!  It was the most stressful year of my life because I did not sleep that entire year.  I was so stressed out about the money and the debt.

After doing some real deep self-reflection about what actually caused that problem,  I started to noticing my conversations with my clients who also had, business strategy, issues. I realized that It was not a, business strategy, issue but a, capacity, issue.

Myrna – Obviously you need, business strategy; but you also need the, capacity, to get there; so how did you transition your clients to look at their, capacity, not their, business strategy?

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Six areas of building capacity

Lisa – I realized that there are six areas of, capacity. I  drilled it down to six because everything kind of falls under these, capacity, areas that we tend to struggle with as ambitious and successful people.

  • Money capacity – What’s your, money capacity? Score yourself from zero to ten. Are you earning enough,  saving and investing larger and larger amounts of money every year?  If you answered No, then ask yourself why not?
  • Visibility capacity – visibility capacity is your ability to allow all of you to be fully seen in your work. So many people hide little bits of themselves from their brand and from their clients and then end up with a misalignment. A lot of my women clients who come to me and tell me they're drained, it's not that they're overworked or have the wrong, business strategy; the burnout is not because of that, it's because they're hiding these parts of themselves and it's so exhausting to have to constantly hide and not be transparent.
  • Purpose capacity – purpose capacity is when your inside matches your outside. Your, business strategy,  is lined up with your true purpose. You can’t start a business just because it has the potential to make you lots of money.  Your business must also line up with your values and purpose.
  • Embodiment capacity – embodiment capacity is your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical capacity.  If you were to get up on a stage in front of a thousand people and it drains the life force out of you  to the  point that you're exhausted and have to recover for two days, you have an, embodiment capacity, issue.  If somebody leaves a nasty comment on your Instagram post and you are just like freaked out and hiding for two weeks, you have an, embodiment capacity, issue.
  • Structural capacity – I call this also your foundation capacity. What are the foundations that are holding you up or lifting you up to your next level? What systems or, business strategy, do you have at home, or at work to hold you up?
  • Boundary capacity – boundary capacity is about being clear about who you are. It's not just boundaries with other people, it's boundaries with yourself; because sure you could work 10 hours today but is actually going to serve where you're going? Should you instead get some rest?  That's setting a boundary with yourself.

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How to Expand your Capacity: your New Business Strategy

Myrna – What can women do to expand their capacity for growth, wealth and success?

Lisa –  It starts with knowing how they score on the  six capacities.

It will tell you what the real problem is because the biggest roadblock we experience when trying to expand our, capacity, is that we misdiagnose the actual problem.

If women don't get clear and score themselves in these areas, they might think they have a structural issue or a strategic issue and don't realize that it’s actually a, money capacity.

Why does our energy level affect our Capacity

Myrna – One of the things I wanted to ask you about is this, embodiment capacity.  You said  we can subconsciously drain our energy and power thus lowering our, capacity; explain that a little.

Lisa – I think that some of the ways that we unconsciously drain our power is through what I call emotional labor.  Women particularly do this a lot and that's actually part of an, embodiment capacity, issue.  I have a great example. One of my clients told her husband would ask her every week after she would put the towels away, where's the such-and-such towel and she'd say “it's in the closet with the towels”  and he would say. “I don't see it”  and she'd have to walk over to the closet and the towel would be right there.

This went on every week until she told him she was not doing any more emotional labor, that he can find the damm towel himself, she was no longer going to get up from what she was doing to find the towel for him.

This is a great example of tiny ways that we do emotional labor without realizing that we are being drained. These little leaks, I call them little power leaks leave you exhausted.  You wonder why you're exhausted and burned out and it has nothing to do with your, business strategy, we have to be mindful of our energy. It’s being drained from emotional labor with our family, friends and even clients.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Tim Trilioni is a New Orleans Native who’s grown up literally most of his life around all genres
and music forms. He fell in love with Jazz music from a young age performing at local jazz
clubs, churches and events. As an artist, Tim Trilioni does not feel artists should put boundaries
on their musical expression and it shows in his work. He loves Afro Beats and Kwaito. He is
currently discussing potential collaborations with artists from these genres in the near future.

Follow Tim on https://www.instagram.com/timtrilioni/


Myrna – So true, women especially the care-giving kind of woman are always doing things for other people and then they emotionally drain themselves and then they don't have the energy to do anything for some themselves which is why the self-care movement is becoming so popular.

If you're emotionally drained, it limits your, capacity,  we can't operate within our full capacity if our battery is drained.

Four  keys to unlock Capacity: Your New Business Strategy 

  1. Pleasure – pleasure can be whatever it means to you, it could be taking a walk in the park, it could be taking a break, getting in the tub, getting some nice smelling lotion and rubbing it on your hands. Making sure to have those pleasure breaks because it’s like refueling your tank. Allow your, business strategy, to be your best self.
  2. Eat Whole Foods – According to Ayurveda, it is very important to eat foods that are natural and pure for their full benefit to be absorbed by the body. When foods are as close to their state in nature as possible, that's when they deliver the most potent nutrition. Foods that have been genetically altered, processed or refined have much of their natural intelligence stripped from them, disturb the intellect and the coordination and lowers our, capacity .
  3. Manage stress levels – We live in difficult times. Stress and anxiety, whether caused by time pressures or difficult work relationships, stress can have a significant negative impact on mental performance. A calm mind, serene and centered in its equilibrium, is unquestionably superior in terms of focus, attention span, retention of knowledge and problem-solving ability. It is important to manage stress before it becomes a severe problem, because stress has been known to damage or destroy brain cells, and many prescription pills for anxiety can have side effects that can further erode mental performance and, capacity. a new, business strategy, manage your stress.
  4. Get adequate, quality sleep – Related to stress is the other plague of modern society — lack of deep, restful sleep. With diet and lifestyle, sleep is a fundamental pillar of increasing your, capacity. Optimal physical and mental performance is impossible if sleep is not addressed. Getting eight hours of sleep is less important than striving for quality sleep, which occurs when the mind is totally disconnected from the senses. Quality sleep recharges and rejuvenates the mind, improving both short-term and long-term mental prowess as well as your, capacity for growth.

Myrna – I understand that you have  a capacity in crisis virtual workshop.

Lisa –  First of all I have an amazing free gift for your listeners.  To get your Free Gift head over to  my website at www.lisafabrega.com.

You can also sign up for my newsletter it’s actually an entire video series that I call the, capacity conversations.  It's like binging on Netflix except you get to binge and expand your, capacity, instead of numbing your mind.

You get a series of free videos that walk you through all the capacities and help you diagnose what your capacity issue might be holding you back.

Myrna – I want to introduce a contest this week. The prize is a gift card from one of our sponsors hbnaturals.com.  One of you lucky listeners will get this $25 gift card for subscribing to either the Transform Your Mind iTunes podcast or subscribing to the Transform Your Mind podcast Youtube channel. Once you subscribe send me an email to [email protected] with your contact information and if you are the winner, you will get this gift card to purchase any of the products on hbnatures.com coffee, skincare products, tea,  CBD oil, super-foods, essential oils, pet products and more.

I want to invite you all to join my private Facebook group called life coach, this group has lots of life coaches giving daily inspiration and tips to live your best like now.

Additional Resources 

How to Find your Passion Purpose and Freedom as a Mompreneur

How to Become an Entrepreneur
