Tag Archives: the devil

The Devil Discourages Before He Destroys

In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter gave a firm warning about the, devil: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the, devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Peter says that, Satan, wants to devour and destroy you, just like a roaring and hungry lion.

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The Devil uses our negative emotions

If the, devil, can discourage you, then he can destroy you.  So, you have to guard your heart.  Don’t let, disappointment, enter in.  Disappointment, is also called, hopelessness, and what does the bible say about people without hope. They perish.

The other thing is, disappointment, usually leads to, depression, and then, anger, follows.

We can feel the, negative emotions, or we can try to block them by doing something.

We can avoid painful, emotions, by reading a book, shopping, cooking, eating, watching a movie, drinking, smoking, drugs etc.

But it is best to feel these, emotions, try to feel it in your body. Feel which part of your body is feeling the pain. Is it in your stomach, is it in your chest?

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Feel negative emotions in your body

Stop and feel, negative emotions, for at least one minute before you try to self-medicate.

Then ask the question what am I feeling?

Is it jealousy?

Is it rejection?

Most times, negative feelings, manifest as, depression. Depression, is a surface emotion that is linked to childhood, adolescent and sibling experience. A person depressed is like a boat on a sea that is being tossed about by every wave or wind that comes along.

Anger, normally accompanies, depression. Anger, is more than an emotion. It is the registration of more than one thousand energy fields. It happens when the world does not perform as we expect it to.

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How to deal with negative emotions

Whenever you feel, anger, jealousy, or, depression, try to feel the emotion for a few seconds before you react to it. The more often you apply consciousness to your, negative emotions, the less they will show up.

I want to point out that lack of self-worth is most often the root of all emotional pain. It does not matter how much you have achieved or accomplished; it has no correlation to the outside world. It is the experience of insecurity.

Your emotions are like street lights, they turn on in the dark. That is your dark thoughts.

This is the plot of the, devil; he wants you to believe all is hopeless that is why he, seeks and destroys. People who are depressed feel all is hopeless that is why depressed people commit suicide.

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Discouragement takes out the heart

Discouragement, takes out the heart. So beat off, discouragement, and, depression, with everything you got. Try to replace those, negative feelings, with feelings of love and peace. For example, Think of the birth of your children, your happy moments, a beautiful scene you experienced etc. One of my favorite sayings is “good memories can save your life” from the movie the Punisher. I will share some of my happy places with you.

My husband and I were on a cruise and one night we sat and stared at the full moon for some time. We were in the middle of a dark ocean and the full moon was reflecting on the water. It was a beautiful and serene experience and I recall it often, because it made me feel connected to God.

My other scene I recall often was on my honeymoon. We went to a beach in the Bahamas. We were the only one on the beach, the water was rough and the winds were strong and I had the most amazing feelings of peace and tranquility. I could go on about my memories of the birth of my children but you get the picture.

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So, you see we all have memories to replace those, negative emotions. If you can’t remember your memories, take out your old albums. We are hard wired to only focus and remember the bad things someone said to us, the bad things someone did to us or what someone didn’t do that we expected them to do. That is why you are depressed and discouraged and let the, devil, in, so you must turn it around.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I hope you were inspired to replace depressive thoughts and, negative emotions, with good memories.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

Have a Positive Mindset: Get Rid of Automatic Negative Thoughts

Can You Handle Success Like Chris Rock

Success is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace. Chris Rock, knew about, success, and that he couldn't retaliate to Will Smith's  slap.

In my episode entitled “Will Smith had 10 seconds to choose a different reality”  we looked at the slap that was heard around the world from Will’s Smith’s perspective.

I agreed with Denzel Washington’s statement to, Will Smith, that when you are at the height of your success that is when the devil comes to destroy you.

The devil was able to grab Will Smiths peace and joy from him seconds before he reached the top of the mountain and the celebration began.

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How Chris Rock handled the moment

But today so want to talk about, Chris Rock. Most men even Pastor Jamal Bryant from Newbirth church in Atlanta, Ga said that if a man slapped him, he would not have turned the other cheek. They would not let anyone take their manhood and bitch slap them on National TV without retaliation.

The first thing my daughter said to me was that, Chris Rock, was so aware. He knew that the person walking onstage was Richard and not Will. He took the slap said “Dude it was just a GI Jane joke” and then completed this moment by saying “This is the Greatest night in television history.” He was present.

So why didn’t the, Devil, take out two black men at the same time? Why wasn’t he able to destroy, Chris Rock, who remained calm?

Why wasn’t, Will Smith, able to handle, success, and, Chris Rock, grabbed his moment. These are the questions I will attempt to answer in this episode.

Chris Rock, also had 10 seconds to make a decision to retaliate, he made a different choice and instead he continued on with the task at hand. He was there to present the, Oscar, for a documentary film.

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Chris Rock was prepared for success

Chris Rock, moment came and he was prepared for it. Apparently, he has been in therapy 7 hours per week for being bullied and abused in school. He was attempting to bury his demons.  Will Smith, also had a coach for 2 years, but his demons returned.

When your moment of, success, comes, if you take it, the universe rewards you. Chris Rock, is making bank. All his shows have been sold out and, Will Smith, will probably not get another movie role for a long time.

So, what does, success, look like to you?

Remember what you have now, you asked God for.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

How does success look like for me

Success, to me looks like a beach front house, a million dollars in the bank a couple of luxury cars.

But I am, successful, now. Everything I have now, I asked God for.

  • I have a successful podcast,
  • I have a TV show,
  • I live in a 5-bedroom house in Florida,
  • I am an American,
  • I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful kids.

Don’t tell yourself that you will be, successful, when something happens. Nothing wrong with having goals, but you have to enjoy your life now or you will never be able to enjoy it then.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Happiness does not come with success

I heard both, Will Smith, and Kanye West say

“I have all the money I need, I have the hot wife and kids, the big house, career success but I am not happy.”

How will you handle, success? Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Will smith, decided that the day when he was about to receive his highest honor, he would let the, devil, ruin it.

Chris Rock, responded to being slapped in front of his peers and the world with no aggression; he told, the devil.

“Get behind me Satan.”

He could not have imagined this scene, but maybe as a comedian he was prepared for someone responding badly to his joke and charging the stage.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Success is like a two faced coin

I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about a rapper who just retired because she didn’t like fame.  Most people want, success, but can’t handle it when it comes.  Success. is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace.

Can you handle, success?

This is Life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.

Additional Resources
