Tag Archives: coronavirus symptons

Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

The, coronavirus, is the latest virus to reach pandemic spread.  Before it was SARS, Ebola, Aids. Since these viruses come around every couple of years, learn how to protect yourself.

In this episode Dr Joe Nieusma, shares information on how viruses like the common cold, influenza virus, and other viruses operate in our body, what is the virus intent, how our immune system fights, what happens when the, immune system, looses the fight, and how health care workers stabilize patients.  We look specifically on what makes the, coronavirus, so deadly and so infectious. Finally we discuss wellness programs and how you can protect yourself against the, coronavirus, and the next infectious virus, since they come around every 2 years or so.

Coronavirus Update

As we record this episode the world is in a panic regarding the, Coronavirus, also called the, COVID-19

  • The US death toll for the, corona virus, has climbed to more than 278
  • COVID-19, cases in the US have surpassed 22,000+  and there are more than 298,000+ cases  worldwide, 12,755+ deaths. 
  • Confirmed cases of the novel, coronavirus, have topped 200,000 worldwide
  • Federal reserve cuts interest rates to nearly zero
  • Italy reported 368 new, coronavirus, related deaths on March 15, a 25% rise
  • Many US retailers have cut hours or closed in the face of the, coronavirus
  • Spain reported that deaths from the, coronavirus, have more than doubled in a day to 288 with infections near 8,000
  • All these reports have produced fear. People are hoarding supplies.  There is no toilet paper, wipes, hand sanitizer, bleach, hydrogen peroxide and other items in the stores. 


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My guest today is Dr Joe Nieusma is the fearless CEO/Chief Toxicologist at Superior Toxicology & Wellness, an international scientific consulting firm that he founded.

The Behavior of viruses?

I've been in toxicology for 30 plus years and my specialty is exposures scenarios that the human body must endure. Exposure is the broad brush.  That could be chemical exposure, that could be pharmaceutical exposure, that could be exposure to, electromagnetic radiation, that could be 5G, that could be biological exposure or microbial exposure; so the fact that I've specialized in exposure of the human body, that's where my expertise comes in.  Exposure to the biologicals, viruses to specifically the, coronavirus.

  • I opened my own practice and company called, Superior Toxicology and Wellness, providing services helping with the pharmaceutical industry and in chemical exposures. Basically taking care of people, giving them a full toxicological report.
  • The human body has a set amount of defense systems and exposure to the, coronavirus, in particular that's where the damage starts kicking in.

Before we get into our discussion of the, coronavirus, let’s talk about viruses like the, common cold, SARS, Influenza virus, Mers, AIDS virus, Herpes virus etc.

The common cold virus

  • The, common cold, is a virus actually in a classification called, rhinoviruses, which is actually a sub classification of the, coronavirus, family so they’re all related.
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness started in  … Europe, and Asia before the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained.
  • Influenza Virus, commonly known as “the flu“, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling tired.
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness that is new to humans. It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to other countries.
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight infection and disease.
  • The herpes simplex virus, also known as HSV, is an infection that causes herpesHerpes can appear in various parts of the body, most commonly on the genitals or mouth. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus.
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The coronavirus is designed to not get detected

All these viruses consists of a protein coat, the technical scientific word for it is a capsid and this protein coat protects the genetic material which is inside the virus.  The two basic types of virus you have are DNA viruses and RNA viruses.  They have genetic material and they have a protein coat that consists of multiple proteins and this is collectively known as a, viral particle, so that, viral particles, need some sort of a pathway to attach to a host and get into a host cell.  The, coronavirus,  is specifically designed for two things:

  • it's designed to get into that host cell
  • and it’s designed to avoid getting eliminated.

So the way that happens is that it has an interaction through a specific receptor and with the, coronavirus, that receptor is the 8/2 receptor – stands for angiotensin converting enzyme. That is the gateway for the, coronavirus, to attach to the host cell and get all of the genetic material into that host cell.

The, coronavirus on its own can't replicate it needs to be in conjunction with the host cell and what the, coronavirus,  does is what all viruses do.  It hijacks the host replicating machinery to make copy after copy of the viral genetic code, so then when that host cell is so loaded with, viral particles,  it virtually bores open and sends new viruses all over the body.

  • The virus that hijacks the cells and uses it to replicate will kill that cell when that starts to happen the body mounts a defense against those, viruses so it's a battle between how fast can the virus replicate or how fast can the body take out the virus that's trying to overpower the defense mechanisms of the body the defense mechanism of the body.
  • This is called your, immune system. The, immune system, is the super complex organ system in your body that never gets enough credit, the, immune system, in the human body has the power to ruin your life and it does that when it gets out of whack and starts attacking yourself. This is called autoimmune disease, so it is a  delicate balance of keeping your immune system in check but still powerful enough to battle against viruses.
  • That balance that is generically called, wellness, so you can begin to see how everything is.


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How the immune system works to fight the coronavirus

When the, virus, is winning over the, immune system,  that's when you start to see symptoms of the viral illness. The body gets sick and the illness progresses.  The body is spending all kinds of resources to try to fight the viral load the viral replication and it's also now trying to manage the symptoms of that illness.

The way you intercede pharmacologically that means fancy big words are saying how do you use drugs to attack the, viruses, well you need an antiviral drug or vaccine and usually those types of drugs target those proteins that are in that protein coat that's around the genetic material or they try to halt the viral replication in the cell.

  • We sacrifice the one cell to stop the viral replication and if we're going after the protein coat that's usually the targets of, vaccines,
  • It's difficult to make a vaccine that's why there's no cure for the, common cold, because those proteins in that coat are continually and rapidly mutating. You have to have something stable to develop a vaccine to fight that viral infection and if the mutation rate is too fast there's not a target that's around long enough to design that vaccine against.

How does the Influenza virus vaccine work?

The way to describe this is let's say you have a bucket of, flu viruses,  and there's a hundred different kinds in there.  The look at historic data about emergence of these different viruses historically over time and they're trying to predict the best case scenario for which, flu virus,  is going to break out and run through the human population in any given year. So what they do is they take the top three that will most likely to break out, flu viruses, and they formulate that season vaccine to those three viruses.  There's no guarantee that they're getting it right.  There's no guarantee that it's going to be effective and it's always going to be a best-guess scenario.  It's still a good idea to get a flu shot because more times than not, one of those flu viruses that they have in that mixture is going to the one.

Why does the, coronavirus, affect the elderly population?

I'm understanding why the people who are dying from the, coronavirus,  so far are the elderly or are sick people who have compromised, immune systems,  because the, immune system,  can't fight the, coronavirus, as fast as their bodies are making these duplicates.

What they've seen in the population statistics are the people at the greatest risk are the people that are 70 years old or older or those that have pre-existing medical conditions,  respiratory effects, cardiac effects.  Those  folks with those types of medical problems are particularly at risk and those are the ones that should absolutely adhere to every one of the guidelines being put out.  Stay away from crowds, keep your hands washed, do not touch any common surfaces where this infection could be because they have the least amount of capacity to fight and survive this particular viral infection.

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What makes the, coronavirus so infectious?

If I had to answer that with  one word that word would be, infectivity.

Basically the difference between the, coronavirus, COVID-19, this year's poster child for pandemic is  the  amount of people that got this infection and how easily it spreads from person to person to person.

This is the key that sets it apart from other, viruses, like, common cold, SARS, Influenza virus, Mers, AIDS virus, Herpes virus, Ebola virus,  etc.

The infectivity rate of the, coronavirus,  COVID-19 is much greater and much more aggressive than viruses, that have been available in the past or attacked  humans in the past.  So in one word it would be its infectious nature.  That's what sets the, coronavirus, apart; but the reason that is  because of the gateway that, coronavirus, gets into the host cells it's the ace 2 receptors.  (Angiotensin converting enzyme 2.)

Coronavirus receptors

  • Humans have these, coronavirus receptors, on your heart, on your lungs, on your kidney, on your liver, on all of your blood vessels, and in a high propensity in your oral cavity, your mouth, your tongue, your cheek, your throat, your airways; so whenever there is any viral particles, let's say somebody that gets less than 6 feet away from you sneezes and you can feel the droplets on your face well you also have those receptors in your mouth, and your throat ,and all of those droplets if that person is infected is just chock-full of, coronavirus, and those viruses bind to those receptors in and around wherever they can get in your body and then start that process of replicating.
  • Smokers have a higher level of the ACE2 receptors, so they are more susceptible to the, coronavirus.
  • The virus invokes an inflammation response, so what happens is the virus gets in and it triggers your, immune system, your, immune system,  calls for the cavalry and the cavalry consists your t-cells that's your b-cells and all of your other leukocytes, your white blood cells, come rushing to wherever this space is that this attack is going on and the your body is mounting a mass inflammation response to try to kill whatever is there in this case it's the, corona virus.
  • The problem is the things that go awry is that when your, immune system, gets completely overzealous and calls in everything it has to launch an inflammation reaction that's bigger than it needs, it loses the braking mechanism if you will and what you have is called a cytokine storm. That cytokine storm produces such an inflammation reaction that it runs through your cellular protective mechanisms.  Your lungs get flooded and your organs start to shut down.

Organ failure and the coronavirus

You can get multiple organ failure over a very short period of time.  If the person is going into, cytokine storm, because of the, coronavirus, infection, it's a very bleak picture.  It's very painful and the people have to have very intense resource intensive medical care if they're going to have a chance to survive.

The, coronavirus, can be symptom-free up to 14 days and I've seen some evidence that suggests it could be 24 to 28 days without symptoms.  What's going on at that time is there's a fight raging in your body between the, coronavirus, and the, immune system,  if the, immune system, wins then that person never shows symptoms; but is still was infected and give it to other people.

The other thing which you hear repeatedly in the media, is that you have to  be careful because this, coronavirus, can live on surfaces for up to nine days. Think about this as you grab the grocery cart handle and the gas pump, then after touching those services how many times do you scratch your nose or touch your eye.


How to Protect yourself against the Coronavirus?

  • You have to protect yourself against infection the best defense is avoiding infection in the first place.
  • That's barrier protection that's avoiding the crowds
  • That's keeping your common areas clean
  • That's washing after you touch common areas
  • It's just not doing anything stupid
  • Make sure you're in top physical condition
  • you know I mean just make sure
  • Make sure you're hydrated
  • Make sure that you're getting enough sleep
  • Make sure that you're eating a good diet not a bunch of processed food
  • Eat a diet of half or mostly plants and you're going to be okay
  • Practice Wellness

I was listening to Dr. Deepak Chopra give advice on the, coronavirus,  and he talked about having a healthy lifestyle that included, meditation, exercise, and  nutrition.

What is your wellness program to prevent the, Coronavirus?

  • Meditation is tremendous, it's the power of the mind. You absolutely have to have a positive outlook and you have to be thinking about how you want things to be, not how you dread things could be.
  • Exercise the promotes a healthy body, it helps you to eliminate toxins and gives your body an avenue to eliminate things. Exercise increases your body temperature and it produces the sweat and it increases the circulation to the lymph system, which is your garbage disposal in the body.  Which helps to eliminate toxins.  Exercise gives you the sense of well-being.  I try to do something active every day.
  • Nutrition like I said right before eat half and mostly plants and you're going to be okay. There's actually some new research out there that shows after going 90 days on a vegan diet that you change the transcription of 500 different genes in your body, some of them for promoting wellness and others for preventing disease.  It just unlocks your body's ability to engage with the consciousness of the universe.

One product that I have found that builds up your, immune system, and I've written a paper for non-scientific people is called C60 complete from livelongerlabs.com.

Its carbon 60, which is the world's most efficient antioxidant.  Having carbon 60 on board can help to stop that cytokine storm that happens when you're when your inflammation response goes haywire and the other two ingredients in C60 complete are black seed oil and curcumin. Those two are very powerful natural products that have been around for centuries in the herbal medicine circles.

The other programs that I like are on my website Superior Toxicology and Wellness.  Click on the HOPE button, HOPE stands for, Health Optimization Prescription Evaluation.  Those folks who are on multiple drug products and think they have no way out of that polypharmacy because one doctor put them on one thing and the next doctor put them on the next thing and the third doctor put them on something else and none of those doctors took the time to look at what they were already on,  I'll do that for you.  I'll be that pharmaceutical advocate and give you the questions that you can ask your doctors to say.  Do I really need to be on these drugs or why am I on these drugs. Because if you can eliminate the drugs and give your body what it needs to function optimally, you're going to give yourself the best case scenario to fight off these pandemics.

This year it's, coronavirus, before it was, SARS,  before it was, Ebola virus, it's always something killing humanity about every two years.

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Additional Resources, coronovirus

Novel coronavirus, is among the family of, coronaviruses, that cause illnesses that range from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Until last year, the new strain had never before been seen in humans.

Symptoms of the infection include serious respiratory illness often with additional fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Currently there is no cure nor a vaccine for the infections, so physicians treat patients based on their symptoms. Some patients come down with a bad case of pneumonia or kidney failure. Gastrointestinal problems, like diarrhea, have also been reported.

People who already have underlying health conditions may be more susceptible to the infection, and their symptoms may be different from  the majority of cases — for example, they may not experience respiratory problems.

Novel Coronavirus: 5 Things To Know About the SARS-Like Infection







The Difference Between 5G Radiation and Coronavirus Symptoms

5G, radiation can mimic the symptoms  of coronavirus. The, coronavirus, comes into your body and replicates. It creates a massive inflammation reaction that your body is trying to fight, and your body fights as long as it can; but as soon as it runs out of defense mechanisms,  like the glutathione is depleted or any other type of defense mechanism set up to fight inflammation, then you're going to see cell death.

That cell death mounts and then you get pneumonia.  That transforms into  acute respiratory distress syndrome.  Your lungs fill up with fluids, then you can’t exchange anymore oxygen and you die.

Listen to the full interview here:

What is 5G?

5G, electromagnetic, radiation, can cause changes in your cells which mimic a lot of different types of insults, electromagnetic, radiation,  can do things like:

  • create oxidative stress
  • and the oxidative stress creates all of their downstream things you know that's
  • like DNA damage that's like mutations
  • triggering pathways for cell death that ultimately could possibly lead to cancer
  • you see premature aging
  • immediately what happens in these environments of, radiation, you will you disrupt cellular processes. Disrupting your cellular metabolism
  • you're disrupting how your cells make energy
  • you're disrupting how your cells provide defenses and things like glutathione which is one of your cells chief defense mechanisms. It gets used up.  When your body is under constant assault, and it's not just from cell phone networks it's from all kinds of different things we live in a soup of toxic exposure and each one of those different assaults are pulling on the same set of resources.
  • If your cells don't stay healthy then your tissues aren't healthy, and when your tissues aren't healthy, then your organs aren't healthy, and if your organs aren't healthy then the human isn't healthy.

In this episode I interview Dr Joe Nieusma, CEO/Chief Toxicologist at Superior Toxicology & Wellness, an international scientific consulting firm he founded. Dr Nieusma is also the a co-founder for TwinOxide North America. A company working to improve water quality in all aspects of life.

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Why is the Government moving ahead with, 5G, regardless of the harmful repercussions?

So why is the government moving forward with, 5G technology, when there's evidence that it hurts humans?  Well let's change the paradigm and say, at the turn of the century Henry Ford comes out with the Model T and the government moved forward with making cars even though they knew people would die riding around in cars.

Different technology move forward knowing people are going to die, because it changes the quality of life, and the risk benefit analysis still says more people are going to benefit from this being a thing. than if this wasn't a thing.

As a toxicologist and regardless of what we're talking about, could be anything; you can find in the scientific literature published papers that are Pro and that are Con every single topic.  The key is to figure out what the better science is, and what the let's see, what's the easiest way to this – separate the wheat from the chaff.  You need to know the good science which is applicable, from the junk science which is published for muddying the waters.

As a toxicologist my one of my toxicology mantras besides

The dose makes the Poison.

Is everything in moderation.  So those are the caveats of the, 5G, discussion.

5G technology, is the fifth generation of communications cellular wireless technology.

Each generation gets a little bit better than the previous generation, and what we're talking about with wireless, 5G technology, is waves.  Its energy just like a human isn't really a completely solid form, we are made up of waves and energy it's just densely packed and it looks solid.  Similarly, 5G, is just waves and although they call it a non-ionizing radiation, well it's still on the spectrum.

There's different degrees of activity of these waves, as you move up and down that spectrum of, electromagnetic radiation.  So in some cases there is evidence that there is adverse effects, and in some cases there is evidence that, 5G, is perfectly fine.  So you're walking the tightrope,  you're on the top of the fence, and the proof in the pudding is interpretation.

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But I will say that some of the things that happen with the wireless technology and that can be 3G, 4G,  5G, but it's more prevalent at, 5G, apparently the, radiation, can cause changes in your cells.

I think you have just given President Trump a pass here.

What I think is that the guy that's in charge, regardless of who he is.  It could be Trump it could be Obama, it could be Bush, it could be Clinton, it could be Eisenhower.  All those guys that are in charge and at the high office, is just the winning poster child of the party.  They're the mouthpiece and they're only as good as the people that are feeding them information, because nobody can be that up on all of these different things. Trump he's the fall guy.

I think that , 5G, is coming because they need that type of a network to do the other things that are on the horizon, like the driver-less cars, and all of those other technological advancements that that people want to see happen, that you need the you need the horsepower in the information Superhighway, in order to make that happen.

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Is the Coronavirus, 5G Radiation?

I want to jump right into another controversial theory that's been on the Internet. They're saying that the, coronavirus, is a result of the, 5G, poisoning.  I was reading an article that said that the, coronavirus, is an evolved mutation from, coronaviruses, that came before such as, MERS, and SARS, which originated from bats.

You mentioned this in our last interview, you said that they've been, coronaviruses, before, but it's the first time I've heard about it.  Apparently they're all called, coronaviruses, which is why this one is labeled, Covid-19, which is a specific one.

The same article I was reading from, Apple News, was saying these viruses always seem to starts in China.  China has reopened its markets and they're still selling bats and dogs and cats.

Don’t forget Snakes!

Coronaviruses, have been around for a while.  It's not anything super new, basically, coronaviruses, are a group of viruses that cause disease in mammals. Humans are included in that, so are birds.  They mainly target respiratory issues and gastrointestinal issues, so you're either going to get breathing difficulties that lead to pneumonia or you're going to get symptoms like massive diarrhea and dehydration and the complications.

But in humans in particular, there are about seven known strains of, coronavirus, that infect humans and some of these, like four of them cause symptoms like a cold or runny nose and headaches, coughs, sore throat that type of thing.  Some a fever, but they are very rarely fatal.

Mers, Sars, coronavirus

Then there's three!  MERS, SARS and the new SARS that have varying degrees of lethality.

Those are the ones that get all of the attention in the outbreaks like in 2003 there was the, SARS,  outbreak 10% of the people that got, SARS, ended up dying.  Between 2012 all the way up to 2019, MERS, killed 23 percent of its infected people.  So there's different types of, coronaviruses, and there's different levels of fatality involved with each of these viruses.  And then just for comparative sake the, Ebola virus, which  can kill between 50 and 80% of the infected people.

The, viruses, that killed many the outbreaks, burn out faster, because they kill their hosts and they can't jump to the next person.

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The COVID-19 is designed to be very efficient at human to human transmission.  The, coronaviruses, have been found in bats, in snakes, in pigs, and in humans.  They can go from the bats, pigs and snakes and jump to the humans, because the receptor that the virus uses to get inside the cell, called the, ACE 2 receptor, or angiotensin converting enzyme.  That receptor is also found in all of those species.  The bat has the, ACE 2  receptor, the snake has the ACE 3 receptor the pigs have and humans have the,  ACE 2 receptor.

That's the that's the highway the virus uses to jump from species to species.  So there is absolute plausibility that the virus, COVID-19, initiated in one of those animals.

Now there's also some evidence to suggest that, COVID-19, has been manipulated, because some strings of base pairs and nucleotides that are found in that virus that have only been seen in experimental versions of the, coronavirus.  I have the paper that said that and that twelve base pairs that isn't found naturally that is found in, COVID-19, is in relation to how efficient it gets from human to human and that's where that's where you say where did this really come from?

That shines all kinds of light on it.  You look at everything and the best answer that you come up with is well it could have come from animals, or it could have come from a laboratory nobody really knows.

Is, 5G radiation, making the Coronavirus more deadly?

We can talk about that, 5G radiation, that’s attacking your cells and can make fighting the virus harder. 5G radiation,  can also make fighting the, coronavirus, a losing battle, because the presence of, 5G poisoning, means that your cells are trying to draw on exactly the same defense mechanisms that the, coronavirus, would need to fight the virus.  So it's  like your big brother goes and eats all of your breakfast cereal before you go to the pantry to get it, and you reach for the empty box and you go hungry.

A lot of people eat pork,  Are pigs transferring, coronavirus, as well?

Yes. Remember the, swine flu, lots of pigs just recently died in China because of a, swine flu, that's a virus.

Then there's the respiratory illnesses from chickens that can kill an entire chicken house.  The, swine flu, could kill an entire pig farm.

There’s, mad cow disease, and that's where you get biggest degradation of neuro tissue. They basically have a brain with holes in it.

The, coronavirus, cannot be confused with,5G poisoning,  different set of symptoms. But the consensus is that the cities that are most affected by the, coronavirus, has installed, 5G, and they're also saying that Wuhan, China was the city that started with, 5G, installations.

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How to Protect Yourself from, 5G, Radio Frequency Cell Poisoning?

Dr. Joe if I have a, 5G,  refrigerator in my house that is intelligent enough to look in my fridge and tell how much food I’ve got left and then place order.  And I'm exposed to this, radio frequency cell poisoning,  what are going to be my symptoms?

We are moving forward with developing this infrastructure, with developing these technologies that everybody wants, because we're all inherently lazy.  But when you're exposed to a lot of radiation and unfortunately I haven't read the study, so I don't know that the quantitative analysis.  Which goes back to the toxicological principle that, the dose makes the poison.  And unfortunately I don't know the answer.

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Let’s move on to my next controversial topic – Coronavirus Vaccines.

Another controversial theory that's floating around the internet is that the government is making everybody get, coronavirus, because they want to make, coronavirus vaccine,  mandatory and getting the, coronavirus vaccine, is going to be absolutely mandatory for you to travel to different places. I also understand that these, coronavirus vaccines, are going to have some kind of RFI device implanted in them so they can track you.  This RFI chip is going to make the, 5G, technology work better.

That's the first time I've ever this.  Wow tell me more.  I'm interested.

Apparently,  they're not hiding this RFI implant. They are saying that they want to know who has the, coronavirus vaccine.

This would be akin to putting a locator chip in your pet where you can scan the pet and you can tell the pet’s information. There's information attached to it.  But then you could scan somebody and you would know whether or not they got the, coronavirus vaccine,  that's very interesting.

RFID is radio frequency identification data or tag.  But wow that's very intrusive government activity.  I would be absolutely floored if that move forward without people objecting.

There's multiple companies working on a, coronavirus vaccine, and the challenge is the pace at which the protein coat on the virus mutates.  The, coronavirus,  has an outer protein coat that protects the genetic material which is the RNA on the inside of that protein coat.  So the vaccine usually targets some aspect of that protein that's stable from mutation.  With the, coronavirus, they are seeing such rapid mutations, that it's been difficult to get that get that vaccine to grab hold of a stable target.  That's why there isn't a, coronavirus vaccine, yet.

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Since it looks like, 5G, is here to stay I'm wondering some kind of clothing that we can wear to prevent these this, radio frequency poisoning?

With,  5G, EMF – electromagnetic fields,  there's a whole basis of literature that talks about the Crystals.  Crystals are supposed to protect you from EMF radiation.

You can Google, EMF protective devices, and there's all kinds of little things you can buy that that may or may not work, it depends on what you believe.

C60 complete is the best supplement on the market with the carbon fullerenes which is the best antioxidant on the market.  That is backed up by black seed oil and curcumin which are both natural products that have hundreds of years of data and experience of being used in the field of plant medicine from the Far East.  Their organ protective and their anti-inflammatory and they're  good for your heart and cardiovascular system.  They're antiviral and they're antibacterial.

C60 complete is available from Live Longer Labs. Use coupon code DrJoe1 to receive a discount.


You can find Dr Joe Nieusma at Superior Toxicology and Wellness. Check out his HOPE program – Health Optimization Prescription Evaluation and it's aimed at people that are on multiple pharmaceutical products and they feel like they have absolutely no way out. There spiraling downward taking all of these pharmaceutical products and experiencing a diminished quality of life and their physician never takes time to evaluate why they're on all those drugs.  I'll do that for them.

Another product is twin oxide.  It’s a product that this disinfects hard surfaces, walls and floors and ceilings and basically makes your house virus free.

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TuneIn Radio

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Additional Resources 5G Cell Poisoning







Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

How to Regain Wholeness with Radionics