Category Archives: LinkedIn profile

How Can Millennials Find Their Purpose


As, Millennials, deal with, adulting, they ask themselves, What is my purpose? What is the reason for my existence?

Today on the “Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna Podcast”, I interview the Author of “The, Millennial's, Playbook to Adulting”, Arika L. Pierce

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Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast

Steps to Adulting

  • The first step is to find your passion. This is where you find that you can be in it all day long and you don't feel tired and you don't feel bored and you're just illuminated and just joyful and and it's a great way to live your life. You know when you live a passionless life just because you're making money does not mean that you are living with passion.

Let me share a personal story. My daughter Keshia Morris Desir always felt that she was supposed to be a Psychologist, getting her degree and everything. Along that journey she read Nelson's Mandela's book “A long walk to freedom” and decided that she needed to become a political advocate and she just switched right away. She applied and got into American University, the top political science university with no background in politics.

Today she's working for a company right next door to the White House, and doing some great great work at Common Cause.

I didn't even think about that until right now and that's what I like about the Holy Spirit or of my Higher Self

things pop into my head. It is also an example of leaning your ladder up against the wrong building!

  • My next question is a follow-up to the first and it is do you agree that we're all meant to do a certain thing on this earth? And what is your advice to, Millennial,  on finding their, purpose? How Can, Millennials, Find Their, Purpose?
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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Let's say using my daughter story that she didn't know what her, purpose, was as a, millennial.  She went to school and maybe felt psychology was a job that can make her money that's where a lot of, Millennials, Park right?  So what advice do you give them?

  • To answer your first question in terms of do I think we're all here to do something, yes I definitely believe that we individually are all here to bring some value or offer something back to the world. I believe some of us it takes longer than others but; I do believe we are all here to accomplish something and I think we probably give different weight to what we accomplish. Just because what you believe it is something small it can be transformational to somebody else. In terms of what I believe, Millennials, can do in terms of finding their, purpose, I actually think it starts with a very simple concept and that is honestly taking time to think and to plan and I think.  When we sit back and you when you look at your life if you plan it with the level of detail that you plan for example a vacation you'd be surprised about you know how much how differently you might view things.

I recommend taking one hour a week to evaluate where you are and where you want to go.

The timeline might be where I want to go this week, it might be where I want to go in the next year, in the next two years or five years from now. Whatever time period I feel I need to think about it and plan for at that time for example if you're thinking,  I hate my job, it's not fulfilling this is not my, purpose. Then you know think about what would make you feel more purposeful? What are the types of positions or jobs that you would like to be in? And then what are the steps that you need to take to get there. Do you need to you know go back to school? Do you need to join a networking group?

My daughter came to me one day and said that she wants to become a politician and I look at her this sweet innocent person that had no politician skills or natural talents and I said to her

“How do you get there how do you get from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow?”

As her coach we planned it

  • Toastmasters and learn how to speak in front of people,
  • school for political science,
  • volunteer so she can get some political experience and things like that so yeah and you got to make a

plan and the beautiful thing about it you know is that it might feel far-fetched but you never know if it's really your purpose the universe, God will step in and help you get there. That's why when my daughter applied to American University she said she only had a 30% chance of being accepted. She said I'll apply there's no hope that I'm gonna get in and guess what she got in because she's on, purpose,  because God helps you if you are on, purpose!

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Don't ever think that anything is too big for God.

Les Brown says reach for the the stars, you might fallback on the moon!

I agree. One of my favorite quotes is

If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.

You have to become comfortable with being uncomfortable and that's really I think when you accept that, it will help you in finding your, purpose.

Especially if you're not currently living what you believe to be your, purpose. I like that one I mean you  talked.

about it before you must really live by that and it's very true you know when my daughter went to Washington she was incredibly uncomfortable, she was in a city that she didn't know anyone, she was going into something that she didn't

know anything about and it was uncomfortable and that's only way you grow.

Alright so and this is coming from your book, you've got a chapter in your book about your giving advice and strategies and how, Millennials, can achieve their goals in the workplace; but I like the word hustle that you used to describe this. You advise to hustle to get what you want in this world. I think when you hustle you have to you have to be hungry you have to really want it. You have to be motivated and so I think to your point earlier, when it's something that you truly want and you feel passionate about or you really wanted to achieve the hustle actually comes fairly easy at least in the

beginning because you know you most likely will accept that challenge and want to go after it. Where it becomes a challenging, I would say is consistently hustling, always having that thirst, that hunger to push yourself further and

that sometimes can be where we tend to fall off. That's human nature, you have to learn to hold yourself accountable and to make sure that you are you're hitting your own personal benchmarks and hitting your own personal goals. And so a good way to keep the hustle mentality I would say is to make sure that you have measurable things that you want to do and so that way you've got a way to check yourself.


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What do you have in your hand? God used the staff Moses had in his hand to help his achieve his purpose.

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I use that analogy because when you're finding

your, purpose, you mentioned what are your interests and what excites you but

I'm going to add to that what are you good at. What's your natural ability?

What's your natural talent? Because that's what you have in your hand.

Ray Charles was born blind, and he just picked up a piano and played. But

but some of us has to do these stepping stones.

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Transform Your mind Podcast

What is Adulting.

In your book, in fact your book is called “the, Millennial's, playbook, adulting” Can you explain

what you mean by, adulting, and how that relates to how to find your, purpose?

Adulting, is actually a it's a, millennial, term.

Social media usually uses funny hashtags like

I'm doing laundry hashtag #adulting pain pills #adulting. I'm over

#adulting. Adulting, is really just the idea of growing up frankly and taking on new

responsibilities and transitioning into an adult. I would say being more

independent and if in terms of how can a dull teen connect to her purpose? I

think that one of the things I you know in my coaching is what did I tell people

and tell the, Millennial, that I work with is when you are transitioning into an adult

you are now the owner of your life. I actually say you're the CEO of ME

Incorporated and part of that is determining what you want to do and so it's no longer what your

parents what you to do or what your teachers or grandparents want you to do.

All of these influencers who have really directed you for the majority of

your life so far this next phase of your life is really about running your own life

like a CEO. A CEO runs her company as she sees fit. and so you know I think often times there

are, Millennials, who are in professions because that's what their

parents wanted them to do or that's what was expected of them or that's what they

said they were going to do and they were embarrassed to change their

minds. Well if you want to change your mind, it is now up to you to do so. That's

part of being an adult. It's unlikely that someone is going to come

to you and to say I think that you need to change your

passion or your job. So I would just encourage, Millennials,

especially to think about what they want out of life.

Don't for others to direct your path, certainly others can help lead

you in the direction that you want to go to, and I am a firm believer of

leveraging a personal board of advisers and your mentors and people

around you to help you and to guide you and to get feedback. But it is

really up to you to do the exercises, to do the work, and to decide where you want

to go next or where you want to take your life professionally.

On the first page of your book you made

the humorous statement and I quote

“Dear Universe I miss the how to be an adult 101 class, send help and my mom and wine”

I thought that was humorous. So my question to you is which, adulting, class did you

think that you missed and have the most struggle with?

Probably for me it's the financial class. I

actually spoke to a group of, Millennials, yesterday as part

of a fellowship program and one of the questions they asked was can you tell me about managing my finances?

I admitted to them that managing my finances especially when I was younger

and like 20 was very difficult. I sort of used my debit card like a gift card, just

charge and see how much it is. So and that wasn't that wasn't smart

decision making and I think that as I've grown up I've been forced

to become much more financially literate. I just don't mean you know okay I

save money now that that's that's not being fighting totally financially

literate I mean really understanding you know what's coming in what's going out

I'm having that data point and now you know there's lots of apps that can help

you figure that out as well as understanding what's the best way to say

it's my money what are what are you know but ways that I can you know increase

increase my salary or my revenue streams besides just my day-to-day

nine-to-five job understanding the stock market understanding you know investments and

things like that especially being an entrepreneur really understanding those

types of things are really important and so I think that I came from a very

traditional family that was you put some money in a saving account you do that

every single week and you will likely not you know that's the best thing you

won't go poor that's how you do it but that but there's so much more to that

and so that was part of the I would say the, adulting, class that there I have I

had to say have one that I did not get that I probably you know still learning

but you know came to me much later in life that I think is very critical

um to proper adult thing yeah that's actually pretty good you know I helped

my daughter a lot with that but I'm just learning that now in my 50s so I

understand that because you know our parents certainly didn't sit down and

teach us because they didn't even know themselves so that was a perfect answer

I love it alright so tell our listeners how they can get in touch her to you if

they want any kind of coaching or to purchase a copy of your book sure you

can go to my website.

Additional Resources




5 Ways To Improve Your Bait

In sales, you are the, Bait! Everything you heard is true! People buy from people they like, people they feel a connection to or with people who are like them!

I recently watched the movie “A River runs through it”. I should confess that anything with Brad Pitt I watch with a big smile on my face! Anyway, in the movie Brad and his brother were fishing in this river. Brad's brother was catching a whole lot of fish and Brad had not caught one. After some time of being a spectator in this fishing expedition, he shouted to his brother, “What are they biting on?” His brother shouted back, “Pimento Bugs”. Strangest bait I ever saw, these bugs had wings! But sure enough, when Brad changed his bait he caught the biggest fish ever! Know your, bait. 

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Here are 5 Ways you can Improve your, Bait:

1: Use Your Attire as your, Bait, What to wear to an interview. 

I will start with an Old Cliché “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” If you are going for an interview or meeting with a customer for the first time; look the part, and that is your best, use the first impression as your, bait.

I went for an interview once at Apple retail Store and I was very confused. Apple, Google and Facebook CEO's have all made famous the tea shirt and running shoes mode of dress. So I was not sure how to dress; but I decided on a suit. No tee-shirt and runners for me! Better to be overdressed than not get a job because you showed up in tea shirt and tennis shoes.

In the movie “the Pursuit of Happyness“, Will Smith was sleeping in bathrooms and homeless; but he made sure he had one suit that always looked good. That is all you need, one good outfit. What to wear to an interview, It is suggested that for the man the color should be blue, black or grey for a suit. For the ladies a pant suit or an A-line dress works wonders. Looking good is always, bait, to the looker.

2: Your Profile picture is also your, bait

Your profile picture is what everyone sees. Just a picture of your head and face, and they from that they form a judgement, whether consciously or not from your, appearance,  In a recent LinkedIn training class, the presenter told a story about how he was about to hire someone for a service, then he noticed that their picture was dark and blurred. He said he decided not do business with them. He formed a judgement that if they could not spend $50 to get a good profile picture, then they could not be successful. You might say that he was too judgmental; but you never know what is costing you business. It is best to button it up and use your, bait.

I personally would never connect with anyone who didn't have a profile picture, because I made the judgement that they were either not active or not serious. Now I connect because I can offer my consulting services because they need Help! Spend the money to get a professional profile picture and it will pay dividends. Whoever you are trying to attract, your picture is one, bait.

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iHeart Radio

3: The entire package or, appearance, is your, bait. 

I could never understand the “shoe shine” concept. Why did men favor going to get their shoes professionally shined until it became a mirror and they could see their faces in their shoes?
Now I understand, those men understood the value of “the entire package”. You can't show up in an expensive suit, and your shoes are not shined! You can't show up in an expensive suit and your hair looks like a hippie; you can't show up in an expensive suit and your car looks like you bought it from the scrapyard. People form the wrong impression and then you have to work doubly hard for them to hear what is “coming out of your mouth”. Your entire package is your, bait.

For men, pay attention to the suit, shirt, tie, hair style, shoes.

For women, pay attention to your dress, your hair, your shoes and your pocket book! Yes, people now pay attention to what handbag you are putting your lipstick into!

4: Your Business card, your Website, and your Printed Materials is also your, Bait. 

If you want to convey success, then you have to dress for success.

Has anyone ever handed you a business card that was printed at home on cheap paper? What was your reaction? Did you want to run out and purchase their product? I am sure you didn't. Or you ask someone who has a service you are interested in for a business card, and they tell you they don't have one. Not having a business card is one way to be sure that the prospect is not going to bite on your, bait.

I should even add a pin to this scenario. In the movie “the Pursuit of Happyness”, there is a scene in which a salesperson bent over backwards to get a contract with Will Smith to produce his story. He called him several times, he made him an irresistible offer, he tracked him down at the airport and when Will was about to sign the contract and he asked him for a pen, he did not have one! Will cancelled the deal. He felt that a salesperson should always have a business card and a pen if he is worth anything!

Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

5: Your Speech – how you speak is also, bait 

I don't know if you have noticed, but most of the leading roles for movies and television commercials are going to actors who sound English! It is like a “cool breeze” to listen to someone with a pleasant voice. You don't have to have an English accent; but your volume should be right and your pace should be right. As a Toastmaster, when we are speaking, we are gonged when we add fillers to our speech. Fillers are so, umm, ahh, etc. if you are doing a presentation, erase self doubt by not having too many fillers, your audience won't regard you as a subject matter expert.

Your, Bait is you! Once you make a good impression and the fish are biting; then you can get on with the business that you came to do, and that is to sell your product or service.

You want to catch some fish!

Additional Resources:

How to Become an Entrepreneur

Dressing For Success And The Achievement Of Your Dreams


How Leaders Use Curiosity As Their Human Edge in a Digital Economy

Greg Orme, Forbes contributor and Author of the Business book of the Year 2020 The Human Edge: How curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy” shares, leadership, tips on thriving in a world of accelerating change through, creative thinking, curiosity, and consciousness. Greg shares with, leaders, how to remove the threat of, ai,  machines taking their jobs by excelling at the 4C's, consciousness, curiosity, creativity, and collaboration.

I'm delighted to be here Myrna, I think we first came across each other through my one of my Forbes articles.

Myrna – Yes, I was browsing through Linkedin and I came across your article on, gratitude,  and when I clicked on it, I noticed that you had a book that was awarded Business book of the year. So, I decided to invite you on the show.

Listen the the Full Interview Here:

Greg –  Well isn't serendipity great?  Those algorithms brought us together.  I'm coming from you Stratford in the UK and you're on the west coast in Florida, what an amazing world we live in.  I'm very grateful for that.

How Can Leaders develop the Human Edge

Myrna – I am sure it was an honor to have the award of business book of the year.  I know your book was specifically designed for, leaders, but we're all individual, leaders.  We have to lead ourselves first before we can lead others.

Why did you write The, Human Edge?  Can you give us a little background on your research for this topic and why we need a, human edge, in this digital and computer age?

Greg – That’s a great question, four years or so, I became really interested in one of the big issues of our lifetime.  Which is our human relationship with this machine age of, ai.

We all have smartphones that we carry around with us. We never leave them anywhere; this thing called, artificial intelligence, is here to stay.

What skills Leaders need to stay Relevant

After a speech one day on, leadership, one of the female CEO’s came up to me and said Greg , I'm kind of interested in the, organizational change, stuff;  but what skills do I need to remain relevant in the next 10 years?

That question led me to start the journey which led to the book, The Human Edge.  Even though I'm in the, leadership, business the, Human Edge, is for anyone.  It's a little manual for your own humanity that even if your boss is a bit toxic you can keep under your desk and it's hopefully the keys to some of your own potential.

Myrna – I  remember when the digital age started about the mid 80s, I was working at a bank and everybody was really worried about the ATM machines replacing tellers in the bank; but banks still need tellers 40 years later.

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Should we be worried about AI machines taking over our jobs?

Greg – Of course we have been worried about, ai,  machines as a race of, humans, for a long long time. I think the first anti-machine story was written in the Greek age about a kind of killer robot, and of course we've had the, terminator, and all sorts of machines taking over routine jobs.

We're worried about these, machines, taking us over and being aggressive and of course somebody wise once said about, technology. We always overestimate the impact of, technology, in the short term; but underestimate it in the long term.

Technology, ai, in particular has long term implications for, leaders. Self-learning algorithms make, ai, smarter and smarter. It's very difficult for the human brain to really get our heads around, AI,  but, leaders, are  starting to get ahead of the curve.

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TuneIn Radio

My book, the Human Edge,  is a hopeful book.

I don't think most, leaders,  should worry about, artificial intelligence,  unless your job is simple and can be replaced by a, machine.

Computer scientists call this an algorithmic job i.e routine. You can plan out every keystroke and every process within that job.

An example would be telemarketers, people who are on a script, jobs like those organizing data in a library, even long distance truck drivers; because autonomous driving is really, ai, technology. Another job going to, ai, is customer service, you can never get someone on the phone when you call major corporations anymore. The, ai, machine can have a conversation with callers and handle most calls without the help of a live agent.

Ai , technology will slice away the very routine tasks that we all do, like booking flights or booking a haircut or booking a restaurant.  What's interesting is it leaves a, human, shaped hole for our careers. We're seeing capabilities and skills that were admired as, leaders, in the early 80s to late 90s are now being admired again.

Leaders need the Human Edge
The Human Edge

Human Skills that can protect you against AI

Leaders, need Human skills, like:

  • passion,
  • gratitude,
  • empathy,
  • curiosity,
  • creativity, are valued.


LinkedIn looked at 20 million job applications in 2020. They noticed that employers are looking for , leaders, with ,  creative thinking. This is partly to do with, technology, coming into the workplace. Employers  need thinking outside the boxes.

Myrna – What is the difference between, creative thinking, and, critical thinking?

Greg-   Critical thinking, is being able to analyze a situation and come up with one solution.  It has always been admired in the workplace.  I think, critical thinking, is one of the top 10 skills employers are looking for in, leaders.

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The 4C's of the Human Edge

Creative thinking, is a way of connecting one's domain of knowledge over here with another over there and create a whole new innovation or idea. An example of , leaders, with , creative thinking, are Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google.  Google is the creation of two ideas from different worlds that came together.

Myrna – In your book you talk about the 4Cs of the, Human Edge. What are they?

Greg – The first C is, consciousness. Consciousness, is the ability to find meaning in your work.

  • The second C is curiosity
  • The third  C is creativity
  • The fourth C is collaboration

Ai machines do not have Consciousness

Myrna – I love the one that you started with, consciousness, because, consciousness, is the big word today and encompasses, awareness, and spirituality. It is a great, human edge, because obviously, ai, doesn't have, consciousness.  How are using it in this context of the, human edge?

Greg – Machines that use, artificial intelligence, don't ask why? They ask “How do I do this, they ask what do you want to do, but they don’t ask why.”

Understanding why you do things has been a very powerful human trait especially for, leaders. Understanding and being able to articulate in some way your own why is hugely motivational.  It releases huge power in yourself as a person.  We've all met people who have a why and they've got shiny eyes and go the extra mile.  They'll work through the night if necessary.

The science of neuroscience data shows that we can actually see the brain light up if you're living a purposeful life or your best life. The brain  releases a chemical called, dopamine, which is the motivation molecule.

The other part of, consciousness, in my model is actually finding the time in your day to observe all the, leaders, and managers in your organization.  I literally meet thousands of, leaders, each year through the London business school. If we're not careful the, ai, enabled algorithms that drive social media, our day is shattered into a thousand pieces and we never actually find time to be curious or creative.

Curiosity gives you a Human Edge

I talk a lot in,  The Human Edge,  about how you redesign your day to ensure that you have parts of it where you're not being distracted.

Myrna – True, your why is very important. It's the only thing that is actually going to get you to your end goal. If you know your why, you will persevere when life knocks you down.

How does, curiosity, give you a, human edge?

Greg – Organizations are asking for people who have built up their, curiosity, in order to drive their own learning.  What we've seen during the pandemic is many of the disruptors that were moving the world forward at a lightning pace have been accelerated.

One of my former clients, the World Economic Forum, estimate that something like every 18 months or so about 40 percent of what we know becomes obsolete  and we need to learn new things. So, the ability to learn rapidly and, curiosity, has  become hugely important for any career.

So, the magical thing about, curiosity, is it's not a fixed trait.  You were born with blue eyes and  with certain physical factors that you can't do anything about. Curiosity, is something that you can flex, develop. Like the mercury in a thermometer, it goes up and down depending on what you're doing every day.  It's like a muscle you can build it up.

Open Ended Questions foster Curiosity

One of the techniques I share for, leaders, in, The Human Edge,  to help you build up your, curiosity, is the Five hour rule.

Questions are good for, curiosity; but only a certain type of question. Open ended questions, is preferred to, closed questions.  I was a journalist once myself and, closed questions, are useful for checking information or sometimes you want a yes or no answer, but for, curiosity, you need, open ended questions.

Open ended questions, are really powerful for, leaders. Questions like:

  • What if we tried it this way?
  • Have you seen what those guys are doing over there?
  • Do you think we could do that too?


Open ended questions, not only to inspire your own, curiosity, but it sparks, curiosity,  it in the people around you.

Ai machines can't come up with Creativity

Myrna – So now lets talk about, creativity. I know that it is like a top, human edge, because employers want, leaders, who think outside of the box. It is definitely a way to differentiate yourself from, ai.

Greg – Organizations need systems, they also need bureaucracy to run them because they're very large entities; but what most of the, leaders, that I'm working with across multiple industries are trying to do is trying to find the space where there are fewer rules.

They encourage, leaders, to come with their ideas and, creativity. You cannot really be creative unless you're first insatiably curious.  Curiosity,  is about asking questions, you're interrogating the world and challenging the status quo, but you're also importantly gathering cognitive fuel for your brain.

Creativity is the characteristic of the World's Wealthiest

This is why if you look at the life stories of highly successful people, they all talk about, curiosity, and their ability to learn as a foundational skill.  Oprah Winfrey talked about, curiosity, and books getting her where she is today. Jeff Bezos was a was a curious learner.

Elon Musk is I think currently the world's richest man. He has as disrupted multiple industries; but it's important to realize that even Elon Musk talented he is. When he was as a young boy in South Africa before he came to Canada, he was not the finished product. Elon Musk built his ability to think differently and his, curiosity, through a lifelong of learning.  Spacex which is one of his more interesting ventures to disrupt commercial travel to the moon and beyond, got that idea, because he was so fascinated in rocketry and space travel.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

How is Collaboration a Human Edge Characteristic

Myrna – Our last C is, collaboration. Collaboration, is a, human edge, of being able to bring talents together to create something bigger.

Collaboration, is what you need if you are creative, because you need to come together with other, humans, to get your ideas off the ground.

Greg – You're correct Myrna. Collaboration, is a very human trait to be able to gather similar or maybe opposite characteristics and bring them together to create something big.

We've talked about, consciousness, that gives you the energy and the motivation and the time because of focus.  Then we touched on, curiosity, which gives you the fuel.

Collaboration, works when you have a large network of, collaborators. These people are more, innovative, because they've got these connections and people can help them with their ideas.  So, how do you ensure that your network is big enough and varied enough to help you?  Then I talk about experimentation, how you can take these ideas and test them very quickly get some data on it and feedback.

Business Book of the Year 2020 –  The Human Edge

Myrna – Your book was awarded Business Book of the Year, because you were talking about, leadership, skills for people and preventing, leaders, from being obsolete by the emergence of ,ai. You mentioned in your bio that you were redundant in 2008 and that's basically what took you on this journey to discover the, human edge. If  we learn these skills can they insulates us from being redundant?

Greg – Absolutely, my story like most people's, did not work out the way that I had planned. It's the parts where you go wrong in the creative process, where you can learn the most and move forward.

Myrna – Tell our readers how they can get a copy of your book. You also speak all around the world so tell us how organizations can contact you if they're interested in you speaking at one of their executive functions.

Greg – Thanks for the opportunity.  If people want to check out my work it'd be a great idea to just go to my website  there they can see some videos of me speaking and they can actually get in touch with me through the get in touch function on the website.


There's one other thing, I’ve just launched something that's really taking off.  A newsletter called the Curious Human. This is a complimentary email sent straight to your inbox once a month.

This is the kind of byproduct you were talking about on your podcast. A byproduct of a business writer's life, because I’m always writing my Forbes pieces or my new books or I have got a great podcast I’ve heard or an interesting book I’ve read or an article or a video.  What I do each month is I share that in a two-minute kind of bulletin to the people who have signed up for my emails.

You can sign up on my website, at the bottom of every page there's a space where you can sign up for the newsletter. If they'd would like to follow me on social media, I think the best place is LinkedIn, that is where I’m most active.

I’d be delighted to connect with people.  Also, on Forbes I’ve got my own regular column.  If you put Greg Orme Forbes in the search, I will come up. I'm writing regularly on Forbes.

The book “The Human Edge: How curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy” is on Amazon and anywhere books are sold.

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Additional Resources

How to Program Yourself for Positive Change

5 Ways To Improve Your Bait To Hook Clients

In the competitive landscape of business, your bait is your enticing offering that lures clients in capturing the attention and trust of potential clients. Your bait,  plays a pivotal role in this delicate dance. In this post, we'll delve into 5 strategies that can elevate your bait, transforming it into a powerful tool to hook and retain clients effectively.

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What are your clients biting on? What is your bait?

Years ago I watched  the movie “A River runs through it”. I should confess that anything with Brad Pitt I watch with a big smile on my face! Anyway, in the movie Brad and his brother were fishing in this river. Brad's brother was catching a whole lot of fish and Brad had not caught one. After some time of being a spectator in this fishing expedition, he shouted to his brother, “What are they biting on?” His brother shouted back, “Pimento Bugs”. Strangest, bait, I ever saw, these bugs had wings! But sure enough, when Brad changed his, bait, he caught the biggest fish ever!

In sales, you are the, Bait!

Everything you heard is true! People buy from people they like, people they feel a connection to or with people who are like them!

Here are 5 Ways you can Improve your marketing Bait:

teeshirt dress

No tee-shirts and tattoos

1: Your Business Attire is One Hook 

I will start with an Old Cliché “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” If you are going for an interview or meeting with a customer for the first time; look the part, and that is your best, bait. No tee shirts a, professional business attire, is required.

A few years ago, I went for an interview once at Apple retail Store and I was very confused. Apple, Google and Facebook CEO's have all made famous the tea shirt and running shoes mode of dress. But even is that culture, business casual attire, is recomended. So I was not sure how to dress; but I decided on, business professional attire.  No tee-shirt and runners for me! Better to be overdressed than not get a job because you showed up in tea shirt and tennis shoes.

In the movie “the Pursuit of Happyness”, Will Smith was sleeping in bathrooms and homeless; but he made sure he had one, business professional attire,  so even though homeless, he was always well groomed. That is all you need, one good outfit. It is suggested that for the man the color should be blue, black or grey for a suit. The, business attire for women,  should be a pant suit or an A-line dress.

2: Your Profile picture is Also bait 

Your, profile picture, is what everyone sees. Just a picture of your head and face, and they from that they form a judgement, whether consciously or not. In a recent LinkedIn training class, the presenter told a story about how he was about to hire someone for a service, then he noticed that their picture was dark and blurred. He said he decided not do business with them. He formed a judgement that if they could not spend $50 to get a good, profile picture, then they could not be successful. You might say that he was too judgmental; but you never know what is costing you business. It is best to button it up and have the best bait to hook your clients.

I personally would never connect with anyone who didn't have a, profile picture, because I made the judgement that they were either not active or not serious. Now I connect because I can offer my consulting services because they need Help! Spend the money to get the, best profile picture, and it will pay dividends.

suit and shoes

3: Your professional image  is your Hook 

I could never understand the “shoe shine” concept. Why did men favor going to get their shoes professionally shined until it became a mirror and they could see their faces in their shoes?
Now I understand, those men understood the value of “the entire package” their, professional image, included the clothes, the shoes, the briefcase, the tie, everything.  You can't show up in an expensive, business attire, and your shoes are not shined! You can't show up in an expensive, business professional attire, and your hair looks like a hippie; you can't show up in an expensive, business casual attire, and your car looks like you bought it from the scrapyard. People form the wrong impression and then you have to work doubly hard for them to hear what is coming out of your mouth.

For men, pay attention to the suit, shirt, tie, hair style, shoes.

For women, pay attention to your dress, your hair, your shoes and your pocket book! Yes, people now pay attention to what handbag you are putting your lipstick into!

4: Your Business card, your Website, and your Printed Materials are your bait 

If you want to convey success, then you have to look the part.

Has anyone ever handed you a, business card, that was printed at home on cheap paper? What was your reaction? Did you want to run out and purchase their product? I am sure you didn't. Or you ask someone who has a service you are interested in for a, business card, and they tell you they don't have one.

I should even add a pen to this scenario. In the movie “the Pursuit of Happyness”, there is a scene in which a salesperson bent over backwards to get a contract with Will Smith to produce his story. He called him several times, he made him an irresistible offer, he tracked him down at the airport and when Will was about to sign the contract and he asked him for a pen, he did not have one! Will cancelled the deal. He felt that a salesperson should always have a, business card, and a pen if he is worth anything!

5: Your Speech makes or breaks you 

I don't know if you have noticed, but most of the leading roles for movies and television commercials are going to actors who sound English! It is like a “cool breeze” to listen to someone with a pleasant voice. You don't have to have an English accent; but your volume should be right and your pace should be right. As a Toastmaster, when we are speaking, we are gonged when we add fillers to our speech. Fillers are so, umm, ahh, etc. if you are doing a presentation and you have too many fillers, your audience doesn't regard you as a subject matter expert.

Your, Bait, is you! Once you make a good impression and the fish are biting; then you can get on with the business that you came to do, and that is to sell your product or service.

You want to catch some fish! So go, fishing.

Additional Resources

Transform your Business Life: Dress for Success