Tag Archives: overcoming PTSD

How to Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Teenage Girls

Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, usually develops for girls who have been sexually abused, neglected, or abandoned. Author and social worker, Kenya Aissa joins the, Transform Your Mind Podcast, to share strategies to develop, Life Skills, and conscious programs for, teenage girls with, post traumatic stress disorder.

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How to cultivate consciousness and life skills for, Post traumatic stress disorder, in teenage girls,

Today I am speaking with author, Kenya E. Aissa, MS, is a Social Worker whose experience counseling girls, ages 12-22, has given her valuable insight into their thoughts on the validity of spiritual practice. As a primary counselor in a, residential drug rehabilitation program, created specifically for traumatized girls (one of only a handful of such programs in the U.S.), Ms. Aissa created and implemented a weekly spirituality group.

In the next few years, she discovered that confusion, insecurity, and fearfulness are pervasive amongst girls, and they have few internal skills with which to combat these issues. Education and information about women’s spiritual lives are greatly lacking in our schools and in our society. For young women, this dilemma can result in:
• • Banishment of all spiritual and/or religious beliefs, due to anger and disappointment;
• • Adopting non-traditional practices simply for shock value, or to gain a sense of control;
• • A sense of abandonment and loneliness born of fear, which may result in filling the emptiness with negative people, substance abuse, unhealthy sexual relationships, or early motherhood;
• • Feelings of hopelessness, which may result in depression and other mental health issues.

Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls

How did you transition your Masters in psychology and counseling into specifically helping, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls?

I started working back in the late 90s with my girls that were at a residential treatment center. I was really dropped into that position. I was a little bit blindsided actually, because I really wanted the job. I really wanted to work at a drug treatment facility. I really loved working with
children and I already had the experience. When I got the job I didn't know that I would be specializing, that my caseload would be specifically,
treating, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, I quickly gained the experience because I was with them all the time. I ran groups I worked with them and their families.

I drove them from place to place. I did all kinds of activities with them, and so I had to learn really quickly how to work with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, These girls were neglected, abandoned, sexually abused etc. I had a couple of girls that were very involved in gangs and so then there's all of the stuff that comes with being involved in a gang. Often there’s a lot of sex, a lot of sexual assault, sometimes unwanted pregnancies a lot of drugs.

Then there’s a lot of fear because of the behavior. Then of course once the drugs become a factor that's another layer to the whole thing, because a lot of girls with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, will get involved in drugs to mask the pain of their childhood. I had some girls who were prostituting. So there was there were a lot of things that I would say that every almost every kid had some sort of, sexual abuse, or, sexual trauma.

Why adoptions cause post traumatic stress disorder

When I was in,  adoptions, that I had had a lot of experience with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, I could have real conversations with parents because we had parents that, especially with teenagers, we had adoptive parents that would give their adoptive kids back. No kidding. Teenagers are hard under the best of circumstances. They are worst with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in teenage, girls,

Teenage boys have a different set of coping skills. The way of treating boys with, PTSD, is different than it is with girls. My book Sacred Girl: Spiritual Life Skills For Conscious Young Women focuses on, on what works for, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls. Helping them to find their voice and helping them to use tools to strengthen themselves and to gain empowerment.

I then came up with the appropriate strategies to treat, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls. Our goal it's very action-oriented and so it's my belief personally that talking just isn't enough. You hear a lot about talk therapy and all that stuff and talking just doesn't do the trick for, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, You can't just talk your way out of the problem and so you really have to do something.

There has to be some action. That's really what my what my book is really about. It is allowing, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, and let's just say youth in general to understand that they have the power, they can cultivate life skills and coping skills. I really felt like the movement and the actual thinking of the activities was a way to connect to what was going on with their brain and connect them to their emotions. So we did a lot of yoga. Now I'm a yoga teacher but back then I really had no idea what I was doing.

We did the whole altar thing. In my book there's a whole section about altars.
For helping deal with, Post traumatic stress disorder, in, teenage girls, an altar could be their bedside table. Whatever have meaning for you, or that make you feel spiritually or psychically connected.


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Additional Resources and Links:

Studies show why teenage girls are more likely to develop PTSD
“Among youth with post-traumatic stress disorder, the study found structural differences between the sexes in one part of the insula, a brain region that detects cues from the body and processes emotions and empathy. The insula helps to integrate one’s feelings, actions and several other brain functions.”



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Additional Resources

Using Trauma As Your Fuel For Post Traumatic Growth


A Dolphin Trainer Finds Purpose After Cancer

It was the first time since I started coughing, I put my hand on my throat and I felt a lump. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with, throat cancer. It was stage two, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I remember asking the doctor what happens if I don't get, chemotherapy, and she said you'll be dead within the year. I really didn't have any choice, it was an aggressive form of, cancer, and I needed to just stick it out and battle it with the, chemotherapy.

I came up with the idea of making a documentary of my, cancer, journey  because that way I could still learn about filmmaking and I wanted to show a story of, survival, because when I turn to the movies, I don't see any, cancer survivor, stories only stories of, cancer, patients who  passed away. I knew that there were millions of, cancer survivors, out there and I wanted to show a story of, survival.

My guest today is Joy Claussen Soto. Joy is a, cancer survivor, filmmaker and author. Today, we are going to be talking on the topic “How to find your, purpose, after cancer or after a major illness?

Myrna: Can you share your journey as a, dolphin trainer, and how that specifically helps you overcome, cancer, because I know that you're tying them together somehow.

Listen to the full interview here:

My Journey as a Dolphin Trainer

Joy: Well my journey as a, dolphin trainer, started a long time ago when I was in college. For me, the really important part was when I applied to get a job at SeaWorld.  I tried a number of times to get a job at Sea World, but it never worked out because they just weren't hiring people. Fortunately, I happened to call at the right time and they asked me to take a, swim test. I was in Chicago at the time, so I had to fly out to San Diego and I had one day to take this test.  I went down to a pool to practice the, swim test, which was holding your breath for 120 seconds underwater, touching the bottom which is 26 feet deep and some other things.

Those were the biggest challenges that I was having trouble with. So I went down to the pool to started practicing. I would hold my breath and then come up maybe a quarter of the way. I couldn't even get half the way through the pool without needing to come up for oxygen and when I dived down in a pool that's six feet deep my ears start to hurt. But, for some reason I still got on that plane and went to San Diego to do this, swim test, at Sea World. I knew that I hadn't practiced physically, but I remembered reading about athletes and how they used their minds to visualize the ball going through the hoop, and gymnasts who visualize themselves doing all their moves. Those were my thoughts as I was on the plane. I started visualizing everything. I visualized myself swimming through the water, wanting to give up and not giving up, and making it to the other side and also same thing with diving down.

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Book: Ruthless Pamela Jean
Book: Ruthless Pamela Jean


Visualizing Dolphin trainer swim test

I practiced holding my breath the whole time on the airplane. I probably looked like a crazy person. I had my watch out and started practicing that, visualization, also helped me, beat cancer.  I went there to Sea World took the, swim test, and miraculously, I got in the water and I passed the test. I was so happy that I had done it, I didn't even care if I got the job because I was just so proud of myself that I put myself out there and I did something that I  physically couldn't do just 24 hours before.

When it comes to, cancer, I'd seen how powerful, visualization, was. I would use that when I was sick, because I think one of the things when you are going through something like that is that you feel a loss of control. We all know that a loss of control can lead to, depression. When I was going through, cancer, I couldn't have control over what the, Chemotherapy, was doing to my body. I didn't have control over what the doctors were doing, but I did have control over my mind.

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Visualization to Beat Cancer

I visualized, Chemotherapy, killing the, cancer, eating the, cancer, and make these little things in my mind to help it along. So, that helped me. Even though, it may not have been real control, but perceived control,  I was using that as one of the ways I was able to gain back control. That was one thing that helped me from my job as a, dolphin trainer.

Myrna: Visualization, is powerful. I always reference back to Christopher Reeves, when anybody's talking about, visualization, as a part of healing. Christopher Reeves book called “Nothing is Impossible” talks about how he used, visualization, to heal his body when he was paralyzed from the neck down and all he could do is blow into a straw to speak. That was powerful stuff and I never forgot it.  Visualization, helped him start walking and speaking. He did it by sitting on his porch every single day and, visualizing, his body healing and that's my base. A lot of people have done that since then but visualization is big. Can you bridge the gap in a bit for us about your cancer story?

Joy: Even though my passion was working with dolphins, I also wanted to become a filmmaker. So, I quit my job at SeaWorld and enrolled in Film School. I was in film school for three months and that was when I found the lump in my throat. I had been coughing, the cough was getting worse instead of better and I felt really tired.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Being diagnosed with Throat Cancer

It was the first time since I started coughing, I put my hand on my throat and I felt a lump. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with, throat cancer. It was stage two, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I remember asking the doctor what happens if I don't get, chemotherapy, and she said you'll be dead within the year. I really didn't have any choice, it was an aggressive form of, cancer, and I needed to just stick it out and battle it with the, chemotherapy.

I came up with the idea of making a documentary of my, cancer, journey  because that way I could still learn about filmmaking and I wanted to show a story of, survival, because when I turn to the movies, I don't see any, cancer survivor, stories only stories of, cancer, patients who  passed away. I knew that there were millions of, cancer survivors, out there and I wanted to show is a story of, survival.

Myrna: What it sounds like is that, at no point in time you thought you're going to die, because you wanted to show a story of, survival,  that's faith. Where did you get that faith?

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Faith and survival

Joy: I've always had a belief in God, and my dad taught me about, faith. I remember we had a lot of my relatives pass away in a short period of time when I was little. I remember sitting on the chair with my dad in our house, he explained to me what death was.

He said some people are here for a certain reason – to help other people learn lessons and to learn lessons themselves. That can mean just being here for a couple of minutes or it can mean an entire lifetime. So, I just kind of took that as my understanding of, purpose, and I've used that throughout my life. Well, I'm here to learn lessons, but I don't know what those lessons are. Hopefully, I'm learning them right now and I'm here to help teach other people lessons. So, that has helped me get through, cancer treatments.

Myrna: Regardless of how you believe and how much, faith, you have when you heard that, cancer, diagnosis, fear had to creep in.

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Fear and Zig Zigler

Joy: Absolutely. I was in a battle with myself and, fear. I have footage in my documentary of me talking to the camera at my lowest point when I let, fear, in. What really helped me, was I had listened to a Zig Ziglar motivational tape. There was one story of him being stuck in an Airport, his flight was canceled, but instead of him being angry or upset like most people would have, he just said fantastic. He came up with all the reasons why it was good that his flight wasn't taking off:

  • Maybe there's something wrong with that plane
  • something wrong with the people flying that plane
  • the weather was bad and could crash the plane.

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If that's the case, he said “I don't want to be up there, I want to be right down here, fantastic.”  That was powerful for me, because it showed me that we have control over how we either respond or react to things. I had a moment when I remembered that life is indeed fantastic!  I started thinking of all things I was grateful for:

  • I was grateful for my friends and family and all the love I was receiving
  • Grateful that they found my, throat cancer, at stage two
  • Incredibly grateful that they found my, cancer, period and they can treat it.
  • I started flipping it instead of going, I was diagnosed with cancer and it's horrible, I started flipping it to get to fantastic.   It helped me to get through it better and become a, cancer survivor.

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An Attitude of Gratitude to beat cancer

Myrna: That's awesome. This is good stuff, they say. Another quote is I like is:

It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to what happened to you.

An,  attitude of gratitude, is a powerful treatment for, cancer. Now, how did you learn to control the, uncontrollable? You said you were able to control the elements in an, uncontrollable, situation. You just said a minute ago that your, visualization, of the, chemotherapy, that you had to do, is an, uncontrollable, situation. What are some of the other things or some of the other elements that you use in this, uncontrollable, situation to control?

Joy:  The whole time that I was sick, I had this visual of me surviving and making a, story of survival. I think that was very powerful and that helped me in taking back control of my life. The, attitude of gratitude, my notebook and the documentary, those were ways I was able to grab back some control when I was going through an, uncontrollable, situation.

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Making a Cancer Survival Story documentary

In my, cancer survival, documentary, I filmed all the details of my very bad moments with, cancer, when things weren't going well. At one point, I was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. I was on a bench for a short period of time. I was very weak. I could hardly talk because I have mucositis. It goes all the way down. It's like a strep throat, but it's from the chemical from my, cancer treatment. Everything was bad and that moment. I needed my first blood transfusion. I asked my friends to keep filming and take footage of me when I'm getting the blood transfusion. I think it is really important to see, that you can go through the fire and come out at the other end.

Myrna; I love it. Where can readers watch this documentary?

Joy: I recently uploaded to YouTube. It’s called “Just one Year – A Story of Triumph over Cancer”. My book is more complete and is called “Joy – The story of a Dolphin Trainer, Filmmaker and Cancer Survivor”.

Myrna: How did becoming a, cancer survivor, help you find your, purpose? Didn’t you think that being a, dolphin trainer, was your, purpose before, cancer?

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Cancer Helped me Find My Meaning Of Life

Joy: I've always loved animals and the ocean. It's always been a big part of my life. That was just something that I enjoyed.

Myrna: That's what you use, positive reinforcement, to work with, Dolphins.

Joy: It just kind of all came together, but I don't know if working with, dolphins, was my, purpose in life. I believe that becoming a, cancer survivor, is my, meaning of life.

Myrna: It gave you a little direction, right?

Joy: Yes, you're not going to just jump out of the crib and have a,  purpose, or know the, meaning of life. I felt like I survived, cancer, to help other, cancer, patients survive. I've been the happiest helping others. I was able to start a program, helping kids with cancer,  where they can come to the park and get in the water to meet a, dolphin. One of the most important parts of that program was that I would tell them my, cancer survival story.

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Sharing my cancer survival story to help kids with cancer

I would say, “Hey, I know a lot of you here are being treated at children's hospital. I was treated there too, but now look; I get to work here as a , dolphin trainer, in my dream job and I get to share it with you.”

Myrna: That's a powerful thing and that gives people hope.

Joy: The first moment when I realized that whenever someone survives something, there's something magical about, survival.

Myrna: What made you write the book and what is the message that you're trying to share?

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Joy: I wrote the book to give people hope. Whenever one of my friends knows of someone who has been diagnosed with, cancer, they would always refer that person to me and I would tell my, survival story, to a lot of different people just to give them hope from my, survival. I know it's giving people hope.

I had a friend of mine who just went through, cancer. She's still growing back her hair. I haven't talked to her since high school, that's a long time ago. She read my book and she said it was like reading her own, survival story. It showed her that life can be even better after, cancer. I also wanted to share that the problems do not go away after you, survive cancer. People would think okay now that you, beat cancer, that you should be so blissful. That you're floating in heaven.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Your Cancer Journey does not end after you Beat Cancer

That's not the case. For me, I was bald. All my muscles had atrophied from being in a hospital bed for the last six months. I had, PTSD, but I didn't know it. I was still in my head sick and going through, cancer, every night. I would sleep and dream that I was still sick in the hospital. It took me a year. I think something that's really important is when you go through something like this to know when it's time to reach out for help. It took me a year to realize I needed to get help. So, I finally started talking to someone about a year out and that's when I feel like I started to really heal from, cancer.

Myrna: Wow, this is a bonus.  I would never have imagined that after you, survive cancer, and you are going to live that you are not blissfully happy!

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast


Book Joy the story of a dolphin trainer and cancer survivor
Book Joy the story of a dolphin trainer and cancer survivor

Your story is talking about, survival skills, for, cancer,  but there are so many things that people have to survive other illnesses or . What I mean is, this book can help a lot of people in their, survival story, whether it's divorce, whether it's losing a child, whether it's being homeless or whether it's losing your job. Whatever it is, these principles can be transferred into any, survival story.

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