Tag Archives: compound interest

Sowing Seeds in Fertile Ground

In this episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life,” Life Coach Myrna Young discusses the concept of, sowing seeds, in, fertile ground, and reaping a hundred times what you planted. Drawing inspiration from the parable of the farmer in Luke chapter 8, Myrna explains how this concept applies to various aspects of our lives, including career, relationships, personal development, and investment.

She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and discernment in identifying the, fertile ground, for, sowing seeds. Myrna also highlights the need for patience and persistence, as the process of, sowing and reaping, is not instantaneous. She shares the example of the, bamboo tree, which takes five years to grow above the ground, illustrating the importance of perseverance.

Myrna further discusses the power of compound interest and how consistent and sustained action in the right direction can lead to exponential growth. She advises listeners to avoid wasteful efforts by evaluating where they invest their time and resources. By practicing deliberate and thoughtful actions, managing risk, and harnessing the power of compounded interest, individuals can unlock their potential for remarkable growth and fulfillment in various aspects of their lives.

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Sowing seeds in fertile ground

In Luke chapter 8, Jesus tells a parable of a farmer who scattered his seed. Some of the seed landed on a footpath where the birds ate them, some landed on rocks and died from lack of water, and some fell among thorns and were choked. However, the seed that fell on, fertile ground, produced a crop a hundred times what was planted. This parable teaches us the importance of choosing our endeavors wisely and investing our time, energy, and resources in areas that hold the greatest potential for growth and returns.

So, how do we identify the, fertile ground, for, sowing seeds? It requires self-awareness and discernment. We must recognize our strengths, passions, and talents and align them with our goals and aspirations. By doing so, we increase the likelihood of success and fulfillment.

Just like a farmer plants a seed and patiently waits for it to grow, we must exhibit patience and persistence in our own lives. The process of, sowing and reaping, is not instantaneous. Farmers nurture their crops with water, sunlight, and care until the harvest season arrives. Similarly, in life, we must stay committed to our goals even when the results seem slow to materialize. We cannot expect to plant a seed and reap a harvest on the same day. Patience and persistence are key.

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Sow seeds in fertile ground and get a bountiful harvest

Have you heard about the, bamboo tree? It takes five years for a bamboo seed to sprout above the ground. Imagine waiting for five years without seeing any visible progress. It's easy to give up. But just like the, bamboo tree, we must keep planting, watering, and giving our dreams attention. Sooner or later, we will reap a, daily harvest.

The power of compound interest is another important aspect of, sowing and reaping. Jesus said that if we plant in, fertile ground, we will reap a hundredfold. This is the power of compound interest. Just as a seed grows into a plant that produces more seeds, our efforts can yield compound returns over time. Consistent and sustained action in the right direction can lead to exponential growth, enabling us to reap rewards beyond our initial expectations.

Think about an apple orchard. One apple can become an orchard with acres and acres of fruit trees. This is a perfect example of, sowing and reaping, in the natural world. Similarly, in our lives, we can experience exponential growth and abundance if we sow our seeds in, fertile ground.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Sowing seeds in non fertile ground

However, not all soil is fertile, and not all endeavors are worth pursuing. It is essential to evaluate where we invest our time and resources to avoid wasting them on unproductive pursuits or unproductive people. Regularly assess the outcome of your efforts and be willing to adjust your strategy as needed.

In conclusion, sowing seeds, in, fertile ground, and reaping a hundredfold is a timeless reminder of the importance of deliberate and thoughtful actions in our journey towards success and abundance. By identifying our, fertile ground, practicing patience and persistence, managing risk, and harnessing the power of compounded interest, we can unlock our potential for remarkable growth and fulfillment in various aspects of our lives.


So, I encourage you to continue, sowing seeds, building, and pursuing your dreams. Remember, sooner or later, you will reap a harvest. If your ground is fertile, you will reap a hundred times what you planted.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Five Minute Fridays with Coach Myrna. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes. Your support allows us to reach a wider audience. And if you're watching this on YouTube, don't forget to subscribe to our channel to receive new episodes as they are released.

Until next time, namaste.

Additional Resources 

How to Go from Success to Significance in 100 Days

Inspirational coach, Marcus Bell, created a project called the “100 Dayz Challenge” a ‘Wealth and Impact’ boot camp to guide people to the way to success. This Challenge helps people achieve their goals in life.

Marcus Bellringer teaches us how to go from, Success to Significance, in, 100 days. His bootcamp 100, Dayz, Impact Challenge is growing in popularity.  We’re going to straddle the fence today. We talk about music and, life coaching, and  challenge you to make changes to your life in, 100 days.

How to Have Success in 100 Days
How to Have Success in 100 Days

Bio Marcus Bell

MARCUS BELL IS ONE OF THE TOP MUSIC PRODUCERS/COMPOSERS IN THE INDUSTRY. He has worked with some of the biggest artists such as Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Snoop Dogg and many more. He also produced and composed for some of the most famous films and TV shows. Apart from that, Bell is a successful entrepreneur who wants to help people achieve their goals in life. That’s why he created a project called the “100 Dayz Challenge” a ‘Wealth and Impact’ boot camp to guide people to the way to success.

This Challenge helps people achieve their goals in life.  Bell has also produced soundtracks for several television shows and films. Some of the new and upcoming releases that feature his work are the TV series P-Valley (Starz Network) with the singles ‘Boy Listen’ and ‘Own It’, and the Netflix series Ginny & Georgia with the song ‘Give Us Love’. Marcus Bell also published a #1 best-selling book on Amazon titled ‘Bellringer Branding Bible: The 5 Musician Branding Principles for Singers, Rappers

Listen to the Full Interview


Before we get into the details of our conversation today, tell us your journey from being a music producer to a, Life coach, wanting to help people achieve success in their life.

Marcus: The first thing I would say is to start with is I stand for dignity and compassion for myself and all humanity. That’s why everything that I've done and everything that I do is organized around uplifting humanity. When it comes to the music industry now, the thing that I love about the music industry which I've been a part of since I was two years old, is I was born into the entertainment industry.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

I started playing piano when I was two years old,  I was a child prodigy. I started my first company when I was 12 years old, a record label. So, I've been an entrepreneur my entire life, a musician, songwriter and recording artist. What I discovered in my journey was that the things that I was doing when I was younger, like recording myself and playing all the instruments and coming up with the lyrics of the songs and all of those pieces of a puzzle (that’s the actual role of someone that is able to do all of those things and mix the song and bring it to completion and deliver the emotions of the song), those are the roles of a music producer – so I discovered that I was a, music producer, before I was a teenager.

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Book Vignettes of the possibly dying
Book Vignettes of the possibly dying

Become the producer of your life in 100 Days

I learned everything from my mother, she was just amazing at bringing forth treasures in my life. When I was younger, I lived in an area in Virginia (I was born in Norfolk, Virginia). In that area there was a music producer who had produced Marvin Gaye. He was my first contact with someone that was hugely successful in the music industry, his name is Gordon. I was taken to the studio in his house and he was playing my music. Suddenly, he stopped the music and he looked at me, he said “kid don't you listen to the radio?”

What he was saying was “kid what's your style.”  I was playing around in a lot of different genres and did not have a sound.  Today I teach my clients to find their unique talent in, 100 days.  As a kid, I had a song that was hip-hop, I had a song that was jazz, I had a song that was gospel, I had a song that was reggae and a funk song. I was all over the place in terms of the type of music I was producing. But I discovered, I was a, producer.

I discovered in that session that this is what a, music producer, does. A, music producer, looks at the artist and can see what is needed in order to pull the greatness out of that artist. The, producer, then focuses that greatness in a direction that will make the artist successful.  In the, 100 days, challenge, I do the same thing for my clients.  I pull the greatness out of them and I try to do it in, 100 days.

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The Wealth and Impact Boot Camp: How to Build Wealth

My job as a, music producer, is to see greatness in my artists and help them discover that greatness for themselves, and capture it on a recording, so that the world can see that greatness.

As a, Life Coach, the Wealth and Impact Boot Camp, is a program that is designed around helping people access their greatness, articulate that value in the marketplace so that they can monetize it and help a massive amount of people.

Myrna: That's great. So, why did the, music producer, back then ask you if you listen to the radio? How does the radio help you as an artist?

Marcus: That's a fantastic question. There are processes to discovering your voice, and as far as I can tell, there are three stages:

  • There's imitation stage,
  • The emulation stage and
  • And the innovation stage.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Goal Setting in the innovation stage

The, imitation, stage is like learning to play the saxophone. I would take out the saxophone put on Charlie Parker and John Coltrane, imitate what they did,  I would try to figure out the notes get the sheet music (this is what they were playing here) and try to sound like them. Basically, I was attempting to be Charlie Parker on the saxophone. This is the, imitation, stage.

For the, emulation, I'll use a different example. When I was in Boston doing something like 10 songs a day, people would come into the recording studio and say “Marcus can you do something that sounds like Timberland” Can you do something that sounds like Baby Face? Can you do something that sounds like Dr. Dre? But in, goal setting, we have to stop, imitation, and, emulation, and start the, innovation, process to create our unique sound or bring our our unique greatness.

I'm not playing exactly what Dr. Dre did, but I would do something that Dr. Dre would have done. It's a sound, it's a feel, it's an energy, it's a vibe.  I'm listening from a lot of different lenses. I am listening for  like the sounds that are selected, the type of setting that is placed, the way the notes are arranged (is it more minor, is it more major) like all these different factors and many different ways to examine something to get to an, emulation, place.  As the, producer, of your life, you can do the same thing with your mentor.

Find somebody who has been where you are trying to go and emulate them until you understand the rules of the game.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Trying to find your sound or unique talent in 100 Days

I didn't know at the time that I was developing a valuable skill from, emulation, and, imitation. That skill allowed me to be featured in different television shows and movies. People still reach out to me and say “Hey Marcus we couldn't clear the Beyoncé song, oh we couldn't clear xyz song (like Lady Gaga’s song), do you have anything that sounds like it? They are using my skill of, imitation, and, emulation.

Innovation, is getting you to your authentic self. In the, 100 dayz challenge, and there's a bunch of different lenses that we can talk about. One lens is think about those conversations that you may have about, time and money.  For example. There's a narrative that gets emulated inside of society, particularly Western society that “time is money”. How many times have you heard that?

Myrna: Are you trying to challenge that concept?

Marcus: Absolutely, because time is much greater than money.

Marcus: I would assert and not only is time much greater than money, but what kind of time are we talking about?

  • Are we talking about space time,
  • What about talking about time as numbers,
  • And talking about time as activity?

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Learning How to build wealth in 100 Days

I've studied a lot about, time and money, time can be used in the context of money to multiply your money (like compound interest) and things like that, but I think when I use that is when someone is wasting my time.

Myrna: Are you talking about the 24-hour day where you are a, producer, a coach or somebody that's working with you that, time is money, because when you waste time you're wasting money?

Marcus: Yes, but you can transform that thinking and have, passive income, from,  compound interest, and all the other things where your time is not connected to, money. I mean, money, is not connected to your time. In the, 100 days, challenge, I spend a lot of time on how to make, money, work for you.   If I were to talk about how I produce revenue, you would agree that, time is not connected to, money.

In the, 100 Dayz challenge, I teach you, how to build wealth, with, passive income, in, 100 days. I have a friend of mine who I'm doing a course with, I'm collaborating with him on a LinkedIn, Wealth and Impact Boot Camp course. He gets paid up to $75,000 for 45 minutes.

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Building Wealth by becoming an Innovator

Marcus: Barack Obama is an, innovator, that is why he charges $200, 000 an hour to speak for an hour at events. A, Life Coach, can bring $200,000 worth of value into the lives of their clients and be paid $500. Part of being an, innovator, and, music producer, is looking at what are the elements that make someone unique. What's different about this artist, what is he doing that's different? What's different could be  how you value yourself in a marketplace and so forth. Time is money, is one of those things.

Myrna: I remembered probably the biggest example of that, is Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey has a song “All I want for Christmas is You.” That the song took her 30 minutes to write and it's made 60 million over the years. That is how you, build wealth, and we can say that is this case, time is not money.

Marcus: That’s a great example. Musicians aren't the only ones that have, passive income, from, innovation.  I would assert that every individual once they have connected to the intrinsic value that they have to offer the world, and they're able to hone in on what that value is and offer it to the world, can have, passive income, and not trade time for money.

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What the 100 Dayz Challenge is About

Myrna: Tell us about your, 100 Dayz Challenge, and how does it connect to finding the authentic self?

Marcus:  The 100, Dayz, Challenge is really designed around taking people from, success to significance. In a community event in 2020 around election time, I was talking about elections and I challenged my clients to elect themselves for office. When someone comes into office like when Biden they have an aggressive agenda in the the first, 100 days, in office. This originated from President Roosevelt. When the country was moving out of the great depression, Roosevelt brought forth the first, 100 days, (this is where we get that from in popular culture and then particularly in politics). When he got into office, his first, 100 days, is where he set the tone for his entire 4 year term by doing as much as possible in, 100 days.

The whole four years, but people ask what did you do in, 100 days? That's why people elected to office, try and get bills passed or reverse things from the past president, all of that activity in that first, 100 days, in office. Traditionally, the first, 100 days, has been the most impactful for the entire eight year term.

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iHeart Radio

100 Dayz boot camp

In my 100, dayz, challenge, I challenged them to create wealth in a the boot camp to take on, 100 days, for their most important aims. I created a structure around the first, 100 days, because most times when people take on challenges like New Year’s resolutions, by day 15:

  • people stop going to the gym,
  • they're eating cakes again,
  • they stop meditating,
  • Most stop praying or whatever.
  • Arguing with their husband or wife or girlfriend a boyfriend is back
  • Most people can't sustain it.

So, I created a structure for, sustainability. What makes the, 100 Dayz Challenge, unique is that, it is designed with, neuroscience, social psychology, and with psychology in mind; so that you can create sustainable change or elevation or adding something new.  If there is something that you wanted to do that you didn't necessarily have the courage to do, or you didn't have the time to do, you didn't have the resources to do it, whatever. All you have to do is take that thing and put it inside the, 100 Dayz Challenge, structure Program and achieve, success to significance.

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Book How Many Faces

Success to Significance in 100 Days

As a result of the success of the, 100 Dayz Challenge, and because we launched at the same time that Biden came into office. We started this, 100 days, challenge and we opened it up to the public. People can join at any time. We created several, 100 days, programs to suit different goals. As soon as you join it, your, 100 days, starts.

What's happened from the public launch of the program is we realized that this is not just a program:

  • it's not just a course inside (even though there ‘s a course in the 100, dayz, challenge)
  • it's not just a community (even though we are a community)
  • and it's not just a structure (even though there's a structure there),
  • this is actually a Movement.

It's all about self and others, because when you do something for yourself it impacts those around you.

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

The Neuroscience of sustainability

Myrna: That's true, but I want to ask you a question, because I know that what you're saying is very true as far as, sustainability, which is one of the reasons that the gyms are so packed after new year's or before summer, because people have a goal at these times but they can't sustain it. You talk about the, neuroscience, of the, 100 dayz challenge, so how does your program help with the neuroscience of quitting?

Marcus: There are things that we know for example, is response to, neuroscience.  There's always an exception to every rule. There's always the exception. For example, there's always the gym that has people packed and all the time, but  what we know in, neuroscience, (I'm not a neuroscientist, but I do a lot of study on, neuroscience.)  It's known that willpower doesn't really work, so you can't “WILL” yourself throughout the day to perform at a high level.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV
Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Willpower and Goal Setting

Willpower,  over time diminishes, so you have less of it as the day progresses, which is why it's important if you're doing something that requires a lot of prefrontal cortex, to do it first thing in the morning. If there's a lot of cognitive load, you do that thing earlier in the day.  If you're going to do finances or accounting or read through contracts or whatever you might want to do that earlier in the day, than at the end of the day. When you're tired from the activities of the day and your, willpower, has diminished, your cognitive abilities also have diminished.

The way the, 100 Dayz challenge, is designed we take an account that people have different goals and different aims. Someone maybe , goal setting, with a  money aim, some will be, goal setting, and have a relationship aim, some may be, goal setting, and have a spiritual aim. The program allows each person to work with the strategies.

Myrna: Tell us about the, 100 Dayz challenge,  program. Is it customized? The example that you gave of a person who wanted to raise money, would it be that a totally different skill than would be set for someone wanted to lose weight or someone wanted to get wealth or maybe someone wanted to find out what is their unique talent. Tell us about your program, 100 Dayz.


Marcus:  The way that works is you as the individual customize it using the tools that we provided.

Myrna: Now, tell our audience how they can connect with this, 100 Dayz Challenge, or where they can connect with you.

Marcus: If someone is interested in joining the, 100 Dayz, Impact Challenge, they will go to 100dayzchallenge.com and join. I will recommend that they join the inner circle because on those inner circle calls, every Monday I get on the phone with the people that are in the challenge and we have conversations.

Myrna: My intention is almost similar to what you're doing here. My intention is to let people know that all they have to do is transform their mind and they can, transform their life, so that's exactly what you're doing here. With the challenge, you are helping people to transform their mind, because the mind is what is can either build you up or bring you down. Once you change that mindset, you will, transform your life.

Thank you so much for helping us to do that today by transforming our mindset that yes, we can do anything we want to do or achieve any goal by just working at it.

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Additional Resources

Can you recognize your failure symptoms?


Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?

The path to, financial freedom, comes from the quality of our lives. This is, true wealth.
True wealth, does not depend on how much we accumulate, save, or spend our money.

True wealth, comes from who we are on the inside, and not by what we do, or what we have.

We cannot measure our self-worth by our net worth!

The first step to, financial freedom, is to make the mental shift, that your world in here, will be reflective of your world out there.

This week on Mindset Transformation radio, I interview Trevor Evans, teacher/trainer in real estate investments.

Here is a tip of the week Financial Freedom:

There are 2 types of people in regards to, wealth, one who is magnetized and full of confidence and know his potential, and the other is demagnetized and full of fear and doubt, and he tells himself I will fail, I could lose my money, people will talk about me behind my back etc. So, he does nothing. He takes no risks!

As you have probably figured out, the demagnetized man will never get very far.
I love the parable Jesus told about the man who was going on a long trip. He called his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone.
He gave 5 bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last.
The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. The servant with two bags of silver also invested and earned two more; but the servant who received one bag, dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.
When the master returned, he was full of praise for the two servants who invested his money and increased it; but the servant who gave him his money back with no increase he called “wicked and lazy.”
The moral of the story is the path to, financial freedom, is investing what you have to earn more.  Let your money work for you. Also it show those who use well what they are given, even more will be given to them; but those who take no risks and do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

There are 3 honest ways to financial freedom.

  1. The first is to work for it. The common consensus is that with a few exceptions you can never become, wealthy, working for someone else.
  2. The second way is to inherit it. For most of us, inheritance is not a sure bet.
  3. The third way to, financial freedom, and the most powerful way, is to invest it. Let your money work for you. Compound interest, is one of the most powerful tools in the accumulation of, wealth. Let it work for you. Do you know if you put $2000 in your 401k at 21 years old and let it grow with an annual compound interest of 10%; at age 65 it would have grown to over $1,000,000?

I love this article from Inc.com

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Financial freedom in America

Nassim Taleb said, “The three most harmful addictions are heroine, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” But salaries, fed through cubicle farms, are worse than addiction: salaries are slavery. While starting a company may emancipate you from salary slavery, most founders are enslaved to their startups — trading family time, personal health, and happiness for late nights, long commutes, and stress. So where's this, financial freedom, in the Land of the Free?

This week on Mindset Transformation radio w/ coach Myrna and podcast, I interview Trevor Evans, Speaker/Trainer. Trevor is going to talk about the mindset of an investor, what you need to do to think like an investor and not an employee as well as some foundational tools of real estate investing.

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Show notes Financial Freedom:

• Topic: What is, True Wealth: The Path to, Financial Freedom
1. Question 1: Tell us of your path to becoming a Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education.
2. Question 2: Before you become an investor, what mindset shifts must you overcome?
3. What I love about the Legacy training is that it focuses on understanding the market and how to use money and not just on the brick and mortar of Real Estate investing. It covers using credit card as an asset instead of a liability. So that is the first mindset shift I think we should discuss.
4. What is the second mindset shift you think is important to acquiring, wealth?
5. If someone listening to this show wants to start investing in, real estate, what advice would you give them and where should they start.
6. When I took your class, you spent the first 2 hours totally letting us wait for the information you know we all wanted to hear but you spent time teaching about Abraham Hicks vortex and frequency. Why was that important?

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