Tag Archives: anti aging

How To Use Food for A Nonsurgical Facelift

Do you have aging skin and looking for a, nonsurgical facelift? look no further than your kitchen. Food plays a major role in beauty,  not only because it helps us reduce stress, but it feeds us vitamins and minerals that can stimulate our collagen. My whole approach to, skin care, is how do we purge the mind, the body and the skin from, stress and have a natural, facelift?

Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global, beauty, and wellness experts in the world. He is the best-selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food as a natural, facelift. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program “Face Lifting Food” show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age.

Having worked in the, beauty, industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that looking youthful goes well beyond waging war on wrinkles: and that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural, face lifting, methods are used globally by models, shown in universities, and recommended by doctors. Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. From Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel.

Listen to the full interview here: 


Introduction to Food as a Nonsurgical Facelift

Myrna – Tell us your journey to becoming a, beauty, and wellness expert as well as authoring nine books.

Gregory – I think our life journey takes us where we need to go regardless of where we start. My journey to understanding the concept of, beauty, started from a young age. I was born in South Africa at the height of the apartheid system. Many people say that the country you are born in shapes the quality of the human being and your character.

In my case I have strong views on skin, because from an early age I knew that the color of my skin, the texture of my hair and the width of my nose would determine my level of freedom. My quality of life and before I even got to school, I could read park bench signs – whites only or the public toilets or having to listen to my mum saying could you please hold going to the bathroom until we got home because you can’t use that toilet.

We’ve got to stop with the judgments, we’ve got to stop with the labels. I was a child that was beaten and spat on daily by the time I got to school for my differences. I had lost all belief in who I was as a child, but I was able to put myself back together. We shifted to Australia and my mum became a model and I followed in her footsteps and that’s how I entered into the, beauty, Industry.

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Beauty comes from the inside

Myrna – Your story is really interesting. When you were growing up you probably had a negative opinion of yourself and then you became a model and a, beauty expert. Did that shift the way you viewed yourself?

Gregory – I still walked around with insecurities and fears  and I still felt like that broken kid. That’s why I firmly believe that what is on the inside shows up on the outside. My grandma said something that goes to the heart of, beauty.

She said you know boy, God gives us all five minutes of grace and we can wow people with our fancy smiles and our cute little nose; but after your five minutes, the truth of who you are emerges and nothing can hide that.


The definition of Beauty

I utilize the acronym of, beauty:

B – is for balance. It is the balance of inner virtues that radiates outwardly. It’s what ultimately shapes our, beauty, and our lives.

E – the ease for enthusiasm, to show enthusiasm for who we are and all aspects of who we are.

A – is for acceptance, accepting ourselves as a whole without isolating or fragmenting, beauty, to certain physical characteristics.

U – is for understanding that when we are born, we are born whole and beautiful and along the way we have been educated to doubt what we were given. If we have the ability to create insecurity, we have the ability to eliminate it.

T – is for trust, learning to trust in who we are and what we represent in this world, and the wisdom that you possess.

Y- You possess, beauty, if you can see it in a much more expansive way, other than just physical, beauty. It is not about masculinity, it’s not about femininity, it’s about humanity and celebrating the divine differences we all bring to this world.

That is the foundation that my work is based on, because I believe that is where it starts. It starts on the inside and then we can take care of the skin that houses the spirit, we take care of our, beauty.

It is not a line that ages a woman, it is her energy. Her energy gives her a natural, facelift.

Beauty and Aging

When a woman begins to lose her self-belief and her strong sense of what she represents in this world, she begins to age. I know women who are 85 years old, I call them ageless, because it’s not about their age, it’s about their energy and they’re beautiful.

Gregory – Myrna you’re ageless, you’ve got vitality and beauty, it’s your beautiful energy. It is infectious and give you a natural, facelift.

Myrna – Thank you, I do have a lot of good energy and I feel good about myself and I laugh a lot. I am thinking this is because I have good genes and because I followed a, skin care, regiment since the age of 18 years old. When I was 18 years old, I became a model and learnt, skin care. I have kept that, skin care routine, of cleanse, tone and moisturize for over 3 decades. I have also done facials over the years to give my face a, facelift.

Gregory – When we’re speaking about cleanse, tone and moisturize, that is all the stuff of forgive, learn, laugh that’s how we’re constantly cleansing internally and that is a natural, facelift. We are letting stuff go and the more we let go, the younger we look.

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Aging of the Skin is a natural process

I never look at, skin, in isolation or a wrinkle, it’s much more on a holistic level. Aging is a natural process of life, and it is something that I welcome; but, premature skin aging, we can seriously do something about that.

The skin, it never lies.

  • It will tell you the food you’re eating or not eating,
  • You skin will tell you your breathing patterns,
  • Highlights the lack of water, or lack of sleep.
  • All of these things play a major role in our skin and, beauty.

Food, plays a major role in, healthy skin,  not only because it helps us reduce, stress, but it feeds us vitamins and minerals that can stimulate our, collagen and give us a, facelift. My whole my whole approach to, skin care, is how do we purge the mind, the body and the skin from, stress?

We do that with, food, we purge with good breathing, we do it with, face exercises, and a little, face massage. We have to purge the body from, stress, because, stress, is what ages the skin. When we are stressed, we make less, collagen, and as we age it also decreases. Constant, stress, accelerates this whole process.

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Nonsurgical facelift: Aging Skin and Stress

If the, stress hormone, cortisol, is raging, you are aging prematurely. We want to get, cortisol, under control and we can do it with, food, and breath. Cortisol, is responsible when if you can’t sleep, that means you have too much of it in your body.

Stress, and, cortisol, impacts the production of our, collagen, and it creates chaos with our skin. It also creates chaos in our lives, when we don’t feel good, we don’t look good either.

Myrna – You mentioned that, sleep, is really important when it comes to your, skin care routine, people often refer to it as, beauty sleep.

What people don’t know is that when we, sleep, we activate the, human growth hormone, which strengthens the skin. It creates a thicker skin. It’s also in the state of, rest and digest, where we repair our skin and more, collagen, is produced.

The greatest, anti-aging, secrets can be found in our everyday, foods. With the right, foods, wrinkles begin to fade and skin regains elasticity, that’s the power of, food to give us a natural, facelift.

Can we get collagen from beauty creams?

When you buy facial products or creams with, collagen, it is a waste of money. Collagen, is the protein in connective tissue that keeps the, skin, elastic. That molecule can’t push through the, skin, when applied with creams. The best way to stimulate, collagen, is through, food, and, sleep.

The fibers in our, collagen, become weak through the free radicals. The best way to strengthen is to eat, foods, and topically apply skin regenerating vitamins and minerals that naturally stimulate and protect our, collagen.

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Nonsurgical facelift: Collagen stimulating foods:

• Vitamin C – Vitamin C is key to, collagen, production and since it can’t be stored in the body, it’s really important to top it up all the time. We can use the collagen in foods to get a, nonsurgical facelift. So we have to eat, face-lifting foods, like –

  • sweet red peppers,
  • brussels sprouts,
  • broccoli and
  • tomato.

If you love tomato, while it’s fantastic uncooked, when you cook it with a little bit of olive oil, you access lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

A  fresh tomato is something you can put in a little strainer and you take the juice of it and apply that on your skin. It’s a wonderful tonic for the skin and a natural, facelift.

• Vitamin E – in another food that gives us a, nonsurgical facelift. It’s a powerful antioxidant that protects and reduces damage caused to, skin cells; but it’s also anti-inflammatory and that keeps the, skin, smooth, and it reduces wrinkles.
• You can find antioxidant with spinach, almonds, sunflower oil and mangoes. It’s not one specific, face lifting food, it is a variety.

• Vitamin B – is incredible for, skin, and you can get a complex variety from beets, eggs, turkey, whole wheat breads. If you are a lover of spinach and kale, pour a little bit of olive oil over the greens. It helps the body absorb the nutrients effectively for an effective, nonsurgical facelift.

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Need a Nonsurgical Facelift: Facelifting Foods

If you eat garlic and onion, they contain sulfur, a wonderful, beauty, mineral, but with garlic, one thing you’ve got to remember is while it’s got incredible health benefits you must crush it and then leave it for at least five minutes. It activates and releases the enzyme allicin, an organic compound and a really powerful antioxidant and, facelift.

Glutathione, is often referred to as the mother of all antioxidants, you find it in the tip of asparagus, and avocados. It’s a wonderful way to support your, glutathione, levels.

If you’ve heard of, hyaluronic acid, people have it injected in their faces. These are injectables, but if you look, hyaluronic acid, is present when a baby’s born. Babies they always say as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Babies are pumped full of, hyaluronic acid, but as we age we lose it, but something as simple as consuming Vitamin B in our diet activates and helps increase our, hyaluronic acid, levels for a natural, nonsurgical facelift.

Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, it is a wonderful moisturizer, you access omega-3 fatty acids through fish, and it moisturizes the skin from the inside out giving you a, nonsurgical facelift.

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Supplements help to get nutrients into your Skin

You use, supplements, if you’re not getting these nutrients in natural, food.

Water we all have access to it and our body it’s 70 to 80% of our brain tissue is water, so if you’re dehydrated your body and your mind are stressed. If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already a little bit dehydrated.

I can change someone’s, skin, the quality and texture of with water and showing them how to breathe correctly.

Myrna – We can’t have this conversation without talking about what Hollywood and most people are doing with the cosmetic, plastic surgery. Plumping up the, skin, with Botox.

Using Natural Food as a nonsurgical facelift instead of Plastic Surgery

I think our world as it stands today, there’s some things going wrong especially in the, beauty, world. The, beauty, industry, anti-aging, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry that often drives fear and, stress, around the aging process.

There’s a fine line between self-improvement and self-destruction and with many of the procedures that I see, I believe that we’ve crossed the line to self-destruction. I can’t see the, beauty, in a face that doesn’t move or paralyzing a muscle.

You wrote the books “Face Value” “Face Fitness” and “Face Food” tells us about your books.

Face Value, is a incredible book that shows you really how to utilize all the ingredients in your kitchen to take years off your face naturally and for a natural, nonsurgical facelift. It will show you things like how to use the avocado, what grape seed oil can to support stronger skin. This is based on rock solid science, everything that I do is based on science.

That’s why I work in the wellness centers with people undergoing chemotherapy. I show them how to change their, skin, because chemotherapy ages skin. It does horrible stuff to skin.

Book: Face food
Book: Face food for a nonsurgical facelift 

I wrote “Face Food” and Face Food shows you how to stimulate the, collagen, from the inside with foods that you’re eating and where to find all of these, anti-aging, ingredients.

Face massages and Face Fitness

We haven’t touched on, face fitness, is how do you keep the muscles on the face strong because it’s not a line that ages a face, but a sagging muscle. We’ve got over 50 of these muscles on the face, we only use not even half of them, so when we know these are the muscles need to be strengthened.

We give ourselves a, natural facelift. When I get a, facial they always end it with a, face massage.
I also do a, face massage, every night when I apply my night cream.

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Gut Health: How to Prevent a Leaky Gut

Our, gut, plays a role in weight loss, it plays a role in brain health. Eighty percent of our immune systems is in our, gut. So, if you want to be well you have to have a, healthy gut. Our, gut, acts as a barrier, it doesn’t allow the bad stuff in and it doesn’t allow the good stuff out until it’s ready to be released.  But because we are exposed to things like antibiotics, not only through medications, but through the foods we eat, these things kill our microbiome, our good bacteria.

A, leaky gut, is where the lining of the, gut, has developed tiny, microscopic holes and now things like undigested food, bacteria, viruses, toxins are escaping into the bloodstream.

My guest today is Dr Bill Cole co-founder of Cellular Health Accelerator.  We are talking today on the topic of, gut health, how to prevent a, leaky gut.

Listen to full interview here: 


Introduction to Gut Health

I have a little bit of experience with the topic of, leaky gut, because I went through a couple of Dr Mark Hyman‘s trainings on, leaky gut.  Dr Hyman taught about probiotics and how some of the foods that we eat goes through the, gut lining, and the, gut brain barrier.

We’re going to talking about more than, nutrition, we’re going to be talking about how sleep and, stress, affect our, gut.

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Bio of Dr Bill Cole

Dr. Bill Cole, Founder of the Largest Functional Medicine Group of its kind, has created, The Cellular Health Accelerator Program, that helps people to feel well and age well. He has already helped to transform the lives of thousands and has spoken on stages across the nation.

Dr. Cole noted that recent research has shown that what people used to think was “normal aging” is actually caused by cumulative cellular damage that is causing premature aging.  Stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet and environmental toxins, can lead to problems at the cellular level.

This knowledge inspired him to create and launch The, Cellular Health Accelerator Program. The 5-step plan is designed to help people increase their cellular energy and prevent, Leaky Gut, so that they can get through their days feeling healthy and strong, and have the energy they need to activate their own natural healing processes.

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Myrna – As an introductory question Dr Cole can you share with us your journey to becoming an expert on, cellular health, and, gut health.

How a Sick Friend opened a new path into Cellular Health

Dr Cole – I’d love to, back in 2001 I had already been in my own private practice for over 15 years, and I had taken on a partner who was one of my best friends. This man was a picture of health Myrna. He was a national level mountain bike competitor and he took great pride in not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. He was truly one of the healthiest people I’ve ever known.

Mysteriously, he started to lose his health. He was training for a mountain bike event and he noticed that his energy was starting to wane and it progressively got worse.

He came to my house one day and described it as brain issues and, gut, issues.  He continued to get worse to where he became nearly bedridden and started to entertain thoughts of suicide. He was trying every natural thing he could think of, every supplement.

Finally, this brilliant endocrinologist asked him a question.  He said have you ever investigated, mercury? My friend said I thought of, mercury, and I had a blood test done and it came back negative. The endocrinologist replied “blood test won’t show, mercury,  you need to do this other test called a, urine toxic metal test.

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The Urine Toxic Metal Test

He did the, urine toxic metal test, and, mercury, was off the charts. So this endocrinologist asked him “did you have any work done on your teeth?” My friend had, silver fillings, and his symptoms started several days after because the, mercury, fillings was leaking.

That, mercury, went up into his brain then to his, gut, his thyroid and his adrenals.  That is why he was sick. Once they started treating the, mercury, toxin my friend started getting his health back.

At the time we had one of the largest chiropractic clinics in the state of Pennsylvania, if not the country, but it really geared us both towards this idea that there are other things happening from a, cellular, perspective in his case it was the brain cell.

Mercury poisoning sets up a Leaky Gut

Myrna – I actually heard about the, mercury, situation from Tony Robbins. He  had a similar story to your friend where he started to have no energy and almost couldn’t walk.  Which was a total shock to him and family because Tony is used to being high energy at his events for 14 hours straight.  They found out he had, mercury, poisoning from eating too much Tuna.

The question I want to ask you is when the, mercury, seeped into from the teeth of your of your friend into his brain, how did it get to his, gut, and became, leaky gut?

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Dr Cole – We must understand first of all that the, gut, is made of cells. Our whole body is made of, cells. It would be important to know that when we’re talking about, silver fillings, that you know that those, silver fillings, are called, amalgam fillings. Dental amalgam, is a dental filling material used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay.

Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid, mercury, and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Approximately half (50%) of, dental amalgam, is elemental, mercury, by weight. The chemical properties of elemental, mercury, allow it to react with and bind together the silver/copper/tin alloy particles to form an amalgam.

Dental amalgam fillings, are often referred to as, silver fillings, because of their silver-like appearance, although the use of this term in not recommended because the term does not correctly explain the materials in, amalgam.

The Gut Brain Connection

As it relates to the, gut, our brain and our, gut, are connected. They’re connected over the longest nerve in our body called the, Vagus Nerve.  So there’s this, gut, brain connection. My friend he had no and never had any issues with his, gut, but once this happened with his brain now all of a sudden, he couldn’t eat certain foods. He would have sensitivities in his, gut, he was bloated all of the time. He had alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea so his, gut, was severely damaged.

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Here is an analogy we can utilize to gain understanding. Let’s say you have a river that’s flowing by your house, you might start to see the fish in the river die and your solution might be to put more fish into the river, but if the problem is 20 miles upstream where there’s a chemical company dumping let’s say, mercury, into the river we can change the fish all day long.

But if we don’t get upstream to where that problem’s coming from, we’re really only treating symptoms.  A lot of people are doing just that. They’re dealing with just the, gut, but it may be upstream too.

Stress and a Leaky Gut

How does poor sleep, stress, and an unhealthy diet including environmental toxins lead to problems at the cellular level?

Three Types of Stress

Dr Cole – Let’s look at, stress, first. If you ask the average person about, stress, they think of, emotional stress.  Like marital problems, work problems or financial problems; but there’s really three types of, stress:

  • Physical stress
  • Chemical stress
  • and Emotional stress
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Physical stress, could be from an automobile accident and people’s health is never the same after that, physical stress.

Chemical stress, is the big one where toxins come into play. We have and onslaught of chemicals that we’re dealing with daily in our lives that are creating damage to our, cells. But we’re finding out that these chemicals are doing even more than that. They are turning on our bad genes.

Toxins in Beauty Products that cause a Leaky Gut

I just was recently reading a study from the environmental working group. They looked at 12 different beauty products and these products had over 168 different toxins in them and that’s just in the beauty products.

What we’re seeing today in terms of these unexplainable types of illnesses is lack of sleep is causing, stress. Our body repairs itself during sleep, if we’re not getting adequate sleep which is pretty common in our society, they’re not going to be repairing the way that they should.  There’s something called the, glymphatic system, most people have heard of the, lymphatic system.

The, glymphatic system, is really an accumulation of different vessels that help cleanse our central nervous system. Our brain is active at nighttime when we’re sleeping. It cleanses out the impurities in our body, so if we’re not getting adequate sleep that can impact that connection between the brain and the, gut.

The, urine toxic metal test, can detect these toxins but as far as the, leaky gut, there really is no specific test for that.

There are over 1600 medical studies they refer to it as intestinal permeability, we’re calling it, leaky gut, it’s the same thing.

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How the Cellular Health Accelerator program helps Prevent a Leaky Gut

I know that you’ve got a solution and part of your solution is your program that you developed called, cellular health accelerator program.  Can you tell us about that program?

Dr Cole – I would like to preface that question by just giving a little understanding of our, cells.  We’re made of, cells, every tissue organ and gland are, cells. We can think of ourselves like bricks in a building. The difference though is that our bricks our, cells, are alive.

No matter what’s happening disease-wise, it’s always traceable back to something gone wrong at that, cell, level. So if a person wants to be well, they have to fix their, cells.

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We approach it from something called the five R’s of cellular healing:

  1. Remove the source to the damage. Remove the mercury and other toxins.
  2. You have to regenerate the, cell membrane that is damaged. There’s going to be certain techniques we use like consuming healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, eating grass-fed beef and wild salmon. These foods will help heal our, cells.
  3. We have to restore energy. A person who barely has enough energy to make it through the day don’t have the reserve energy to heal there, cells. We need to understand why the cell is not producing enough of that gasoline called ATP.
  4. Reduce inflammation, sugar is driving inflammation. We’ve got to eliminate those sources.
  5. Re-establish methylation. I won’t get lost in the weeds here but most sick people don’t have enough what are called methyl groups. They’re carbon and hydrogen groups without them they can’t detoxify, they can’t make energy, they can’t heal. So we have to reestablish that methylation.  We give them certain nutrients like methylated folate or methylated B12 that will help them to methylate.

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What are the symptoms of a Leaky Gut?

Let’s get to the, leaky gut.  You talked about whatever comes upstream comes into your, gut. Your, gut, is made of, cells, but how can people understand what the symptoms are for a, leaky gut.

Dr Cole – I realized that most disease that we see has some basis or at least some connection to an unhealthy, gut.  We know that the, gut, microbiome is an accumulation of bacteria.  This environment in our, gut, made of bacteria outnumber the, cells, in our body by at least ten to one.

Our, gut, plays a role in weight loss, it plays a role in brain health. Eighty percent of our immune systems is in our, gut. So, if you want to be well you have to have a, healthy gut. Our, gut, acts as a barrier, it doesn’t allow the bad stuff in and it doesn’t allow the good stuff out until it’s ready to be released.  But because we are exposed to things like antibiotics not only through medications but through the foods we eat, these things kill our microbiome our good bacteria.

A, leaky gut, is where the lining of the, gut, has developed tiny, microscopic holes and now things like undigested food, bacteria, viruses, toxins are escaping into the bloodstream.

Well, the response from that is your body will go on high alert right and the immune system must destroy these things.  The problem with that is every meal every day the immune system is on high alert. Eventually it goes haywire, and it begins looking at other parts of our body that are normal as abnormal and then we wind up with autoimmune disease.

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How to Prevent a Leaky gut

How can we prevent a, leaky gut?

Dr Cole – The first thing that we have to do if we’re using utilizing my 5R’s is going to be that source thing.  We want to make sure that we’re consuming foods that are going to aid in the development of good health and does not promote bad health.

If you can afford organic, you really should do that. The average apple for instance has has four different pesticides.  We must eliminate what we can like aluminum in our deodorant.

The second thing is going to be eating whole foods.  We must eliminate man-made foods that are pre-packaged and that are full of sugars and bad fats.  We need to focus on whole foods and that that’s going to be whole grains. Grass-fed meats, wild salmon versus farm salmon.  You want pastured eggs and chickens that are actually allowed to roam in the grass and eat bugs, not kept four to six in a cage where they take their beaks off because they’ll peck each other to death and given daily doses of antibiotics.

If they want a, healthy gut, they’ve got to put healthy things into their gut.

We need to create an anti-inflammatory environment in the body that supports health, that supports cellular healing.

Tell our listeners and those watching on TV how they can get access to your, cellular health accelerator program, and connect with you on social media.

Your audience can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @ Cellular Health Accelerator but they could also go to my website which is www.drbillcole.com.

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I want to thank you all for tuning in to the, transform your mind, to transform your life blog. Today we hoped to, transform your mind, on the importance of, gut health, the importance of sleep and the importance of distressing your body. We all think, stress, is just, emotional stress, but, stress, can also be, physical stress, and, chemical stress.

I want to invite you guys all to join my Facebook group which is called “life coach” and if you’re listening to this on a podcast, I would appreciate if you can rate and review as well as subscribe to the Transform Your Mind podcast.

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