Category Archives: nutritional supplements

The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health and Brain Health

Tina Anderson, Founder of Just Thrive stops by the show to talk about the role of probiotics in gut health and brain health. Probiotics is like the gardener, its job is to keep the good plants (good bacteria) and get rid of the weeds (bad bacteria). Just Thrive probiotics does this better than any other products on the market because our probiotics arrive alive in the intestine.

The difference with Just Thrive probiotics is that they have this endospore shell around them and that's why we call them spore-based probiotics. This gives them the ability to get through that stomach acid, that gastric system alive.  It is not until they hit the intestines, that the endospore shell comes off and that is when they go into their live vegetative cell state to promote gut and brain health.

Our product Just Calm  is helping communication between the gut and the brain and helping those external stressors that we're faced with by lowering our cortisol levels.

Download the podcast here:


Tina Anderson’s journey into the world of health had a unique start and some unusual turns. She began her career as a trial lawyer who specialized in settling cases by bringing both sides together, a personal passion of hers. Once her second child arrived, Tina left that high-stress job behind so she could focus on her family.

Luckily, she was still able to use her considerable legal skills to point her career in a new direction as the in-house counsel for a family pharmaceutical company. But what Tina saw there made her change direction again. Frustrated by the many abuses in the pharmaceutical industry,

Tina turned toward the field of natural health, and found her life’s work. She channeled her energy into learning all she could about disease prevention and good health maintenance. That led her to discover the importance of gut health and how connected and crucial it is for overall health and wellness. To share her discovery with the world, Tina along with her husband created a unique supplement that contains the superior probiotic strains of renowned researcher Dr. Simon Cutting. By promoting gut health and probiotics, Tina shares her passion for wellness, helping others live their best physical and emotional lives.

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How Just Thrive got started

Tina:  I had a very interesting journey. I was I started out in litigation but I wasn't fulfilled in my career. And so, I decided to leave that behind and go into a family pharmaceutical business and had a much better work life balance with my kids. I was able to walk them to school and have more time for prayer, meditation, all of those things. My husband started this company together, we were able to license, probiotic strains, from London University, Dr. Simon a cutting edge world renowned probiotic expert.

And we were able to go into a field that was so impactful, and it was actually impacting health and society and it was really exciting. We knew when you took care of your gut, that everything else starts to fall into place. There was so much research coming out of the Human Microbiome Project was launched by the National Institutes of Health told us more about the gut than we ever knew before, and really told us that the gut is responsible for virtually every aspect of our overall health.

It's hard to find any disease claim that's not associated with some imbalance in our gut health. Very few probiotics on the market, were doing what they needed to do, they were not making that journey to the intestines alive so, we decided to go ahead and launch this product to fill the gap in the market.

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What is the Gut Microbiome

Myrna: Can we step back a little bit and talk about the gut, microbiome, and the blood brain barrier. I know that there are certain things that pass through your gut and cause a whole bunch of disease.  What are, probiotics, and how do they help us in the gut?

Tina: It’s great to start with the fundamentals. Our, microbiome, is the totality of organisms that make up the gut. So, we've got, bacteria, viruses, fungi, you know, parasites, all these different things like make up our the totality of our microbiome. So, all of these microorganisms most of which are bacteria, we are 10 times more bacteria than we are human. We think bacteria is bad, but bacteria is so incredibly beneficial to us, so supportive of our health and our organs.

Less than 1% of bacteria is actually bad.  And so, when we just realized that we have to support our microbiome, in our gut and not kill it off. Constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, these are all signs that you have some imbalance going on in your, gut microbiome. But what people are just starting to understand is that it also dictates your, brain health.

  • It dictates your mood, how you're feeling,
  • your sleep,
  • it's dictating your hormone health,
  • it's dictating autoimmune issues, your immune system 80% of our immune system is found in our gut.
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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Gut bacteria and leaky gut

Our, gut bacteria, sends signals to our immune cells and tells them okay, there's something going on, you need to start fighting this infection.  So, it's really important that we understand that our immune system would cease to function if we don't have the, gut microbiome, sending signals to our, immune cells.  If you have an, autoimmune disease, it's pretty much guaranteed you have imbalance in your gut, you have a, leaky gut.

We have a double-blind human clinical trial on, leaky gut, that is so profound.  It's important for everybody to understand that it is our gut is dictating all aspects of our overall health. And there is something called the, vagus nerve, that is sends signals from the gut to the brain, and then sends signals from the brain back down to the gut. We all know that feeling you're excited about something and you have butterflies in your stomach, that's the gut brain connection.

We know when we get nervous, you have to go to the bathroom. Same thing the brain is sending signals down to the gut. But what we're also starting to understand is now the gut is sending signals to the brain. So, if you have a healthy balanced, microbiome, they send more calming signals to it. The opposite is also true, if you have an imbalanced gut, it sends signals to your brain that are not so healthy.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Brain health and gut health

Understand that it is foundational for our health to focus on our gut. It is where we start. People take multivitamins and they take vitamin C and vitamin D, and those are all important things to be taking. But we need to focus on our, gut health, before we do anything else. And unfortunately, this world we live in is so offensive to the bacteria, we are 10 times more bacterial cells, but we use hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps to kill off our bacteria.

When you go into the doctor and they say, you have an, autoimmune disease, you need to figure out what it is that's causing this imbalance and this issue and getting to the root cause of it.  So, probiotics,  need to arrive alive in the intestines and make the garden better. So, if you kind of compare your intestinal tract to a garden, you get the weeds which are the bad bacteria and then you have the good plants that are the good bacteria in your gut.

So, the idea is to get those, probiotic strains, into the intestines. The problem with a lot of, probiotics, on the market the vast majority of, probiotics, that are out there have difficulty getting through your stomach acid. That stomach acid is meant to be the gastric barrier. It's meant to keep out things that we don't want in there. So as a result, most, probiotic strains, really have difficulty getting into the intestines and so they're dying by the time they get to the intestines.

And so that was a big problem that we identified and solved with our, Just Thrive probiotics.  So, that's the point of a, probiotic, to make the ecosystem in your gut better and to make it more balanced.  We don't necessarily want to get rid of all the bad bacteria. We just want a better balance in the gut of our good and bad bacteria.

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Just Thrive spore-based probiotics

The difference with, Just Thrive probiotics, is that they have this endospore shell around it and that's why we call them, spore-based probiotics, and they have the ability to get through that stomach acid that gastric system alive.  And it is not until they hit the intestines, that endospore shell comes off and that is when they go into their live vegetative cell state.

Myrna: I understand that because I am taking, Just Thrive probiotics, and I see the difference.  I'm taking the, Just Thrive probiotics, and, Just Calm.

Tina: It is helping get rid of the weeds in the garden. It's helping take those plants that have been stepped down and trampled on and help them thrive and flourish in your gut. And that's why people see such profound results whether it's, becoming more regular, whether it's less gas and bloating, whether it's better mood, better sleep or I'm able to manage my weight better because my gut bacteria is dictating all of those things.

Myrna: Well, yeah, I have noticed that I'm definitely more regular. What are your newest products? What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?  Tell us about the newest, Just Thrive, product, Just Calm.

Tina: Yeah, so this is exciting. You know, one of our big core competencies in our company is that we do not produce anything unless it is missing or needed in the market. So, we do not want supplements like vitamin C and vitamin D. Those are all really important nutrients. But there's lots of companies out there doing that great. We are only launching products that are truly missing and needed and researched in the market. So, we just discovered this, probiotic strain.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Phychobiotic the gut friendly probiotic

It is called, psychobiotic. Psychobiotic, is basically gut friendly probiotic that is supporting the gut brain access. So, it's further supporting that communication between the gut and the brain. And so, we know that the gut this is important. I think people are just starting to understand this 90% of our serotonin, which is our happy hormone is produced in our gut for all these years. I feel like psychiatrists have had their hands tied by you know, prescribing, you know, anti-anxiety meds.

90% of our serotonin is produced in our gut. Dopamine is produced in our gut, GABA, which is our calming hormone is produced in our gut. And yet, nobody is talking about that when it comes to, brain health. And so, probiotics, are supporting your serotonin production and your GABA and dopamine but the key with those, psycho biotic, that is found in our product, Just Calm, is that it's actually supporting that, gut brain access.

So, it is helping bring down cortisol levels. We know that cortisol is really disruptive to our gut, it's bringing up we're in that fight or flight response all the time. The problem isn't when you have a, leaky gut, that toxins from your gut seep into your bloodstream and they start to create this inflammatory response and you have this chronic low-grade inflammation, that sending signals up to your brain and so now you have inflammation in your brain. That is the one cause of problems with your, brain health.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Brain inflammation is caused by external stressors

The other cause of brain inflammation are external stressors. So, we get cut off by traffic, you’ve gotten into a fight with a loved one, whatever it might be that's causing this stress that also causes this inflammation. So, we want to stop both of those things as much as possible or halt as much as possible. We want to get rid of that, leaky gut, and that's what the probiotic is doing. And then those external stressors, we want to be able to manage them better. and by lowering our cortisol.  So, that's what the, Just Calm, product is doing.

It is helping communication between the gut and the brain and helping those external stressors that we're faced with. Intermittent fasting, is just another tool I have in my toolbox. We want to do meditation and deep breathing, whatever it is that calms you down. It's really important whether even if it's changing your lifestyle. There are studies that show that when you, intermittent fasting, it helps increase diversity in the microbiome.

So, the important thing in our gut is we want a diverse, microbiome. We just we don't want one kind of good bacteria. We want lots of different kinds of good bacteria and we were born with a lot of diversity. And we know that, intermittent fasting, helps support diversity.  By starving some of those bacteria it helps them proliferate, which seems counterintuitive, but it's been shown to actually help with supporting your, gut bacteria.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What are prebiotics

Prebiotics, is the fertilizer and the probiotic is like the gardener. The gardener is getting rid of the weeds and helping those plants come back to life. The, prebiotic, is the fertilizer for that garden, so it is feeding the good bacteria in your gut. To really to be defined as a, prebiotic, it needs to only target the beneficial bacteria. So, the good plants in the garden, but the problem is a lot of, prebiotics, it that the actually make a problem worse, by fertilizing the weeds as well as the good plants.

But if you look at our, prebiotic, it's called a precision prebiotic.  We didn't launch a prebiotic for a long time because we could not find prebiotic fibers that only targeted the beneficial bacteria. And so yeah, so our, prebiotic, is only fertilizing the good bacteria in the gut.

We have a product called gut fortified that is helping the mucosal barrier of our gut. We have a health coach on our team, that if anyone have any questions about which products to start with, especially if you have some severe gut dysbiosis and gut issues that you want to deal with, she can help you with a plan of what to do or which products to use.

But I always suggest that people start with a, probiotic, it is foundational for anything else you're doing.  You're eating all these really healthy foods, but if your gut is inflamed, it's not absorbing nutrients. You're taking all these other supplements but if your gut is inflamed, it's not absorbing those nutrients. So, I always suggest people start with the probiotic.  It's our number one selling product.  It's important to stay on it for a couple of months to actually start to notice the difference.


Myrna: How can readers get ahold of your products and also follow you on social media?

Tina: So the best place to find us would be at our website, which is www.just If you use the coupon code TRANSFORM podcast listeners will get 15% off. They can follow us on Instagram, @justthrivehealth. And then if you go to our website, you could email us, our one 800 numbers are there, you could contact make an appointment with our product Health coach and she can help you through anything as far as what products you want to start with.

Additional Resources

The Difference Between 5G Radiation and Coronavirus Symptoms

5G, radiation can mimic the symptoms  of coronavirus. The, coronavirus, comes into your body and replicates. It creates a massive inflammation reaction that your body is trying to fight, and your body fights as long as it can; but as soon as it runs out of defense mechanisms,  like the glutathione is depleted or any other type of defense mechanism set up to fight inflammation, then you're going to see cell death.

That cell death mounts and then you get pneumonia.  That transforms into  acute respiratory distress syndrome.  Your lungs fill up with fluids, then you can’t exchange anymore oxygen and you die.

Listen to the full interview here:

What is 5G?

5G, electromagnetic, radiation, can cause changes in your cells which mimic a lot of different types of insults, electromagnetic, radiation,  can do things like:

  • create oxidative stress
  • and the oxidative stress creates all of their downstream things you know that's
  • like DNA damage that's like mutations
  • triggering pathways for cell death that ultimately could possibly lead to cancer
  • you see premature aging
  • immediately what happens in these environments of, radiation, you will you disrupt cellular processes. Disrupting your cellular metabolism
  • you're disrupting how your cells make energy
  • you're disrupting how your cells provide defenses and things like glutathione which is one of your cells chief defense mechanisms. It gets used up.  When your body is under constant assault, and it's not just from cell phone networks it's from all kinds of different things we live in a soup of toxic exposure and each one of those different assaults are pulling on the same set of resources.
  • If your cells don't stay healthy then your tissues aren't healthy, and when your tissues aren't healthy, then your organs aren't healthy, and if your organs aren't healthy then the human isn't healthy.

In this episode I interview Dr Joe Nieusma, CEO/Chief Toxicologist at Superior Toxicology & Wellness, an international scientific consulting firm he founded. Dr Nieusma is also the a co-founder for TwinOxide North America. A company working to improve water quality in all aspects of life.

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Why is the Government moving ahead with, 5G, regardless of the harmful repercussions?

So why is the government moving forward with, 5G technology, when there's evidence that it hurts humans?  Well let's change the paradigm and say, at the turn of the century Henry Ford comes out with the Model T and the government moved forward with making cars even though they knew people would die riding around in cars.

Different technology move forward knowing people are going to die, because it changes the quality of life, and the risk benefit analysis still says more people are going to benefit from this being a thing. than if this wasn't a thing.

As a toxicologist and regardless of what we're talking about, could be anything; you can find in the scientific literature published papers that are Pro and that are Con every single topic.  The key is to figure out what the better science is, and what the let's see, what's the easiest way to this – separate the wheat from the chaff.  You need to know the good science which is applicable, from the junk science which is published for muddying the waters.

As a toxicologist my one of my toxicology mantras besides

The dose makes the Poison.

Is everything in moderation.  So those are the caveats of the, 5G, discussion.

5G technology, is the fifth generation of communications cellular wireless technology.

Each generation gets a little bit better than the previous generation, and what we're talking about with wireless, 5G technology, is waves.  Its energy just like a human isn't really a completely solid form, we are made up of waves and energy it's just densely packed and it looks solid.  Similarly, 5G, is just waves and although they call it a non-ionizing radiation, well it's still on the spectrum.

There's different degrees of activity of these waves, as you move up and down that spectrum of, electromagnetic radiation.  So in some cases there is evidence that there is adverse effects, and in some cases there is evidence that, 5G, is perfectly fine.  So you're walking the tightrope,  you're on the top of the fence, and the proof in the pudding is interpretation.

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But I will say that some of the things that happen with the wireless technology and that can be 3G, 4G,  5G, but it's more prevalent at, 5G, apparently the, radiation, can cause changes in your cells.

I think you have just given President Trump a pass here.

What I think is that the guy that's in charge, regardless of who he is.  It could be Trump it could be Obama, it could be Bush, it could be Clinton, it could be Eisenhower.  All those guys that are in charge and at the high office, is just the winning poster child of the party.  They're the mouthpiece and they're only as good as the people that are feeding them information, because nobody can be that up on all of these different things. Trump he's the fall guy.

I think that , 5G, is coming because they need that type of a network to do the other things that are on the horizon, like the driver-less cars, and all of those other technological advancements that that people want to see happen, that you need the you need the horsepower in the information Superhighway, in order to make that happen.

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Is the Coronavirus, 5G Radiation?

I want to jump right into another controversial theory that's been on the Internet. They're saying that the, coronavirus, is a result of the, 5G, poisoning.  I was reading an article that said that the, coronavirus, is an evolved mutation from, coronaviruses, that came before such as, MERS, and SARS, which originated from bats.

You mentioned this in our last interview, you said that they've been, coronaviruses, before, but it's the first time I've heard about it.  Apparently they're all called, coronaviruses, which is why this one is labeled, Covid-19, which is a specific one.

The same article I was reading from, Apple News, was saying these viruses always seem to starts in China.  China has reopened its markets and they're still selling bats and dogs and cats.

Don’t forget Snakes!

Coronaviruses, have been around for a while.  It's not anything super new, basically, coronaviruses, are a group of viruses that cause disease in mammals. Humans are included in that, so are birds.  They mainly target respiratory issues and gastrointestinal issues, so you're either going to get breathing difficulties that lead to pneumonia or you're going to get symptoms like massive diarrhea and dehydration and the complications.

But in humans in particular, there are about seven known strains of, coronavirus, that infect humans and some of these, like four of them cause symptoms like a cold or runny nose and headaches, coughs, sore throat that type of thing.  Some a fever, but they are very rarely fatal.

Mers, Sars, coronavirus

Then there's three!  MERS, SARS and the new SARS that have varying degrees of lethality.

Those are the ones that get all of the attention in the outbreaks like in 2003 there was the, SARS,  outbreak 10% of the people that got, SARS, ended up dying.  Between 2012 all the way up to 2019, MERS, killed 23 percent of its infected people.  So there's different types of, coronaviruses, and there's different levels of fatality involved with each of these viruses.  And then just for comparative sake the, Ebola virus, which  can kill between 50 and 80% of the infected people.

The, viruses, that killed many the outbreaks, burn out faster, because they kill their hosts and they can't jump to the next person.

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The COVID-19 is designed to be very efficient at human to human transmission.  The, coronaviruses, have been found in bats, in snakes, in pigs, and in humans.  They can go from the bats, pigs and snakes and jump to the humans, because the receptor that the virus uses to get inside the cell, called the, ACE 2 receptor, or angiotensin converting enzyme.  That receptor is also found in all of those species.  The bat has the, ACE 2  receptor, the snake has the ACE 3 receptor the pigs have and humans have the,  ACE 2 receptor.

That's the that's the highway the virus uses to jump from species to species.  So there is absolute plausibility that the virus, COVID-19, initiated in one of those animals.

Now there's also some evidence to suggest that, COVID-19, has been manipulated, because some strings of base pairs and nucleotides that are found in that virus that have only been seen in experimental versions of the, coronavirus.  I have the paper that said that and that twelve base pairs that isn't found naturally that is found in, COVID-19, is in relation to how efficient it gets from human to human and that's where that's where you say where did this really come from?

That shines all kinds of light on it.  You look at everything and the best answer that you come up with is well it could have come from animals, or it could have come from a laboratory nobody really knows.

Is, 5G radiation, making the Coronavirus more deadly?

We can talk about that, 5G radiation, that’s attacking your cells and can make fighting the virus harder. 5G radiation,  can also make fighting the, coronavirus, a losing battle, because the presence of, 5G poisoning, means that your cells are trying to draw on exactly the same defense mechanisms that the, coronavirus, would need to fight the virus.  So it's  like your big brother goes and eats all of your breakfast cereal before you go to the pantry to get it, and you reach for the empty box and you go hungry.

A lot of people eat pork,  Are pigs transferring, coronavirus, as well?

Yes. Remember the, swine flu, lots of pigs just recently died in China because of a, swine flu, that's a virus.

Then there's the respiratory illnesses from chickens that can kill an entire chicken house.  The, swine flu, could kill an entire pig farm.

There’s, mad cow disease, and that's where you get biggest degradation of neuro tissue. They basically have a brain with holes in it.

The, coronavirus, cannot be confused with,5G poisoning,  different set of symptoms. But the consensus is that the cities that are most affected by the, coronavirus, has installed, 5G, and they're also saying that Wuhan, China was the city that started with, 5G, installations.

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How to Protect Yourself from, 5G, Radio Frequency Cell Poisoning?

Dr. Joe if I have a, 5G,  refrigerator in my house that is intelligent enough to look in my fridge and tell how much food I’ve got left and then place order.  And I'm exposed to this, radio frequency cell poisoning,  what are going to be my symptoms?

We are moving forward with developing this infrastructure, with developing these technologies that everybody wants, because we're all inherently lazy.  But when you're exposed to a lot of radiation and unfortunately I haven't read the study, so I don't know that the quantitative analysis.  Which goes back to the toxicological principle that, the dose makes the poison.  And unfortunately I don't know the answer.

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Let’s move on to my next controversial topic – Coronavirus Vaccines.

Another controversial theory that's floating around the internet is that the government is making everybody get, coronavirus, because they want to make, coronavirus vaccine,  mandatory and getting the, coronavirus vaccine, is going to be absolutely mandatory for you to travel to different places. I also understand that these, coronavirus vaccines, are going to have some kind of RFI device implanted in them so they can track you.  This RFI chip is going to make the, 5G, technology work better.

That's the first time I've ever this.  Wow tell me more.  I'm interested.

Apparently,  they're not hiding this RFI implant. They are saying that they want to know who has the, coronavirus vaccine.

This would be akin to putting a locator chip in your pet where you can scan the pet and you can tell the pet’s information. There's information attached to it.  But then you could scan somebody and you would know whether or not they got the, coronavirus vaccine,  that's very interesting.

RFID is radio frequency identification data or tag.  But wow that's very intrusive government activity.  I would be absolutely floored if that move forward without people objecting.

There's multiple companies working on a, coronavirus vaccine, and the challenge is the pace at which the protein coat on the virus mutates.  The, coronavirus,  has an outer protein coat that protects the genetic material which is the RNA on the inside of that protein coat.  So the vaccine usually targets some aspect of that protein that's stable from mutation.  With the, coronavirus, they are seeing such rapid mutations, that it's been difficult to get that get that vaccine to grab hold of a stable target.  That's why there isn't a, coronavirus vaccine, yet.

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Since it looks like, 5G, is here to stay I'm wondering some kind of clothing that we can wear to prevent these this, radio frequency poisoning?

With,  5G, EMF – electromagnetic fields,  there's a whole basis of literature that talks about the Crystals.  Crystals are supposed to protect you from EMF radiation.

You can Google, EMF protective devices, and there's all kinds of little things you can buy that that may or may not work, it depends on what you believe.

C60 complete is the best supplement on the market with the carbon fullerenes which is the best antioxidant on the market.  That is backed up by black seed oil and curcumin which are both natural products that have hundreds of years of data and experience of being used in the field of plant medicine from the Far East.  Their organ protective and their anti-inflammatory and they're  good for your heart and cardiovascular system.  They're antiviral and they're antibacterial.

C60 complete is available from Live Longer Labs. Use coupon code DrJoe1 to receive a discount.


You can find Dr Joe Nieusma at Superior Toxicology and Wellness. Check out his HOPE program – Health Optimization Prescription Evaluation and it's aimed at people that are on multiple pharmaceutical products and they feel like they have absolutely no way out. There spiraling downward taking all of these pharmaceutical products and experiencing a diminished quality of life and their physician never takes time to evaluate why they're on all those drugs.  I'll do that for them.

Another product is twin oxide.  It’s a product that this disinfects hard surfaces, walls and floors and ceilings and basically makes your house virus free.

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Additional Resources 5G Cell Poisoning


Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

How to Regain Wholeness with Radionics

How Nutritional Supplements Help you Achieve Optimum Health

Dr Stephen Lewis says everything begins in the gut.  We have to use, nutritional supplements,  because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted.

In this episode of the Health is Wealth series.  I interview Dr Stephen Lewis. Dr Lewis is the founder of Green Wisdom Health, a company that helps clients achieve optimum health by utilizing extensive, but low cost lab work.

Tell us your journey Dr Lewis to becoming the founder of  Green Wisdom Health.

Achieving optimum health 

My daddy died when he was 53 years old and I was 15 years old. It was devastating. I felt that it was something that now I could fix real well with, nutritional supplements, even though according to the FDA, nutritional supplements, does not cure anything!

But today I have been able to put off Dementia in my mother for 25-30 years through the use of, nutritional supplements, We prevented her bones from becoming brittle and easily fractured.  You couldn't make her fracture a bone at her age because she takes,  nutritional supplements,  My mother was almost 96 years old when she died because of, nutritional supplements,

As a Doctor, I was always more into nutrition than most common practice.  We started doing low-cost lab work and was able to determine a whole lot of what's was going on in the body.

For example. My daddy died at 53, nutritional supplements, might have allowed him to live longer.  He had ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.  Nutritional supplements, do an incredible job at stopping the leaky gut.

Everything begins in the gut.  I tell people they have to use, nutritional supplements,  because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted.  There is even a Senate document that states that  our foods are devoid of almost all nutrients and that was in 1936! Imagine what it will be today.

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There's no nutrients in the soil.  People who spend a lot of money for organic is wasting their money. Organic is an improvement only.

How the Thyroid processes nutritional supplements

If the Thyroid is  not working correctly, nothing in the body is going to work like it should.

The Thyroid is incredibly important, it has a lot to do with whether you're stressed, have anxiety or depression. It has a lot to do with how your hormones are doing.  It has a lot to do with your digestion or lack of digestion.  How your heart beats etc.

So in my book “The Thyroid Sniper” I list a pretty well-rounded list of the different vitamins and the different minerals and amino acids that can be found in certain, nutritional supplements, that gives you optimum health.

How the proper nutritional supplements help us return to optimal health

The proper, nutritional supplements, help us return to optimum health because there is no way we can eat enough to get enough of the nutrients we need in our body, for example just  magnesium alone. There's no way to get enough magnesium out of your diet. Even our government says that we're about 94% deficient in magnesium.  But magnesium can help depression, because it facilitates over 300 different enzyme reactions and it also is good for the heart.  It helps many people with arrhythmia, it helps lower blood pressure. You can't get enough of it out of your diet.

You may also have a B12 deficiency and most, nutritional supplements,  out there will have B12 in it; but it will be the wrong kind so  your body cannot convert it.  Our bodies also don't make enough digestive enzymes.  I can tell you, if your proteins are low and if your alkaline phosphate is low,  and if your globulin is low or high,  then that points to gastro intestinal inflammation.  Keep in mind every disease has a root cause and the GI tract is always part of the equation.  If you fix your digestion with digestive enzymes and, nutritional supplements, then you can break your food down and not create, Leaky Gut.

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Probiotics is a  nutritional supplement

Probiotics is the new big study.  We have about ten times more microorganisms than we have cells in our body, so taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement is a must.  Generally people will start feeling better mentally, they will have more energy, they'll have more restful sleep, they'll say, I don't know why but my depression went away. That is the power of taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement.


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I've been taking, nutritional supplements, for a very long time and yeah I've got a pharmacy! but I've heard people say things like, nutritional supplements, are a waste of time because you are just going to pee them out.  All you are doing is having very expensive urine!

Your body takes what it needs and excretes the rest, that is why I do very inexpensive lab work for my clients to find out what their body is missing and then I will give them the, nutritional supplements, their body needs so as not to have expensive urine.

Most nutritional experts will agree on five, nutritional supplements, that everybody needs:

  • You need a good multivitamin,
  • a good probiotic,
  • you need a digestive enzyme,
  • you need fish oil
  • and you need fiber.

I don't really agree with the fiber, if you eat enough really good vegetables you don't need fiber as a, nutritional supplement, but I think vitamin D should be thrown in there.  It's incredibly important and you cannot convert enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D.

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Do you ever think that you have too much stuff?  Maybe two or three of the same item but don’t have the one thing you need or want?  Or maybe you spend hours getting ready to host a garage sale only to have most of the things taken to charity anyway.  Perhaps you have a service you’d like to offer in exchange for another service that you need or maybe just looking for one specific hard-to-find item like sports memorabilia or auto parts.  Well can help you solve all of these problems.  Whether you have unwanted items, looking for specific items or simply willing to trade services, is for you.  The process is easy come to our website sign up for a monthly account which will cost you $2 dollars a month billed once a month or sign up for an annual account, which will cost you $1 dollar a month Billed once a year.  So visit our website today, no money no problem, only trades.

Dr. Stephen Lewis company is Green Wisdom Health, head over to his website  fill out a health survey, it's a brief survey and it will suggest the suggested lab work. When I get the health survey back, either myself or Janet, my partner  will call you  and send you a link where you schedule a Free 30-minute consultation with me. At which point I'll email you a functional nutritional report with a list of recommended, nutritional supplements,

So check out Green Wisdom Health and start using the proper, nutritional supplements,

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Additional Resources:

How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating