We all have at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to us and they have two jobs; one is to love us unconditionally and the other is to get us to our predetermined expiration date.
In today’s episode of the”Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life podcast, I interview, Keith Leon S. Keith Leon S, is a multiple best-selling author, publisher and speaker who is well known as the book Guy. His life purpose book called “Walking with my Angels” is a true story with the foreword written by “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Jack Canfield. Keith has appeared in numerous popular radio and television broadcast and his works have been covered by Ink magazine, LA Weekly, The Huffington Post, and Succeed magazine just to name a few. Keith has spoken at events that included Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara DeAngelis, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Michael Beckwith, and Marianna Williamson.
Listen to the full interview here:
Keith also loves introducing people to their inner guidance system whom he calls heavenly helpers. Keith can you introduce us to your story.
Keith’s story of his Guardian Angel
Well it’s the story of my life and how many times my, Guardian Angel, intervened to keep me on the planet. I should have died eight times already and miracles has kept me alive. These miracles happened when I was a child and, so even from childhood I had this question. What was so great about me that I would be saved and so many people were not. What am I here to do that is so grand that miracles keep happening to keep me on the planet?
It wasn’t until my early 20’s that I actually received the answer to that question. I received that answer from my, earth bound Angel. My, earth bound Angel, John appeared to me as a man; but was really my, earthbound Angel, and told me that his job was to take me from,
“Believing in nothing to believing in Everything”
He performed, miracles, just to get me to open my mind and believe in him and believe that all things are possible. He eventually did reveal my life purpose to me in a very specific way. He told me at one point he would saved my life and once he did that I would have to let him go because then he would be off to help another person.
One of the lessons he taught me, was he took me into a cave that was pitch black and taught me to trust even when I can’t see anything in front of me.

Guardian Angels and Its a Wonderful Life Movie
That part of your story reminded me of the movie a Wonderful Life.
I also read the book “A Peaceful Warrior. ” After reading that book I thought that the author had followed me around. It was exactly my story! I actually had to omit a lot of things from my book because there were the same as the author described.
I thought he must have followed me around with the pen and paper. The story was exactly like mine. I really feel like it’s the same angel! So I actually had to omit a lot of things from my story because his experience was almost the same as mine.
You started talking to angels when you were like eight years old or younger and you talked about the times in your life’s when your, Guardian Angel, saved your life or warned you of danger. I specifically remember in your book, the time when this man on the street asked you to touch his penis and your, guardian angel, told you to run and shout for your mom.
How did you know you were talking to your, Guardian Angel, and not a voice in your head, because we all have about 5 voices in our head?
When I was a child my, Guardian Angel, voice came from outside of me. His voice would come from different places. Sometimes would be up in the ceiling, sometimes in the corner, sometimes it would be behind me or to my left, sometimes my right, sometimes right in front of me.
Because I was a child, I feel that if my, Guardian Angel, voice came from inside my head, then I would be doubting myself and questioning myself. But because it was outside of me and I could hear it audibly, just like I hear you talking to me right now, then I was sure the voice was my, Guardian Angel.
I just learned pretty quickly that when I do what my, Guardian Angel, tells me to do, everything goes just great.
Tell us about your, Earth bound Angel, you called him John in your book.
You said the John your, earth bound Angel, told you your purpose. You said you didn’t understand why you were so special before John showed up.
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Does everyone have a, Guardian Angel?
Everyone has at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to them. They just don’t know it. Like my mom. She thought she had mother’s intuition. That’s what she called it; but she was being guided by her, Guardian Angel. She would say, don’t go out and ride that skateboard, you will get a fractured wrist, and I’d be like yeah mama leave me alone. I’d go ride that skateboard and fractured my wrist.
There was even a point where my, Guardian Angel, advised her at a time when she was manic depressive. There was a time when my mom was really depressed and she just decided that she was gonna kill herself and me and my sister. So she closed all the windows and turned the gas on in the house and a voice told her “you can’t do that, open the windows and turn off the gas.” She didn’t listen and the voice became louder. “YOU CANNOT DO THAT, OPEN THE WINDOWS AND TURN OFF THE GAS.” She said the voice sounded like GOD, she freaked out and turned off the gas and opened the windows.
She didn’t tell me this story until much later when she was on her deathbed and I was telling her that I should have died seven times already and my, Guardian Angel, saved me and she added oh yeah it should be eight times!
We all have at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to us and they have two jobs one is to:
- To love you unconditionally, so they like your mom, there’s nothing you could do that would make them love you less.
- To just get you to your predetermined expiration date. There’s a time that you’re here on the earth, and they have to get you to that date. So whenever you avoid an accident or any danger your, Guardian Angel, is intervening to get you to your predetermined expiration date. In the meanwhile they’re standing by going oh my God, I could do so much more for you; but because you have free will they cannot do any more than those two things unless you invite them to do more.
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Here is how you invite your, Guardian Angel, to do more for you
First of all say thanks a lot for keeping me safe. I’m inviting you to show up for me. If you’d like to show yourself physically to me that’s okay too. If you want to have it where I ask a question and I go out to the car and the next song that comes on the radio is the exact answer, great. However you want to show up now that I have invited you, I will pay attention.
What is the message that like your readers to take away about, Guardian Angels, from your book “Walking with Angels”
I wanted to share with everyone in the world what I know is absolute truth and that is this.
You are directly connected to the source energy that created everything in this world.
I call it, Guardian Angels, and you may call it intuition, our guidance system, energy, you may call it Source, God, Jehovah, Buddha. I like to say it doesn’t care what you call it, as long as you call it!
So I’m called to share with you that if you’re willing to sit, ask, and listen, you will get guidance from your, Guardian Angel.

Notice there’s just three instructions, sit, ask and listen. A lot of people sit in meditation and prayer; but are asking the wrong questions. Any question that starts with Why is not a question that you want an answer to. Instead Ask, How can I be more loving? What can I do to create more and attract more abundance into my life?
If you’re going to sit, ask and listen. Listening being the most important of those three words. I just said we’re sitting and asking; but when do we really sit long enough to get the answer? So if you listen, you can access the answer to any question that you have; because you are in direct communication with the Creator.
Your words have power, and here’s what I want you to know. You have more power within you than you’ll ever know. You have more power in your little finger than you think you have in your whole entire body. And so my book will show you all the ways that you may have been disconnected from your source.
It will share with you how to reopen the floodgates to start manifesting your dreams and your desires and to access the inner knowing that you have within you.
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What is the difference between a, Guardian Angel, and, Archangels,
Guardian Angels, like I said, we all have at least one assigned to us. They have a clear job. To love you unconditionally and get you to your predetermined expiration date. They’re like your buddy, they’re with you all the time.
Arc Angels, are more famous Angels. Like, Archangel Michael. Arc Angels, are really great at specific things. People have been channeling them for years.

Archangel Michael, is the warrior who fights against Satan and his emissaries. The defender of those who love God. The protector of the people of God.
The, Archangel Michael, the ‘celestial warrior’, is the protector of swordsmen and masters of arms. His skills as a judger of souls have also made him the patron of all trades that involve the use of assessments, such as traders, pharmacists, pastry chefs. He is also patron saint of the Police.
Archangel Michael, is the protector. You can say, Archangel Michael, I’m going to see my mom every for Thanksgiving dinner. Will you wrap your wings of protection around me right now and if anything negative comes at me energetically, let it bounce off your wings and hit the floor. Because the, Archangel Michael, can be anyplace and anywhere, he can be doing that for me and be doing that for someone across the U.S and someone in Africa or someone in India simultaneously.
You start with your, guardian angel, and then you step up to the, Archangels. So, Archangel Michael, can give support that would help me move forward.
Archangel Gabriel, is one of the spirits closest to God, before his heavenly throne, the one who revealed to Daniel the secrets of God’s plan, announced to Zechariah the birth of John the Baptist and to Mary that of Jesus.
Archangel Gabrielle, is the saint who opens doors for you. Like a business and things that you want to manifest.
Archangel Raphael, stands before the throne of God , accompanied and protects Tobias in his perilous journey and healed his father from blindness and his future bride from the influence of evil.
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