Are you looking to activate your spiritual awakening? In this podcast episode, Bec Mylonas spiritual guide and priestess, reveal the secrets of Kundalini energy, and how to access it through meditation. If you’re interested in finding out more about Kundalini energy, this podcast is for you! We’ll cover the basics of Kundalini energy, its benefits, and how to activate it through meditation. We’ll also discuss the dangers of Kundalini energy, and how to protect yourself from them.
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Why antidepressants block spiritual awakening
Myrna: What was your journey from being on antidepressants to becoming a, spiritual guide?
Bec: When I was very young, they tried to put me on antidepressants because there is a long history of mental illness in my family. At one time, I was dealing with some pretty crippling, debilitating depression where I wanted to check out and I didn’t want to be here. So finally I was put on SSRIs these are serotonin inhibitors. And so the assumption with those meds is that your brain is not producing the serotonin. So what it does is when it releases it, it kind of holds it in the chamber. So it’s building on itself, basically. So that’s what it was doing. And essentially, all that really did for me was create a flatline so instead of really wanting to check out and no, I was just kind of like zombified.
So my, dark night of the soul, which I’m sure many of you kind of know what that is this process of unfolding or questioning. I started the process of my own healing. I started taking care of my body, exercising more, reading more and mental health and development and all sorts of things like that including self help spirituality. Everything gradually got weirder and weirder over the years. I started seeing shamans and healers and psychics.
And through the process of my healing journey, I started to ask, you know, what am I here for, what’s my purpose? And that kind of got me into the trajectory of being a coach. So I started out as a coach in news 2018. When I said yes to coaching, my whole mission or my purpose really opened up to me. I kept meeting all these healers and then started having these experiences in these realms, crazy stuff happening, speaking to spirits, etc.
I was in Bali, trying to make my business work, I’d also gone off the meds. I was purging so much trauma, like it was like lifetimes of trauma, like extreme amounts of sadness and trauma. I was crying every day didn’t know why. And towards the end of the year, after a year of trying to make my business work I kept getting this message that I’m this Healer.
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Bec’s Kundalini Awakening
So I said to God if I’m this healer that everyone keeps telling me and then show me and literally like the next day I started having these completely crazy experiences where I was remembering my past lives. I had a spontaneous, kundalini awakening, where I was having these physical things happening to me and speaking other languages and wild emotions. From that moment, it was like three or four months from going to bed a normal person, no concept or idea of any of the spiritual stuff to suddenly remembering past lives, moving energy, doing healing work, helping other people to remember their past lives and activating healers.
Myrna: I learned so much by being on this on this show and interviewing people. I’ve interviewed I mean a one or two Shamans, so I know what it is. One gentleman went to one of these retreats and that’s how he opened himself up to the, kundalini energy. Did you go to any retreats? Or did you just lay in bed and it started coming in?
Bec: To me, so this is like some stuff around the word shaman and I used to say I was a shamanic healer and people would always call me a shaman. The word shaman actually has cultural roots in specific places of the world. So I try not to use that word anymore because there’s like a lot of charge around it and I just don’t want to negate anyone’s experience. Let’s call a spade a spade I am a shaman, basically, because to me, a shaman is someone who traverses the realms between spirit and this physical realm.

What is a Shaman?
Shamans talk to Spirit, they talk to plants, they talk to animals, they talk to all sorts of various things, non physical beings. So essentially, I that’s what I do, and that’s what I am. And I had seen a few healers, so I’d seen I was seeing a shaman in Melbourne a couple times I saw him and he didn’t use plant medicine. He was like me, he was just a healer. So I maybe had two sessions with him. And basically it was a self initiation process for me so I didn’t have the assistance of someone else. It was like because my soul was so ready to come and embody my purpose in this lifetime.
The moment I was like, show me that it was like Okay, now it’s time for you to remember. It’s like it all just came online. And that was like, Oh my God. I have all this wisdom, but I don’t know where it came from. I can move energy. I remember this stuff. I remember how to do exorcisms and wild stuff.
Myrna: I know a few people who can remember past lives. I follow is Sadhguru and he’s able to talk about all his past lives and you know, he became a mystic. It just happened for him, you know, one day he sat down for 14 days or something like that and when he got up, he was a mystic, he was able to see and do and all these amazing things. Why is it that we don’t remember our past lives and how is it that you could?
Bec: Yeah, absolutely. So we come here as souls to learn lessons because there is no other place in the universe that is dense. When I say dense, I mean, it’s heavy, physically, like it’s heavy. When we move past the third dimension, which is the fourth dimension onwards, we lose the physicality so fourth dimension above it’s a lighter frequency, right. So emotions for instance, like anger is dense. It’s a lower frequency and then joy is very high. Just like that physical reality has different density to a frequency vibration has different density. So this realm of reality is very dense and it’s also the lifespans and very short, so souls choose and agree before they kind of reincarnate to come here because it’s, it’s very good for learning lessons.

Remembering past lives ancestral trauma
It’s very good for learning through pain through contrast through whatever it is. It’s like a matrix, right? It’s okay to gain come here and learn lessons. And so we choose to come here to learn these lessons, but a lot of the time we need to forget everything that we know, so then we can have this experience because if I came into this lifetime remembering I was this priestess, I was a highly dimensional being of love. I wouldn’t have gone through all the things that I went through that enables me to get to that point to then become the leader that I am.
For instance, if you had an illness or a chronic disease of some sort. If you knew that it was all a game and you could very quickly heal yourself because you have that capacity. Would you learn through that illness? Then it would negate the purpose right? So it’s almost like if we know the end, the story the journey is pointless.
Myrna: I listen to you know, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and even, Abraham Hicks. So all those people that I listened to and they said we chose our parents, we chose the womb. We chose everything just like you’re saying because we want to experience certain things in order to, you know, to learn, as you say, so it’s nothing like that, you know? But so how do we learn to surrender and work with the divine?
How to bring in the Divine
Bec: Yeah, so part of that is, as much as we chose this human or this vessel or this identity, that version of you who’s Myrna or me, sure we chose these personalities. And ironically we spend most of our life building up these personalities of I am separate. This is who I think I am and I have this identity as a priestess or woman or a daughter or whatever it is stories of who we are, in order to surrender and allow the divine to work through us. We almost need to let go of identification with ourselves as unlimited small being and start seeing ourselves as a source or creator.
So like, for instance, if you take a bucket of water out of the ocean, is it still the ocean? And of course it is still the ocean. And just like that, we have fractals of the one, the one source of energy, some people call that God, the universe, different frameworks and understanding the same thing, but we are literally a fraction of source. So in order to allow that part of ourselves to take more responsibility in our life or work through us, it’s almost like we need to relinquish our identities. We need to relinquish our attachments, we need to relinquish our stories of what we think we know.
Myrna: Dr Joe Dispenza in his book Becoming Supernatural is teaching us to connect with universal unified energy field. So is that how you’re doing it? Are you letting go of your physical body and your mind and connecting through energy?
Bec: Yeah, so one of my gifts in this life is to be this transmitter for frequency and it’s very unique, like shamans do a lot of different things and speak to spirits and all of this stuff. That’s literally one of my gifts in this life is to be essentially a very big radio transmitter, which is why I do activations through spoken word and all sorts of things. Because it’s like source frequency comes through me and that’s amplified.

Using Kundalini Energy to connect to the unified field
I channel energy through my body from different places or from other galaxies and planets and from the earth. So the Earth has her own grid of energy right so like we have our chakra system and there’s different chakra points of different places in the earth. And what people like myself or people who learn to use this energy can do is they can face themselves and specific points and call that energy through their body to like magnify like magnify what they’re doing.
So yeah, essentially that is what I’m doing. I’m using this energy from the unified energy field. I’m using energy from other beings, from angels and spirits, whatever, God to channel through me. I love Dr Joe Dispenza. I’ve been to his events. I think he’s amazing. But his breathing technique that he teaches in his books of the squeezing and pulling the mind out of the body, that’s literally Kundalini, he is awakening Kundalini within you. So your Kundalini is this energy that’s connected to your life force.
The Kundalini is connected to Shakti which is feminine, and Shiva, which is the masculine and when you can get Shakti which is the feminine to go up to the masculine which is in your crown Shiva consciousness. Then it’s divine union, which is union with everything within itself within the world within the universe. So he’s teaching basically how to activate your Kundalini. Kundalini is healing energy. It’s life force energy.
Myrna: Let’s talk about your Kundalini experience. You calling it the dark night of the soul.

Kundalini Awakening: Orgasmic energy
Bec: l We all have different kinds of experiences with it. Mine was particularly intense and I think it’s because I’m here to help people with this. So you can have different volumes of it or strengths of, Kundalini energy, moving through your body, and it can manifest as a tickle like a slight energy pulse or sensation of tingling in your body or heat. Or for me, it’s like full body orgasms. I felt like I was getting penetrated by spirit, like literally having sex with someone and there’s no one there. And it’s incredible, but that’s not the purpose of it.
Because sexual energy is just healing energy. It is life force energy, it’s pure creation energy. So of course it’s going to feel orgasmic because the orgasm is how we are burning things right as how we’re creating. So you can channel that energy into creativity. You can channel into healing, you can channel into mystic purposes. So like opening your third eye, channeling healing, all sorts of things. It can be used for pretty much anything, but people will like, Oh, I feel this is sexual energy. So therefore, I’m aroused and it’s, sexual energy.
With the, Kundalini awakening, you can spontaneously start moving your body into all sorts of weird positions, kind of like yoga poses almost contorting. I found myself on the floor with like my legs in my chest. Like, you know, you see the exorcisms and they’re like doing the crazy stuff. Many times speaking in tongues. My Kundalini is always so active and awakened because of who I am, I have mystical experiences of profound oneness and love and bliss and ecstasy and literally speaking to God on a random Tuesday.
I’ve come here to experience spiritual mastery, because I’ve experienced that in so many lifetimes. I’ve come here to embody humanity with the spiritual mastery.
Myrna: How can people connect with you?
Bec: I have my own podcast called “Cracked Open” where I talk about all of this stuff. My website is www.becmylonascom You can find me on Instagram @becmylonis. I kind of facilitate or hold spaces for people to activate their gifts, activate the past life stuff and really activate that purpose. So check out on my website. I’ve always got offerings. I’m starting my next three month kind of process. I guess you want to call it with people called rebirth soon and that’s a complete journey to like decondition and remove and purge and clear all the past life pain and trauma and activating that mission.
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