We have been in a, pandemic, situation for over 15 months now. Many of you who are reading this blog, have experienced some, personal finance, problems. We know that Amazon, Walmart, Google and all those big brands actually made millions of dollars and were very profitable during this, pandemic.
But, it is a fact that ordinary people like you and me had some struggles. Financial planner, Michelle Arpin Begina is going to share with us how to change our, money mindset, by paying attention to your, money story. Your, money story, shows up in good times and bad times. So, keep reading to understand how your, money mindset, affected whether you thrived in this, pandemic, or just survived.
Listen to the full interview:
Your Money Story
This is the time to really get curious and ask yourself, What is my, money story? Go back and trace the roots of your, money story, and experiences?
Similarly, ask yourself as an adult, What did I hear growing up about, money? What did I take away from the big financial moments of my life? What were some of the behaviors that I observed from other people or my parents, that influence my, personal finance, now?
- Did you become a consumer or did you become a miser?
- Did your parents tell you all the time ” Money does not grow on trees”
- or ‘Money is the root of all evil”
Those messages are a part of my, money story.

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Your Parents Money Story
Michelle: I remember growing up watching my parents and saying to myself two things:
- If only they could get their, personal finance, act together, because they had all the ingredients to have everything they wanted. We all have it within us.
- The second thing I said was: this is not going to be me. But, as it turned out. When I first got started out, I started following their footsteps.
Myrna: Oh! You became a, consumer, too?
Michelle: I did! I bought the new car when I was 19, while I was paying my own tuition and rent. So, I lived with that feeling of financial insecurity. I kept it going with, personal finance, problems well into my 30s and then I turned it around.
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How to Thrive after the Coronavirus Pandemic
Myrna: What is the, personal finance, lesson that you want to share with us, that can help the people who are barely surviving?
Michelle: I can say that it’s not just about the, consumers, and the savers, but there’s probably more depth to thriving than that. We have to go into some biology.
Myrna: So, let’s take a deep dive into biology of the, money mindset.
Michelle: Alright! We’ve got to cut slack for the, consumers, and the savers. Putting away money for a rainy day, could turn someone into a tight wad, where they are not enjoying their, money. There are so many different translations that can happen from what we take in as a child and that forms our, money story.
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Become friends with your future self.
Let’s talk about flourishing for a second. We are hardwired to live in the moment, because we are psychologically distant from Michelle 10.0.
We are not friends with our future self. Michelle 10.0 or Myrna 10.0, is not our relative. We don’t feel this connection with her today, so we can’t help it. This is who we are as people, this is our biology. It’s very difficult to handle, money, outside of what our needs or wishes or even impulses are in the moment.
What we need to do is recognize this. When the 401K rep comes in, when you don’t have two dimes to rub together and say if you put away the maximum amount in this account, you’ll be a billionaire by the time you’re 65. When you were 22, it’s going to go in one ear and out the other. You tell the 401K rep, I can’t even afford lunch! A 22 year old has no relationship with her 65 year old self.
Myrna: You hit the nail right in the head. I was just saying that people can’t save because they have no extras to save.
Most of us have more month than, money!
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Transform Your Money Story to protect your future
Michelle: What we can do to help ourselves and transform our, money story, is to literally create a relationship with your future self. The closer we feel to that person, as if they were really alive today and is our friend, the more that we’re going to act in their best interests.
There are so many new little things that we have to accomplish in the day-to-day details to get us to that overarching goal. So, when we’re in the moment of the impulses or just choosing between two different things, and we want to maintain, self-control. What actually helps is to create distance in the moment. When we talk to ourselves in the third person, it actually helps us to control our behavior in the moment.
Myrna: I get it like saying
“Myrna would never do that, Myrna is going to do is make the choice that is going to really help her in the future.”
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What the Pandemic taught us about our money story
Myrna: Let’s get back to the, pandemic. What has the, global pandemic, taught us about, money?
Maybe you’re going to be a little different because, money, is your work, and you study it. Did you learn anything new about yourself and your, money beliefs, during the, pandemic, what do you think the global lesson was for us?
Michelle: I‘m a little afraid to answer this question.
Myrna: Let’s talk. It’s just your opinion.
Michelle: What I‘ve learned during this, pandemic, is a little embarrassing to say out loud is “I learned a whole lot more about our systems and just how differently everybody is impacted, was the biggest thing that I witnessed.
Heartbreaking really in many ways and I‘ve discovered is that our systems were not designed to take care of people. Our systems were designed for the efficient management of accounts to obey the laws, rules and regulations. Many people had no, money, in the Bank because they didn’t see the need to save or to put something away for the rainy day. This, pandemic, exposed that flaw.
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The Pandemic changed our money story
Myrna: Do you think that our values have changed, now that the, pandemic, highlighted our, money mindset?
Michelle: That’s basically what I was trying to get to as far as, money mindset, and the fallout from our, money story. Maybe their, money mindset, was that “you get it”, “you spend it” that kind of thinking. I like to think – I mean it’s hard to know on a such a broad level whether it has or hasn’t, but I think for someone who was probably scared to their core, there will be a change to their, money mindset.
- If they lost jobs or clients,
- Were not able to continue to work or couldn’t pay their rent or mortgage. Their, money mindset, will shift to saving for a rainy day.
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We’ve heard so many different things happened. The income that I was relying on to make my month is evaporated or it’s down etc., but to me, it really is that, fight or flight, or life or death kind of an experience. On the other hand, we may want to totally push that out of our mind because it was such an awful experience.
I think for a lot of people who maybe saw, for the first time, at their own hand, how perilous their situation could become. I think those people have probably changed their, money mindset.
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What’s your success formula to change money mindset
Myrna: Great!!! You’re a financial planner. Do you want to share your, success formula, or how you help your clients to develop a relationship with their future self and change their, money mindset?
Michelle: What a, financial planner, does is to help you with, personal finance such as:
- Plan for the rainy day,
- Put away for retirement,
- Save to buy a house,
- You plan for vacations.
Myrna: That’s what you guys do, right? I understand you have a, success formula, can you share that? Like thinking about what resources did you bring to the table not just with, personal finance, but who did you know, what did you know etc..
Michelle: The, success formula, can be called your superpowers. We use the word “superpower” so much, but what part of you is special and unique? What do you bring to the table in every single one of your successes? We use that information to develop hope, optimism and resiliency.
What superpowers did you use to pull those things in when times when facing difficulty or you faced a challenge. How did you react when there was an upside surprise?
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All of those traits that I just described, in whatever way someone uses them, it’s so cool. I mean we’ve all got a special factor that’s so different from one another. If you just look at your own and you start picking it apart, you can see how I can pull on this thread when it comes to my money.
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Your money superpowers is your success formula
It’s about figuring out what’s effective so that’s like the part of the expanded version of, personal finance. Financial Literacy, is what I would call it which is really kind of recognizing that we have a psychology and biology around in our brains and body around our, money. It’s not just understanding markets or investing or good sound, financial planning, or, risk management, or all of those things which are important, but it’s about your strengths.
Looking at the big picture and understanding someone’s background, who they are and are not with their, money, what their wishes are, what their values are, of course what the, money, is and then really digging into some of their, money mindset, about what makes them.
Myrna: So, that’s the, success formula.
Michelle: Yes, we use what makes you successful in other areas of your life and use the common thread to help you to be successful with your, money.
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The success formula challenge
Myrna: I understand that you have a website or a challenge to help the readers and those watching on TV. That would help them develop their, success formula. You want to talk about that?
Michelle: The best place for people to find me is my website, which is www.michelleab.com. Right on the home page is my, success formula, guide which anyone can download. Other channels that people can as well reach me or connect with me are on LinkedIn,
You can watch the full interview on the Transform Your Mind Podcast YouTube channel.
Also you can tune in at six o’clock Est every Sunday for our Preach the Word Network Television broadcast and of course you can listen in the radio WDJY 99.1 FM Wednesdays at 5p.m.

Myrna: Thanks again Michelle. Thanks everyone for tuning in and until next time, blessings.
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