Spiritual psychology, is a lens that we look through that teaches us everything that’s happening in our life, is happening for us. That all of our challenges are beautifully designed opportunities, or I should say beautifully disguised opportunities giving us the steppingstones, we need to grow and evolve and transform. It is a, personal transformation, tool that helps us into our next level of protection to really fulfill our intelligence, which is the fullest realized expression of who we come here to be in this life.
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What is Spiritual Psychology
Donna: Spiritual psychology, is really a technology that was innovated and pioneered by doctors Ron and Mary Holman at the University of Santa Monica. Spiritual psychology, is a lens that we look through that teaches us everything that’s happening in our life is happening for us. That all of our challenges are beautifully designed opportunities, or I should say beautifully disguised opportunities. Giving us the steppingstones, we need to grow and evolve and transform into our next level of protection to really fulfill our intelligence, which is the fullest realized expression of who we come here to be in this life.

And that’s what it is. It’s a perspective, right? It is a way to see the world and when we start seeing the world as if everything that’s happening is really this beautifully designed opportunity for us to grow and learn and change and evolve. And we start seeing the world from an empowered place, rather than seeing the world from a place of feeling victimized by life circumstances and life’s happenstance of life’s craziness.
Myrna: That is actually quite good. And I would get as you’re talking, I’m imagining myself in a coaching session, and you’re talking to someone, and they are saying Oh, my life has been very bad, and all these different things happened to me. And then you can turn that around and say, you know what, what did this teach you? What do you think that this revealed to you? What strengths did you bring out of that? That is a, spiritual psychology, session.
I am actually loving it. Now you guys are calling it a different name. But the Bible teaches that everything happens for your good. Actually, it’s one of the scripture verses that I that I adhere to, and it’s one of my foundation scriptures is that yes, everything happens for your good. So now that I’ve opened that door, so how do you use, spiritual psychology, as a, transformation tool, in your coaching sessions?
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Heart centered listening is one of the principles of spiritual psychology
Donna: Well, there are 33 principles and practices of, spiritual psychology. And so, I use each of these principles and practices to support the client in doing their life from a different place. And you know, two of our foundational skills the University of Santa Monica has entitled the skill, heart centered listening, and I call it, heart centered listening. The original name for seeing the loving essence I have renamed to big acknowledgement. A big acknowledgement is the recognition that you and I are, spiritual beings, on this epic human adventure. And when I recognize you also as a, spiritual being, having this public human adventure, then there’s something about that that makes us the same.
And when we begin to recognize that for every single person on the planet, then we can really recognize that we really are all one and we’re all in this together. We’re all facing the same challenges and the same trials and the same opportunities. You know, we all are in club human together, having this human experience.
Heart centered listening, is really about it’s about what you do all day in your in your job Myrna with these podcasts that you do and like deeply listening to another person giving them the space to share from a center heart opened place where they are free to explore their own consciousness. And download from the infinite universe kind of trickle into the conversation. And when we invite that, infinite intelligence, into the conversation, who knows what’s going to happen? That is why we call it, spiritual psychology.
Myrna: I love it. Yes, yes. You’re talking my language girl. Yeah, I you know, we are all love. I love Deepak Chopra. And you know, Deepak Chopra always says that we are all, spiritual beings, having a, human experience, manifesting through a, central nervous system. So, each one of us is manifesting, through our individual, human nervous system. But eventually we’re all we’re all connected.
One of the one of the things that he says, and I was even meditating on this morning, is that we’re all like a wave in the ocean. We’re all part of the ocean and each one of us is a wave. And so, what you are saying is beautiful. And you are correct when you recognize that we’re all one, and we’re all spirit and we’re all connected, that changes your perception on your struggles. Is that what you are calling, spiritual psychology?
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Spiritual psychology is the gateway to acceptance of our humaneness
Donna: Well, yes, it’s one way that you can go with it. And, you know, the longer I’m on this spiritual path, the more I realized it’s really about loving my humaneness. And I think a big gateway to, transformation, and how I work with my clients is really inviting them into a deeper level of reverence for their, human experience, a deeper level of acceptance for the human. A deeper level of acceptance for ourselves, you know, for how we fall short of our own aspirations in life, and how we relate to ourselves, when we’re going through something difficult.
That’s really where we have an opportunity to have a different experience in our life. I love what you were sharing about Deepak Chopra. And one of the things that the way that I like to say it is we are all unique, individualized expressions of, the Divine. And no two of us are the same, right? Every single one of us is this gorgeous depiction of, the Divine. And how magnificent is that? And it’s quite a miracle.
The mind holds the power
And it’s quite miraculous, but we overlook it on a regular basis. And so, I helped people slow down and tune in so that they can begin to recognize their power, the real power, the power that comes from inside of us, not the power that we think that we get from our job or for money or from a status position or anything like that. Helping people to recognize that they have this inherent power within them. And that power is a source of our aliveness. That is that power is the source of our expression out in the world as a drop in, the Divine.
Myrna: Very true. It’s actually very powerful. Very powerful, because, you know, one of the reasons that I concentrate so heavily on the, mind, is because that’s where it starts. It’s how you think is your thoughts is your thought process. And, yeah, once you recognize that, that you’re limitless, that you’re powerful, that you actually shape your destiny and that is all part of, spiritual psychology.
It doesn’t just happen, you’re shaping it by your thoughts and if you feel empowered, or if you feel a victim, you know, that’s basically my story as well. Yeah, you got to realize, you have power and instead of being stuck, you have the power to change your life, if it’s going in one direction, just like you did. You figure that yeah; I am just on a treadmill. And what did you do? You did something about it, right? You didn’t stay there and wait until you’re 65 and then say, you know, my life has been terrible.
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Reclaiming our authentic power
Now, one of the other things that we were talking about is how can we use consciousness to reclaim our, authentic power.
Donna: We have to become present, be in the, present moment, Myrna? We’re all so caught up in the future with the two dues right? We got to go here. We got to do this. We got to do that. And our mind, you know, our attention and our energy go into the future. Or we’re stuck in the past, right? We’re obsessing about I should have said this, or I should have done that. And we’re caught up in yesterday and what really is over that we can’t even change. But when we can be here in this, present moment, right now, and place our energy and our intention on person, the situation whatever is right in front of us. Then we are tapping into our, consciousness, in the highest way that we can at the time.
Myrna: Right. Yeah, that’s pretty good. Yes, because yes, consciousness, is definitely being present and nothing happens outside of the, present moment. A lot of people are always in the past or the future. But change only happens in the, present moment. So, that’s pretty good. All right. Now one of the things that you do in your in your work, is you talk about the, power of the I AM. So, talk to us about how you help your clients to using, I AM, to pivot for to help with their, transformation.
Donna: Thank you so much for asking this question. I see this as one of the most powerful tools that we all have in our toolbox. And it’s the two little, teeny tiny words, I AM, because when we say those words, we are making a declaration. We are making a proclamation to the universe. And so, I invite your listeners to just pay attention. What comes attached to these two little words in your life? Are you walking around saying, I am, tired? I am, exhausted. I am, sick. I AM, whatever. Because the back story that we’re telling, then those are the results that we are creating.
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Using I AM in transformation
And so, I see this as literally like using a magic wand. We are instantaneously reaffirming what we do want to experience, what we do want to occur. So, we can put our attention, our focus on that immediately and begin to say things like,
- I AM, doing the best that I can in the moment.
- I am, moving towards radiant health and wellbeing.
- I am, vitality.
- I am perfect, just the way God made me.
- I am, accepting all of myself, no matter what society says about you.
So, it’s really a powerful way to change our current reality. And I talk extensively about this. I have a whole chapter called, I AM, or it’s called the responsibility of, I am, in my book “Original Wisdom: Harnessing the Power of the Authentic You.”
My book really talks about my journey and how I left the corporate arena, and Myrna it wasn’t a straight path. I gotta tell you, it wasn’t hiding guidance. I didn’t wake up one morning and said, I’m going to be a coach. It didn’t happen like that. And as a matter of fact, if you could have told me that I was going to be in these sacred, intimate, loving, connected one on one conversations with people I would have said oh, hell no, that’s never gonna happen. Because the time that my journey began, the, mindset, that I had, was completely different than the, mindset, that I have now.
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Mindset and personal development
Myrna: I know, we’re in the, personal improvement, and, personal development, space, and we grow along with people that we teach. I am listening and learning something every single day so we’re growing in that space. And for me, because I get to speak to excellent guests like yourself, I’m learning, It’s like a school for me. I’m learning from all my guests. And yeah, your, mindset, keeps shifting.
But I want to touch back on that, I am, statement because one of the things that I love saying is, I am the universe, and that’s basically what you were talking about. Earlier, when you said that we are, spiritual beings, right. And we’re part of the Infinite is the fact that, I’m the universe, right? The universe is inside of me. So now you coach, and you have your master’s degree. So why did you write the book and what is it that you want the readers to walk away with, after they put it down?
Donna: The truth is, I was really creating a workshop. I was putting together teaching points. And as I was going through these teaching points, I thought to myself, oh, I have a story for that. You know, I really want to illustrate that in a more visual way, in a way that people can remember or walk away with. And so, as I started compiling all of my stories, I kind of took a step back and I was like, that’s my story. It’s like my whole story. And after a little bit of rearranging, I unfolded, really this path and I don’t tell the story in a chronological way, because of the way in which, I AM, pulled each of the concepts.

Original Wisdom: Harness the power of the authentic you
I deliver a dovetail experience to it so that each of them builds on their previous one. And really, what I want people to walk away with is a sense of that, authentic empowerment, a sense that they are so much more, we are so much more than what we have been taught. And original wisdom is an inherent intelligence in all beings, that is rooted in unconditional love.
And when I think about, our spirit or soul, the energy of that is unconditional love. So, the intention of my book is to help people remember what their needs are. They are made of love. And we just have stuff that stands in the way of that. And that’s really what I help my clients do is remove those blocks, so that they can remember the truth of who they are.
Myrna: I love it. Where can we get a copy of your book and tell us about your website and tell us you know, you’re a coach and you do offer personal transformation coaching. So, tell us tell our listeners how they can get in touch with you.
Donna: All of the information can be found on www.Donnabond.com. And my book, of course, is on Amazon and all of the major book retailers out there “Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You.” And periodically I have a masterclass that I offer called empower the authentic you where I teach live, the concepts that I offer in original wisdom.