coach Myrna on something greater is coming

Understanding Your True Nature

What is your, nature?  The true crisis in the world is not social or pilots the true crises is lack of consciousness our inability for us to recognize our, true nature. 

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Story of True Nature

Two, monks, were sitting by the river and one of the, monks, noticed a scorpion drowning. He dipped his hand in the water and saved the scorpion by putting him on the shore but not before the scorpion stung him. 

A couple of minutes later the other, monk, said look that stupid scorpion is in the water again. The, monk, again put his hand in the water and saved the scorpion and once again the scorpion stung him. 

The other, monk, said to the, monk, why do you keep saving the scorpion when it keeps stinging you. 

The, monk, replied because it is my, nature, to save and his, nature, to sting.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

What is your nature? 

Many people fail to distinguish between their, true nature, and their, personality traits, particularly their less desirable traits. The fact is you are not the worst characteristics of your personality.  The untrained mind want what it perceives as advantageous and to fear or hate what seems painful. Discovering how your heart and mind can work together to use these feelings allows you to move beyond them and start to experience the kind of freedom that comes from understanding your, true nature. 

  • Is it your, nature, to help your friends even though they never help you? 
  • Is it your, nature, to show kindness to strangers?
  • Is it your, nature, to save like the, monk, or is it your, nature, to critique and see the faults in others? 
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Transform Your Mind

Finding your True nature

 When you discover your, true nature, it gives you the freedom to act against your own self-interest to “not think,” eg. The, monk, saving the scorpion even though he knows it is it’s nature to sting. 

You may feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of your present life or bound by past traumatic events. Again, this is a failure in perception. A spiritual practice can provide you with the knowledge and discipline to investigate and discover your, true nature. You have to discover this for yourself, for you will not ultimately believe what someone else tells you.

You can do this investigation within the parameters of your present life. The intensity of your desires and fears can be a source of energy that propels you to look more deeply for that which really matter. 

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Buddha and true nature

The, Buddha, taught that your, true nature, is obscured by the veils of wanting, fear, and delusion (or ignorance). He urged that you look at the nature of your mind systematically and observe how these three, mind states, condition what you think and value, and how you behave. He taught that it is the identification with these, mind states, that causes suffering; for instance, you mistakenly believe that just because you feel the emotion of wanting, your, true nature, is the same as that wanting.

true nature quotes
true nature quotes

If you are not your thoughts, then what is your, true nature, how do you find it, and how do you live so that it may flourish? These are the perennial questions for anyone who starts to develop an inner life. In Jesus’s teachings, love is at the center of all being – love that is forgiving, unconditional, and not self-serving.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Jesus true nature

This was, Jesus true nature, what is your, true nature? Knowing your, true nature, will allow you to make decisions effortlessly. The, monk, did not sit and debate if he should save the scorpion because he knew that self interest was not in play. 

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Thanks for listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna I challenge you to get to know yourself that is how you grow yourself. I invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. How to see you next week for another episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna. 

Until next time Namaste 

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