Ten Ways Women Jump Into The Wrong Relationships

Today I want to give some, relationship advice, and teach on the topic Ten ways women jump into the wrong, relationships.

I have heard it said that, women are responders, and it is true.  Men know this and that is why they court us.  And sometimes we find ourselves in relationships just because we were courted.  eHarmony says that both men and women can fake us out for 2 years before we see who they truly are.

So today I want to share about some of the ways we as women jump into the wrong relationships.

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Relationship advice: Don’t ignore the warning signs

  1. We as women ignore the, warning signs; we ignore the internal alarms and move ahead into a love fantasy. Thinking we are the one that can make him change. Case in point, a man hollers at you and he is living with a woman or he is married. He tells you that he is only there for some reason and that he no longer loves his wife. He promises to leave in a certain amount of time.  99% of the time men never leave, but let’s say he will and string you along sometimes for years.  Don’t ignore the, warning signs. Let me give you some, relationship advice, If he hasn’t left before he met you, he ain’t going leave.
  2. Some women feel that it is a dog eat dog would out there and that good men are hard to find. Because we fear being alone, we accept the first person who comes along, only to be left beaten, ripped off and sometimes even impregnated. Here is some, relationship advice, never go into, relationships, as a needy person. Men can smell your need, It’s like giving beef to a blood hound. Its not going to end well for you.
  3. Another reason women jump into the wrong, relationships, is we confuse friendship for romantic love. Love is about chemistry; friendship is a bonus in a love relationship, but friendship without love is a roommate arrangement.
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Some relationships should stay as friends

  1. As women we have a hard time saying No, so sometimes when you just want to be friends we get caught up in intimate, relationships, and have no chemistry with our partner. Some, relationships, should stay as friends but we have a hard time saying no, I just want to be friends.  Next thing you know he is asking to move in and you say yes or even marry him and you know that you are not in love.
  2. You get caught up in packaging and promises. We all like the playboys. They look good, they know how to make you feel like a woman, but you are just a plaything for them. You fall in love and they just like you. They have no intention of taking the, relationship, to the next level while you are shopping for wedding dresses.
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Relationship advice: never issue an ultimatum

  1. You demand a commitment or issue an ultimatum and the man goes along with it because it suits his purpose at the time. But how many of you know you can’t force love it is either there or it is not so he goes along with it until he finds something better. You become his in the meantime woman.
  2. As I mentioned earlier, women are responders, so men dole out gifts and charm and we respond to the treatment without exploring if this, relationship, is right for us. But how many of you know that people can only play roles for a short time. Sooner or later usually after the man gets what he wants they move on to the next victim.
  3. You allow blind faith, which leads to blind love, to take you into a relationship that is unhealthy. A lot of Christian women would stay in unhealthy relationships praying to God to fix the other person, but if God didn’t send the man, he is not going to fix him.
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Love and sex are not the same thing

  1. Sexual compatibility, is mistaken for love. It took me a while to understand that sex and love are two different things. Women are emotional creatures and usually fall in love with their, sexual partners, men on the other hand are very good at compartmentalization. They are able to separated good sex from love.
  2. Breaking up is hard to do. Women stay in, relationships, even though they are miserable trying to work things out even though most times the men have already moved on emotionally. I have learned personally men leave emotionally long before they leave physically.

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How to Find your Soulmate


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