Synchronicity: Is It A Coincidence?

Synchronicity, is the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related, but have no discernible causal connection.

Spirituals guru’s like Deepak Chopra says, synchronicity, operates in the spirit realm. Our, vibration, and energy attract people and things to us to help us to carry out our purpose and sometimes to guide us in another direction.

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Understanding Synchronicity

Everything in our physical world is made up of, vibration of energy, including the walls in your house, your bed and our thoughts.

Our thoughts are the most powerful, vibration of energy.

Any thought that is repeated over and over in your conscious mind will make an, imprint, into the, subconscious mind.

Once this, imprint, takes place, it becomes a, vibrating force, and attracts to you the people, places and things, circumstances, events, etc. that matches the images you have within. You have the real power to influence and direct the things that happen to you with your thoughts.

What is an example of Synchronicity

Let me give you a personal example. I talk about this in my book Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement 

Back in 2004 my ex-husband and I were going through a rocky marriage. I was constantly thinking of ending the marriage, but I kept it going because he was sponsoring me to become a permanent resident in the United States. During the application process, I left the country to go to Toronto for my brother’s wedding and when I tried to return to the USA, I was denied entry because I did not apply for a travel pass.

I spent a very painful week in Canada and my husband did not care if I ever came back. So, my thoughts were constantly on “I can’t go through with this. I can’t stay married to this man.”

I was able to get back into the United States (if you want to hear the story pick up a copy of my book)

My very first day back to work I met my current husband. I took the train to and from work and he was the officer working the train to verify ticket purchase. I walked on the train and he was standing at the door doing a ticket check.  Our eyes met and sparks flew.  Two weeks later my husband and I had a fight on Father’s Day, and we called it quits. Nothing about this chain of events was a, coincidence, this was, synchronicity.  My permanent residence application was denied with my ex-husband and my current husband sponsored me and my children.

“The most strongly endorsed explanations for coincidences are God and fate” God promises that everything will work out for your good.

Synchronicity vs Coincidence

Coincidence vs synchronicity, are related, but distinct terms. The term coincidence, describes a seemingly related series of events that occur without apparent cause. The term, synchronicity, requires that the individual ascribe deeper meaning to the, coincidence; like the story of how I met my husband.

Pay attention to where coincidence is leading you.

Synchronicity, is energy when you change your, vibration of energy, you start attracting more of what you are feeling. This is the, Law of Attraction.

One practice to clean up your, vibration, and start attracting, synchronicity, into your life is with, imprinting.

Imprinting, is like learning your times tables

It has been, imprinted, into our, consciousness.  We never forget.

Visualization with imprinting

I bet if I asked you what is 7*7 you don’t have to think before responding 49. I learned that 55 years ago!

We can also, imprint, empowering beliefs.

Let’s say you believe that you will be successful.  Visualize daily that you are successful now.

Visualization, is imprinting

Your, subconscious, will pick it up and you will start seeing synchronistic events start showing up in your life.

Additional Resources

Are You Trapped By Your Past?



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