Positive Thinking: Letting your Mind Heal your body

I want to make sure everyone knows of the power of, positive thinking, that the mind can heal the body. In a world where holistic health practices and alternative healing methods are gaining popularity, the idea of healing through thought alone has captured the imagination of many.

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Introduction: The Mind body connection

I want to use as my foundation, the biblical story of the woman with the issue of blood who believed that touching the hem of Jesus’ garment would lead to her healing.

I want to share this message today because I’ve been kind of soaked in the, mind body connection, recently after reading Dr Joe’s Dispenza’s book “Becoming Supernatural” I know that I myself has healed my body by focusing on where the pain is and sending energy to it and we can all do that. People can heal themselves of cancer; they can heal themselves of a lot of illnesses, including muscular dystrophy,  Parkinson’s disease and any and all illnesses.

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Christopher Reeves healed his spine using the mind

I read Christopher Reeves autobiography years ago, he shared that he would sit outside every single day and tell his body to heal and it did. Just recently, I was listening to this new movie called Unsinkable and even though I have followed Dr Joe Dispenza for years now, I never heard his origin story. He shared in the movie that a truck ran into him while he was riding a bicycle and broke all the vertebrate’s in his back and he laid in his hospital bed and told his body to heal.

This is why I wrote this article, I want to make sure everyone knows of the power of positive thinking, that the mind can heal the body. The bible teaches us this in Matthew 21. Jesus teaches, I tell you if you have faith and do not doubt not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain go lower yourself into the sea and it will be done.

You know that’s some Supernatural stuff because you can’t even push a mountain, much as tell it to pick itself up and go into the sea, but what Jesus was trying to say is that you can create the impossible with your mind.  Which is why the mindset is so important to me. Why, transforming your mind, is so important.

The woman with the issue of blood, also believed that all she had to do to be healed was to touch the hem of Jesus garment and her belief made her whole.

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Science confirms that we can indeed heal our bodies with our minds

Science now affirms that we can indeed heal cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and many other conditions with our minds.

Our subconscious minds create these diseases and our conscious mind can heal them.

In the book Becoming supernatural, in the first chapter Dr Joe Dispenza shared a story of a woman healing herself through meditation of cancer, paralysis, ulcerated colitis, sores in her mouth, vagina, and anus. She was a mess. Her body created these conditions because her husband committed suicide and left her broke. All she had to do to heal herself is to leave that old personality behind and create a new one.

So, what is the body mind connection?

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The Mind-Body Connection:

The concept of the, mind-body connection, has been studied extensively in both scientific and philosophical circles. Research indicates that mental states, emotions, and beliefs can indeed have an impact on physical health. Stress, for example, has been linked to various health conditions, including heart disease and immune system dysfunction. This suggests that maintaining a positive outlook and managing stress could potentially contribute to better overall well-being.

Complementary Approaches:

Positive thinking, can certainly complement medical treatments and aid in the recovery process. Many individuals find comfort and strength in their beliefs, which can contribute to a more positive outlook during times of illness. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and visualization may also help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.


The idea of healing through thought alone is a fascinating concept that highlights the intricate connection between mind and body. While, positive thinking, and belief can positively influence health outcomes, they should not replace evidence-based medical interventions. The story of the woman with the issue of blood serves as a reminder of the power of faith and hope, today we have many many stories of, thought-based healing. Ultimately, a holistic approach that combines, positive thinking, with appropriate medical care offers the best path to overall well-being.

My suggestion is not to wait until you get the diagnosis to start practicing meditation and, positive thinking, start now. You do not want to learn to swim when you are drowning!

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

Is the Mind in the Brain?


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