Life's Quakes and Breaks: Lessons on Finding Inner Strength

Life’s Quakes: Lessons on Finding Inner Strength

Coach Myrna explores the powerful metaphor of mountains rising from earthquakes, symbolizing finding inner strength through life’s challenges.

She discusses how significant upheavals, like a relationship ending or a health crisis, create opportunities for rebuilding stronger. Myrna emphasizes embracing life’s tremors, finding stability, reflecting on lessons, and setting intentional goals. She encourages listeners to tap into their, inner strength, and become resilient, just like mountains standing firm against the elements. Download the podcast  for an inspiring message on overcoming adversity and aiming for your highest peaks.

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Inner Strength Quotes

  • Embrace life’s earthquakes: Accept and learn from the upheavals that come your way, finding, inner strength, and rebuilding stronger.

  • Find stability amidst chaos: Reach for routines, supportive relationships, and self-care practices to ground yourself during turbulent times.

  • Rebuild with intention and resilience: Use life’s challenges to set new goals and discover untapped, inner strength,  within you.

Life is full of unexpected quakes that can shake us to our core. These metaphorical earthquakes—whether they come as a result of personal failures, relationship breaks, or lost loved ones—leave us feeling shattered and unstable. But as the insightful saying goes, “mountains rise in the wake of earthquakes.” This powerful metaphor serves as a reminder that from immense pressure and upheaval comes, inner strength, elevation, and newfound majesty. In today’s article, we explore how we can find resilience and climb higher despite life’s tremors.

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Embrace Life’s Earthquakes

Facing and Accepting Challenges

When the ground beneath us crumbles, it’s easy to fixate on the destruction. We see the shattered pieces of our plans and feel the cracks in our confidence. But just as mountains rise as a result of tectonic shifts, we too can find opportunities within our own upheavals.

Let’s face it, we all encounter life-changing events that seem catastrophic at first glance. Whether it’s a severe medical diagnosis, the heartache of losing a loved one, or the unforeseen end of a valued relationship, these events can leave us feeling down in the dumps. However, these very moments also present an opportunity to rebuild our lives stronger and more resilient than before.

“Life is filled with unexpected Tremors that shake us to our core,” Coach Myrna relays. Recognizing and accepting these tremors is crucial because, like the Serenity Prayer teaches, we must have “the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Finding Inner strength from Reflection and Learning

Each life quake offers invaluable lessons. Reflect on what caused the disruption and uncover the deeper issues. By doing so, you lay a strong foundation for genuine healing and transformation.

Coach Myrna emphasizes, “Reflect on what happened, what our response was, so that when it presents itself again we’ll be more able to handle it.” By learning from past struggles, you better equip yourself to tackle future challenges head-on.

Finding Stability And Inner Strength Amidst Chaos

Ground Yourself in Routine

In the immediate aftermath of a life quake, finding small ways to regain stability is key. Re-establish daily routines, lean on supportive relationships, and engage in self-care practices. These familiar and comforting activities can provide a sense of control amidst the chaos.

“When things are rocky, you also need to find some stable ground,” advises Coach Myrna. Stability can come in various forms, whether that’s taking a daily walk, meditating, or spending time with loved ones. These routines and support systems serve as anchors, preventing us from being entirely swept away by the tremors.

Reframing and Moving Forward

Once you begin to regain your footing, it’s essential to reevaluate and rebuild your life with intention and purpose. Set new goals and watch for new opportunities that align more closely with your values and aspirations. As Coach Myrna says, “This is an opportunity to create a life that is more aligned with your values and aspirations.”

Use this time of rebuilding to dream bigger and aim higher. Les Brown’s inspiring words echo in this sentiment: “Aim for the stars and maybe you’ll get to the moon.” By setting your sights on majestic peaks, you’ll ensure you’re not just surviving but thriving.

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Rebuild with Intention and Resilience

Tap Into Your, Inner Strength.

Every earthquake you survive adds to your, inner strength. Like mountains that are forged through pressure and upheaval, within you lies a reservoir of strength waiting to be tapped into.

“Mountains cannot form without pressure; diamonds are created with the pressure of the carbon atoms,” explains Coach Myrna.

Similarly, true success and resilience are born out of life’s challenges.

Trust in your resilience and ability to rise above any challenge. Recognize that each quake, no matter its magnitude, makes you stronger and more capable than before. “Think of yourself as immovable as a mountain,” encourages Coach Myrna.

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Building Intentionally and Purposefully

When moving forward, it’s crucial to proceed with intention. As you strive to rebuild your life, do so with clear purpose and deliberate actions. The reshaping of your life presents a chance to align closely with deeply held values and long-desired goals. “Set new goals, seek out new opportunities, and don’t be afraid to dream bigger than before,” affirms Coach Myrna.

By intentionally aiming to construct a better, more resilient life, you are setting yourself up for remarkable success. Remember that life’s earthquakes, even the less severe ones, are part of what shape us. They make us resilient, unshakeable like mountains, ready to withstand storms and emerge even stronger.

Possibilities Unlocked by Life’s Quakes

The mountains we climb are often those we build ourselves. Life’s earthquakes may be unavoidable, but our response to them is within our control. By embracing the process, finding stability, reflecting on the lessons learned, rebuilding with intention, and tapping into our, inner strength, we can rise higher than we ever thought possible.

As Coach Myrna eloquently puts it, “The ground may fall away beneath us, but we can rise stronger and more magnificent just like the mountains forged in the wake of earthquakes.”

Each seismic event in our lives is not just a challenge but an opportunity to emerge resilient, powerful, and unmovable.

Remember, mountains withstand changes in the weather, the relentless forces of wind, hail, and snow, yet they remain immovable. Let this be the metaphor for your life journey—unshakeable, resilient, and ever-growing and stronger.

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