Imagination: How to Use It

The amazing thing about our, imagination, is that our central nervous system cannot tell the difference between what we are imagining and what is actually happening.

If you think that there is someone hiding under your bed and as soon as you fall asleep they will slit your throat and your body will stay there and rot because nobody will even miss you; then your body responds to those thoughts like you are actually lying on your bed bleeding to death.

Your heart gets heavy like you are having a heart attack. Your breathing becomes erratic, you begin to sweat. You have triggered your, fight or flight, response. Keep that going for any length of time and you will surely die before your time.

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Using Your imagination to create fear

A man went to the psychiatrist and told him “I am so scared to go to bed every time I try to sleep I am so afraid, because I feel there is someone hiding under the bed.”

The psychiatrist said to him. Put yourself in my hands I will help you get rid of those fears. Come talk to me 3 times week.

The man asked what is the charge?

The shrink said “$80.00 per visit

The man said “let me think about it”

Six months later the shrink met the man on the street.

“Why did you not come to see me about those, fears” he asked.

The man said” $80 per visit, 3 times per week is over $12,000 per year. I met this man who said he would get rid of my, fears, for $500 and a six pack of beer!”

He cured me, I was so happy I went out and bought a new car!

Well pray tell how did this untrained Jamaican man cure you?

He cut off the legs from my bed so nobody could hide under there anymore ?

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Using your imagination to manifest desires

In the story I just told we see a man using his, imagination, towards, fear and dread, but do you know that as humans we are the only ones God give the power of, imagination, to?

Imagination, is quite possibly a uniquely human ability. In essence, it allows us to explore ideas of things that are not in our present environment, or perhaps not even real. For example, one can imagine the cup of coffee seen the day before, or one can imagine an alien spaceship arriving in the earth’s orbit. The key is that what is imagined is generated from within rather than perceived based on input from without.

The amazing thing about our, imagination, is that our central nervous system cannot tell the difference between what we are imagining and what is actually happening.

As a man thinks so is he

So, how about using the gift of, imagination, to manifest the things you really want. The Bible teaches “As a man thinks so is he.

Another one of our gifts as humans is that whatever we hold in our minds most of the time, we will someday hold in our hands.

So let’s start with something simple your dream car. Imagine that you walk into the dealership and pay cash for your dream car. Then you imagine yourself driving your car. See your hands on the steering wheel. You have your favorite music blasting in the background.  Bring in other people in your, imagination. Imagine you pull up to your favorite restaurant and have your car valet parked and the valet says “Nice ride” and you beam with pride!

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Your imagination is limitless

You can use your, imagination, to live the life you want there are no limits. This is how the, law of attraction, works.

What you think about you bring about!

Whenever you start to think of negative events remember you are attracting those into your reality.

So, stop using your, imagination, for, fear and dread, and start using it to visualize you walking in your destiny.

Fear, is false evidence appearing real.  Imagination, is dreaming in the future.

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Dreaming in the future

This is perhaps clearest in dreaming, where our minds churn up an entire virtual reality for us to experience when we sleep. But, imagination, is used in a whole variety of cognitive processes, including planning, hypothetical reasoning, picturing things in the past or the future, comprehending language, and, of course, in design and creativity in engineering and the arts.

Thanks for listening to, 5 mins with coach Myrna, hope you were both inspired and entertained.

Additional Resources

How to Have Faith That Sets You Free

No Fear : How to Live with Courage



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