The voices in your head are also called your inner dialogue or self-talk. These voices are always talking; they are always commenting on everything you see. It is a running commentary. The more we try to shut them off, the louder they become. Today I want to bring awareness to these voices because whatever you say to your self is what you are creating.
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We have 5 voices in our head
Psychiatrists say we have 5 voices in our head and only one of them is the voice of God. We have to learn to distinguish between the ego voice and the voice of the holy spirit because listening to the wrong voice can steer you very wrong.
For example. I used to have a voice in my head that encouraged me to write notes to my boyfriends and husbands telling them what I think of them. I thought I was being real and factual, but those notes damaged my relationships. Now whenever the voice in my head tells me to write a note, I write it, but don’t send it!
I remember having foster children who stole and I would tell them whenever the voice in their head tell you to take something that does not belong to you then you talk back to this voice NO.
There are 5 voices that we can talk about and here are some thoughts about what they are and how to manage them. I call them the 5 C’s.
The first three voices are the broadly helpful voices – your Core voice from your higher self, your Confident voice and your Cautious voice.
The other two voices are the ones that can cause real issues. They are your Critical voice and your Conceited voice.

What the voices in your head tell you
This is the first way to silence the voices in your head by talking back to them. If the voice in your head is saying things like:
- You can’t do it,
- Your success is not going to last and you will be homeless again
- You are never going to find someone to love you because you are not educated and can’t hold a conversation.
You have to talk back to this voice and tell it
- “I am going to do it just watch me.”
- My success may not last, but I am never going back to where I came from.
- I will find someone to love me because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Another voice is the one that lists the issues on your mind or perhaps makes internal lists of things you need to accomplish. You may also talk to yourself when you’re preparing a speech or a presentation, where you “play” what you’re going to say in your mind ahead of time.

The negative self talk voice
The self talk voice is the voice that plays in my head the most. I am always having conversations with other people in my head. I remember once this girl said something to me that I couldn’t get out of my head for months. It was a negative comment and the voice in my head would replay it and replay it over and over again. It took up residence in my head. The more I tried to stop the replay the more it came back. I would even shake my head to get rid of this ANT which is automatic negative thoughts.
The volume of this particular ANT diminished over time but your ANT can be self-criticism and this is one way to silence this voice.
Write down your ANT in a notebook and them write responses to them. For example:
It could go something like this:
- ANT: “I messed up at work. I’m probably going to get fired.”
- Answer: “Mistakes happen. I do a good job one mistake is not going to get me fired.
- OR
- ANT: “My son really acted up today. I’m not a good mom.”
- Answer: “We all have bad days. I am doing the best that I can”
This is one way to rewind the negative tape playing in your head and record over it.

Strategies to silence the voice in your head
Some of the other ways to silence the voices in your head are:
- You have to put word on word – decree and declare
- My body is blessed
- My mind is blessed
- My marriage is blessed
- Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
- My children are blessed
- My grandchildren are blessed
You have to silence the voice in your head by speaking back to them. Because you shall have whatever you say.
It you say that you will live all your life without love, then you will.
If you say to yourself that you will always be poor, that will be your experience.
You have to decree and declare like the apostle Paul said “When I get to the end of my life I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Talk back to your negative voices
You need courage to continue when there is a threat. Don’t let the negative self-talk stop you from finishing the race.
- What do you remember when things get tough?
- Do you remember when God brought you out?
- Do you remember when God made a way out of no way
Talk back to the voice in your head and say God chose me to go through this. If God thought I couldn’t handle it, he won’t let you go through it.
We can’t see the enemy but he is everywhere. We have to know the difference of being crushed by the Lord and being crushed by the world.
You cannot have change without disruption. Don’t be sidetracked by the disruption. Don’t let a disruption distract you from your purpose.
Tell yourself that in every disruption there is opportunity. Don’t fail to prepare for what’s next because you are focusing on what’s gone or the disruption.
Leaders are determined by how much you move things from one place to another moving the disruption to victory.

There is purpose in every disruption
When you have a purpose, no disruption can move you off your destiny.
T D Jakes says Once the grapes have been crushed you can’t get the juice back into the grapes.
If you want to be wine you have to be willing to give up being a grape.
You cannot have change without disruption.
The voices in your head area distraction, talk back to them or let ignore them. If you do this they will eventually go away!
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