become a YouTube celebrety

How to Become a YouTube Celebrity

Would you like to become a YouTube Celebrity? What would you do if you had 1,000,000 views on your, YouTube, Channel this year? Not just views, but real, organic, engaging views from people who most needed to hear you. Nate Woodbury shares, how to grow on YouTube.

Welcome to the Mindset Transformation radio show, blog and podcast. Our guest this week is Hero Maker, Nate Woodbury.
Nate is going to teach us, how to grow on YouTube.

Before I introduce you to Nate, I wanted to give you my, digital marketing, tip of the week.

How to Get Traffic to your YouTube Channel :

I have lived and breathed marketing for over 3 years. I started with daily posts on LinkedIn and LinkedIn groups, daily posts to twitter, a daily newspaper from Paper-li, daily posts to my personal Facebook page and posts to my fan page, a weekly blog like the one you are reading, a weekly newsletters and now I too have a, YouTube, Channel! Whew! Marketing is a monster with two or more heads!! So pay attention to Nate on, how to grow on YouTube.

I didn’t even mention creating content for my website ! In fact, I met our guest today Nate Woodbury when he sent me a customized video telling me how he can make my website better.

I had received many sales pitches for creating a nicer website; but no one took the time to do a personalized pitch like Nate. So, I bought his website creation package and today I have a fabulous website that am proud of and a, YouTube, channel that is making me money.

But having a nice website is like having a pretty business card that you keep in your purse! The trick is to getting  traffic to that site. That is called, Digital Marketing!

I just recently attended a webinar and I learned a ton of information on, how to get traffic to your blog, and other traffic generation tools.

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TuneIn Radio

How to become a YouTube Celebrity with Competitive Intelligence 

One of the tools teaching, how to get traffic, to your website is to use a site called to check out what and how your competition is marketing and of course try to copy them. It is not illegal! That is why companies like Semrush exist!
E.G If you are on, YouTube, check out what the guy who is getting 1,000,000 views is doing and copy what you can.

Here is a guy Casey Neistat who uploads a video every day and has over 3,000,000 subscribers

When you log on Semrush, put in the URL of your competitor in the search bar and the information on your competitor comes up. The keywords that is working for them, the ADs they are running, what ADs are working for them. You can check our who is linking to their site and contact those sites to link to your site. Links are like votes. The more you have, the better chance you have of winning. But the most valuable information is keyword search because that is how you get traffic, by using the right keywords.

Now that I have wet your appetite for marketing, here is the main course Nate Woodbury.

Become a YouTube Celebrity On the best digital marketing platform

• Are you an Expert or influencer with a Message the world needs to hear? Are you tired of spending so much time online without seeing a significant return?

What would you do if you had 1,000,000 views on your YouTube Channel this year?
Not just views, but real, organic traffic, engaging views from people who most needed to hear you.

Well That’s what Nate does. He can take an expert like you and me, who is influencing the world for good, and turn you and me into a, YouTube celebrity. I’m in!
• Leave out the snootiness and paparazzi, but bring on the tribe of raving fans who admire you and me, crave our advice, and follow our council.

So if any of the following applies to you, then stick around and learn from the Best!
[1] Are you an Expert with a Message the world needs to hear?
[2] Do you want millions of views on your videos on, YouTube?
[3] Do you want people lining up in droves, for the privilege of working with you?

One more important question…
[4] Are you ready to work real hard for a year, and let momentum do the heavy lifting after that?

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Show Notes:

1. How did you become passionate about video?

I love, YouTube, because you can create a relationship with your viewers because video is very powerful.  It is very personable.

2 There are many social media channels. Why do you like, YouTube?

3 How does someone get 1,000,000 views on, YouTube? What is the process?

Question 4: What is your advice on crafting the perfect message and, how to grow on YouTube?

Question 5: You mention that the first year requires heavy lifting and after that the momentum will carry you forward.
What is considered heavy lifting to become a, YouTube Celebrity?

Question 6: How do you make a promotional video?

To listen to past recordings from the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast visit the Transform Your Mind YouTube channel

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