
Change Your Skincare Routine: Change Your Life


I started my, skincare routine, in my early 20’s after a modelling course that taught, skincare. I learned the main steps to a, skincare routine: cleanse, tone, moisturize.  This, skincare routine, has served me well.  I have skin that looks 20 years younger than my biological age.

Welcome to the Mindset Transformations Radio show and Podcast. My guest today is Esthetician Colleen Black. Colleen is the co-owner of the Integra Life Spa in Fort Myers, Fl and also my coachee. Colleen changes lives. She changes the way her clients look, they way they feel about themselves and the way they treat themselves with a, skincare routine.

How does your, skincare routine, change your life?

For beginners, we recommend starting with a basic four step, skincare routine. Cleanse, tone, moisturize, protect. Of course, this can be modified, and products can be added depending on your individual, skincare, needs. For example, if you’re struggling with acne, you may consider adding a, skincare routine, to reduce oil.  No matter the case, the core four steps remain as the foundation of a successful, skincare routine.

While it may be tempting to buy a lot of, skincare products, keeping your, skincare routine, simple will avoid overwhelming your skin. Plus, limiting your, skincare routine, can help you save money and avoid wasting products.

Why do we enjoy doing Skincare?

I enjoy taking care of my, skin, because I love luminous, skin.  Once of the first things I notice about someone is their, skin. I see clogged pores or skins badly in need of exfoliation.  My, skincare routine, includes exfoliating twice per day.

What steps can I take today to change my skin immediately?

The most important step is moisturize and protect your skin from sun damage.

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How can my skincare routine  put off aging?

Aging is a natural process. From career successes to newly found freedoms, maturing can definitely have its perks. The most visible effect of aging is reflected on our, skin. Whether you’re battling fine lines, dark spots, or sagging skin, there’s no denying that your, skin, is starting to change.

Before you invest in over-priced products to treat your, aging skin, first consider what steps are most essential for your, skincare regimen. Although the products you choose to incorporate will differ from person-to-person, we highlight an effective, anti aging skincare, routine.

Do facials make a difference in anti aging skincare?

Yes. Facials is an effective, anti aging skincare, regiment.

  • Laser Resurfacing, Anti-aging Skin, Treatments. Laser, also called light therapy is a form of anti aging treatment that uses light energy in repairing and regeneration of skin cells. …
  • Botox Injections. …
  • Microdermabrasion or Dermabrasion. …
  • Dermal Fillers For Aging Skin.
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What supplements improves aging skin?

  1. Collagen supplements. Collagen is a protein found in the skin’s connective tissues. …
  2. Retinol and retinoids. Retinol is a form of vitamin A. …
  3. Hyaluronic acid. …
  4. Genistein isoflavones. …
  5. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) …
  6. Witch hazel extract. …
  7. Cocoa flavanols. …
  8. Laser treatments.

What are the key steps that can make me 10 years younger?

When it comes to, anti-aging skincare, tips most suggestions revolve around taking steps to gradually prevent or reduce sun damage. But what if you want to look younger right away.  There are some makeup tips to remove age immediately.  Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to look more youthful and radiant that don’t require you to wait five years—or even five months. With just a few simple tweaks to your everyday, skincare, makeup and hair routine, you can shave years off your appearance without having to spend a fortune.

Tip of the week from Coach Myrna Except from the book “Grow Younger, Live Longer
Ten steps to Reverse aging by Deepak Chopra”

Steps to grow younger everyday

The mind and the body are interwoven. Changes in, skincare, which is the body, immediately changes the other.
Step 1: Reverse your biological age by changing your perception of your body and it’s aging.
Don’t go around saying that you are too old for this and you are too old for that.
If you feel young, you will act young and you will look younger.
I can tell you that I look and feel 15 years younger than my biological age!

Step 2: Give your body regular exercise.
Keep it moving 3 times per week in some form of aerobic exercise plus 20 mins strength training 3 times per week.

Step 3: Feed your body nutritious foods.

Step 4: Eliminate toxins from your body.
Your, skincare routine, should include deep cleansing facials, taking warm baths with Epson salts,
having relaxing massages and by drinking 2-3 liters of water per day

Step 5: Take nutritional supplements.
Vitamins are required to maintain health, some cannot be manufactured in the body.

Step 6: Mind and Body integration
Meditation plus yoga builds strength and flexibility

Step 7: Be Love

Love makes you feel young
Love reverses the aging process
Love transforms biology
Love makes you feel good.
Love heals!
Love is good for you!

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