How To Reset Your Nervous System with Mindfulness

In this blog post, Craig Goldberg, shares how mindfulness can help you reset your nervous system. By using, vibroacoustic therapy, you can achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness and calm your mind. If you're feeling stressed out or anxious, mindfulness combined with sound vibration can help you to reset your nervous system from the sympathetic response to, parasympathetic response.

This podcast episode will teach you some mindfulness hacks that shortcut the meditation process and reset your nervous system. After watching this video, you'll be able to reset your nervous system and feel more at peace using, vibroacoustic therapy.

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Reset your nervous system with Vibroacoustic Therapy

Myrna: My guest today is Craig Goldberg. Craig is a relaxation expert and we're going to be talking on the topic how to reset your nervous system with mindfulness. Mindfulness is big for me and that's one of the reasons I invited Craig on the show. 

I'm reading the book The Power of the Now by Eckhart Tolle so I am heavily into mindfulness.  Let me give you a brief intro. Craig Goldberg is a relaxation expert and technologist on a quest to help Humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound and vibration technology. He is a, vibroacoustic therapy, practitioner and his work is backed by 40 plus years of research showing the many benefits of this type of therapy.  

He is also a patented inventor constantly exploring new ways to use sound and vibration to help people reduce stress and anxiety, heal and transform their lives for the better. Craig is passionate about his work and truly believes in its ability to provide a path towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Mindfulness and vibroacoustic therapy

I started off by saying I'm very much into mindfulness. I've had lots of guests on the show talking about mindfulness. I've had lots of guests in the show talk about meditation and the nervous system but I've never had a guest that talked about combining vibration and, Vibroacoustic therapy. Craig can you share your journey into this path and how did you marry the two disciplines together. 

Craig: I'm a club kid from New York City, that means I like standing in front of a stack of speakers and feeling the bass all night. When I was a kid and that translated into electronic music and dance and house music and melodic house and that sort of thing. I love feeling the music and and I think that resonates with just about everybody on the planet.  

The technology that's inside our furniture is called a tactile transducer otherwise known as a base Shaker inside there is a magnet that magnet is oscillating back and forth a certain number of oscillations per second is a certain hertz frequency so 20 Hertz oscillates that magnet 20 times per second.  It creates vibration, that vibration transfers directly to your body. There's an entire body of research that guides and talks about this technology. A gentleman by the name of Olaf's began to research specific frequencies and their impact on our body on our physiology, on our Neurology, on our Anatomy, and on our organs.

 What he found is that specifically focusing on 30 Hertz to 120 hertz has a profound impact to calm and relax the nervous system to send messages to every muscle in the body telling it to relax to increase lymphatic drainage, to increase or decrease recovery time, increase our ability to recover faster between workouts. So I  found this Magic Carpet Ride if you will in this sound lounge and I became absolutely enamored. The human ear picks up frequencies between 20 Hertz and 20 000 Hertz so 20 000 Hertz obviously being very much on the High Spectrum.

How vibroacoustic therapy works

Vibroacoustic therapy, focuses on 30 Hertz to 120 hertz to further dial that in, that subwoofer that you have in your home stereo system is typically 80 Hertz and below so we're talking about very low frequencies.  We're talking about bass, we're talking about vibration.  In fact once you get above 100 Hertz you're no longer feeling that frequency, you are hearing it and the reason we feel it is because of these mechanoreceptors that are in our skin that send triggers to the to the brain and that's actually the mechanism of action that's how, vibroacoustic therapy, works.

Vibroacoustic is vibration and sound vibro vibration acoustic is sound so this body of research, vibroacoustic therapy, is really just talking about vibration and sound and its impact on our body.  What we found over the last six years of doing this is that when we start doing brain tests brainwave entrainment tests that music harmonizes the brain and brings you into that meditative state, that alpha or Theta brainwave State and has a profound impact on the rest of your body.  We teach people how to meditate through sound and vibration, we teach them by guiding or distracting their brain by the music.  So our music is very specifically made, it has deep bass notes that are drawn out these long drone notes that entrains the body.

Myrna: Let's talk about the difference between mindfulness and, mindfulness meditation, and meditation  because I think they're three different things. 

Craig:  Mindfulness for me  is simply the practice of being mindful of being aware of the impact that your persona, your physical body is having on the world around you.  Now meditation for me  is slowing down,  it's allowing the thoughts to flow through.  Just allowing the thoughts to flow through your head that means that your your brain is always thinking.  This was a big aha moment for me, your brain doesn't know how to do anything else except think; so the thoughts are always going to be there. 

When I first set out to meditate, I thought it was like clear your mind, think of nothing and now I'm just thinking about thinking of nothing and then all the stuff I want to think about starts to come in and it's just one big distraction. No meditation is about just allowing the thoughts to flow, you want to dwell on something and see it through by all means do it.  

Mindfulness meditation and sound vibration

Mindfulness meditation, which could be staring at a flame, it could be a mantra or something that you're repeating, it could be an “I am” statement two most powerful words in the English language. I am because whatever follows it you are.  I am powerful, I am strong, I am loved, I am safe, brought up a little emotion.  These are really powerful and a great mantra for you to come back to to remind the brain that you are all these amazing things. 

So, mindfulness meditation, is where our music meditations fall in because sound and vibration is guiding Your Body Mind and Spirit.  It is distracting your mind and guiding your mind so your mind is focusing on that meditation.  I equate that very much to a mantra or to a staring at a flame or listening to a, guided meditation.  I see, mindfulness meditation, as a whole it becomes really powerful.  

Myrna: When you talk about mindfulness,  I have a different word for that.  For instance, I do a, mindfulness meditation, that's only 10 minutes but it's powerful.  It's talking about can you feel the blood pumping through your veins, do you feel the temperature of the room,  do you feel how your body presses into the seat. 

Craig:  I mentioned as part of, mindfulness meditation, 100 so there's a part of our brain called the reticular activator system and it's what filters out the world if you will our brain processes four billion stimuli per second, the unconscious mind four billion stimuli per second, the conscious mind four!  Since our conscious brain can only handle four things at once, it blocks out the other three billion 996 000. I'll give you a great example, you're shopping for a Ford pickup truck and all of a sudden you see Ford pickup trucks everywhere. 

A mindfulness meditation

So, mindfulness meditation, helps you to break down that barrier.  We don't walk around feeling your clothing but when you are doing, mindfulness meditation, you become aware of the brush of clothing against your skin or the blood coursing through your veins. 

 When I'm doing, mindfulness meditation, on my, meditation cushion, or, sound lounge, there are two tactile transducers and the headphones are plugged into the amplifier that's in the back so the vibrations are coming straight up your back, so you're listening to the same things that you're feeling and this creates a three-dimensional fully immersive sound experience that makes you feel as though you're inside the music. 

This creates that mild stress that triggers the chemical cascades associated with calm and relax.  We are literally shaking every single cell in your body and your body reacts to that by releasing different hormones like serotonin and dopamine.  Our sound lounge is a mattress that you lay on, there's a base that's underneath the two and the amplifiers. 

There's four tactile transducers inside that bed and it feels like you're on a rocket ship.  I call it the Magic Carpet Ride and then we have a third product which is designed specifically for massage therapy to add vibro acoustic therapy or vibration therapy to massage. Chiropractic acupuncture acupressure is a very soothing and beautiful experience. 

Myrna: I definitely gonna gonna try your app and start meditating with it.  Tell us about your company, we've talked about the, meditation cushion, and sound lounge, tell us about your YouTube channel and where people can find you on social media. 

Vibroacoustic sound meditation

Craig: I'm really about optimal Human Performance, I'm really about human optimization and all that is is a fancy word for giving you the best opportunity to be the best possible human being every single day. I want high levels of energy, I want high levels of focus, I want to be a great father, I want to be a great leader in my community, I want to give back.  In order to do that, I need strength, I need energy, I need brain capacity. I need all these different things and I'm on a mission to teach people exactly how they can get the most out of life, how they can squeeze the most juice out of that orange and really captivate and move mountains.

 For me, vibroacoustic therapy, is a big part of that so we've built obviously an entire business around that called In Harmony Interactive. I understand that our products are an investment. We want more and more people to have access to this technology which is why the app is so accessible and so approachable.  You'll find us on all the socials media sites, our website is 

Myrna: I love  the vibration and the music tie to meditation and mindfulness.

Additional Resources

Mindfulness: Training Your Mind to Be Present



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