Natalie Holbrook, intuitive Astrologer shares how to use your birthday to understand your astrological signs. She pulled my, astrology, chart and my Sun was in the first house, and my moon was in Libra. The first house is all about, personal development, which means I am doing what I am supposed to do.
Also, my Venus is in Scorpio, which is all about, transformation. And what I do as a, Life coach, is all about transformation!
We can pull our, astrology, charts to confirm our career choices or understand why it is not working for us.
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What is Your Astrology Birth Chart
Myrna: You said that after pulling your, astrology, chart, you realized that you had found your, purpose. Why was that immediate?
Natalie: It was it was kind of like a spiritual rebirth to be honest because I just heard this podcast and I heard about the, loneliness, piece and, loneliness, and I had always had this experience of even if I would be surrounded by friends, I still felt, loneliness. I think I was even dating someone at the time and still felt, lonely. From the outside you’d be like, this person’s not, lonely. And I didn’t feel like I should but there was something within me that was like, why do I always have this?
And so, then when I learned that, loneliness, was part of my, birth chart, it was almost this validation of like, oh, this is actually just something I’m supposed to learn from my entire life. I don’t have to actually attach to oh, I’m lonely or oh, I’m sad because of it. I experienced, loneliness. And then because I experienced it, I get to help other people who experienced it, you know, and we can talk about it. It’s kind of like, if you have shame about something and you talk about it, it helps it to go away.
But then when I also learned from my, astrology, chart, a couple of other things that were so critical for me. One of them was learning my, moon sign, and we’re going to talk all about your, moon sign. We’re going to talk about, moon sign, because we have the, sun sign, which is our birthday. You’re a, Taurus, I’m actually a, Taurus, too, so we definitely bonded on that.
Myrna: Yes, I think there was an immediate connection when we met on video.
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Your Astrology moon sign shows your emotions
Natalie: Your, moon sign, is what you feel on the inside. It’s your emotions. It’s how you think. It’s the kind of stress level that your body runs on. And I learned that mine is a, Gemini moon, and, Gemini, is the spectrum of black and white Yin and Yang. You kind of want to dabble in everything. Sometimes people will call it a jack of all trades, master of none. I wanted to study everything and sometimes I was really extroverted and sometimes I was really introverted. And so that also really helped me to understand myself.
And the final piece that was so crucial for me as well was to learn that I’m something called a, Leo rising. So, the rising sign is what your soul is ascending into in this lifetime. That’s what we’re really rising and learning how to be more like, and it’s also what people see of us when they first meet us. And so, when I learned that about, Leo, that kind of gave me this feeling of confirmation. Because my whole life, I wanted to work in entertainment, whether that was film or directing or documentaries, or maybe even doing podcasts like this, you know, something where I was in the public.
And so, once I learned that, it helped to reassure me. Hey, you are here to do something with fun and performance and entertaining and being seen. And that really helps me to step more into, purpose, rather than being afraid or shutting down those dreams.
Myrna: That’s amazing. All right. So, let’s get back to this day when you learnt about your full expression. So, you learned to pull your, birth chart, and then you saw that it made sense that your, moon, and, Leo rising. How did it come together?
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Astrology shows your purpose
Natalie: I think because I was already feeling all of that in my heart and my body and my soul, that it was almost like you said, this information, was validation. And the thing that’s really cool about, astrology, is that you kind of know, one, purpose, might be being a wife, one, purpose, might be, having a business or being a mother or just making people laugh on a day-to-day basis. It can be all of these different things. And it’s the combination of all of that makes you and really is the essence of you.
Myrna: That’s good. That’s true. Our soul has many purposes. As a, Life coach, I teach, purpose, as well. I tell people that they’re not really fulfilled unless they’re living their, purpose, and it’s very true. But people always think that their, purpose, is a big thing. You know that they have to change the world in some way. And I’ve learned that your, purpose, can be just like you said, to be a wife or to be a mother or to be a support for somebody. It doesn’t always have to be like an Elon Musk.
Natalie: Yeah, well, I think that there’s so many roles that we take that sometimes we even forget that we’re taking that role, you know, it’s like being a good best friend who picks up the phone and listens, that is something that we even see in the, birth chart. You’re going to be someone who’s really empathetic or if you’re someone who’s a little narcissistic.
We can kind of see these little hints in here. Your, soul, really wanted to shine in in this lifetime, and one of the really fun ways. Everyone who’s listening can actually know their, soul’s purpose. So, for you being a, Taurus, when you pull your, astrology, chart, and you can go to my website, to pull your chart for free.
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The Sun in the first house: Astrology
And you’ll see that your Sun is in what’s called a house and the house there are these little triangles in the chart and the chart is a circle and it’s broken up into 12 Pizza slices, let’s say little triangles. And whatever house that Sun is in, they’re showing where you directly shine. And so, for you, Myrna yours shines in the first house, and the first house is the house of you’re going to just be like, of course, personal development.
It’s about you learning what is your path, and then it’s also about the physical body. So, if you’ve been on a journey of health or with fitness or you know how it is that you even perceive yourself. That’s a really big once you were really having to say I transformed from who I once was, to who I am now, and probably becoming many different iterations of that in between.
Myrna: That’s amazing. I was born in Guyana. Guyana is a third world country and very poor and I was born in poverty, then abused of the child. So yes, my story is that I transformed myself from that into what I do today, and I’ve always been into, personal development. You know, my thing when I was growing up was, CANI which is constant and never-ending improvement. So, which is why when I saw the word life coach, I immediately felt it was my calling. And I’ve also been in fitness, I used to run track as well as the long jump in high school.
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The moon sign in astrology
Natalie: So, then we can see the whole, astrology, chart and we see your moon. And now this is going to be funny to you too and make so much sense because your moon is in, Libra, and Libra is the sign all about partnerships, and partnerships. And it can be kind of two ways where it’s like partnership of you and your romantic partner, you and a close friend, you and a group of people, or even doing a podcast is one of the most, Libra, because it’s the two of us having an intimate conversation where other people are listening. So that’s all about Libra. Now, Libra, also is very good at business and very good at negotiations and sales.
Because, Libras, also very charismatic, it knows how to read people. It’s almost like it knows how quote unquote should be. And so, it can step into that character, and it’s an Air sign so, Taurus, is an earth sign so it makes you very grounded and people see you as grounded. So that’s your, moon sign.
Myrna: That’s really my, purpose, is to be a good interviewer. I thought I got my listening skills from my coaching training, because as a coach, they teach you to learn to listen and dial in and pick up things that the person is not saying. But you can see from their body language and the reactions. So, I know that I’m a great Interviewer because I actually dial in to who I’m interviewing, and everybody says, you ask some really good questions. That’s because I’m dialed in. But what you’re saying I was born this way.
That’s amazing, everybody likes to hear that they’re on purpose and they’re doing is what they’re supposed to do.
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Using astrology to understand your career
Alright, let’s go back to, astrology, for a minute. You said that you were embodying your, Gemini moon, being very curious, having lots of passions, and having to try out a few different careers before finding the one. So how can listeners use, astrology, to guide their careers? Let’s touch a minute and talk about the, Libra, reading, because again, that’s right on point. And when I was growing up, all my friends were, Libras.
What is my, Libra? How does that help me with my, career, since my moon is in Libra.
Natalie: So, it’s really important to always know what we call your big three. So, your Sun is your character, your moon is your emotion. So, think of that. It’s like what you feel it’s almost like your insides your core is a, Libra.
Me as a, Tauras, I get along really well because we’re ruled by, Venus. We love art and beauty, and we notice the little things.
Myrna: So, for someone that’s listening, and they pull their, birth chart, and their Sun is in Aquarius and their, moon, is in Pisces or something like that. Would that tell them about what they’re supposed to do with their lives? What their soul is aspiring to do or what they’re supposed to do it as far as careers?
Natalie: Yeah, so there’s a couple of other planets that I want to pull in about, career, because, moon, is really what you need to take down so we can stay with you for your lives and really, you need to feel connection with people you know, in your job. If you were just working analyzing data all in a room by yourself, you would die, you would feel so isolated. I have all these gifts; I need to talk to people I need to connect with people. You know, for me, for example, as a, Gemini Moon, I need to have a lot of variety.
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Gemini need variety
So, for me every single day is different, every client session I do every, birth chart, reading it’s all different. So, I’m able to really thrive on that because, Gemini, is all about variety. And so, with that we could go through all the signs and say kind of whatever person would need, but also a thing that’s really good to look at on the chart is to see where there’s is well two things that are really good one is to say, where’s your, Venus’s sign, because, Venus, is how you’re going to make money. So, we can be on our, purpose, but we also want to say, how can I get paid for this?
And for me, my, Venus, is actually also in, Gemini, so the more that I talk to people connect to people do a variety of things. That’s also how I get to thrive. So, you want to look at your Venus sign as well. And then the other piece of this that’s really important is to look at the planet, Jupiter. Jupiter, is where we have our expansion. So, like I was saying or like read, but mine isn’t that, Pisces, science.
Yours is in, Scorpio. And where we have Jupiter, a lot of people are a lot of astrologers will say that, Jupiter, is like the Santa Claus of the Zodiac because it brings us gifts like that’s what our gifts are in. And so, for you being in Scorpio, it is all about, transformation. And what do you do as a, Life coach, is all about transformation.
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Scorpio in astrology is about transformation
Myrna; Thank goodness, transformation. You know that word just popped into my psyche one day, and my original show was supposed to be called, mindset transformation. But when I when I uploaded it to iTunes, but it was too long, and then I changed it to, transform your mind. But, transformation, is the main topic of the show. Astrology is amazing.
Natalie: Yeah, it’s all about, transformation. And then on top of that, it’s in the seventh house, which is to have the relationships so you’re transforming people through your relationship with them.
And, Scorpio, is also very powerful. Scorpio, I like to call it the alchemist in the mystic because it’s almost like you’re able to turn anything that one might have looked at garbage or a very difficult kind of breaking point a lot of, Scorpio, energy it has to hit rock bottom. And you know, you talked about how you went from poverty in Guyana to abundance in America.
Myrna: What is Psych-K and how do you help others heal through it?
Using Psych-K Astrology to heal others
Natalie: It’s almost like the chart, it’s like a treasure map. So, with psych K, this incredible modality that basically uses muscle testing in order for us to test out what is something that you believe so for example, we could see in your, birth chart, you are a, Libra moon. That may be one of the shadows or there could have been some level of codependency in your life or that maybe people were codependent upon you or something that’s maybe in the shadow side of relationships. Does that resonate at all?
Myrna: Well, I was never codependent, but people probably were codependent on me. It was always an independent a woman.
Natalie: And so, we could say something, or we could even use like transformation. Like there’s, there’s all these things that we can see in your, birth chart, that will show us something, some type of belief that potentially may not be a healthy belief. And then we use an affirmation or a goal statement. So, let’s say a lot of people’s belief is I am not enough, or I am not worthy, or I am not worthy of love. I am not worthy of money. And so, then we would talk a little bit about that, we could see in your, birth chart, why you feel this way?
And then what we do is, we actually will muscle test and we can do this virtually where my subconscious will ask you you’re whoever my client is, and I’m working with their subconscious for permission to muscle tests on their behalf. And I know it sounds very woowoo, but it actually is very scientific. Hey, it’s just our subconscious saying, Can I do this for you?
And so typically, then we’ll muscle test and we’ll get a positive or a negative or a strong or a weak and then the person will move through living outside experience and saying, you know, I am worthy, or I am enough. And then the G is a school that was held live last year and now people can buy the tape for replay, and you can learn how to read your own, birth chart.
And we go in depth into all of the planets, all of the signs, all of the houses, everything that we talked about, so that you can really start to piece together everything and with the school if you were to purchase it online, there’s also an option to get, additional sessions and help from me so that you can we can really go deep into your, birth chart.
My podcast is, the cosmic Earth podcast. We do the same thing where I will talk about once a week about what’s going on into cosmos and then have amazing guests on like yourself to talk about what else is happening there and how to read their, astrology, chart.
Check out your Birth Chart and anything you want to know about, astrology, on Natalie website: