Soulmates and twin flames

Unlocking Twin Flames and Soulmates: The Path to True Love

Life coach Myrna Young sits down with psychic medium June Edward to explore how discovering your soul’s plan, either karmic, soulmates, or twin flames. And how  transforming your energy can save your relationships. Discover the power of self-worth, trust, unconditional love, balance, and patience, and learn how these elements impact your interactions with soulmates.

June shares her near-death experience, insights on karmic ties, soulmates, and twin flames, and the crucial role of energy vibrations. Dive into relationship mastery and understand how to attract and maintain healthy, loving connections. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion that promises to elevate your understanding of love and energy.

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Key Takeaways

  • Understand Your Soul’s Plan: Every relationship serves a purpose, whether karmic, soulmates, or twin flame. Each type teaches valuable life lessons.

  • Elevate Your Vibration: Meditating, practicing unconditional love, and working with angels can help shift your energy to attract and sustain healthier relationships.

  • Master Life’s Lessons: Self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money in balance, and patience are crucial lessons that can help you thrive in soulmates relationship.

Welcome to a journey where the metaphysical meets the practical. Today, we’re exploring how to change your energy to save your relationships by diving into insights shared by June Edward, a psychic medium and author. This discussion sheds light on how you can transform your energy, understand the nature of your relationships, and align with your soul’s plan to craft a joyous and balanced life.

The Power of Your Soul’s Plan and Soulmates

Understanding your soul’s plan is paramount to comprehending why certain relationships enter and exit your life. June Edward eloquently explains that “we planned this life before we came here.” Knowing this, consider every person who crosses your path as part of a pre-designed masterplan filled with valuable lessons.

June defines three types of relationships—karmic, soulmates, and twin flames—each with its unique purpose.

  • Karmic Relationships: These are learning platforms. You’ll recognize them as they often feel unsettling; you’re always “looking over your shoulder, waiting for the shoe to drop.” They end the moment the intended lesson is learned.

  • Soulmate Relationships: These relationships offer comfort, love, and learning. “Anybody can be your soulmate, your dog can be your soulmate.” soulmates are written into your soul’s plan.

  • Twin Flame Relationships: The concept of twin flames is deeply spiritual and less common. These relationships are intensely passionate but brief, serving to propel your higher purpose. Twin Flames Universe is a good place to learn more.

These insights serve as a framework to understand that not all relationships are meant to last forever but are integral to your soul’s growth. This comprehension alone can bring peace and clarity.

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Elevate Your Vibration to Attract Soulmates

Shifting your energy is vital for attracting and maintaining soulmates relationship. June discusses practical ways to raise your vibration, emphasizing the importance of energy work such as meditation and engagement with the angelic realm.

  • Meditation as a Keystone: “The fastest way to raise your vibration, the highest, would be to meditate and get in touch with your soul.” Meditation opens a channel to the fifth dimension, creating a deep, high-frequency connection that can attract positivity into your life.

  • The Role of Angels: Angels, existing as a separate race created to help us, are pivotal. “You have to ask them, and when I first started doing this work, I felt guilty or not worthy to call on Archangel Michael to protect me.” Acknowledging and working with angels like Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel can dramatically enhance your energetic field.

June recounts a powerful story of a woman who went through her Relationship Mastery Program. Initially struggling, she made a transformative vibrational shift through the program, eventually attracting multiple marriage proposals, including one from the father of her child who was previously hesitant.

This illustrates the practical impact of energy work—not just for romantic relationships but also for attracting any positive outcomes in life.

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Master the Five Essential Life Lessons

To foster unity and love, mastering five essential life lessons is crucial. June lays these out as self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money in balance, and patience.

  • Self-Worth: Recognize your worth as the unique being you are. “Understanding that you are so important that you are the only one of you in this entire universe.” This is not about vanity but about recognizing your inherent value to attract equally high-valued experiences and individuals.

  • Trust and Communication: Effective communication and sincere trust form the backbone of any stable relationship. “You have to be able to learn how to communicate your wants and your needs to the other people in your life.”

  • Unconditional Love: True love involves both loving yourself unconditionally and extending that love to others, even when relationships end. This ties back to understanding your self-worth and recognizing that moving away can sometimes be an act of love.

  • Money in Balance: Financial health reflects your life’s balance. “Money is energy; that’s why it’s called currency.” Learning to manage this energy rightly affects overall harmony.

  • Patience: Lessons and blessings come in divine timing, not always when we expect them. “Patience is very difficult for people because we live in a world of instant gratification.”

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These lessons serve as a guide to navigating not just soulmate relationships but all life’s interactions and choices.

Your relationships and life path reflect your energy and the lessons you’re destined to learn. Understanding the types of relationships and their purposes can provide clarity and direction. Learning to elevate your energy through meditation, engaging with the angelic realm, and mastering essential life lessons can profoundly transform your interpersonal connections.

Remember, “love is the highest vibration.” Practicing love, self-worth, and patience can make you a magnet for positive, nurturing soulmates relationship.

June Edward’s insights, from her near-death experiences to her practical strategies, offer a valuable roadmap for anyone seeking to improve their relationships and align with their soul’s higher purpose. By following these teachings, you can transform your energy, attract what you seek, and achieve a balanced, fulfilled life.

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