Medical intuitive readings, connect with, spirit, to helps people find the find cause of their symptoms, so they can heal, thrive and become stress free.
In this episode of the Transform your Mind podcast, Coach Myrna interviews, Christine Lang, Medical intuitive and Psychic. Christine interacts with, spirit, through, medical intuitive readings, to understand what your spirit is telling you through symptoms.
Introduction Medical Intuitive Readings
Christine How did you Start, medical intuitive readings, and hearing from Spirit coming from a law background?
I know it’s not your typical path for a lawyer to take that’s for sure. When I was in law School, I started developing allergies, not asthma, but upper respiratory, runny nose, sneezing, constantly eyes watering, and it was before the days of allergy medications that were non drowsiness, so my two options back in those days were to take Benadryl and then drink diet coke all day to stay awake in my law school classes.
So as soon as I graduated law school, I embarked on this study to figure out a cure for my allergies. I made the connection between higher stress levels and worsening allergy symptoms.
To deal with my stress levels, I started meditating, doing yoga and Tai Chi to slow down my mind, and then I learned to do some energy healing from a Yoga practitioner.
Before long, I was offering my friends energy treatments. I started to notice that before I gave these treatments, I would know things about their physical symptoms that I shouldn’t have known. I was hearing a voice. After the third time hearing this voice, I went upstairs to my room and sat down on my meditation cushion and said “Who am I talking to?” and my spirit said “Welcome Home! this is who you came here to be.”
Hearing from the Spirit as a, Psychic
I just started crying. She said I’m going to start teaching you and she started showing me how the body works. She said “this is what the body feels like when there’s blood pressure medication in it, this is what the kidneys feel like when diabetes is starting.”
She just started teaching me the connection between how we internalize our stress and create weak areas in the body, and how our, spirit, uses our body like a giant answering machine, leaving us messages all the time. That was the start of my, medical intuitive readings, practice.
She taught me how to raise my energy level even higher and hear the other person’s, spirit, so now when I sit in a, medical intuitive readings, session, I hear my, spirit, and then I also hear the other person’s, spirit.
Your, spirit, is your soul, your essence, your divine essence. Some people call it your higher self. Whatever you call it, it’s been with you from the beginning and knows your whole story.
Explain the, spirit, body and how it communicates with symptoms in a, medical intuitive reading, session?
Our, spirit, is communicating with us constantly, it’s a constant stream of communication. Your, spirits’, first preference on how she wants to communicate with you is through your feelings.
We get feelings and feedback from our, spirit, all day long; but in our culture we were taught not to pay attention to our feelings. From kindergarten through college we are taught to suppress our feelings and only rely on our mind and what’s logical.
So your, spirit, will send you these feelings and emotions which we usually push down and ignore. Then our, spirit, start speaking to us through our body because that’s something that will get our attention. Still a lot of people ignore, that is where I come in. In my, medical intuitive readings, I communicate directly with, spirit, and receive the message for my client.
What are some common symptoms that you find in your, medical intuitive readings, that our, spirit, uses to get our attention?
I would say the most common symptom I see is people with stomach issues; Acid Reflux or other digestive issues. Your stomach areas is where we tend to store stress that relates to how you see yourself and how you think other people see you. So when we’re having trouble with how we think we’re being perceived, we’re likely to have insecurities that leads to get some sort of digestive upset stomach.
People say things like, ever since I lost my job I had food allergies and an upset stomach. I had acid reflux and GERD. They are having trouble digesting life and so those are the symptoms that kind of alert you that it’s time to get quiet and still and do some meditation or do some journaling. Something’s to help you make peace with where you are now, so that you can get your power back. Your sense of empowerment to move forward.
Another common symptom is throat issues. For example every time they get sick they lose their voice, they’re always clearing their throat, have a lot of post nasal trap, or have laryngitis a lot. These symptoms are the spirit sending the message of fear. Fear of speaking their truth, either because when they were young they were you know told to be quiet all the time or they got in trouble if they said the wrong thing. It could be that they’re in a romantic relationship or a situation at work where if they speak their truth, they get punished. I pick up these things in my, medical intuitive readings,
Download to listen to the entire interview and get a road-map to your symptoms and what your, spirit, is trying to tell you.
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Christine Lang is a world-renowned energy healer and medical intuitive. She has dedicated her life to assisting people in their journey toward self-healing and empowerment. She does this by helping them understand the ways their bodies absorb stress and negative energies. Over the years, her spiritual healing has guided people toward healthier relationships, helped reduce self-judgment and allowed people to find peace and forgiveness in their lives. She is also the author of The Body Whisperer: Your Symptoms Tell Me Your Truth.
Have you been FUMBLING IN THE DARK to find the RIGHT SOLUTION for a chronic health condition?
Do you go back and forth between western and traditional medicine … managing “symptoms,” but never finding relief from the condition that keeps you from experiencing your fullest health potential?
Well, the answer is simple. On a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level there is something going on inside of you. An energetic imbalance may be manifesting on the physical level … or, a physical issue like toxicity is causing you mental and emotional stress.
For example: if you are chronically emotionally stressed about your job, a relationship or something else, the stress shuts off your body’s healing response and holds you in a ‘fight or flight response.’ When locked in a ‘fight or flight response’ the following symptoms often occur:
Abdominal weight gain & difficulty losing weight
Reduced muscle mass with increased fat storage
Premature aging
Weak immune system with slow wound healing
Difficulty coping with stress, feeling overwhelmed