The law of attraction allows us to turn our, positive thoughts, into things. Thoughts become things, when they are given substance with feelings in the mind.

Here is a story: Turning positive thoughts into things:

Let’s say you are a computer student in an age when computers are just being born. You are looking through a magazine one day and you see an AD for a “build your own computer kit.”  An idea or thought seed is planted in your brain. ” If I am the first to build my own computer, then maybe I can sell it at school and turn this, thought into things, that would create me wealth!”

This thought seed gives you a feeling of euphoria! (By the way this is how you test if an idea is in line with your purpose. It must make you feel good)

Now must of us, you and me, when we get our thought seeds, the good ones light us up, the bad ones get no reaction; but then common sense (that is what we call the negative voice in our heads) tells us that our idea is not realistic.

“God does not operate in the realistic realm”

If you believe your, thoughts will become things. The reality is, you are just learning computers, you are not a graduate, you are just starting out. But You go ahead and buy this kit and then you go find a partner who knows a little more about building computers than you. (the time is always now!)

You are the visionary; you hire the technical people to work the vision! It takes too long to learn specialized knowledge! So purchase it if you need to.

The two of you build this computer and then you realize that you have to create software to run this thing. So you and your technical Guru create Dos!

Planting your Positive Thoughts Seeds

That my friend is how thought seeds are planted and watered to yield wealth! Yes, thoughts become things.

Bill Gates as It turned out had perfect timing. When he created DOS, he was the first to get a contract. If he had waited another semester, he would not have been the first and the history books would read differently. But today it reads that Bill Gates got the contract to put his operating system in every computer sold, making him the one of the richest men in the world today and proving that, thoughts become things.

What do you do with your, positive thoughts,  seeds?. Are you like the farmer from the scriptures? Do you sow some of them on rocks? Where the winds of negativity from your friends and family telling you your idea would never work blows your seed away? Learn discernment. You have to know you. You have to know when a thought seed is in line with your purpose. You can tell from paying attention to how your body reacts to the thought seed.

So when you have a thought seed or a vision that excites you, plant it in the ground, cover it up, and water daily until it become a fruit bearing tree.

If you consume it, eat it, leave it sitting on a self, and don’t plant it; it will never bear fruit. 

Hire a coach to turn your Positive Thoughts into things

Micheal Jordan’s thought seed was to be the best basketball player of all time. So he hired a coach and every summer he practiced and mastered one skill. He planted this, positive thoughts,  seed and then he watered it daily with practice until it produced fruit. His, positive thoughts,  was to be the best in the world in Basketball and he did;  positive thoughts,  become positive things.

You too can turn that dream into reality. Hire a coach and design action steps that will bear fruit. Invest in yourself. Don’t eat all your seed!

Thoughts become things, when they are given substance with feelings in the Mind.

Thoughts are the DNA of the Universe. They contain the information that gives form to our physical life experience. Without feeling or substance, we would not be able to perceive the thought forms in our Mind.

The feelings we use to give substance to the thoughts in our Mind come from one of two sources: fear or Love.

Positive Thoughts,  that are given substance with fear based feelings such as anger, frustration or anxiety, will become things (physical life experience) that we experience as “negative” or “bad”.

Positive Thoughts,  given substance with Love based feelings such as gratitude, peace, happiness and well being, will become things we experience as “positive” and “good”.

What you think about, you bring about. If you think negative, that is what will show up.  If you think, positive thoughts, that is what will show up.  Be aware that all, thoughts become things,

When we give substance to the thought form of money with fear based feelings we create physical life experiences involving money that are also given substance with feelings of anger, frustration and anxiety. It doesn’t matter how much money we have or don’t have, it will never feel like it’s enough. Or we might get rid of it because it feels evil to us.

If you Believe then you engage the Law of Attraction

So think and believe, that your, positive thoughts, will become things.

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