Dr Stephen Lewis says everything begins in the gut. We have to use, nutritional supplements, because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted.
In this episode of the Health is Wealth series. I interview Dr Stephen Lewis. Dr Lewis is the founder of Green Wisdom Health, a company that helps clients achieve optimum health by utilizing extensive, but low cost lab work.
Tell us your journey Dr Lewis to becoming the founder of Green Wisdom Health.
Achieving optimum health with Nutritional Supplements
My daddy died when he was 53 years old and I was 15 years old. It was devastating. I felt that it was something that now I could fix real well with, nutritional supplements, even though according to the FDA, nutritional supplements, does not cure anything!
But today I have been able to put off Dementia in my mother for 25-30 years through the use of, nutritional supplements, We prevented her bones from becoming brittle and easily fractured. You couldn’t make her fracture a bone at her age because she takes, nutritional supplements, My mother was almost 96 years old when she died because of, nutritional supplements,
As a Doctor, I was always more into nutrition than most common practice. We started doing low-cost lab work and was able to determine a whole lot of what’s was going on in the body.
For example. My daddy died at 53, nutritional supplements, might have allowed him to live longer. He had ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome. Nutritional supplements, do an incredible job at stopping the leaky gut.
Everything begins in the gut. I tell people they have to use, nutritional supplements, because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted. There is even a Senate document that states that our foods are devoid of almost all nutrients and that was in 1936! Imagine what it will be today.
There’s no nutrients in the soil. People who spend a lot of money for organic is wasting their money. Organic is an improvement only.
How the Thyroid processes nutritional supplements
If the Thyroid is not working correctly, nothing in the body is going to work like it should.
The Thyroid is incredibly important, it has a lot to do with whether you’re stressed, have anxiety or depression. It has a lot to do with how your hormones are doing. It has a lot to do with your digestion or lack of digestion. How your heart beats etc.
So in my book “The Thyroid Sniper” I list a pretty well-rounded list of the different vitamins and the different minerals and amino acids that can be found in certain, nutritional supplements, that gives you optimum health.
How the proper nutritional supplements help us return to optimal health
The proper, nutritional supplements, help us return to optimum health because there is no way we can eat enough to get enough of the nutrients we need in our body, for example just magnesium alone. There’s no way to get enough magnesium out of your diet. Even our government says that we’re about 94% deficient in magnesium. But magnesium can help depression, because it facilitates over 300 different enzyme reactions and it also is good for the heart. It helps many people with arrhythmia, it helps lower blood pressure. You can’t get enough of it out of your diet.
You may also have a B12 deficiency and most, nutritional supplements, out there will have B12 in it; but it will be the wrong kind so your body cannot convert it. Our bodies also don’t make enough digestive enzymes. I can tell you, if your proteins are low and if your alkaline phosphate is low, and if your globulin is low or high, then that points to gastro intestinal inflammation. Keep in mind every disease has a root cause and the GI tract is always part of the equation. If you fix your digestion with digestive enzymes and, nutritional supplements, then you can break your food down and not create, Leaky Gut.
Probiotics is a nutritional supplements
Probiotics is the new big study. We have about ten times more microorganisms than we have cells in our body, so taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement is a must. Generally people will start feeling better mentally, they will have more energy, they’ll have more restful sleep, they’ll say, I don’t know why but my depression went away. That is the power of taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement.

I’ve been taking, nutritional supplements, for a very long time and yeah I’ve got a pharmacy! but I’ve heard people say things like, nutritional supplements, are a waste of time because you are just going to pee them out. All you are doing is having very expensive urine!
Your body takes what it needs and excretes the rest, that is why I do very inexpensive lab work for my clients to find out what their body is missing and then I will give them the, nutritional supplements, their body needs so as not to have expensive urine.
Most nutritional experts will agree on five, nutritional supplements, that everybody needs:
- You need a good multivitamin,
- a good probiotic,
- you need a digestive enzyme,
- you need fish oil
- and you need fiber.
I don’t really agree with the fiber, if you eat enough really good vegetables you don’t need fiber as a, nutritional supplement, but I think vitamin D should be thrown in there. It’s incredibly important and you cannot convert enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D.
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Dr. Stephen Lewis company is Green Wisdom Health, head over to his website https://www.greenwisdomhealth.com/ fill out a health survey, it’s a brief survey and it will suggest the suggested lab work. When I get the health survey back, either myself or Janet, my partner will call you and send you a link where you schedule a Free 30-minute consultation with me. At which point I’ll email you a functional nutritional report with a list of recommended, nutritional supplements,
So check out Green Wisdom Health and start using the proper, nutritional supplements,
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Additional Resources:
How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating