Brain scans have revealed that when your mind wanders, it switches into autopilot brain mode, enabling you to carry on doing tasks quickly, accurately and without conscious thought. Our, autopilot brain, mode seems to be run by a set of brain structures called the default mode network or, autopilot brain.
Whenever you are on, autopilot, you are running, subconscious programs.
Have you ever gotten in your car and driven to your destination and you don’t recall how you got there. That is your, autopilot brain, driving you to your destination.
Your, Autopilot brain, is part of your, subconscious brain.

Daily Habits That Can Help You Stop your, Autopilot Brain
- Wake Up Mindfully. Become conscious of your body, your breathe
- When you brush your teeth and take a shower, become aware of what you are doing.
- Take the Scenic Route. …When you stop at the traffic light, become aware of the other cars and notice your surroundings
- Connect with Others. …When you get to work, actually listen to other and don’t tune them out.
- Connect with Nature.. Take a walk and stop to smell the roses.
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Examples of, Autopilot Actions
- Taking a shower, most people are not mindful in the shower
- Driving your car
- Eating a meal, are you conscious of chewing your food?
- Scrolling on social media, your fingers have a mind of their own!
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How to take stop Your Autopilot Brain
Many contemporary psychologists have very different concepts of the, autopilot brain. Rather than see it as a seething cauldron of battling unseen forces, they conceptualize the, autopilot brain, or the, subconscious brain, as a set of cognitive processes for sifting through the welter of stimuli impinging upon our sense organs and preparing responses to them. It is the, autopilot brain, that allows us to recognize in an instant a familiar face, to play a musical instrument without thinking about the position of our fingers, and to ride a bicycle without thinking about how to maintain our balance. Many of our daily behaviors, involve, autopilot, processes that lie outside the range of ordinary awareness.
We operate on, autopilot, for 95% of our daily activities. To take your brain off, autopilot, you have to become aware of your breathe and your body sensations.
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Getting past your, Autopilot programs
- Take risks to get past your, autopilot programs. Your, subconscious brain, always wants to play it safe.
- Ask questions like, What else is possible that I have not considered?
- Say things like, how cool is it that I have all this extra money.
- What am I going to do with all this extra cash?
- How can I make this a reality?
- What if I become a successful as a TV talk show host?
- What would that look like? See yourself in this role. This one is for me!!
This strategy is called auto inquisition.
Thomas Edison practiced auto inquisition. He would sit in a chair and ask his, subconscious brain, questions about an invention, you can do the same.
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Additional Resources Autopilot Brain