CBD capsules, CBD oils, CBD gummies are all wellness products. The reason being is our bodies as humans, we have what is called an endocannabinoid system, so this can basically be viewed as a lock-and-key system where we have receptors in our bodies that then attach to external receptors. This system is actually responsible for contributing to our overall sleep and wake cycle, our mood, our appetite and can really be viewed as an important component in reaching homeostasis, of reaching a balance point in our body.
Introduction CBD capsules and CBD oils
I interview Joseph Sheeley is the Managing Partner of Cured Nutrition. on the Transform your Mind radio and podcast Joseph says he left Corporate Aerospace to build his own space from Lockheed Martin design engineer to Managing Partner of premium, CBD oil, CBD capsules, and hemp products.
I looked at, cannabis, and, CBD pills, and I noticed that when I used it in a very intentional way, I saw the medicinal benefits. I saw myself be able to calm down, to be able to work on my anxiety and I also saw myself be able to be a lot more creative and when I started to discover that those were the truths underlying marijuana.
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As the years progressed I started diving a lot more into what, cannabis, really was and what all the cannabinoids within the plant were and that’s where, CBD Oil, and CBD pills, became a focus. I said okay well there’s this cannabinoid cannabidiol and we’ll dive deep into this; but this cannabinoid is non intoxicating unlike THC and has a wide array of medicinal benefits.
I think that’s a very important statement for right now and for the, cannabis, industry and the path that I ended up taking.
What is the difference between, CBD capsules, and marijuana?
As a respected health and fitness professional, I started to use, cannabis, to help me recover. It also helped me sleep, it helps me calm down. I utilized my relationships with other health professionals and put the right information out there into this world, to educate from the standpoint of “Hey I am someone focused on health and fitness and general wellness and I use cannabinoids or, cannabis.”
That is how Cured Nutrition started. Ordering up, CBD oils, and, CBD pills, and different extracts and creating products at my house. Sending them to community members and saying Hey give this a try. Tell me if it helps you sleep, or calm down. I had hand after hand raised. This gave me the data I needed to expand manufacture of, CBD pills, and products.
Not to say it hasn’t been a difficult process because when we speak about, Cannabis, and we speak about, medical marijuana, it’s not the typical route of starting a business getting a bank account. Certain things that would be viewed as very easy when starting a business is different when you’re in the, cannabis, space. So it’s been quite the roller coaster; but I’m extremely thankful for all the experiences we’ve had as a company.
I know, I live in Fort Myers, Florida and in the last election we voted on, medical Marijuana, for whatever reasons it didn’t get enough votes; but sooner or later it will pass. Medical marijuana, is already legal in some other places like you said Colorado.
CBD capsules vs Oil
CBD is a cannabinoid and CBD stands for is cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one cannabinoid out of over now eighty cannabinoids that have been identified in the, cannabis, plant. Other widely known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol which is THC. THC is the cannabinoid that is actually intoxicating; but now when we take a step back and we say okay so there’s over 80 cannabinoids in the, cannabis, plant. What we are learning now is we’ve recognized that all of these cannabinoids have therapeutic benefits and when you combine them certain cannabinoids have certain effects for certain areas. Now, CBD oil, and CBD pills, specifically has become so popular because you can actually get CBD without any THC in the product.

There’s a difference between a THC free product and a product that we call full-spectrum. If the product is called full-spectrum, it means it has all of those cannabinoids that I just discussed found in the product; but at very low concentrations. The reason that, CBD oil, and, CBD capsules, are being mass-produced right now is because the abundance of that cannabinoid. CBD in the, cannabis, plant is really high and it’s a lot easier to extract from the plant than some of the other minor cannabinoids that would live in that other 80 plus cannabinoids.
If we said, cannabis, and I was looking at a tree a tree diagram, a top-down diagram. I would say, cannabis, live at the top and then below, cannabis, which is where we identify where which plant we’re extracting it from would live hemp and marijuana hemp and marijuana are both of the genus, cannabis. They are both, cannabis, but the way that they are differentiated is that the hemp plant is identified as having less than 0.3 percent THC; so it’s very low in what we would call the intoxicating cannabinoid.
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What is Hemp?
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a plant grown in the northern hemisphere, best known for its thin, somewhat spiky, green leaves (usually around seven that fan out around the end of each stem). It takes approximately three to four months to mature before harvesting. And it is a dioecious plant, which is a decidedly nerdy way of saying that there are both male and female hemp plants. And they need each other for the female to set seed.
Hemp has a wide variety of uses. You can use the whole plant, including the fiber (from its stems), protein (from its seeds), and oils and smokable portions (from the leaves and flowers). Smokable hemp is a new addition to the CBD industry, as the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant are rich in non-psychoactive cannabidiol, a compound which has many therapeutic properties.
Hemp seeds are small with a slightly sweet and nutty flavor and are technically nuts. While the terms are often used interchangeably, hemp “hearts” are hemp seeds that have had their shell removed, so they’re easier to consume. Hemp hearts are round and have a whitish-green hue with a black center.
Hemp is environmentally friendly, too. It grows in a variety of climates and types of soil, which is possible because of its hardiness. Hemp is resistant to drought and damage from UV rays, as well as most pests. It’s happy to grow tightly packed together, which allows it to shade out and out compete most weeds. That means there’s no point in using chemical pesticides on most hemp crops. It’s also a natural substitute for cotton and wood fiber, both of which take a heavy toll on the environment. Hemp has a low lignin content, which allows it to be pulped using fewer chemicals than wood. And a fully mature hemp plant may contain half of its dry weight in seed, which is an impressively high yield.
Hemp as we as we know and have can see has actually been used for a wide array of purposes whether it be, clothing, biofuel actually food, we’ve all seen hemp seed oil or hemp hearts. It has so many different purposes but now we’ve actually bred hemp to have high concentrations of, CBD oil, and very low concentrations of THC.
The hemp plant looks very similar to the, medical marijuana, plant to be able to extract the cannabinoids from it, so then when we look at a, cannabis, plant we would see a plant that’s shorter and has more flowers which are considered the buds. That’s where all the cannabinoids are coming from.
When you look at the marijuana plant, it is basically identified by having greater than 0.3% THC.
It is true that we are extracting, CBD oil, from the marijuana Hemp plant and other cannabinoids from the marijuana plant. That’s what’s going into edibles that’s what’s going in topical, that’s what’s potentially going into vaporizers but it’s regulated and can only be sold in a medical dispensary.
Benefits of CBD
Absolutely, CBD pills, CBD capsules, CBD oils, CBD gummies, are all wellness products. The reason being is our bodies as humans, we have what is called an endocannabinoid system, so this can basically be viewed as a lock-and-key system where we have receptors in our bodies that then attach to external receptors. This system is actually responsible for contributing to our overall sleep and wake cycle, our mood, our appetite and can really be viewed as an important component in reaching homeostasis, of reaching a balance point in our body. From a general health and wellness perspective, a lot of people are starting to be see cannabinoids as a wellness product. CBD pills, specifically are what would be called an adaptogen. It can be used to reduce the body’s stress response and come back to a place of calm.
CBD oil, has properties that are similar to anti-inflammatories, so that being the case anything that you really can talk about that might be caused from Inflammation.
If anyone needs more information check out www.CBD.org
How can we incorporate, CBD capsules, into a healthy lifestyle?
We can incorporate, CBD capsules, into our lifestyle and take them like we take our vitamins every day. The most convenient way is to use what we call a sublingual dropper or a tincture. It comes in a bottle that has a dropper, you shake it up you take the dropper and fill it up with, CBD oil, you put it underneath your tongue and then you hold it for 30 to 60 seconds. Within 10 to 15 maybe 20 minutes, you will feel the calming effects.
But now an even more concentrated way would be to use it in a capsule form called, CBD capsules. If you take CBD in a capsule, CBD pills, you can actually get a lot higher concentration. It goes through your stomach, it’s processed and is delivered directly into your bloodstream.
We also have topical. You also have to ensure when you’re using a topical that it has the correct ingredients to also help with the absorption, so I would say always start with a tincture, then progress to the capsule, CBD pills, and then use the topical for spot treatment.
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CBD products
At Cured Nutrition we have a progressive line of products which we call our super supplements which include other botanicals and actually functional mushrooms in them as well. So our products have the cannabinoids; but we’ve taken the cannabinoids and we’ve approached our holistic or our clinical herbalist in Boulder Colorado and she ended up developing some products for us that are specifically for focus.
We have CBD capsules, releasing soon for gut health and then one specifically called, Zen for sleep. Within those products what we’ve done is we’ve taken not only the cannabinoids, but other botanicals that have come from traditional Chinese medicine and also included functional mushrooms which have amazing benefits.
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Hemp seeds are a nutritional dark horse in the world of seeds. While they’re packed with healthy nutrients and can contribute flavor and texture to dozens of different dishes, most people don’t view them as a pantry staple. This article aims to change that!
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