self leadership Barack Obama

5 Keys to Successful Self Leadership

Learning Success in life depends on your ability for, self leadership. You may say I am not a, leader, I am not a manager or a CEO true; but, self leadership, is more important than how many people you lead in your home or place of work.

Self leadership, is the answer to how do we develop ourselves to survive and thrive in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world.

Self leadership,  is the Critical Success Factor for individual and organizational success.

Here are 5 Keys To Self Leadership 

Discipline #1 Accountability
You must learn to take full responsibility for everything on your watch. This means that the fish stinks from the head down! A great way to do this is with, self leadership, because those who follow you are watching your, leadership.

Discipline # 2 Focus
As a, Leader, you will wear many hats. Success comes from knowing where to focus your attention. Everything is important.
Acquiring the skill of discrimination allows the, leader, to discern what is most important and least important.

Discipline # 3 Organizational self leadership 

Organizational, self leadership,  is the skill through which chaos is turned into order.

Discipline # 4 Innovation
As a, leader, you will begin to consciously focus your attention and discriminate where the maximum leverage is.
You will recognize the need for continual improvement and for innovation in your processes.

Discipline # 5 Communication Skills 

Communication skills, are evident in how well you communicate your passion, vision, and mission to your employees, customers and self.

Here are 3 types of Self Ledership Communication Skills

The three primary means of communication are verbal, nonverbal, and visual.
  • Verbal Communication. Verbal communication depends on words to deliver meaning.
  • Nonverbal Communication. Nonverbal communication occurs when meaning or messages are sent or received without the use of words like body language.
  • Visual Communication.

Daphne Lynn Valcin is a business coach and speaker.

Daphne’s talks to us about the keys to a successful mission driven life or business.
Since 90% of startup businesses fail, Daphne believes that the quality of life and business, leadership, is at the root of success or failure.
She believes that, leadership, is about using the most effective strategies to conquer obstacles while taking consistent steps to move forward when tackling your vision, whether that vision is within the workplace, as a leader of a business or, self leadership.

Daphne explains what is true, self leadership.

. What sets successful startup businesses apart from those that fail.
. How a business coach helps clients.
. What does a thriving business look like.
. Here are some of the biggest mistakes companies do with their sales and marketing efforts.
. These are the characteristics of successful leaders.

8 C’s of Self Leadership

  1. The 8 C’s of Self Leadership help us recognize how much of our “Self” is available to us in any moment.
  2. Calmness – serenity regardless ofthecircumstances. The ability to react to triggers in your
    environment in less automatic and extreme ways.
  3. Clarity – the ability to perceive situations accurately without distortion from extreme beliefs and
    emotions. Maintain objectivity about a situation in which one has a vested interest and recognize one’s own bias or preconception and then seek a deeper understanding.
  4. Curiosity – a strong desire to know orlearn somethingnew about a topic, situation or person in
    a non-judgmental way. Willing to have a sense of wonder about the world and how things work
  5. Compassion – to be open- heartedly present and appreciative of others and one’s self without
    feeling the urge to fix, change, distance, or judge. An intuitive understanding that the burdens or
    suffering of others affects you because of your connectedness to them.
  6. Confidence – to maintain the ability to stay fully present in a situation and effectively handle or
    repair anything that happens. This allows you to have internalized the growth that comes from healing previous
    traumas and failures.
  7. Courage – strength in the face of threat, challenge or danger. To take action toward a goal
    that others would find overwhelming. Taking complete responsibility for one’s actions and make
    amends to correct one’s errors, and the willingness to reflect upon and explore one’s inner world.
  8. Creativity – the use of the imagination to produce original ideas. This is the ability to enter the “flow
    state” in which expression spontaneously flows out of us and we are immersed in the pleasure of the
    activity. Creating generative learning and solutions to problems alone or with others

Here are 11 strategies for effective, self leadership,  from Young Entrepreneur Council:

Leadership advice from Dale Carnegie

When managing my team, I use a tactic from Dale Carnegie: Think in terms of the other person’s wants. The goal is to align a team member’s natural talents and preferences with the company’s goals.

  • What do they want?
  • Learning what motivates them?
  • Knowing what do they like to do?
  • Then manage them to reinforce what they want and how they can achieve those things through their work.

Additional Resources

How to Set up Your Business Structure as an Entrepreneur


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